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Chapter 14: Promoting Products (Part 2)

1. __________ __________ (PR) is an important tool that until recently was

treated as a marketing stepchild.
2. Companies are realizing that __________ marketing is no longer the
answer to some of their communication needs.
3. Advertising __________ continue to rise, audience __________ continues
to decline, and clutter reduces ad __________ .
4. In this environment, public relations holds __________ as a cost-effective
promotional tool.
5. PR departments perform five activities, not all of which feed into direct
product support:
a. Press __________ - placing newsworthy information in the media to
attract attention to a person, product, or service
b. Product __________ - efforts to publicize specific products
c. Corporate __________ - internal & external communications and
promoting understanding of the organization
d. __________ - dealing with legislators and government officials to
promote or defeat legislation & regulation
e. __________ - advising management about public issues and
company positions and image
6. __________ is the task of securing editorial and news space, as opposed
to paid space, in print & broadcast media to promote a product or a
7. Publicity builds corporate image in a way congruent with the
organizations __________ strategy.
8. Public relations are the most important promotional tool available to
__________ & individual __________ .
9. An important area of public relations is __________ __________ , because
not all publicity is good.
The first step in crisis management is taking all precautions to
__________ occurrence of negative events.
__________ crises give warning before they occur, and can often
be eliminated with good management.

Sales __________ consists of short-term incentives to encourage
purchase or sale of a product or service.
Sales promotion includes a variety of promotional tools designed
to stimulate earlier or stronger market response:
a. __________ promotion (samples, coupons, rebates, premiums,
contests, demonstrations)
b. __________ promotion-buying allowances (free goods, cooperative
advertising, and push money)
c. __________ __________ promotion (bonuses and contests)
Sales promotions are most effective when they are used with
__________ or __________ selling.
__________ -related promotions are another local area marketing
tactic, bring business to the hotel or restaurant and help the
16. A good local campaign creates community __________ and exposure for
the establishment.

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