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Pasur is a fishing card game in which cards are captured by making a total of 11. The object is to be the first
player to reach 62pts.
How to capture:
To capture cards you must click first the cards from the table you want to capture and then play your card
by clicking it.
If the table is empty or you do not have any combination of cards that may result in a capture you must play
and leave a card on the table.
Kings and Queens capture by pairing: A K played from hand can only capture a K from the table. Same goes for Qs.
Numeral cards capture by addition: Each numeral card from A to 10 has its pip value (A = 1, 2 = 2) To capture cards,
you must pick one card from your hand and as many as you need from the table so that their combination adds up to 11.
Jacks capture all cards and Jacks: When a J is played, it captures all cards from the table at once. If the table is empty it
does not capture anything and just remains on the table.
If you play a card other than a J and capture all the cards from the table you score a Sur. However, if your opponent has
one or more Surs, instead of scoring your own Sur, you cancel one of your opponents Surs.

Each Sur is worth 5pts.
Having 7 or more Clubs is worth 7pts.
Each J and each A are worth 1pt.
The 2 of Clubs is worth 2pts.
The 10 of Diamonds is worth 3pts.

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