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Audacity of Hope Assignment

Students are to read each chapter of the book. For each chapter, you
will create the items below. Each chapter will count as a test grade,
totaling 8 test grades. Additionally, students will present their project
to the class as assigned by the teacher. Each group will be responsible
for presenting at least once during the semester, this presentation will
also count as a test grade. This project is intensive and will require a
lot of attention. Please be proactive in reading and working on the
project. If additional assistance is needed, please ask beforehand. No
projects will be accepted late. Also, cheating at any point during this
process will result in a zero on ALL parts. Students are to complete a
website using Weebly is an easy to use website
generator with tutorials to aid in website creation. Each chapter should
have its own page or tab. Additional instructions will be given in class
and as needed.
Chapter 1&2
Questions, Summary, Creative Element
Chapter 3&5
Questions, Photo Story, 2 Character profiles that explain their
relevance (3 direct citations of relevance)
Chapter 6&7
Questions, Photostory, Reflection on Race/Faith in America (3 direct
citations of relevance)
Chapter 8&9
Questions, Summary, Creative Element
Due Dates:
Chapter 1&2 February 15th
Chapter 3&5 March 5
Chapter 6& 7 March 26
Chapter 8&9 April 29
All websites MUST be emailed to Ms. Scott by midnight on the
day assigned. Presentations will begin the next day. (email:
Questions Answered Correctly and Fullyevidence of thoughtful
reading of the book (30pts)
Summary/Photostory (25pts)
Creative Element (25pts)
Work Equally Divided (10pts)
Attractiveness/Organization (10 pts)

Score: ___________________/100

Chapter One: The Audacity of Hope

Answer these questions in full and complete sentences. For each
question please restate the prompt and include textual evidence to
support your answer.
1. Why did Barack Obama consider America divided?
2. Why do Republicans and Democrats dislike each other?
3. I understood politics as a full-contact sport. What does he
mean by this? How does he suggest we improve this?
4. Obama mentions education, healthcare, and terrorism as major
focuses of the United States. What are the problems he sees in
each of theses areas?
5. What social event in the 60s caused a divide and forced America
to choose sides? And why did Barack Obama feel attached to this
6. On page 40, what is Barack Obama trying to say about a working
majority? What is necessary?
7. At the end of the chapter, he states a world that he imagines.
What are some of these things he wants to see and does your
group think they are achievable?

Chapter Two: The Audacity of Hope

Answer these questions in full and complete sentences. For each
question please restate the prompt and include textual evidence to
support your answer.
1. Upon meeting President Bush, President Obama had mixed
feelings. Why did he have mixed feelings and what were the
positive traits he mentioned about President Bush?
2. What are the critiques President Obama had about the Bush
3. Not so far beneath the surface, I think, we are becoming more,
not less alike. What does President Barack Obama mean by
this? Why does he say this?
4. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the
pursuit of Happiness. What historical document does this come
from? Why do Michelle and Barack Obama have an appreciation
for the Bill of Rights?
5. What are the competing values of the American public and the
political system?

6. Barack Obama talks about the Brown vs. Board of Education case
and the change in CEO pay. What is the significance him brining
these two things up? How does it relate to values?

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