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Introduction to Basic Electronics

Digital Systems Design

Basic Embedded System


Fundamental of Embedded Systems

Circuit Design, Schematic Design and Board Design

Understanding different types of Communication Interfaces

Microcontroller based programming on actual hardware and simulator

Software-Hardware Interface

C Programming

Embedded C Programming

Scripting Language( Shell and Perl)

Linux and RTOS(Real Time Operating System) Programming

Introduction to Robotics

Sensors and Instrumentation, types of Sensors and their embedded programming

Actuators, Motors , types of Actuators, Motors and their embedded programming

Programming and Building your own Robots of different types and customization

Introduction to 32 bit ARM Architecture

Exposure to Hardware/Software Platforms used around 32 bit ARM Cortex

Programming and Building your own Robots of different types using 32 bit ARM processor

Soft Skills & Analytical Skills

Hands on Major Live Industry Projects

Hands on Multiple Minor Projects

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