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Anxiety state of feeling worried and troubled

Attitudes ways of thinking and behaving
Collective unconscious certain culturally inherited perceptions and behaviour
Defences behaviour aimed at handling unwanted feelings and desires
Depth psychology the study of the unconscious forces inside a person
Development stages progressive stages of growth
Drive compelling forces directing behaviour
Ego reason or rationality
Electra conflict penis envy which females may have
Id seat of sexual and aggressive instincts
Individualisation developing in a unique way
Instinct innate impulses
Libidinal energy sexual energy
Oedipus conflict unconscious desire to possess the opposite-sexed parent and
simultaneously dispose of the same-sexed parent
Personal unconscious blend between unconsciousness and preconsciousness
Personality structure components constituting personality
Psyche human soul
Psychoanalysis analysis of unconscious desires and motives
Self-realisation developing ones talents to the fullest
Sibling rivalry competition between children in a family
Superego conscience, moral values
Topographical dividing the human mind into three levels of awareness:
consciousness, preconsciousness and unconsciousness
Types classifications according to shared characteristics
Unconscious unawareness level of the mind

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