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It gives me immense pleasure to stand before you since you are young,

energetic, enthusiastic and most importantly you are the future of India, my
motherland. It is you who have to hold the rein now and guide the country
towards development and progress. As people do predict that India a future
Super Power, is because of the younger generation like you,

who are

patriotic, honest, have the zeal and will to do something better to add in the
process. Kar Gujarne Ki Tammana Aaaj Hamare Dil Me Hai must be
burning inside you with this May I ask you, how many of you have decided
that which profession would you choose.
Choice of profession & why

Okay, May I now ask you as to how many of you are interested in

joining the armed forces? Some may think on my question seriously and few
may think that I have come to motivate you to join forces. No, I am here to
give you a correct picture of armed forces as a profession with special
emphasis on my Corps ie Army Educational Corps.

Army is the only

profession which is completely different from other professions and you know
why? It is because it has got a sacred aim to serve the motherland besides
inculcating a sense of very high discipline, patriotism and the feeling of
`Janani Janma Bhumischa (SWARGADAPI) Gariyasi (Mother & Motherland
are sacred than the heaven).
What Army gives ?

-2It teaches us discipline, oneness and broadens our horizons & keeps us
healthy in body, mind & spirit. The pay & perks are at par and even better
than what one can afford outside with so much of

respect and self

satisfaction. You are there to secure the country & in turn it gives security
to your family and at the same time you carry the pride of serving the nation
with courage and enthusiasm.
Minimum risk factor in AEC

Now you may talk of risk risk of life, very true, but can you tell me an

inch of land where there is no risk of life on this earth. There is a risk even
when you are riding a bike, a car or journey by train , bus or by air. Risk was
there even in the world trade tower, so it is everywhere & should not matter
much. AEC is, I think the least risky place, because our role is Education in
Army, however, we have been an important branch of Army since five
Past traditions

The offr adopts the chetwode credo of IMA :-

The Safety, Honour, Welfare of your country comes first always
and every time,
The safety of men you command comes next,
Your Own ease comfort and safety comes last always and every


A lot of unknown young patriotic soldiers laid down their lives fighting

against the determined Japanese soldiers during World War-II. At the famous
war memorial
Kohima, A IInd world war battle fd, the massage written for us is:When you go home tell them of us and say them that for your tomorrow
we gave our to-day.

Pay, Perks and other facilities.


We strive for values and not valuables, which ultimately helps in

the self upliftment of a human being and self satisfaction. For your info
the good pay scales for defence forces are as under :Officers are initially commissioned as Lt in the pay scale of Rs


DA at






concessional accommodation, free medical facilities, LTC, 60 days

annual leave, 20 days casual leave, canteen facilities, entitled ration as
per scale etc. Army Group Insurance provides insurance cover of Rs
8 lacs to the Gentlemen cadets of IMA and OTA from the date of joining
these Institutes for pre-commission training.

Candidates who are

medically boarded out during training at IMA/OTA on account of

disability, the cover provided is 50% of the insured amount for 100%
disability, i.e Rs 4 lacs for 100% disability proportionately reduced to
Rs 80,000/- for 20% and Rs 20,000/- for less than 20% disability. On
completing the prescribed length of service in grade and subject to their
suitability and medical fitness, they are promoted as Capt and major in
the pay scale of Rs 9600-300-11400 with Army as re-employed officers
upto the age of 58 years.
Besides the above there are many other facilities which are
provided free of cost such as adventure activities like - Hot air
ballooning, skiing, rafting, shooting, Para sailing, Para jumps,
mountaineering, yatching etc. To keep oneself physically fit, mentally
alert & emotionally balanced, we are also exposed to various officers
like games such as Squash, Golf, Tennis, Swimming etc. However, if
you try these games in civil clubs, firstly you have to pay very heavily,
secondly, it is difficult to find time in the busy schedule & hubbub of civil
life. Army gives you both time and facility to play all these games.


It also provides one of the best medical facilities to self, family and

parents including free treatment in India/abroad in the best hospitals.


Even before retirement you get an opportunity to do post

retirement courses or study leave for 1 -2 years with full pay and

You can take loans at reasonable low rates for House bldg/buying

Car, Medical treatment and Children edn etc.


You can encash your leave for 300 days in your whole service.

Professional growth & Enhancement of Educational Qualification.


The opportunity of professional growth and development of personality

is maximum in Education Corps. You can do B Ed, M Ed, M BA, Courses in

foreign languages

like Chinese, French, German, Bhutanese, Burmese

etc while being in army. Army also gives opportunity to go abroad.


As an AEC Officer you get the best of postings, as instructors in NDA,







as Adm

offrs/Registrars/ Headmasters/Principals in Sainik Schools/Mil Schools and as

Psychologists in one of the selection boards located at Bhopal, Allahabad &
Bangalore where you select offr for the entire Army.. Therefore your family,
children & yourself get an exposure

to see the entire country free of cost

whereas by travelling in AC-II/I/Indian Airlines as per your rank. As in other

professions you plan your leave for a week or ten days to visit places free
from pollution but army gives you pollution free life throughout your service.
Children Education.

Being Central Govt employees, the children get admissions in

KVs/Convent Schools on priority. Even for higher education there are

separate institutes for children of Army personnel like Army Dental College,

Army College for Law, Management Institutes for MBA, Engineering Colleges
& B Ed colleges.

Due to frequent postings children get the max exposure and become

more confident & competitive. Due to exposure & confidence provided by the
environment, the children of def offrs are excelling in all fields at
National/International levels incl the Beauty pageants.
You are given an opportunity to do various professional courses,
participate in workshops, seminars, therefore, your own communication &
instructional skills gets improved at a faster rate than anywhere else.
So now I think you would like to know the qualification and selection

Qualification (Women special entry scheme)

- Post Graduate

Degree in Earth Science/Comp Sc/English/Geography/Maths/

Physics/Comp Application /Botany/Zoology/Biochemistry/Organic
Chemistry/statistics. Age limit 21-27 years.

Qualification (Male entry)

MA/M Sc degree from a

university recognised by AIU in 1st or 2nd division in Physics, Chemistry,

maths, Psychology, Economics, History, Geography, Political Science,
Hindi, English. Age limit 23-27 years.
The advertisement comes regularly in Employment News and other
daily newspapers alongwith a blank form.. The short listing is done at Army
HQ for SSB interviews which are held at three places i.e. Allahabad,
Bangalore and Bhopal.


All the three assessors i.e the Psychologist, the GTO & the

Interviewing Officer posted in the selection Boards would be looking forward

for the 15 OLQs (Offr Like Qualities) through their own techniques. These
qualities are:-


Effective Intelligence. It is the intelligence utilized in coping with

practical situations of varying complexity.


Practical Intelligence. The capacity to evolve independent

solutions of practical problems and situations.



The capacity to put into uses the

available means for the desired end. It may be said to contain two
factors :(aa) Improvisation of a solution and
(ab) Finding a solution when in a tight corner.

Reasoning Ability.

The ability to grasp the essentials well and

to arrive at conclusions by rational thinking. Reasoning ability includes

receptivity, inquiring attitude, logical reasoning and seeing essentials of
a problem.

Organising Ability.

The ability to arrange the resources in a

systematic way so as to produce effective results.


Power of expression. The ability to put across ones ideas

adequately with case and clarity.


Social adaptability.

The ability of an individual to adapt himself

to the social environment and adjust well with persons and social
groups with special reference to superious, equals and subordinates.
Social adaptability includes social intelligence, attitude towards others


The attitude of an individual to participate

willingly in harmony with others in a group in achieving the group goal.


Sense of Responsibility. It enables a person to be dependable

and to willingly discharge his obligation.


Initiative. The ability to originate an action. It has two aspects

ability to take the first step; and to act first usually in a new situation.


Self-confidence. It is the faith in ones ability to meet stressful

situations particularly those that are unfamiliar.


Speed of decision. The ability to arrive at workable decisions

expeditiously. It comprises:-



The appropriateness of the decision arrive at.


The quickness in arriving at the decision.

Ability to influence the group. The ability which enables an

individual to bring about willing effort from the group for achieving the
objective desired by him.

Liveliness. The capacity of an individual to keep himself

buoyant when meeting problems and bring about a cheerful


Determination. A sustained effort to achieve objectives inspite of

obstacles and ser-backs. It incls :(i) Application to work. The capacity of physical application to

Drive. The inner motive power at the disposal of an


Courage. The ability to appreciate and take purposive risks

willingly. It incls :(i)

Ability to meet appreciated danger.


Spirit of adventure, an enterprising spirit and a willingness of

desire so dare or risk a hazard.


Capacity to keep oneself composed in adverse situations.

Stamina. The capacity to withstand protracted physical strain. It

emphasizes endurance.

Selection Procedure in SSB.






administered under simulated conditions of job requirements, cater to

assessment of potential for military leadership. Experience so far has proved

that the tests are adequately valid for the purpose for which they are designed
and reasonably reliable for assessment. They are scientific and subjectivity is
minimized to the maximum extent possible. A screening test is conducted on
the arrival at the Selection Centre which comprises of reasoning test i.e.
Emotional test followed by a story writing & then a group discussion on the
same story. The selected

candidates out of the screening test will be put to

three tests for four days by different assessors which are :-



Psychological Tests.


GTO Technique.


Interview Technique.

Psychological Tests.

Projective techniques are based on efforts to

elicit from the candidates unrestricted and free responses to stimulussituations.

The assumption is that what he perceives and records as

responses is a projection of his own self. These techniques, therefore, permit

the subject to project his personality in terms of free verbal-responses about
the pictures he sees and the plot which he may weave around a picture as in
the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), free association to a set of selected
words as in Word Association Test (WAT), or responses to verbally presented
problem situations as in the case of Situation Reaction Test (SRT) etc. The
TAT, WAT, SRT and self-description indicating his self-introspection
-10constitute the battery of projective tests used by the psychologists in the
Services Selection Boards.

These techniques help in finding out the

candidates inner feelings, fears, hopes, attitudes and goals; his adjustment to
work and people and his sense of responsibility; the impact he creates on
others by his intellectual, emotional and moral qualities and his leadership
potential. The following are for your suggestions :(a)

Make meaningful stories of the pictures projected.


backgrounds present happenings and what is likely to happen or

ending. It should have depth.

(b) Make meaningful, positive & observational sentences of the words


Avoid cutting/erasers.


Attempt maximum questions with speed and precision.

(e) Write the answers that comes to your mind first without wasting
much time in the space provided in the answer sheet.

GTO Technique.Another observational technique currently used in the

Services Selection Boards is the group testing technique. It consists of a

number of different, leaderless group situations, in which the candidates have
the freedom to choose their own behavioural roles, lay down their own
priorities for action and engage themselves in collective group activity,
interacting freely, bringing about modifications or changes in their own and
others behaviour. The assessment of behaviour is made on the basis of
overall group effectiveness of the candidates in relation to his group. The
tests involved in GTOs battery are:(a)

Group Discussion.


Group Planning Exercise.


Progressive Group Task.



Half Group Task.


Final Group Task.




Individual obstacles.


Command Task.


Snake Race.

All the above tests will help to gauge the level of your stress by
moderating the degree of difficulty of the tasks and the correct level of the
candidate is assessed.

Being a leaderless group the leadership qualities

within a candidate emerges reasonably well.

During the process of inter

personal interaction the candidate spontaneously manifests a behaviour

pattern, based on which OLQs are identified.


Interview Technique. One of the observational techniques, used in the

current selection procedure, is the Interview Technique. Briefly, the interview

technique consists of establishing an effective two way communication
process between the interviewer and the interviewee for transfer of

In this situation, the two people interact freely and establish

contact or a rapport with one another. The candidate is encouraged to take

progressively larger part. The

interviewing officer tries to estimate the

candidates planning and organizing ability, his ability to communicate ideas

clearly, his ability to work with others in a group, his level of emotional stability
to tolerate stressful situations and finally the candidates potential for growth
through careful probing from the past developmental history of the
candidates. The following pts be borne in mind :(a)

During the interview be brief, frank and forthright.



Dont be inhibited.


Apply your analytical and imaginative mind to a given situation.


You should have some interests and hobbies apart from studies.


Fill up the PIQ (Personal Information Questionnaire) neatly,

carefully as most of the questions would be from PIQ form only,

therefore also highlight your achievements, if any.

You should know the history and geography of the place you

belong to and also be generally aware of the national and international


At the end I can tell you with my experience that Army is a place of Lion

hearted people. It is the place from where the patriotism, brotherhoodness

and values originates and it is the place more purified than the heaven.
Thank you.


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