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My Darling U,

This is a very short letter.Given that,I have had a realization recently.About my being seized with
guilt,with contrition, with lack of confidence in being myself,say with U[even though my guilt had
much abated]relative to imperfect moral compasses.despite, my having created a powerful new
system of morals for relationships through thought,based on allowing the individual space.Based on
creating an entire system of societal ethics[concerning relationships ,including sexual between man
and woman]that has as its cornerstone the pursuit of harmony ,happiness,even stability ,especially
the kind in the best interests of children ,with one of the cornerstones being that ,the full
development of the individual is,what is pivotal.thankfully,there exist scandanavian societies that
are shining examples of this broad paradigm.also,paradoxically,some underdeveloped tribal societies
in south east asia.
[note]:of course ,our society needs a lot of maturing to be able to sustain such a model

Well,when I thought about it,yes, I have very good control of myself.Truly can be a river flowing
between your two shores,the 1 ,the mad ,passionate,sassy U,the other,the gentle ,kind ,U.But that is
not who I am.I am a just rightly crazy guy.I am seized with stardust,with passion,with rivers bursting
out of my chest and fires leaping out of my mouth.when,I laugh,I do so with my heart ,my soul,with
all my memories of all my past lives,all my desires,all my needs in that 1 singularity.I laugh so that,I
have to be thrown out of the library.When, I love ,I love like that woman is the receptacle of all I
am.that she is a furnace,to be lit by my fires.When I work,I work like God truly is guiding my hand,is
keeping a watch.That I dare not do work ,less than sublime.
Yet,I am sure that you have noted that I have very good powers of logic and analysis.Indeed,I can
hold my own with the best in this and run circles around most.i say this not to boast.Say this to rub
in the point that I can be a perfectly balanced stable ,staid ,down to earth guy,applying cold logic to
everything.Anything,if I so desire.In fact ,do it better than most of these down to earth guys.But ,I
choose not to.Because truth ,even about our material reality,even about ourselves,even in
mathematics,lies in the intersection of logic and passion.Yes,some scientific discoveries[especially
the experimental variety] ,some mathematical discoveries can be made just by a lot of linear
machine work,by a lot of calculation using existing theorems.But,almost certai nly ,it is unlikely to be
truly important or central.Because ,the sublime is,when looking at,say, the data,artefacts,on an
archaeological dig,suddenly in a flash of inspiration ,one draws a link between 2 distant civilizations
or realizes that the said site also belongs to a certain civilization,say mohenjodaro.Such moments
truly are creativity,supported on a brain rhapsodizing,finding tunes,metaphors,linking the
disparate.It is about the blood surging to the temples,it is about the heart soaring in the afterglow.It
is pure emotion,checked a bit by logic.
Then,the question arises,is my love for U ,generated only by my passions,by my desire for your
vivacious,aloof ,moody at times, mad, sassy , sexy personality,your sexy body,your pretty face,your
pouting red lips.Certainly not.Sure,like any hot blooded heterosexual male,these things turn me
on.But ,they have nothing at all to do with the reason that ,I am attracted strongly to
you.Indeed,know beyond doubt that I love you deeply,that,this is no puppy love ,infatuation .

The reasons are that, you complete me.No,I love you not ,because I need you.Because,really I am
pretty complete myself.And what is incomplete,I can easily live a full life without .I love U,because I
want U in the strongest possible sense ,in the profane and in the highest purity.Since ,I cannot have
U ,in this life of yours,I shall find somebody else,who will achieve the same ends.
U complete me ,because your devotion to the creed of love ,is exactly what I needed to foil my
hate,to remind me of so much that,in my hate ,I was abjuring.To stir heady songs of warmth ,of
gentle non profane caresses on my breast.That healed the deep ,deep wounds there.And,even once
that ,they have been healed,even that caught up in your studies,your ardor has decreased
somewhat,it shines through enough.In that 1 letter that U wrote me,U had enough to keep the hate
from slithering back towards me.But,there your work is done now.To destroy the hate,the pain
forever,all that I need is to fulfil my divine destiny . Now,I love U most of all ,because its U ,shorn of
any contexuality.

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