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1 Write the questions in the Present Perfect using the verbs in parenthesis:

Have you ever by The Offspring

______________________ (ever/walk) through a room? But it was more like the room that passed
around you!
_______________________ (ever/be) at some place recognizing everybodys face?
_______________________ (ever/bury) your face in your hands cause no one around you
_______________________ (ever/feel) like there was more?
Have you ever? by Brandy

_______________________ (ever/love) somebody so much it makes you cry?

_______________________ (ever/need) something so bad you can't sleep at night?
_______________________ (ever/try) to find the words but they don't come out right?
Have you ever, have you ever
______________________ (ever/be) in love, () so bad you'd do anything to make them
______________________ (ever/have) someone steal your heart away you'd give anything to
make them feel the same?
______________________ (ever/search) for words to get you in their heart but you don't know
what to say?
() _____________________ (ever/find) the one you've dreamed of all of your life?
()_____________________ (finally/find) the one you've given your heart to only to find that one
won't give their heart to you?
_______________________ (ever/close) your eyes and dreamed that they were there?
Have you ever seen the rain? by Creedence Clearwater Revival

I wanna know: _______________________ (ever/see) the rain coming down on a sunny day?
I wanna know: _______________________ (ever/see) the rain coming down on a sunny day?
()I know it __________________ (be affirmative sentence) that way for all my time!
I wanna know: _______________________ (ever/see) the rain coming down on a sunny day?
I wanna know: _______________________ (ever/see) the rain coming down on a sunny day?
2- Write affirmative or negative sentences in the Present Perfect using the verbs in parenthesis:
I still havent found what Im been looking for? by U2

I _________________ (climb) the highest mountains. I ____________________ (run) through the

I __________________ (run). I _________________ (crawl). I __________________ (scale) these city
But I still ___________________ (find neg.) what I'm looking for.
I __________________ (kiss) honey lips. I __________________ (speak) with the tongue of angels. I
___________________________ (hold) the hand of the devil. But I still ____________________ (find)
what I'm looking for


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