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conspicuous: very noticeable

vivid: brilliant, very bright

affluent: wealthy
wry; slightly mocking
plausible: seemingly reasonable or convincing
undertake: to accept
persist: to keep doing, thinking etc. in spite of opposition or difficulty
criticize: to find fault
catastrophe: a sudden great disaster
esteem: respect
recluse: a person who lives alone and avoids other people
misery: unhappiness
gloom: sadness; a state of not quite complete darkness
chasm: a deep opening between high rocks
abyss: a very deep or bottomless hole or chasm
virtue: a good quality
despair: hopelessness
scold: to blame loudly and angrily
doldrums: a state or period of stagnation or depression
albeit: though
frumpish: an unattractive woman who wears dowdy old clothes
penchant: a strong liking for something or tendency to do something
compulsively: irresistibly interesting or exciting
snivelling: complain in a whining or tearful way
amalgamation: the action of combining or uniting
compelling: evoking interest, attention or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way
patronizing: treat with an apparent kindness which betrays a feeling of superiority
condescension: an attitude of patronizing superiority
precursors: a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind
approbation: approval or praise
adoration: deep love and respect
technocracy: the government or control of society or industry by an elite of technical experts
exponent: a person who supports an idea or theory and tries to persuade people of its truth or benefits
technocrats: an exponent or advocate of technocracy
foreseen: be aware of beforehand
ascertained: make sure of
exacerbated: make worse
counterproductive: having the opposite of the desired effect
virtuosity: great skill
epidemic: a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time
stimulate: encourage or arouse interest
laxative: tending to stimulate or facilitate evacuation of the bowels
psychosis: severe mental disorder in which thought, emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with reality
caucus: meeting of the members of a legislative body who are members of a political party; to decide policy etc.
wanderlust: a strong desire to travel
frugal: simple and plain and costing little
miserly: inadequate
arrogant: having too much sense of ones own importance or abilities
pugnacious: eager or quick to argue
rash: proceeding from a lack of careful consideration of the possible consequences of an action
reckless: without thinking about the consequences of an action
foolhardy: recklessly bold or rash
timid: showing a lack of courage or confidence
stimulant: something that increases activity in a specified field

relapse: suffer deterioration after a period of improvement

tonic: a medicinal substance taken to give a feeling of well being
lethargy: a lack of energy and enthusiasm
resuscitation: revive from unconsciousness
stygian: very dark
abysmal: extremely bad
cogent: clear, logical and convincing
contentious: controversial
fortuitous: happening by accident or chance rather than design
cataclysmic: relating to a violent natural event
morgue: a place where bodies are kept, especially to be identified or claimed
pyre: a heap of combustible material, especially one for burning a corpse as part of a funeral home or morgue
mortuary: a funeral home or morgue
centurion: the commander of a century
augury: an omen; a sign of what will happen in future
evanescent: quickly fading or disappearing
onerous: involving an amount of effort that is burdensome
feckless: irresponsible
pliant: easily influenced
upbraid: scold
reproach: address in such a way as to express disappointment
dote: be extremely fond of
lag: fall behind
trivial: of little importance
vex: make someone feel annoyed, frustrated or worried especially with trivial matters
stray: move away from the right course
recast: organize in a different style
injustice: lack of fairness
ordeal: a horrific experience
unscathed: without suffering any harm
impaired: disabled
impugn: call into question
tarnished: become less respected
sullied: damage the integrity of
incline: favorably willing toward
dogmatic: inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true
discredit: cause to seem false
assimilate: take in and understand fully
impose: enforce
refer: mention
disregard: ignore
advocate: a person who publicly supports
contemporary: occurring at the same time
petulant: bad-tempered
insightful: showing deep understanding
enthusiastic: exciting
acclaimed: praised
harsh: unpleasant
revolutionary: causing complete change
implicit: hidden
provisions: supplies
modulated: changed from one to another
homogeneity: alikeness
differentiated: make different in process of growth

metamorphosed: to change completely in form or nature

proportion: quantity
intelligible: understandable
refrained: stop oneself from doing something
criticism: the expression of disapproval of someone based on apparent mistakes
inquisitive: curious
presumptuous: failing to observe the limits of what is permitted
venturing: dare to do something
censorious: severely critical of others
undercutting: weakening
moralist: a person who teaches the principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong
observing: take part in
erratic: unpredictable
noxious: harmful
indistinct: not clear
obedient: submissive to anothers will
flatter: lavish insincere praise and compliments upon someone, especially to further ones own interests
commendable: deserving praise
drone: make a continuous low humming sound
luminary: a person who inspires or influences others
arbitrator: an independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute
mediate: intervene in a dispute to bring about an agreement
pharmacist: a person who is professionally qualified to prepare and give out medicinal drugs
dawdle: waste time
toil: work extremely hard
irksome: irritating
courteous: polite in manner
proficient: competent in doing something
enigma: a person or thing that is mysterious or difficult to understand
nondescript: lacking interesting features
indicted: formally charge/accuse with a serious crime
preamble: an introduction
proliferate: increase rapidly in numbers
contiguous: sharing a common border
abut: be next to or have a common boundary with
comprehensive: complete
stabilize: become unlikely to change
millinery: womens hats
faucet: a tap
prohibitive: difficult or impossible to pay
laudatory: expressing praise
admonitory: giving a warning
peremptory: insisting on immediate attention; giving an authoritative command
imperative: of vital importance
femininity: womanliness
subordination: demotion
dramatic: sudden
prevailing: current
domestic: of or relating to the running of a home
segregation: the action of setting someone or something apart from other people or things
demanding: challenging
notion: belief about something
inherent: essential
deleterious: causing harm or damage

radical: fundamental/essential
perpetuate: preserve
assessment: the evaluation of something or someone
elaborate: involving many carefully arranged parts or details
physiology: the way in which a living organism or bodily part functions
pertain: be appropriate
apathetic: showing or feeling no interest
irrevocable: final
incongruous: not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings
irrelevant: inappropriate
rarity: the state of being rare
moderation: the action of making something less extreme, intense, or violent
arrhythmic: without rhythm or regularity
blithe: showing a casual and cheerful unimportance considered to be improper
vain: useless
conceited: excessively proud of oneself; useless
sturdy: strong enough to withstand rough work or treatment; showing confidence and determination
laconic: using very few words

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