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to promote gender equality and empower

to reduce child mortality
millennium development goals. our goals.

promote gender equality and empower

compulsory education for all genders
remove the Gender field in job application forms
heavier fines for all forms of sexual assaults
enforce stricter laws & educate about human rights
allow all women to vote
allow women to own personal assets & drive

promote gender equality and empower

promote involvement of women in national politics
promote freedom of speech & true media
women and men have same wage rates
women and men pay same rates for services
allow women to retain family name
equip both genders with skills (housekeeping,
cooking etc.)

reduce child mortality

free healthcare for children below 5 years old
free maternity clinics
better maternal/parental advice (counselling
promote social workers as an occupation
dedicate a food aid for children
provide country with adequate vaccines

reduce child mortality

promote use of contraceptives
offer more support to single parents
open up more baby hatches in hospitals
review & reinforce children rights
offer relocation services for families with newborn
supply better childbirth services in rural areas

whats the difference between

a man and a woman?
none. there is no difference.

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