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The Poet- MM-The Home Series

I understand what is like to have my heart broken.
I understand what is like to be in a prison without walls.
I understand what is like to be misunderstood and rejected.
I understand what it is like to be deceived and relieved.
I understand what it is like to be pursued and afraid.
I understand what it is like to be used and abused.
I understand what it is like to be blamed and shamed.
I understand what it is like to be neglected and ignored.
I understand what it is like to be lost and alone.
I understand what it is like to be starved of affection.
I understand what it is like to be assaulted and charged.
I understand what it is like to dream and not want to wake up.
I understand what it is like to lose someone you love.
I understand what it is like to be deprived of my rights.
I understand what it is like to be ridiculed and mocked for what I believe.

But then I remind myself;

I am the majestic rainbow perched over a mountain peak.
I am the white lily in a bed of red roses.
I am the golden pheasant nesting among pink flamingos.
I am the purest of streams giving life to a pair of thirsty dear.
I am the African gazelle skipping joyfully through a field of sunflowers.
I am the commanding wind giving power to the sail of a sailing ship.
I am the golden eagle soaring over the Grand Canyon.
I am the light house whose light guides a ship safely into the harbour.
I am the white stallion at the head of a herd of Arabian black horses.
I am the grand pillar that supports the spirals of a cathedral of praise.
I am the lofty mountain whose presence commands a picture.
I am the palm tree giving shade to a band of exotic birds.
I am the North Star that never fades with time.
I am the lion king that rules his desert.
Most of I am the human being and I deserve to be treated like one.

Meredith Meredith 2015

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