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Fifty Shades Deeper

Chapter 1
Where is your tie? My father asked me softly, walking into my
room with a firm grace that I most certainly did not inherit.
I rolled my eyes while his back is turned, a trait I have taken from my
mother, but of course, with his strange ability to read minds and see
through the back of his head, he knows Ive done it and turns to glare
heatedly at me.
I try the trick my mom always uses, grinning sheepishly, but to no
avail, apparently Im not as appealing as she is when I do it and he
just clears his throat at me.
Top drawer. I finally say, giving in under his glare, a small amused
smile plays at his lips, the same shape as mine.
I look just like him, soft copper brown hair that always cooperates
with me and grey eyes, tall, broad and strong, but I am in no way like
him, everything about me is just like my mother.
Was that so hard Jason? He asked, grinning, his straight white
teeth gleaming in the early sun that shines through my balcony
windows. I roll my eyes again, matching his amused smirk with my
own. When do you need to be at the college?

He asks as he walks over to the drawers and pulls out my dark blue
tie, then throws it at me to put on.
I have a special talent at tying ties thanks to him and his years of
teaching me how so I looked smart at all his events he took us to.
Tomorrow. I mutter, knowing I was going to start some kind of
argument, I normally did with my sarcastic mouth, as my dad put it.
What time? He asked again, his tone a bit dryer than before.
I flopped down into my desk chair, showing my lack of grace by
almost toppling to the floor, which my dad smirked at, but quickly
masked it with his blank, intimidating face. I grinned up at him,
knowing he couldnt be mad at me when I did something stupid, it
reminded him of when I was a kid, falling over everything and
walking into things, it was my endearment. I finally gave in to him.
Ten oclock. I answered, turning the chair to face my Mac. Are you
going to take that with you? He asked, meaning my computer. I
shook my head. No, I have my laptop. So I can sell this when we
empty your room and redecorate? He teased. Very funny. I
replied. Dont you have work to do or something? I could feel him
smirking so I turned to face him. Its your last day here, you think I
would miss that? Besides, were leaving in an hour. My eyes
widened, But its only eight oclock now, we have all day to go.
If we were to drive it would take hours. He countered. But were
not driving. I reminded him. He smirked once again and nodded
once, then left my room. I shook my head at him and rolled my eyes,
knowing he would hate it. Dont roll your eyes. I heard him call
from down the hall way. How does he do that?!

Ten minutes later, after I had finished packing the last few bits I
would need into my bag, my mother came, smiling warmly, the smile
only she could do. It was one of those smiles that could melt even
the coldest of hearts, so being mad at her was practically and
impossibility. Breakfast is ready. She said. Thanks mom. I reply,
smiling down at her, being a good foot taller than her, just like my
dad. Are you all ready to go? She questioned, looking around my
almost empty room. I nod at her, picking my last few bags up and
leading her out of my room and down into the dining room, where
my dad, my older brother Ted, and my older Sister Grace are sitting
at the table, eating and talking. When Ted sees me, he grins widely.
Theres my little college bound brother! He calls, making Grace
turn to smile our moms smile at me, she is the spitting image of her,
apart from the Grey eyes; Ted is the only one who got our moms
bright blue eyes, although he too looks like dad. Ted finished college
last year, he went to Princeton for three years, and is now working
for dad at Grey Enterprises, Grace is going into her last year at
Dartmouth with me, which makes my first year a little less
intimidating, knowing she will be there. Come eat. My dad orders,
not looking up from his blackberry, he is probably checking his
emails, like he usually does. I take my seat opposite Grace and eat
my breakfast. Are you scared? She asks me after a few moments of
silence, I look up and see her face is excited, she loves college, if she
could, she would stay there all summer, but our parents want us all
home during the holidays so we can go away together as a family,
this year we went to Egypt. I shake my head, grinning at her. Should
I be? I tease, and she nods mockingly.

Oh yes, be very afraid Jay, Dartmouth is a hell hole. She jokes,

using my nickname, I was names after my dads good friend, Jason
Taylor, he worked for dad for years apparently, but he left a while
after Ted was born to spend time with his own daughter, Sophie,
although we dont see her much now because she moved to England
with her mother, Taylor on the other hand is like an Uncle to us.
Grace doesnt want to work at Grey enterprises; she wants to open
her own dance studio, yes, she loves to dance, she is studying the
form, art and mechanics of dance at Dartmouth, who knew? No
doubt she will open one, with the help of our dad; we can do pretty
much anything we want. I on the other hand, want to open my own
art studio, have classes, students of my own, exhibits, shows; the lot.
I have a love of drawing, painting, anything like that, Ted is the only
one of us who took our fathers business ambition, Grace and I
inherited the creative gene from someone else, mom say from her
mother, our grandmother, she loves creative things like art and
dance. Is Taylor coming to new Hampshire with us? I asked,
Dartmouth is in new Hampshire, my open day is tomorrow so were
going up tonight to stay in a hotel.
Yes. Dad answered, and as if on cue, someone knocks on the door,
Ted gets up to answer it and moments later he leads Taylor in. Sir.
He greets dad, h always did this, saying it is because of habit. How
many times do I need to tell you Taylor, call me Christian. My dad
smiles warmly up at his old friend. Taylor smiles back and nods.
Ana. He greets my mother, who gets up to hug him tightly.

Taylor. She replies. Are you sure its okay for you to come with
us? She asks. Of course, just like old times. He grins, mirroring my
dads smile at memories us kids are unaware of. We need to leave
shortly, the Jet Is ready and waiting. Taylor says in his business
voice, sometimes I think he still likes to work for dad, and would
jump at the chance if offered. Thank you Taylor. He says to his
friend. Get ready. He tells the rest of us, also using his no nonsense
business tone. I run upstairs to grab my phone and when I come back
down Taylor has already put all of our bags into the back of his RV,
and is joined in the front by Ted, who is the closest to Taylor. Grace
and I climb into the back seats of the Audi a4 when dad pulls out in
it, then we make the twenty minute drive to where the private Jet is
waiting for us Once we are on the Jet and seated, mom and dad sat
together, Taylor and Ted together and Grace and I are sat next to
each other, the engines roar and soon were flying high over Seattle
to New Hampshire. Youll get your class schedules tomorrow and a
tour again. Grace tells me as we fly. Will I get a chance to see you
during breaks? I ask, hiding the little nagging fear from my voice, I
was closest to my sister, she always reassured me. Of course you
will, I dont have as many classes this year, so when you have breaks
there is a good chance I wont have a class. She assures me. I dont
know why youre worrying, were going to be living in the same
apartment, so I will see you every night. She laughs, making me roll
my eyes at her. It was true, dad rented out our own two bedroom
apartment for us so we didnt have to live in the college dorms,
which I am slightly glad about, and knowing our dad, the apartment
would not be some cheap, shabby thing. Most of the necessities are
already there waiting for us; furniture, food, entertainment, so all we
had to do was move in when college starts in three days.

When we land in New Hampshire airport there are cars waiting for
us which take us to the hotel were staying at. Its twelve oclock now
so we have lunch at the hotel then settle down in our rooms sitting
area. Whos coming tomorrow? I ask. Just you and Grace, I have
some business here and Ted is coming with me, your mother is going
to visit a publishing house to talk to the manager, offer an
arrangement of merging their company with the small one in
Portland, and Taylor is He trails off, looking up at Taylor. I can
accompany Jason and Grace. He offers. Oh yes, come with us.
Grace grins at Taylor. Thats settled then. My dad smiles.
What are we doing tonight? Ted asks. We thought we could all go
out to dinner together? Mom says. Sounds great. I reply, we go
out as a family for dinner once a week normally, and they are always
the best dinners because were back together as a family, no work
business, no college, just us five, well, six tonight including Taylor.

Later that evening, after our family dinner we head back to the hotel,
Grace fell asleep in the car on the way home, but I manage to keep
my eyes open, although I am more than tired, travelling, even just a
few hours of flying, always makes us tired, mom and dad on the
other hand seem like the dont need to sleep at all, all our lives, they
would be awake when we go to bed and up before we are the next
day. When we get back to our room, Grace groggily walks with ease
into her room, if that were me I would have walked into the coffee
table, but she has our dads elegance. I make my way into my room

and clamber out of my clothes and sink into the warm hotel
mattress. Good night, see you in the morning. I hear my mom
murmur through my door, making me smile before I give in to sleep.
Wakey, wakey! I hear Grace Scream, banging into my room and
jumping onto my bed. I groan and roll over. How old are you? I
tease. Were leaving in half an hour, get showered and dressed
freshman! She says, leaving me alone in my room. I sigh once more
and slide out of my bed, into my ensuite bathroom and into the
shower. Once Im dressed, to my dads approval, I walk out into the
sitting room where everyone is waiting for me. Youre lucky, you
took twenty eight minutes, two more minutes and I would have been
in there to drag you out. Grace says in her mock stern voice,
matching our dads, which always amuses us. Well Im ready now. I
reply, grinning at her. Were going, good luck today and have fun.
My mom says, hugging us both, dad hugs us both quickly and smiles
down at me, then they with Ted to do their business.
Shall we go then? Taylor asks. We nod then head down to the car
park where a rented car is waiting for us, a BMW x6, which makes
me laugh, we never have a shitty old car, even when we have to rent
one. I will wait for you in the car while you do your tour and get
your schedules. Taylor tells us while we drive to the college. We
wont be long, an hour at tops, feel free to go grab a coffee, I have
your number. Grace says, smiling warmly at him and Taylor nods.
Once we get to the college, my heart is pretty much in my throat and
my stomach is full of butterflies, nervous isnt even the word here,
but using my dads trick, I mask that with confidence and make my
expression passive, this is the only way I will get through the day.

See, wasnt that bad, was it? Grace asks when we leave the college
grounds and spot Taylor, waiting for us just like he said. Not really.
I grin at her. Did you make any friends? I laugh. Grace, it wasnt
even my first day, the only person I spoke to was the lady who gave
me these. I said, waving my schedules in her face. You will when
you start classes on Monday. She smiles warmly. What are we
doing over the weekend? I ask. Moving into our apartment I guess,
Mom, Dad, Ted and Taylor are going home Monday when we go to
college. She informs me. I nod at her as we climb into the back seat
of the car, and Taylor takes us back to the Hotel to wait for Mom,
Dad and Ted to come back. When they get back to the hotel later
that night, bringing dinner with them, I get the same usual questions;
how was it? Did you have fun? Meet anyone you like?
Grace tells them about it all, while I read through my schedules and
teachers names. Jay? Teds voice snaps me out of my bubble and I
look up at him. Yes? Tomorrow, you and I are going into town,
okay, and no excuses. He grins evilly. Great, whenever Ted gets that
look, I always end up in some kind of trouble

Chapter 2
Ted? I shouted over the club music. He has dragged me out to
three different clubs and has decided to stay in this one. I dont even
like clubbing, it isnt my scene. Come on, there are some people I
want you to meet. Ted says, grabbing my arm and dragging me
towards the bar. Ted! Some people shout, greeting my brother,
slapping him on the shoulder in their friendly manner. This is my
brother, Jay. He introduces me to the three men standing before us.
Nice to meet you. I say, gripping each of their hand when they hold
them out to me. So are you in the Grey business as well with Ted?
One asks. No, not yet, hes just starting college. Ted answers for
me, and my jaw tightens at the not yet bit, he knows I dont want to
work for Grey Enterprises. Dartmouth I take it? Someone else asks.
Yes. I answer him. I go to Dartmouth, second year, but I work part
time with your brother, for your father. He grins at me. My names
Eric. He tells me. Perhaps Ill see you around. I smile back. Bet on
it! He laughs, taking a gulp of his beer. Want a drink? Ted asks me.
Just one. I warn, since I was the designated driver for the both of
us. He wanders off and gets served straight away by the red headed
girl at the bar, I roll my eyes, anything for good looks these days.
So are you moving down here? Eric asks me. I shake my head. I
have an apartment here for college time, but I still live back in
Seattle. I inform him. On your own? No, my sister, shes in her
third and last year, is sharing the apartment with me. Nice. He
grins. Here you go. Ted says, handing me my drink, a beer, my first
one. I take a gulp and shudder at the taste. Beer Virgin? Eric asks,

and I grin at him. It grows on you. He informs me. I hope so. I

laugh, taking another gulp, and true to his word, it starts to taste
nicer as it goes down, the bitter after taste not as potent. As the
night progressed, Ted drunk more and more and let loose, I stayed
by the bar with Eric, who is telling me all about Dartmouth. The
professors are great, although some of them will try and make you
quit. He says. Really? Why? I ask, still holding my empty glass.
To suss out the weak ones. He shrugs. I laugh, and someone taps
me on the shoulder, I turn to see a short, slim brown haired girl
smiling at me. Are you waiting to get served? She asks. I shake my
head at her, words failing, which isnt normal for me, Im normally a
fine speaker. Do you mind if I squeeze past you, theres no room
anywhere else? She grins, showing off perfect white teeth. Yes,
sure, go ahead. I practically stutter. Are you just going to ignore me
then? Eric grins at the girl. Eric? Who else? Eric laughs. Oh my
god I havent seen you in two years! She exclaims, pulling Eric into a
tight hug. I know, hows Victoria? Shes fine, she works for a
private beauty Salon now in Portland. The girl tells him. Wow,
thats great for her, tell her I said hi when you next see her. She
nods and smiles at me, then holds her hand out to me. Oh, this is
Lillian Heirs, Lily, this is Jason Grey. Eric quickly introduces us. As I
go to take her hand, she snatches it back. Grey? As in, Grey
Enterprises? She almost glares. Yes, well, my father is the CEO, I
dont work there though. Oh, well it was nice seeing you Eric. She
smiles at our friend, quickly orders her drink and heads back off into
the direction of the dance floor. Did I do something wrong? I ask
Eric, a little bemused at her attitude. She has a grudge against all
you Greys, she doesnt like your brother either, dont worry. Eric
assures me, but it just heightens my curiosity. A grudge? What for?

I question. Eric shrugs and takes another sip of his beer. Something
about her mother or whatever, she doesnt really talk about it, all I
know is, she has no intention of befriending Ted, or you it seems.
I nod, and watch her dancing with her friends. How do you know
her? I ask. I dated her sister, Victoria for a while, we broke up
because of distance, but Im still close with the two of them, and Lily
lives here, same as me. He informs me. What time are we
leaving? I ask Ted when he comes back over to me and Eric.
Soon. He promises, I roll my eyes, knowing that his soon can range
from two minutes to an hour. I decide to mingle a bit, joining Eric as
he moves across the dance floor, the loud music pounding in my ear.
Excuse me. I apologise when I knock into someone. The girl turns
to face me and her smile quickly fades into a bored line. I sigh, and
stop following Eric to talk to Lillian Heirs. Look, I dont know what
your problem is, but Im not-I try to explain but she holds her hand
up and cuts me off. You dont need to know what my problem is,
Mr Grey, all you need to know is to keep away from me. She snaps
in a sneer. Have I done something wrong? I argue back, feeling the
heat rise as she makes me more angry. Ask your father. She replies
then turns away from me and disappears into the crowd. What a
stuck up, pompous, rude, arrogant- You okay there little brother?
Teds laughing voice interrupts my angry outburst. Fine! Come on,
were going home! I shout at my brother and head to the door.
Once outside in the night air, I take a deep breath and calm down.
Who does she think she is, instantly hating me because of my name?

God! Alright, lets go. Ted saunters out of the club and joins me by
the rented car. What were you so pissed at anyway? He asks when
we climb in and I start the ignition.

Eric introduced me to Lillian Heirs. I said through gritted teeth, I

have my fathers anger issues it seems. Ted burst into a fit of
laughter. She is something, isnt she? He howled. You can say that
again. I mutter as I drive slowly down the town road. The first time
I ever met her, I was invited to a party with Eric, a work thing, and
she threw her glass of water in my face because I said I wanted to be
like dad. He grinned fondly at the memory. I dont know why she
got so fierce, dad is a good businessman. He defended. I shrugged
and turned the corner, and stalled the car when I had to emergency
break as two people fell out in front of my car. What the fuck? Ted
yells. Stay here. I order and unbuckle my seat belt and climb out
the car. Get the fuck off of me! I hear a girl shout. Walking round
to the front of the car I see a guy pushing a girl down on the ground,
trying to get on top of her. What the fuck do you think youre
doing?! I shout and push the guy off her, he falls easily, not seeing
me coming. The girl scrambles to her feet and stares at me. Get in
the car Lillian! I shout when I recognize her, she doesnt question
me or throw insults, she runs and jumps into the back seat of the car.
The guy has recovered himself and is walking back over to me, I just
glare at him, refusing to move. What you getting involved for kid?
He sneers, getting closer to me so his nose is practically scraping
mine. I suggest you back off, Mason. I hear Ted say as he saunters
over to stand next to me and gently pushes the guy away from me.

Grey, what are you doing here? Mason asks, a little less colour in
his face. Showing my brother around. Ted says simply. Mason
gulps quietly, but I hear him. Tell you brother not to get involved in
my business. He snaps. Dont go around harassing girls, and he
wont. Ted snaps back, proving that he too, is just like our dad.
Whatever. Mason growls then stalks off back towards the club. I
could have handled him. I mutter to Ted. I know, Masons a pussy
really. Ted laughs. Come on. I punch his shoulder playfully and get
back into the car, almost forgetting Lily in the back until she clears
her throat. Where are you heading? I ask her, looking at her in my
rear view mirror. I can walk. She mutters, hugging herself.
Obviously. I reply sarcastically, and she looks down, making me
feel bad. Look, just let me give you a ride. I say, my tone softer
than before. The college dorms. She replies. They let you stay
there during the summer? Ted asks. No, I only moved in two days
ago. She replies, her tone less than friendly. First year? Ted asks,
ignoring her. Yes. She replies. Same as Jay here. Ted says, patting
my arm as I drive towards Dartmouth. As were driving, Ted falls
asleep, the alcohol and late night kicking in. You okay? I ask,
glancing at her in the mirror. Fine. She replies, almost angrily.
Youre welcome. I say sarcastically, annoyed at her tone. I was
fine! She shouts. If being dragged to the floor and attacked is fine,
then yes you were! I shout back, glaring at her in the mirror, so I see
the tears spring to her eyes. Fuck, look, I didnt mean it, okay. I try
to apologise. She stays silent for a little while. Thank you. She
eventually says after a few minutes. We pull into the Dartmouth
dorms car park and I get out to open her door for her. Here you
are. I say as she climbs out. Thanks for the lift. She mutters.

No problem. And I cant help but smile at her. She starts to walk
towards the building and turns to face me over her shoulder. This
doesnt mean I like you Grey. She smirks. You either, Heirs. I
laugh, then get back into my car and head back to the hotel, with a
softly snoring Ted next to me. I wake Ted up when we get to the
hotel and he groggily follows me in, its two am now and the hotel is
quiet. Did Lily get home okay? He asks, almost falling into the
elevator behind me. Yeah. I nod. Was she alright? I think so,
who was that Mason guy? I ask, frowning at Ted. Just some Jerk
who was dating her two years back, I met him when I first met Lily,
hes no good. He informs me. I nod, taking in the information; crazy
jerk ex-boyfriend. When we let ourselves into the hotel I have to
throw my hands over my eyes to hide from the horrible sight inside.
Mom is sitting on the kitchen counter, dad in between her legs and
theyre kissing like teenagers. God, didnt you guys get enough of
that when you were younger?! I cry. They dont even have the
decency to pull apart, they just giggle and laugh. Im going to bed. I
groan, Ted follows me to his room, laughing softly at our love struck
parents. At least they dont argue. He points out, and I just wave
my hand at him and close my door. Once Im in bed I close my eyes
eagerly, letting sleep was over me, and I dream about an oak tree
and a girl laughing.

Chapter 3

Grace! I shout when I feel a pillow smack into my face, waking me

up with a start. You didnt wake up when I called you. She
shrugged innocently. So you hit me? Oh dont be such a baby, get
up, were moving in today. She grins. I thought we were moving in
tomorrow? I ask. Tomorrow is Monday, thats when college starts,
so it would make more sense to move in today, dont you think?
She laughs. I nod and point at my door, signalling for her to leave,
which she does, leaving me alone again, I look over at my alarm
clock, Shit, six thirty? I groan, wishing I could go back to sleep, I
only had three hours last night.
Morning. Mom and dad say at the same time when I come out of
my room and into the kitchen to get some breakfast, which makes
me shudder when I remember last night. I laugh to myself about it,
knowing Ted is right about them not arguing, Im lucky theyre so in
love. Whats so funny? My dad asks, and I just shake my head and
accept the plate of egg and toast my mom offers me. Are you ready
to move in to the apartment? She asks, sitting down beside me with
her coffee. Eat something. My dad tells her, which makes her laugh
out loud but she gets some toast too. I roll my eyes at them and their
inside jokes, I will never understand them.
All I have to take is my luggage I brought here; the rest was taken

there by Taylor, right? I ask, eating my food. Yes, its all ready for
you two. Dad answers. Are you going home tomorrow? Grace
asks. Were going to fly back later tonight when youre both settled,
I have a meeting tomorrow morning I cant miss, is that alright? He
replies, looking warily at us as if he didnt want to leave us here
alone, which knowing him, he didnt; he is way protective. And we
have a surprise for you both. Mom grins sheepishly, which means
she isnt too sure about it herself, I bet it was dads Idea. We got you
a car each, so you can get around here and dont have to worry
about renting one. Yep, definitely his idea. Thanks. We both grin
at him. Weve learnt over the years that you just have to accept the
gifts. Theyre parked in the apartment car park. Mom says.
Great, thanks so much. Grace smiles her daddys girl smile at them
both. Wait, you didnt get us ridiculously expensive ones, did you? I
asked, just imagining the looks we would get driving into college in a
Audi Spyder. No. My mom laughs, knowing what I meant. We got
you less conspicuous ones. She assures me. Grace, we got you an
Ice blue Mini convertible, you said you liked them. Dad tells her,
which she squeals with glee at. And you have a black bmw m6
convertible. Mom says, wiggling her eyebrows. You could have
gone a little more low key, but Im not complaining, thank you. I
smile. Hard top? I ask cheekily, and dad nods, knowing Im not
keen on soft top convertibles, whereas Grace loves them, especially
on minis.
Is everything to your liking? Taylor asks, grinning at us as we let
ourselves into our new apartment, where he is waiting. I look
around, it is large and spacious, the kitchen joins onto the living
room, both having a cream and black colour scheme, the sofas are

black leather and the carpet is soft and cream. We thought a plain
look would suit the living room and kitchen, but the bathroom is
black white and red, and your bedrooms are decorated the way you
described. Taylor informs us. Thank you Taylor. Grace says, and I
smile at him. Right, well let you two settle in, we need to get back
to the hotel and grab our stuff so we can catch the jet. Mom says,
hugging us both closely. Well be back next weekend, okay. Dad
says, also hugging us briefly. See you then. I say. Ring us when
youre home. Grace adds. Give me a call If you have any trouble.
Ted says quietly to me and pats my shoulder. Will do, see you
later. I reply. Thanks again Taylor, will you be back next week too?
I ask. Of course he will, if he wants. Dad says, inviting him.
I will. Taylor grins at us. See you in a week. Mom says, closing the
door behind her, and Grace and I are alone. This place is really
nice. She grins, I nod in agreement. Lets go check out our rooms.
I suggest. I walk down the right corridor and Grace goes down the
left, there was no chance in having a small apartment when it came
to dad looking for one, no, we have a large one with bedroom on
opposite sides. I open the door to what I think Its my bedroom but is
in fact my bathroom, just like the common one, it is black and white,
but instead of red dcor it has dark blue. I turn and open the door
opposite and walk into my new room. It was just how I liked it, plain,
using black, brown and creams as the colour scheme and one wall is
all window which shows the city, and very modern.
I smile, liking my new room then close the door and walk round to
see Graces. Hers is similar to mine, having cream and black as its
main colour theme, she has a wall wardrobe that her bed is tucked
into. She has already started to unpack her things into the wardrobe.

Hey, did you see your bathroom? She grins. Yes, do you have
one? I ask. Yes, its ensuite. She replies. Very nice. I grin. Do
you like this then? I ask, meaning the whole apartment. Yes, its
very modern isnt it. She smiles. I nod. Want to cook or order
dinner? I ask. I really fancy Chinese food. She muses. Take away
it is, Ill order it. I laugh, walking out of her room and towards the
kitchen. Just as I go to dial in the number from the list of take aways
that mom must have put on the fridge, my phone started ringing,
showing a number I dont recognize. Hello? I answered anyway.
Hey, its Eric, Ted gave me your number, hope you dont mind?
Oh, it was Eric. No its fine, whats up? Wondered if you wanted
to hang out tonight, college starts tomorrow. He asked. Me and my
sister are about to order some Chinese food if you want to join, well
probably just watch tv or something. I shrugged, even though he
cant see me. Sounds great, tell you what, Ill pick up the food and
you guys just give me your share of the money when I get there. He
offered. Yeah, alright, just grab whatever, a bit of everything. I
laughed. See you in a bit, text me your address. He said before
hanging up. I quickly tapped in the address and sent it to his number
then saved him in my phone. Who was that? Grace asked, coming
out in her pyjamas. My friend Eric, hes coming over with the food.
I told her, grabbing myself a can of coke from the fully stocked fridge
and settling down on the cold leather couch.
Eric? You mean that guy who works with Ted and Dad during the
holidays and weekends? She asked, looking slightly pink in the face.
Yeah- I didnt even get to finish my answer before she ran back
into her room, emerging ten minutes later fully dressed again.
Making an impression for somebody, Grace? I tease. Shut up.

She snaps, but has a shy smile playing at her lips Its fifteen minutes
later when someone buzzes our door. I get up and look out the
camera to see a black and white image of Eric standing there with
two bags of Chinese food. I buzz him in then open the door for him, a
minute later he steps out of the elevator and walks in. Hey. He
greets, setting the bags down on the kitchen island and turning to
face me. Thanks for that, heres our money. I say, handing him
thirty bucks. Cheers. He puts the money in his back pocket.
Grace saunters over to us, using the same walk our dad does and
smiles brightly. This is Grace, my sister. I introduce them, rolling
my eyes. Nice to meet you, Im Eric. Eric says, shaking Graces
hand. You too. She grins. Alright, lets eat. I say, grabbing three
plates and dishing it out.
So I heard you gave Lily a ride home Saturday night? Eric asks while
eating his food, we put a dvd on for background noise while we all
ate, Grace made sure she kept conversing with him. I nodded while I
swallowed my mouthful of noodles. Yeah, some guy called mason
was giving her trouble. I replied. Are you two friends now? He
grinned. I laugh. I wouldnt say friends. Shes going to feel like she
owes you, shes that type of girl. Eric sighs. I shrug. She doesnt
owe me anything, I was just being a nice guy. Always the nice guy.
Grace winks. How are you two getting to college tomorrow? Eric
asks. We drive what about you? Grace replies. Walking,
unfortunately. My cars in for repairs this week. Want a lift? I
offer. Sure, thanks. He grins back. Do you live far? I ask. No
actually, I live just round the corner, I can meet you here in the
morning if youd like? He compromises. I nod and finish my food

before taking it into the kitchen to wash it, while Im in there; Grace
takes the time to really talk to him, put on the Grace charm.
Right, I better head home, see you guys in the morning. He says,
waving as he heads out the door. Hes cute. Grace says as soon as
the door closes. Geez Grace, you dont need a toy boy. I tease.
Hes only a year younger than me! She defends. Right, well, Ill
leave you to your teenage hormones, Im going to bed. I laugh,
walking towards my room. Night little brother! She calls after me, I
roll my eyes and chuckle. Once Im in my room I let out a big sigh of
air. My first day of college tomorrow. Bring it on.

Chapter 4
For once I was awake before Grace. College starts at nine and it just
turned six oclock. I get ready in half an hour, showering and dressing
into casual dark jeans and a grey t-shirt and converses, once Im
done, leaving my wet hair to dry naturally I go and knock on Graces
door, I wouldnt dare just walk in like she does to me, just in case she
is up and getting dressed or something. I hear her shuffle around
then open the door with a sleepy face. Morning. I grin. Thanks for
waking me up, I forgot to set my alarm. She yawned. No problem,
you want breakfast? I ask, turning to walk towards the kitchen.
Yes please. She calls after me. I start making us pancakes and by
seven oclock theyre done and Grace comes out wide awake and
fully dressed. Eat up; Eric will be here in ten minutes. I tell her,
passing her plate to her across the island table. She eats her
pancakes quickly then goes to brush her teeth, which I find weird, I
always brush my teeth before I eat, otherwise you can feel the food
that is still kind of stuck in your teeth wash around, it just makes me
feel sick. I wash up our plates and put them on the rack to dry and
the buzzer goes, I know its Eric so I grab my bag of the sofa and go
over to the door and press the speaker button. Well be down in a
minute. I say. Come on Grace. I call into the apartment so she can
hear me; she comes out of her room with her bag and follows me
out the door. Hey. I say when we come out of the buildings front
door and see Eric sitting on the wall waiting for us. Morning guys.
He greets. My cars in the underground car park. I explain, waling

round to the door that goes in under the building where all the cars
are parked, the driving entrance is on the other side of the building.
He follows Grace and I inside and blows out and impressed whistle
when I click my keys and the sleek black bmw m6 convertible flashes
to life. You Greys never fail to impress. He winks. What can we
say, we aim to please. Grace laughs, the saying is like our family
motto or something. Are you coming in Jays car? Eric asks her, but
she shakes her head at him, and walks over to her mini. And miss
out on driving my new baby? No way. She grins before climbing in
and driving out of the exit, I wave as she goes. Want to get a coffee
before college? Eric asks as he climbs into the car beside me in the
passenger seat. Sure. I agree, starting the engine and driving
carefully out the exit.
Can I have a plain white coffee? I ask the speaker at the Starbucks
drive through. I look over at Eric and raise my eyebrows expectantly,
wanting his order. A vanilla latte. He answers my silent question.
And one Vanilla Latte. I repeat his order, the woman who is
speaking to us tells us to drive round to collect. I pass the dinks over
to Eric, who places them in the two cup holders then drive towards
the college. I laugh when Eric takes a tiny sip of his drink and he
raises his eyebrows at me, so I answer his look. Not only do you
have the most girlish coffee I can think of, but you sip it like a lady. I
tease and he grins. Dont judge my coffee Mr plain and simple. He
defends, laughing. I pulled into the college car park and took one of
the designated spaces, noting the looks that the students threw my
way when they saw my car, I just smirk and grab my bag and walk
with Eric into the main quad. What do you have first? He asks me, I

pull the schedule out from my back pocket and examine it, I chose a
few classes, some for my own taste, and others for my dads.
Introduction to fine art. I read off the paper to Eric, who snorts.
You are nothing like Ted. He notices. Nope, I have no interest in
working for Grey Enterprises either. I inform him, correcting Ted
from the other night when he said I wasnt yet working there, I never
would. I didnt think you did, youre different, Grey, I like it. He
grins. We aim to please. I smirk. Eric sees someone past my
shoulder and waves, grinning broadly. Lily! He calls. My heartbeat
quickens up, I havent seen her since I gave her a lift home, I turn to
look her way to see her walking over to us, a small smile playing at
her pink lips. Hey Eric. She greets then looks at me. Hello. She
says politely, all though I have a feeling it was forced. Lily. I greet.
What do you have first? Eric asks, either not noticing the tension or
choosing to ignore it, the latter being more likely. Introduction to
fine art. She says, smiling. /Oh god/ Same as Jay. Eric says, fake
surprise smothering his voice. Oh really, I didnt think you would be
into that sort of thing. Lily says disbelievingly. I smirk at her, she was
just like everyone else, assuming I was going to be just like my dad.
You obviously dont know me well enough, miss heirs. She rolls her
eyes, hoping I wont see, but of course I do, Ive had practice.
Well now you two can get to know each other better. Eric grins,
patting my shoulder. I glare at him, but he just keeps smiling. I
suppose I owe him that much. Lily sighs, and smiles at Eric once
more before walking off in the direction of the art block. I see what
you mean by she thinks she owes me. I say, watching her as she
disappears through the double doors of the building. This wont be

it, she will keep thinking she still owes you, she has a problem with
it. He shakes his head and smiles sadly. There seems to be more to
Lily that meets the eye, and I have three years to figure them out.

Chapter 5
I said goodbye to Eric as he went off in the direction of the business
block, which was no surprise to me since he was so dedicated to my
fathers business. I followed the direction in which Lily went and
made my way into the art block. Not a single wall was bare; they
were covered in bright colours and pieces of art done by previous
students, all seemingly talented. I took a deep breath, this kind of
dcor was refreshing to me, I had never been in a place with not a
single white, plain wall, and I was used to plain. This was a pleasant
change. Its beautiful, isnt it? A quiet voice came from beside me; I
looked out of the corner of my eye to see a waterfall of brown hair.
Speaking to me, Miss Heirs? I tease, a small smirk pulling at my
lips. Considering we will be spending the next three years together,
I thought it would be better if we were on speaking terms. She
shrugged. I feel honoured. I laughed, looking down at her.
She looked up to meet my gaze, her pink lips pulled into a very light
smile, and her brown eyes, the colour of chocolate, almost sparkled.
You should, I dont have much tolerance for Greys. She says, her
smile faltering slightly. I frown. What is this grudge she has against
us? Well, I hope I can change your mind, Grey is but a name. A
rose by any other name would smell as sweet. I hear her whisper.
Shakespeare. I note. My favourite. She replies, blushing slightly.
Why didnt you study English? I heard Shakespeare is one of the
main units. I ask. I prefer the visual beauty of Shakespeare, the

image that runs through your mind when you read it, rather than the
written meaning. She answers. Good answer. I nod.
Lily turns and walks down the hall, making me follow. Are you
excited? She asks when I catch up with her in a few steps. I
suppose. I laugh, excitement was something I havent truly
experienced since I was younger, now it was just anticipation. I am.
She grins. I smile to myself, this is the longest and most civil
conversation I have had with her, and it was quite nice. What kind
of art are you most fond of? I ask. She thinks for a moment, her
brows creasing together, then smiles when she decides. Pencil art
has got to be my most favourite, its the most simple, yet detailed.
She grins. I nod. What about you? She asks. I think, most art forms
are enjoyable, whether it is painting, drawing or moulding, but the
one art form that stands out to me is glass moulding. I like glass
work. I say, feeling slightly embarrassed for some reason. I went to
a glass museum when I was younger, it was beautiful, and everything
glittered. Lily replies, almost speaking to herself rather than me,
memories taking over her thoughts. I havent had the chance to go
to one yet. I say. You should. She smiles at me. A smile. How
simple, yet so cementing. I liked Lillian Heirs; we were going to get
on well.
We walked into the large classroom, for some reason I expected a
lecture hall, but instead it was a load of chairs placed in a circle in the
middle of the room. Do you want to sit with me? Lily asks shyly,
not meeting my gaze, I have a feeling this is less of her owing me,
and more of her not wanting to be alone just yet in a new place.
Sure. I smile and sit beside her in the circle. Several more students
come in and join the circle, then a man in his early thirties, it seems
comes in and stands in the middle of the room and turns slowly a

few times and studies each of us, and I do the same to him. He is tall,
broad, with a short goatee, and wavy, messy dark hair, wearing
casual clothes. A typical artist it seemed. I smirk when he finishes his
slow turn and lands his dark eyes on me. A Grey, in my classroom?
He asks, a disbelieving smile on his lips. Have you taken a wrong
turn and lost your way from the business centre? He asks
mockingly, making me glare at him. He walks closer, so he is looking
down at me. Your father has given a lot to this college, we are very
thankful. He says, with not a trace of sincerity to his voice. Then
you should be happy to have me in here, a pleasure Im sure. I grind
between my teeth. Of course, Mr Grey. He smirks. I can see him
and me getting along well or not. So its not just me who holds a
grudge against you guys. Lily whispers to me. None of you know
me! I spit out, having my mood completely ruined. He takes one
more final turn and smiles in satisfaction. My name is Professor
Alaric. He finally introduces himself. Names and something
interesting about yourself. A girl with short blonde hair and a round
face stood up first. Im Ella, and Im originally from England. She
said with a perky voice, she was quite cute, in a young girl kind of
way. The next person was a tall, strong boy called Alex who was the
quarter back in his last high school. We continued around the circle
until it came to Lily. She stood up and cleared her throat. Im Lily,
and IShe thought for a moment before deciding on her interesting
fact, which I was quite interested in hearing. Ive never swam in the
sea. She shrugs then sits down. That was it, that was her interesting
fact? And finally, Mr Grey. Professor Alaric came to focus on me
over his fashionable glasses. I smirk and stand up. My name is Jason
Grey, and I cant cook, not even microwave meals. I say
nonchalantly. Professor Alaric raises his eyebrows before chuckling

lightly. Very well, its a good thing you arent majoring in home
economics, I hope you are better at art though. He says as I sit back
down in my chair beside a silently laughing Lily. I like to think I am.
I say to him then turn slightly towards Lily. What are you laughing at
Miss Heirs? You cant cook, at all? She asks. I frown, its not that
hard to believe, Ive never needed to learn nor have I had the
interest in doing so. Youve never swam in the ocean, the two of us
are extremely peculiar it seems. I note. Lily freezes and her soft
giggle disappears. I dont like the ocean. She whispers, whether it
was meant to be out loud or not, I couldnt tell, but I didnt question
her further.
After we were all well introduced and made comfortable in the class,
we were split into groups of three, we were to draw one another, I
was grouped with Lily, and a small, scrawny boy, whose name I didnt
quite catch. Who is drawing who? The boy asked in a heavy French
accent. How about I draw Jason, he will draw you, and you can draw
me? Lilyoffers, to which the boy nods and starts scratching his
pencil across the paper, gazing intently at Lily. Get into position,
Grey; I want to draw you while you draw Luc. Lily commands me,
smirking slightly. I turn in my chair so I can see Luc drawing Lily
clearly and start to sketch him. I can feel Lilys eyes on me and the
hour and fifteen minutes that we have to do this go extremely slow, I
swear I could sense every time she blinked. Before I can even finish
my sketch Professor Alaric is clapping his hands to get our attention.
Alright, great first class, if you could all put your names on your
paper and the name of the person you were drawing then hand
them to me. I quickly write my own name and Lucs onto the back
of my paper in my clear calligraphy font and follow behind Lily over
to him, I get a quick glance and see that her picture of me is almost

finished, and extremely good, it makes mine look like a five year old
has done it, she wasnt kidding when she said she liked pencil art. I
hand Professor Alaric my paper and meet his gaze, but he doesnt
glare or smirk at me this time, just a smile. When I leave the
classroom, only realising how strongly it smells of paint and old fabric
overalls when I step out into the clear air of the hall way, Lily is
waiting by the door for me. You didnt need to wait. I grin and fall
into step beside her as we head out of the building. I kind of owe
you. She smiles. I grimace, how much is she going to owe me? How
much am I willing to take? Im meeting my friends for lunch so Ill
see you back here for our next class, okay? She says, already
heading in a different direction. I nod and wave. See you in an
hour. She calls over her shoulder. That girl has some major mood
swings I bump into Eric in the student canteen and grin when I
reach him, happy to see a familiar face. Hey, how was your first
class? He asks when he sees me. Great, want to go out to get
food? I ask, looking around me at the crowded hall. Eric nods and
follows me out to the car park. The rest of the college day goes by
pretty quickly, every class apart from Professor Alarics has a seating
plan, and only one of those am I close to Lily. I didnt even get to say
good bye to her because she was out the door before I had left my
seat. We had a few conversations throughout the day, but most of
the classes were in silence, and others with music. When I got home
after dropping Eric off at the corner of my road Grace is already
waiting for me. Hi Jay, how was your first day? She asks like a
mother. Not too bad. I answer, taking a soda from the fridge and
chucking one to her. Dad called, he wont be able to come down
until Saturday, so Mom and Ted are staying at home until then. She
tells me and I shrug. What are we doing for dinner tonight? I ask.

I was thinking I could make us something instead of take out? She

offers, and I smile. You know what we havent had in years? I ask,
already tasting it on my lips. Egg and beans on toast. I say, it used
to be my favourite dinner as a kid, we would have it when mom and
dad worked late, it was quick and easy. Now I really fancy that!
Grace laughs, heading over to the fridge. Why dont you invite Eric
over? She asks, trying to sound casual. Would you like that? I
laugh. Shut up. She says a small smile at her lips and a soft blush on
her cheeks. I text him anyway, asking if he wanted to come over. He
agreed and ten minutes later he was buzzing our door, Grace let him
in this time. Hey guys. He greets when he comes in. Hi, want
dinner? I ask, nodding at him from the sofa where I am seated,
Grace is scurrying around the kitchen cooking. Sure, what are we
having? He asks Grace. Egg and beans on toast. She says proudly.
Eric laughs and looks at me. Of all the things you two could afford to
eat. He says, bemused. I smile but say nothing, taking the plate
Grace hands to me. We eat and watch a movie, not talking, its quite
homely and to be honest, great. My mind drifts to Lily, I wonder
what she is doing right now? What is she eating? Would she be
watching a movie, who with? Questions race through my head and I
realize, I want to answer them all.

Chapter 6
Eric ended up staying with us for the night, already having his outfit
and books with him, which seemed all too convenient to me, but he
denies any mention of it being pre planned in his head. I let him get
changed in my room and head into the living room to wait and my
phone rings as I sit on the couch. Hello? I answer. Morning,
Jason. I hear my fathers deep voice on the other end of the phone.
Dad. I reply, knowing he was ringing for a reason, he never rung
just to say hello. I need you to do something for me tonight, at eight
oclock there is going to be a meeting dinner at the Alicresto hotel,
you need to be there to accept the business transcript from an old
friend of mine. He informs me. I agree, its not like I can say no to
him. Great, thanks. He says then hangs up. Youre welcome. I
mutter to myself as Eric coms out of my room. I drive us to college
and once again we stop for coffee, he gets his girly drink and I get my
plain one. Did you and Lily get on? He asks me as we pull into the
car park of the college. Weirdly enough, we did. I admit, grabbing
my bag and climbing out of my car. I told her you werent too bad.
He winks, as if he had done me some big favour. Im still trying to
figure her out. I laugh. Shes a tough nut to crack. He says, and
something dark passes over his features. I shake it off, it was
probably nothing. What are you doing tonight? I ask, changing the
subject as we head into the main campus. Its my moms birthday,
were going out tonight. He grimaces, obviously dreading the event.
I frown. Why, whats up? He asks when he sees my mood change.

I have to go to this dinner tonight, a business meeting for my dad. I

groan. I didnt want to go alone. I admit. Oh, so you wanted me to
be your date? He teases, winking at me. I groan. You know what I
meant! I laugh. Wish I could, thats my kind of thing obviously,
working for your dad and all, but I cant get out of this, my mom
would skin me alive if I skipped for a work thing. He says,
shuddering at the thought of his angry mother. Hey, why dont you
invite Lily? He suggests with wide eyes. I raise my eyebrows at him.
Are you serious, I said were getting on okay, not really well I say.
Yes, but she owes you, remember? He winks. She owes me? Oh
yes, her issue with owing people. I could use that against her, of
course I could. Should I though? Hmm. Ill ask her. I tell Eric. You
can now, there she is. He points over towards the college dorms
and there she is, coming out the main door. Alright, Ill see you at
lunch. I say, already walking away. Later. He calls after me.
Lily sees me heading in her direction and shoots me a small smile,
not too friendly, but not too off Standish. Hi. She greets when I
reach her. Hello, how are you today? I ask in my business voice.
What do you want? she asks, catching on instantly. Am I that
obvious? I grin. I obviously know you better than you think. She
says, meaning my words from the day before where I said she didnt
know me. This doesnt mean you know me any better, Im just bad
at hiding some things. I defend. Well? She raises her eyebrows,
ignoring me. What do you want? She asks. I shrug. I was just going
to invite you to this dinner thing tonight I say nonchalantly.
Dinner thing? She asks suspiciously. Well, its a business dinner
with another company my Father is dealing with. I tell her. Im
stepping in for him to get the contracts for him, but they always
make a big event out of it, so I cant just go, pick up the papers and

leave. I say. You think I would accompany a Grey, to a Grey

enterprises business dinner? Are you okay up there? She asks while
tapping my head. Oh come on! Im not that bad, you said so
yourself, and the dinner will be nice. I try to convince her, but she
doesnt seem to consider it. You owe me. I say, feeling dirty using
that against her, but it seems to work. Fine. Fine? Fine, I will
come with you. She says, rolling her eyes. Thank you. I smirk. We
walk in silence for a while, and make our way into Professor Alarics
class room. What do I wear? She suddenly asks out of the blue, a
worried look on her face. I laugh at her face and question but stop
when she glares at me. Not jeans. I warn as I pull out my sketch
pad. Great I dont think I own anything Grey worthy. She mutters,
but I just smirk at her and start sketching. Well, is she coming? Eric
asks me when I meet him for lunch. Yes. I reply. The you owe me
angle? He asks. I nod. Harsh. He gasps with wide eyes. What?
You told me to! I defend. Dude, I was joking. He laughs. She will
have fun, she hardly ever leaves those dorms anymore. He tells me.
Well tonight wont be what I would call a great night out. Its just
dinner. I say. Well, make it a great night. He says, waggling his
eyebrows. I frown at him. Are you thinking what I think youre
thinking? I ask. Eric looks confused for a short moment then nods
frantically. Yes, yes I am. You want me to hit on Lily? I ask.
Well, I wouldnt say hit on her, just make it a fun night, you know?
He confirms. This dinner isnt for fun, its for business. I tell him,
taking my order from the counter of subway we were currently in
getting lunch. Eric grabs his sandwich and follows me to a table.
Why dont you do something after it? He suggests. Like what, Ill
be in a suit, and she wont be in jeans. I tell him, wondering if shell

wear a dress, and what type of dress. I dont know, a quiet drink or
something. He shrugs, taking a hug bite of his food and eating with
his mouth open. Charming. I frown. And it isnt a date, Eric. I
remind him. Do you want it to be a date? He asks. If I wanted it to
be a date, I would ask her out on one. I inform him. Whatever
Romeo, come on, we have to go back to college. He laughs and
stands from the table with me right behind him.
So what do I wear, Im being serious. Lily asks me again in our next
class together with Mrs Weathers, who likes to do her classes in
silence with classical music in the back ground, so speaking was a bit
daring considering she was an unstable woman, she shouted at her
desk on our first lesson together.
I smirk, wanting to repeat my jeans comment, but decide against it.
Do you own any dresses? I ask. She nods. What kind of dresses?
Well, I have my prom dress from high school, but I dont think that
will work, I have a few I bought for my holiday during the summer, a
couple I wore when we went out to a fancy restaurant? She offers.
One of those will do. I nod. Great, where shall I meet you? She
asks. Ill pick you up outside the dorm building at half seven.
Okay. She says just as Mrs Weathers head snaps up and glares at
us. Stop trying to get me in trouble. I tease in a whisper when she
looks away. You dont need me for that Mr Grey, you seem like
trouble all on your own. She whispers back. Me? Trouble? I ask,
smirking at her. She looks back at me and I swear I can see a hint of
pink on her cheeks. Very much so. She finally says.

Chapter 7
At exactly half past seven Im waiting outside the dorm building
waiting for Lily to come out. I dont have her number to text her and
tell her Im waiting so I hope she comes out, and doesnt stand me
up. Six minutes after half past the main door opens and there she is.
Wow. She looks beautiful, wearing a floor length black v neck dress
that sweeps in the wind as she walks towards the car. And she said
she didnt have a dress suitable? You look amazing. I say when she
lowers herself into my car. She smiles at me and looks down my body
then back up. You clean up nicely too, but I expect nothing less from
a Grey. She replies. Ill take that as a compliment this time. I smirk
and start driving. Where is the dinner? She asks when she notices
im heading for the boarders of the city. The Alicresto Hotel. I
inform her and her mouth forms an O shape. What? I probe.
The Alicresto Hotel is like, the most expensive hotel in new
Hampshire. She laughs. Did you expect anything less? I tease.
No, I didnt. She laughs. Dont complain then. I say. Did you hear
me complaining? She counters and laughs. Not yet. I mutter and
smirk. This was so easy, the conversation just flew. What time will it
finish do you think? She asks. Im expecting about nine, half past
maybe, but I want to take you somewhere after, a surprise. I tell
her. A surprise? Why? She looks wary and untrusting. Dont
worry, alright? I say, pulling into the Alicresto Hotel and driving
towards the valet strip. I pass the keys to the boy who is waiting for
my car and wait for Lily to reach me after another staff member

opens her door. Ready? I ask and hold out my arm for her to take,
which she finally does, feeling out of place at the Hotel, much like
myself, I hated coming to these kind of events.
I am greeted by a few business men I recognize when we walk out of
the lift on the sixth floor at the dining suit. Jason Grey, how nice to
see you! An elderly gentleman says, clapping my shoulder. Mark,
you too. I smile. Mr Grey. Another man, about thirty years old
holds out his hand for me to shake. I take it and shake it surely. Im
James Hadelen. He introduces himself. Nice to meet you. I say. A
few others are waiting in the lobby as well but I make no effort to say
hello. How have you been Jason? Mark asks me; out of all the
people here, he was the one I was most familiar with, he had worked
with my father for quite a few years and I had met him at a business
event when I was younger. Ive been great thank you; I started my
first year at Dartmouth the other day. I tell him. Wonderful! And
who is this young lady? He asks, looking beside me. Oh, excuse me,
this is Lillian Heirs, a friend of mine. I tell him. Lily holds out her
hand and Mark shakes it, smiling warmly at her. Wonderful to meet
you Miss Heirs, I hope you dont get too bored tonight; you know
how these meetings tend to go. He says with a booming laugh and
Lily joins in with her soft giggle. The door to the dining suit is opened
and we file in to take our seats. I pull Lilys one out for her and slide it
in as she sits down then sit down beside her. That was very
gentlemanly. She points out to me as everyone sits at the long
table. I am a gentleman. I say and she snorts a laugh.I couldnt
really say you were a lady though. I tease and she laughs.
The man of the hour walks into the room and greets everyone, I
recognize him instantly as an old friend of my mothers. Jose! I call
when he looks right at me. Jason! Good to see you, although I was

under the impression it would be your father here to take the

contract and celebrate with us. He says. He had other
arrangements. I inform him. Very well, welcome. He grins.
He comes to sit beside me as everyone starts their own
conversations. I didnt know it was you who my father was doing
business with. I say to him. I never thought I would, but he and
your mother made me an offer I couldnt refuse, so now, my
photography business is part of Grey Enterprises. He grins. I didnt
think artists were sell outs. I hear Lily mutter from beside me, Jose
looks past me at her. You are? He asks kindly. This is Lillian Heirs;
shes on the same art course as me. I say. Well Miss Heirs, most
artists arent, but in this growing world, art is losing its status, we
need to make ends meet somehow. He tells her, Lily stays quiet.
How is Ana? He suddenly asks, turning back to me. Oh, shes
great, her publishing business is going great. I tell him. Now that
youre partnering, shell probably ask you to do some photos for
her. I laugh. She knows I would happily do that. He says. The food
is brought out and we all eat, minor conversations being spoken
amongst everyone. Are you okay? I ask Lily, who had been sitting
in silence the whole time. Yes. She says. Are you? I really want
to get out of here already. I laugh, I hated business things. How
long do we have left do you think? She asks. I turn to Jose and clear
my throat, interrupting the conversation he was having with the man
beside him. Sorry, but did you have a contract for me? I ask. Oh,
yes I do, you want it now? He asks, raising his eyebrows. Yes, Im
really sorry its just I have get Lily back to the college dorms, they
have a curfew. I say, making an apologetic face. Oh of course they
do! Forgive me, here it is. Jose says, pulling out the contract and
handing it to me. Thank you, Ill give it to my father this weekend

when I see him and have him send the copy back to you. I tell him.
Thank you, and thank you both for coming, lovely to meet you Miss
Heirs He says to us both as we stand to leave. You too. Lily says
with a smile. Im so glad thats over! Lily suddenly bursts out when
the valet hands me back my keys and we get in my car. I laugh and
look over at her, and she blushes. What, I felt so awkward. She
tells me. Me too. I admit. Really? She looks disbelievingly at me.
I thought thats what you Greys did best? I keep telling you, Im
not my dad, okay? I strain, how many times do I have to say it?
Okay. She smirks, but I know she doesnt quite believe me, yet.
Shut up. I laugh. Where are we going now? She asks. Oh, yes
your surprise! I say loudly, as if I had forgotten. I cant do that now;
I have to get you back before the doors are locked at the dorms. I
wink. Oh shut up, we still have an hour before they lock. She
laughs. I know. I grin and turn down a back road that heads
towards a private beach. Whats down here? Lily asks, not being
able to see any further than my headlights allowed. I dont say
anything as I pull onto the sandy parking space. I step out of the car
and walk round to Lilys side to open her door. She looks down at the
sand and back up at me, a confused look on her face. Come on. I
say with a grin. Where are we? She asks as she carefully takes my
hand and climbs out of the car. This is Ana Bay. A sea front that-I
started to explain. Your family owns it, I take it. She smirks. Yeah.
I say sheepishly. My father bought it years ago for my mom, and
that island out there, I say, pointing at the spec of land out to sea,
illuminated by the solar lights that were scattered around the island.
Thats Ana Isle, my moms thirtieth birthday present. I say. Wow,
my dad got my mom a gift certificate for her thirtieth. She grins.

We walk slowly down the sand to stand close to the water, which
shimmered a dark blue under the night sky. I love it here, I havent
been here in a while though, its also one of the reasons I wanted to
go t Dartmouth, because it was near here, I had somewhere to go if I
wanted to get away for a while. I tell her. She stays silent. I wish I
had somewhere like this to go. She finally whispers. Well, youre
welcome to come here whenever you want. I smile. Thanks, but a
beach isnt exactly my comfort zone. She mutters with a soft smile.
Oh yes, youve never swam in the ocean. I remember. Why? I
ask. I had a bit of an incident in one when I was younger. She
shudders, she actually looks sick. Dont worry; I wont make you go
in the water. I say, and she relaxes slightly. Thanks. I actually
brought you here for this. I say, and point over at the white wooden
gazebo that was lit up with white fairy lights wrapped all around it
that was down the beach to the right. Lily turns and spots it and
takes in a sharp breath. Wow, that looks Beautiful. She says with
a grin. I take her hand and start pulling her towards it. A drink. I
inform her as we sit at the small table in the centre of the gazebo. I
pour her a glass of wine and then myself, passing her the glass I relax
into my chair. Im impressed.. again. She smirks as she sips her
wine then makes a face. I knew you wouldnt like it, which is why I
also brought these. I laugh as I place two cans of soda on the table
and she laughs, but takes one anyway. Very impressed. She adds.
We aim to please. I wink. I cant believe this; its so nice out here.
She sighs, then looks out at the water. The sound doesnt even
bother me now. She smiles softly. It used to bother you? I ask,
sipping my own soda, discarding my wine. She nods. I havent been
to the beach in so long because I couldnt stand the sight of the
water, even the sound made me uncomfortable, but right now, its

just She struggled to find the words. Nice. She finally finishes on.
"Did I ever mention fairy lights are one of my favorite things? They
remind me of christmas, and they make everything look so much
better." Like I said, youre welcome here any time, with, or without
me, okay? I ask and she nods. So, has this night been a complete
bore? I ask. Not at all, I could have done without the business
meeting, but I guess that comes with your world. She smiles, and I
grin. Are you saying you want to be a part of my world? I tease.
You know what I meant Jay. She laughs. Not everything in the
land of Grey is that bad. I defend and she smirks.

Chapter 8
Not your end at least. She says. My end? Of the Land of Grey.
She quotes, and smiles. How so? I ask with a grin. Lily sits straight
in her chair and looks at me pointedly, studying my face closely.
After what seems like hours, but could only have been a minute, she
smiles a soft, shy smile. Youre not as driven as your dad, but you
want to work for everything like him, Im guessing youre more like
your mother, is she nice? She asks and I nod, listening to her
contemplate me. I thought so. You try so hard to prove that youre
not a typical Grey, you want to be more than that. Her voice gets
quieter. Thats why its not so bad your end of the land of Grey.
She finally finishes in a soft voice. Shes still leaning over the table,
looking right into my grey eyes with her brown ones, I could so easily
lean forward and kiss her soft pink lips. You got all that from looking
at me? I ask with a smirk. She shakes her head and laughs softly.
No, I pay attention to people. She tells me. Why do you have such
a grudge against us? I decide to ask, still wondering what it was all
about. Eric said its something about your mother? Lily frowns and
sits back in her seat and places her soda back on the table and looks
out at the sea. Partly. She whispers. Care to explain? I press.
No. She says with an edge of finality, but not so much that it meant
she would never tell me, she might do eventually. Okay. I smile and
she returns it, then goes back to looking at the water. Why have you
never swam out there, really? I ask. The sea looked beautiful, there
was a quarter moon, curved perfectly and shining brightly onto the

smooth water, glittering on the odd small crash of waves as the tide
moved, the water was black against the pale sand. I told you, I had
an incident when I was younger, I can never look at the sea the same
way. She whispers. Although, tonight it looks so pretty. I smile, a
plan building in my mind. I casually slip my shoes of and bend down
to remove my socks and roll up my trouser legs to the bottom of my
knees. What are you doing? Lily asks when I stand and start
walking out of the gazebo and over towards the water. This is one
of my favourite feelings, as a child I would spend ages just doing
this. I say as I pad into the cold sea water, going a few feet in so the
water pooled around my ankles. Its a strange homely feeling for
me. I say. To my pleasure, she leaves her seat and slowly, warily
walks closer to me, keeping a safe distance away from the water
edge. What does it feel like? She asks, an expression on her face
that reminds me of a small child deciding on whether they should pet
the new dog in case it bites. I cant explain it; its something you
have to experience for yourself. I hint. She looks petrified. You said
you wouldnt make me get in the water. She says horrified. I shake
my head and quickly step towards her. No, no, no. I say, holding
her arms. I dont want to make you go in, thats not what I meant at
all. I say sincerely. A little bit of fear leaves her eyes, but not all of it.
Is it cold? She asks. I smile. A little bit, but it feels different on
your feet than it does on your body. I say and release her, stepping
back into the water.Because feet have tougher skin, the cold water
is actually a pleasant feeling. I didnt notice Lily remove her shoes,
but she carefully and very slowly extends her naked foot forward and
lets the soft tide wash out and touch the tips of her toes. When the
water touches her she takes in a sharp breath and pulls back her
foot. She holds her breath for a few seconds then lets it go with a

shaky laugh. It is a nice cold. She confirms with a giggle. I told

you. I grin, amazed that she even did that. She lets out another hard
breath and grins widely, obviously proud of herself. I step out of the
water and grin back at her. Well done. I say, and she surprises me
but jumping and hugging me, her arms tight around my neck. After
regaining my thoughts I put my arms around her waist and hug her
back. Seconds later she realises what shes done and steps away
from me. Sorry. She stutters, blushing deeply. Dont worry about
it. I laugh and head back over to the gazebo to put my shoes and
socks back on. Lily follows me and takes her seat again, a soft pink
still on her cheeks. Are you hungry? I ask, considering we didnt
really get to eat at the dinner. Her stomach answers for her and she
blushes harder. I take that as a yes. I chuckle and she giggles in
return. Lets go get some food. I say, standing and offering her a
hand, which she takes and rises from her seat, but releases my hand
straight away. What time is it, is anything even open? She asks as
we head back to the car. I look at my watch and see weve only been
here an hour. Half past ten. I say. Shit! She stops and gasps. The
dorms are locked at half ten! She threats. I shrug. Nothing we can
do about that now. I say and continue walking, with her quickly
following. But I cant get in, what am I going to do? she asks.
What time are they unlocked? I ask. Half five. She says. Well,
youre welcome to stay at mine, dont worry, I live with my sister. I
quickly add when she eyes me warily. And I can take you home at
six so you have time to get ready for college? I suggest. Well it
looks like I dont have any other option. She sighs, and I laugh. You
sound so grateful! I say with fake enthusiasm. Lily groans and
laughs. I know, Im sorry, I am grateful, promise! She grins. I open
the car door for her and close it behind her, and get in the drivers

side. What do you want to eat? I ask. McDonalds. She says with a
very serious face. Really? I question. Yes. She assures me. I turn
the car on and head towards the food strip where the McDonalds
drive thru is. Have you ever had one? She asks when I pull into the
queue, only two cars in front of us. I stay silent, even Im surprised.
Ive never eaten a McDonalds. Wow, Im not surprised. She laughs
as I drive forward to order. What do you want? I ask her. Can I
order? She asks. I nod, uncertainly. She grins and leans over in her
seat so the man at the window can see her. Hi, can I get two double
cheese burger meals with chocolate shakes, please? She says
chirpily. Sure thing, thats seven eighty nine please. The man says,
his name tag says Steve. I got this. I say to Lily and she sits back in
her own seat. I hand Steve a ten dollar note. Keep the change. I say
and he thanks me and goes about gathering our order while I drive
round to the next window. When I get the food I pass it to lily and
park up. Looks like were both doing something new tonight. She
grins. You faced your fear and I eating unhealthy, greasy food. I
laugh. The best kind of food! she shouts loudly with her fist in the
air. I take it you eat this a lot. I tease. Are you calling me fat? She
asks, fake shock on her face. Well If the dress doesnt fit. I say,
looking her up and down and she blushes slightly. Ill have you
know, this dress fits me perfectly! She says and pokes her tongue
out at me. Oh, I know. I wink. Shut up and eat. She warns. I smirk
and take my very first bite of a McDonalds burger. I chew and
swallow and smile at her. You like? She asks, eating her fries. Its
gross and amazingly delicious at the same time. I say and take
another bite. She nods as she chews a huge bite of burger. I laugh at
her face and she throws me a questioning look. You look like a
chipmunk. I tell her and she almost spits her chewed up food out

when she bursts out laughing. Lovely. I say. She swallows and
chokes out a laugh. Shut up!
After we finish eating I drive us back to mine and Graces apartment
and we head up. I dont know if Grace will still be up or not, but you
can borrow something of hers to sleep in. I say, unlocking the door
and letting her in. Will she mind? Lily asks as I close the door
behind me. Will who mind what? Grace asks as she comes out of
her room, making Lily jump. Oh, hi. Grace says, smiling warmly at
Lily. If she borrows something to sleep in? I ask. Not a problem.
Grace says, taking Lily by the hand and drags her into her room.
I shake my head; Grace is too friendly, so much like out Aunt Mia.
When they come back out, Lily is wearing a pair of Graces pink bed
shorts and a white vest top, and I have to admit, she looks cute, and
sexy. So then he ran into the glass door! Grace says, finishing a
story she was obviously telling to Lily in her bedroom. Lily laughs and
sits on the couch next to me and Grace Slumps into the arm chair.
Please dont tell me you told her that story. I groan, and Grace
nods. When I was about ten, I was running away from Ted in a game
of tag and didnt notice the conservatory door was closed and face
planted the door. No wonder you have a flat face! Lily teases.
I do not have a flat face! I defend and she laughs. Im kidding.
Well, Im going to bed, see you guys tomorrow. Grace says and
leaves us alone. I guess youre not the only nice Grey. Lily admits
and I smirk at her. You can have my bed. I tell her and she frowns.
The couch is comfy, dont worry I say as I lie down and use my feet
to kick her off onto the soft carpet. She lands with a soft thud and
she lets out a little offt sound. Well, suit yourself. She says,
standing up proudly and walks down the wrong corridor.

Wrong way. I call and she quickly runs back and goes into my room
and I laugh at her. She sticks her head back out my door and calls to
me, Cool room Jay! and she closes the door again.

Chapter 9
I take my shoes and socks of, putting my shoes by the front door and
my socks in the empty washer to await more dirty clothes and hang
my jacket and suit blazer up on the hooks by the front door then lay
back down on the cold leather, letting it cool my hot skin through my
remaining clothes. I pull the brown throw over me from the other
sofa and settle under it, and close my eyes. I lay like that for a few
minutes, but no difference comes over my mind or body; Im not
tired yet. Giving up, I push the throw off me and stand up in the
darkened room, padding over to the lamp and turn it on to a dim
setting. I stand there in silence for ages, staring at nothing; I do this a
lot, my mind just goes blank and I space out, it happens when I have
something on my mind. Shaking my head I sit on the arm chair and
rest my elbow on my leg and my chin on my fist. I cant get her out of
my mind! I groan out loud. Why is she so interesting to me,
everything she did tonight kept me on my toes, how she so suddenly
came out of her shyness and tight shell and acted like a young
immature teenager.She even opened up to me and told me some
things about her, granted she wouldnt tell me exactly why she
disliked my family. I wonder if shes asleep. My voice of reason
panicked at where my thoughts were going; what are you doing?! It
screamed at me, but I was already on my feet and heading towards
my bedroom. I placed my ear gently against my door and listened,
but heard nothing, so I slowly turned the door handle, careful to not
make any noise, and stepped into my room. She was curled up in a

ball under my duvet, pulling it tightly to her, covering her whole body
apart from her face, which should have been a clear relaxed mask,
but instead she was squinting her eyes hard and her mouth was
pulled into a troubled line. She looked angry and scared. For a
second I wondered if she was still awake, but she let out a soft sigh
and mumbled something I couldnt understand. I silently sat myself
into my desk chair and turned it to face her, I could see her perfectly
from the moonlight shining in from the glass wall. She looked
amazing even like this. Dont My heart stopped beating and my
breath halt in my throat, thinking she had woken but she just rolled
over onto her back, stretching out her limbs and pushing the cover
off of her a little, to reveal one of my plain white t-shirts. I smirked
despite myself, she looked cute in my clothes. Please Her face
screwed up again. No.. Was she having a nightmare? Sympathy
grew through me, Ive only ever had one nightmare before that I can
remember, my family lay dead at my feet and Im holding a bloody
knife. Help me! I snap out of my thoughts at Lilys panicked
scream, but she is still fast asleep, though her face is contorted with
sleeping fear. I dont know what to do?! She starts to shake softly,
wrapping her arms around herself. Dont touch her! My voice of
reason scolds me, but Im already out of my chair and hovering over
the bed. Should I? Shouldnt I? Why do I feel so protective of her all
of a sudden? I fell in love with your mother the moment she fell
into my office for an interview. My dads voice fills my head. Oh
shut up, that is nothing like this! I groan inwardly, unable to take it
any longer when Lily lets out a choked sound and very carefully
lower myself onto my bed next to her and ever so gently place my
arm around her and pull her towards me, making sure not to wake
her. Lily stiffens when I have her beside me, and I think shes

awakened, but a second later she mumbles again and sighs and
relaxes under my arm, turns around and throws one arm over my
stomach and rests her head on my chest, and pulls in a deep breath,
then lets it out in another sigh, fast asleep. I keep my arm around
her, supporting her against me. What am I doing? What if she wakes
up like this and freaks out? Oh god, weve known each other barely
five minutes and Im already sneaking into bed with her! She was
having a nightmare the voice reasons. Yes, she was. What about? I
tighten my arm a little, and look down at her sleeping face that I can
just see, but her face is at complete ease, no worry or fear on it.
Maybe Im helping? I rest my chin on her head, smelling her soft hair;
it smells like vanilla, my favourite smell. I close my eyes and relax,
letting sleep come, finally feeling tired The light of the early morning
sun wakes me from my deep sleep and I wonder for a second where I
am, feeling legs entangled with my own and someone lying across
my chest, arms holding me close. I look down sleepily and remember
Lily; shes still fast asleep, cuddled up to me with my arm still around
her. I look over to the clock, its half five in the morning, I said I would
drop Lily off at home for six. I carefully pull myself free of her,
making sure not to wake her and gently lay her down on the bed,
putting a pillow where I was to support her head, then silently leave
the room. That was the most peaceful sleep I have ever hadI turn
the kettle on and start making coffee when I hear my bedroom door
open and my heart starts racing. What the fuck?
Morning. Lily yawns, walking into the living room and sees me in
the kitchen. Good morning, do you want a coffee? I ask, and she
nods, coming over to sit on one of the bar stools. I notice she is still
wearing one of my t-shirts, which is long enough to cover her butt,
but when she sits I notice a pair of black boxer shorts and I raise my

eye brow at her. What? She asks when she notices me. I nod at her
body and she blushes. Sorry, I didnt think you would mind, your
sisters pyjamas felt weird, I couldn't get comfortable in them She
trails off. I laugh. No, I dont mind, you look cute. I say, feeling
weirdly confident with her. She blushes again but cant keep the
smile from her face. How did you sleep? I ask when I hand her a
cup of hot coffee. She takes a sip and smiles, Really well actually, a
little rough at the beginning, I kept waking up and falling back asleep,
but thats normal for me, but then I just fell into a really deep sleep,
no dreams or anything! She says proudly. No nightmares you mean.
Good to hear. I smirk. What about you? She asks, drinking more.
Best nights sleep Ive had in while. I say. Must be your
apartment. She laughs. Or each other. Do you still want me to drop
you off at the dorms? I ask, the clock says its five to six. Lily nods
and finishes her coffee and places the cup down on my counter. Ill
go get dressed quick. She says standing up, I frown at her. Youre
going to put your dress back on? I ask and she nods. Keep those
on, theres no pointing changing into that dress again just to change
once you get in. But I cant walk outside like this? She says waving
her arms at her bare legs, which, now that I looked at them, were
very sexy. I walked past her and into my room and bring out a pair of
my pyjama trousers and throw them at her. She grins and tugs them
on, having to roll them over several times at the waist to keep them
in place. Very nice. I smirk at her, she looked so cute in my
clothes I drive us to the college dorms, and pull up right outside the
door at ten past six. There you are Miss Heirs, door to door service.
I smirk at her. Thank you Jay, really, I appreciate it. She says
sincerely. Oh look, a flying pig. I say nonchalantly looking out her
window and she laughs and hits my arm softly. Shut up, Im not that

bad! She laughs making me join in. Youre welcome. I finally reply
and smile at her. She blushes and opens her car door. Thanks for
letting me borrow these too. She says, meaning my clothes.
Another thing I owe you for. She says. I frown, does she think she
owes me for everything I do for her? Well, Ill keep that in mind next
time I have the fancy of wearing a girls clothes to bed. I grin and she
giggles. See you later, Jay. She says as she walks off to the dorms,
allowing me to watch her go. Her butt looks nice in my pyjamas I
wave when she turns to wave at me just as shes going through the
doors. Well, that was an interesting night

Chapter 10
Hello? I answered my phone when it woke me up on Saturday
morning. Morning sweetie. I heard my mothers voice say. Mom?
I was still half asleep. Did I wake you up? She asked with an
amused tone. Well, yeah, what time is it? I ask, looking around me
to find my alarm clock. Half seven? Mom, its a Saturday! I groan
and flop back into my pillows. Were just getting the Jet to New
Hampshire. She says with exasperation and a hint of a laugh. This
woke me up, of course they were coming down at the weekend!
What time are you landing? I ask, climbing out of my bed
reluctantly. Nine oclock. She tells me. Do you want me to pick
you guys up? I offer. No its fine, your dad has organized that.
Figures. Okay, well Ill see you in a few hours then. I say. Okay,
love you Jason. She says with her sweet motherly voice that I cant
resist. Love you too mom. I chuckle then hang up. Grace! I shout,
coming out of my bedroom, thinking she is still asleep but Is in fact
up and dressed and eating breakfast at the kitchen island.
Morning. She grins when she sees my surprise. Youre up early. I
comment. Mom and Dad are coming, of course Im up, I made you
pancakes by the way. She says, smirking at me. I forgot. I admit
and sit the opposite side of the island and dig into my breakfast.
Thanks. I tell her, meaning the food. No problem, oh, and Eric is
on his way over. She informs me. Why? I ask, Eric hadnt rung or
texted me. He wants to talk to you about something, I dont know,
he just rung the house phone, how did he even get the number?

She questioned. We have a house phone? I laugh, not knowing

that information. Its right there. She says, pointing to the now
obvious phone hanging on the kitchen wall beside the fridge. Oh. I
say, very intelligently. Get dressed; hell be here in five minutes.
She says, taking my empty plate from me and putting it in the dish
washer. I shrug and disappear into my room again to dress.
Just as I come out of my room Eric lets himself in through the front
door. How did you get in? I ask, not hearing the buzzer go off
before. Someone was coming in the building just as I got here so I
came in behind them, and your door is unlocked. He points out.
The security obviously isnt the best here. I say. Dad wont be
happy to hear that, will he? Grace chuckles, coming out of her room
and joining us in the living room. Isnt your dad coming down this
weekend? Eric asks. I nod. Yes, hell be here with our mom and Ted
soon. I say. Cool. He replies. Oh, I bought you this. He adds,
handing me a take away cup of coffee. Thanks. I grin, taking the
cup. I would have got you one but I didnt know what you liked. He
apologises to Grace. Im not a big fan of coffee, only when I fancy it,
a latte normally. She says. Like our mother. I say.
Grace, Eric and I are all sat on the leather sofa talking when someone
knocks at the front door and Grace leaps up to answer it, letting in
our parents and Ted. Mom! She squeals, hugging her tight, then
moving over to throw her arms around dad, who has a soft touch for
her and swings her around, laughing. I get up and hug mom too, and
give dad a man hug, you know, the pat on the shoulder hug, but Ted
grabs me to him and gives me his famous bear hug. Good to see you
little brother. He laughs, letting me down and giving Grace a softer
hug. Come in. I say, stepping out the way to let the past. Eric is

here. I add. Mr Jackson. My father greets, recognizing Eric. Sir,

Mr Grey. Eric stutters a response. Hey Eric. Ted comes in and pats
his friends arm. Ted, good to see you again. Eric grins, already
seeming more comfortable. Eric, this is my mother. I introduce. He
shakes her hand and grins. Nice to meet you Mrs Grey. He says.
You too, Eric. She smiles her warm, motherly smile. What do you
want to do today, anything planned? I ask. We were thinking a
family lunch later, at the park, you can both bring a friend from
college if youd like? My mom offered. Sure, sounds good, Eric,
want to come? I ask. He grins. Im Graces plus one, but I know
who you can invite. He says with a wicked smile, not noticing how
Grace blushed at his statement. Oh really? I ask, already knowing
where he was going with this. He wanted me to invite Lily, and sure, I
would have, weve gotten super close in such a short time, its weird,
but I know she doesnt want to meet my dad. Invite Lily. He says
anyway. Lily? Ted over hears. Lily Heirs? He asks. I nod. I
thought she hated you. He says disbelievingly. We sorted our
differences. I say through clenched teeth. Well, by all means, invite
her. My mom agrees and I have to groan silently. She is going to
laugh at me when I suggest she comes. I let myself in to the college
dorms seeing as the door is open and walk down the first corridor, I
remember Lily saying she lived in a single, which were on the first
floor, number twenty seven I think. I passed several doors until I
came to the right one and took a breath before knocking. Seconds
later it opens to reveal Lily, to my relief, I let the breath I was holding
out. Jay? What are you doing here? She asks, stepping back to let
me into her small single room. I look around, her bed is neat and
made with a pale white, blue and silver bed spread, her walls are
plain but covered in photos and little hanging decorations, she also

has white fairy lights surrounding the room. I came to ask you
something. I say, sitting in the spinning desk chair, while she sinks
onto her bed. Well? She presses when I dont continue, grinning at
me. I find it so strange how she went from hating me to not.Are you
busy this afternoon? I ask. She shakes her head, still grinning. My
family is down, Ted, my mom, and my dad, were having lunch in the
park, Eric is coming too, but youre also invited I say carefully and
watch as the grin slowly slips from her face. Lunch, with your
family? Your dad? She asks, repeating me. Are you crazy? She
eventually shouts. Why would I have lunch with them? She asks
angrily, I really wasnt expecting her to be angry, unwilling yes, but
not angry. Calm down! I say firmly. Calm down? I am calm! She
shouts. Looks like it. I say sarcastically and catch her lips twitching
into a smile, but she stops it. Jay, you cant be serious. She says
more quietly. Look, I wasnt going to invite you because I knew you
didnt like them, but Eric insisted. I say. Fucking Eric! She snaps.
Wait, you dont want me there? How did I manage to put my foot
in it? No, of course I want you there, I just meant because you
would be uncomfortable. I defend. Are they expecting me to
come? She asks after a moment of silence. Well, they dont know
you hate them. I say with a little grin, hoping she wasnt going to
blow up again. She lets out a heavy sigh. Why do I feel like I have an
obligation to go? She questions. Because you owe me. I joke with
a laugh. I guess so, alright Ill come. Whoa, I was kidding.
Do I have to wear anything special? She asks, and I shake my head.
What you have on is fine. I say, she looked nice in her light blue
thigh length summer dress with white flats. When is it? She asks.
In ten minutes, Im meeting them at the park. I answer. Alright,
lets go. She says, standing and leading us out of her room, grabbing

her keys as she goes. There they are. I say, pointing over to the
group of people all sat on a large blanket, laughing together.
Lily grabs onto my hand tight. Is that him? She asks, nodding at my
father. Yes. I nod. I dont know if I can do this Jay. He hold gets
tighter so I hold her hand properly in mine and pull her closer to my
side. Just dont think about it, dont see him as Mr Grey, see him as
my dad, okay? I ask, and she nods slightly. We reach my family and
Eric who all look up and smile. My mom gets to her feet as we reach
them and holds her hand out to Lily. You must be Lily; Im Ana,
Jasons Mother. I smile; my mom was always one to break the ice.
Lily smiled and shook my moms hand. Its lovely to meet you. She
says in a quiet voice. Then my dad climbed smoothly to his feet,
using the grace and charm I lacked and stood close to Mom, putting
his arm around her. Miss Heirs. He said in greeting, and Lily just
nodded, tight lipped but not rude. Come, sit. Mom says, taking her
seat once again beside my dad, snuggling close to him. I whisper into
Lilys ear when we sit down opposite Grace and Eric who are
laughing quietly together. So far so good? She smiles and nods.
Your dad makes me nervous though. She admits. Thats just what
hes like, ignore it. I chuckle and pour us both a drink. So Lily, what
course do you do at college? My mom asks, I send her a silent thank
you for being like she is. The same as Jay. Lily stutters. You want
to be an Artist then? My father asks, but not in a cruel way, he
genuinely sounded interested. Yes, a sketch artist. Lily answers
more bravely than I anticipated. Have you got many finished
works? He asks. A few sketches, but nothing spectacular. Lily
seems to be getting more comfortable. Id love to see some. My
mom adds. I love looking at art. Oh, no, theyre really not good.
Lily blushes. Nonsense, there is no such thing as bad art. My dad

smiles at her. Why is he being so nice? Lily just smiles a shy smile
back and sips her drink. That could have gone a lot worse than it
did. I grin when I drop lily off. Your mom is really nice. She grins.
Her and my mom hit it off, they spent half an hour talking about art
museums, all the ones they wanted to go and visit. My dad? I press
and grin. She shrugs. I still dont have an impression of him, he was
being nice, but it seemed forced at some times. She says, her grin
falling, but I didnt blame her, once you have a solid opinion of
someone, its hard to change. Oh, come in with me for a second.
She says, stepping out of my car when I park up outside the dorms. I
follow her inside and back into her room. Here, give this to her.
She says, handing me an A3 sized sketch of the Eifel Tower and the
city below it and a cloudy sky. She says she loves Paris. Thanks, Ill
make sure to give it to her later. I grin. We stand in silence for a
little moment. Ill see you later. I say quietly, suddenly dreading the
idea of going. Yeah. She mumbles, looking in my eyes then down
my face, resting on my lips, which is all the invitation I need to kiss
her, so I do.

Chapter 11
She wraps her arms around my neck instantly as my lips crash to
hers, her hands tangling into my hair, pulling me as close as she can
to her. I moan as she kisses me back with as much passion as I am, I
wrap my arms around her waist, my fingers digging into her hips as I
push her back into a wall, wanting to be closer than I already am. I
feel her moan into my mouth as she opens her lips for me and I give
her what she wants. I fabric under my fingertips suddenly feels all to
alien and I want it off of her, I want to touch her skin.
What are we doing? She asks in a raspy breath in-between kisses
as my hands tug gently at her clothes, not going too far. I kiss her
hard, pushing my hips to hers, a raw fire taking over me completely.
You tell me. I reply in a similar voice. Do you want to stop? I ask,
not knowing how I would feel if she did. She kisses me back, moaning
loudly as she removes one hand from my hair to grasp one him and
hold me close. No. She says in a powerful voice as she bites on my
bottom lip, making me groan. I cant take it anymore so I pull her
clothes from her, throwing them to the floor, forgetting them. My
hands return to her hips and her hot skin feels like electricity
beneath my fingers. My hand skims over the side of her panties as
my they travel down from her waist to her thighs and back up.
Please. She begs into my mouth. I grab her thighs and pull her up
so her legs are wrapped around my hips and turn to lay her on the
bed, staying between her legs as I lower myself down with her,
moving my lips down her jaw, biting gently and sucking as I go down
her neck to bite at her breast bone, making her whimper.

She grabs at the bottom of my shirt and rips it off of me in a blind

panic and runs her hands down my naked chest, resting her hands on
my belt, waiting for me, I groan and press me hips harder into her,
letting her know I wanted this. She takes the hint and starts
unbuttoning my trousers and helps me slip them off. Were both left
in our underwear, kissing each other like our lives depended on it. I
slide a hand up her back, feeling the curve of her as I go, coming to
her bra and easily undoing it and letting it go loose, which she then
shrugs off. I kiss her breast as she moans quietly for a moment
before pulling my hair gently and brings my lips back up to meet
hers. Her hands travel down my back, her nails leaving a sharp tingle
as she trails them down to the waistband of my boxers, tugging at
them slightly. Are you sure? I ask as she tugs harder. Yes, Jay,
please. She gasps out, releasing my boxers to remove her panties.
Seeing her completely naked beneath me, looking as beautiful as she
did right then, took any doubt away, I wanted this girl, right now.
I stripped from my underwear and got back in-between her legs, my
erection resting across her pelvis and I kiss her. I bite at her lip and
she moans again, and I cant wait a second longer. I rise on my knees
and sit back onto my feet, placing an arm around the bottom of her
back, lifting her with me and slowly lower her on to me, her eyes
close as we fit into place.
We sit still for a moment, breathing heavily, her eyes now open,
looking into mine, her hands gripping the top of my arms tightly. I let
out a low hiss as she starts to move, leaning back to feel as much of
me inside of her as she could, letting her head fall back as she
hardened the pace, so I placed my hands on her hips and used the
grip to move with her, making her thrusts stronger. I pushed her
forward so she was laying down on the bed beneath me again

and took the lead, pushing myself into her over and over again,
rotating my hips, making her dig her nails in and let out sharp moans
as she moved her hips to meet mine. I lower my head to kiss her
neck, biting and sucking in the spots that make her whimper into my
ear as she wraps her legs around me, making me go deeper into her.
Jay.. She breathes out, and its almost my undoing, but I hold on,
not wanting this connection to end just yet, but her legs tighten
around me as I feel the muscles inside her spasm out of control as
she reaches her climax, and its too much for me as I let go inside of
her with one last hard thrust. We lay together, me still inside her,
catching our breath, holding on to each other. She trails kissed along
my shoulder, running her fingers up and down my back, relaxing my
muscles. I ease out of her but dont dare move away. We look into
each others eyes, not saying a word. Her skin is burning beneath my
hands, giving a tingling sensation in my fingers. She looks beautiful,
sexy, breath taking. I lower my head and kiss her softly, rolling onto
my back and bringing her to lie on top of me, kissing up her jaw line.
Are you okay? I ask my voice quiet.She kisses the corner of my
mouth then kisses me deeply, smiling into it. I guess thats a yes. I
laugh softly into her kiss; feeling sparks where her lips meet mine.
Where did that come from? She asks, gazing down at me. I shrug,
not entirely knowing myself. It was your fault. I joke in a whisper,
making her smile. You didnt need to reciprocate. She adds. I
couldnt help myself. I say truthfully. A small smile played at her lips,
as if she didnt know if I was being truthful or just saying it, but she
lowers her lips to mine, not kissing me, just brushing them against
mine. Is my debt paid to you now, Mr Grey? She asks, running her
tongue across my bottom lip gently. My heart drops a little when she
says that, is that what she was doing, /owing me/? I gulp and look

at her, her eyes are gentle, but I can see the question there, she still
felt like she owed me, like she needed to give me something more. I
barely did anything for her, but yet she was so unsure as to when she
paid me back, but she did that so long ago just by talking to me on
our first day. I smirk at her and shrug. Its up to you Miss Heirs. I
say, wanting her to figure it out, I couldnt tell her she didnt owe
me; she needed to know it herself. I smiles softly back at me as she
kisses me again, harder and harder until she bites onto my bottom
lip and slips her tongue in, meeting mine, and were gone again
I open my eyes and for a moment forget where I am. Its dark and
Im warm, too warm. I move slightly and realise there is someone
beside me, wrapped over me like a blanket. I collect my thoughts and
remember its lily, her face is tucked into my neck as she lays half
over me, her legs tangled with mine, our bodies completely naked. I
look at the wall and can see in the low lighting from the street lamp
outside that the hands on the clock say its half two in the morning.
We must have fallen asleep after we had finished the second time. I
smile to myself, remembering how she felt. Her arms around me
tighten and her breast move across my chest, I take in a sharp breath
as her hand moves to scratch across the side of my ribs, which
tickled slightly. Lilys head raises and her sleepy eyes meet mine.
Jay? She asks, not sure If Im really here or not, I nod and smile at
her. I thought you left. She says, bringing a hand up to caress my
cheek. No. I whisper. Dont go. She says, holding back a yawn. I
wont, go back to sleep. I laugh softly. Her hand trails down my
cheek, down my chest, and down my thighs, then back up as a
mischievous sparkle lights her eyes. Im not tired anymore. She
says in a husky voice, making my muscles tighten as her hands
continue their travel across my lower body. Lily.. I say warily.

Was this what she wanted or was she trying to /pay me back/. She
cuts me off with a deep kiss, and climbing on top of me. Tell me you
dont want this. She pants in-between kisses, and I cant help but
kiss her back and grab her hips. Fine, if she wanted this, then I would
give it to her. Lily bit into my collar bone as she climaxed again,
pushing down hard onto me to meet my final push as I finished
inside her again, saying her name in a hiss as I did. She rolled off of
me, panting and slipped her hand into mine. Youre crazy. I say
with a laugh, catching my breath as she rolls onto her side, kissing
my chest several times. You could say that. She laughs, laying
closer beside me. You can sleep now if you want. She giggles.
Dont know if I can now. I laugh. Where did this Lily come from?
she was so timid and shy normally, but tonight shes been a
completely different person. Good. She winks up at me. I smirk and
run a finger over her eyelashes, making her close her eyes. She lets
out a contented sigh as I continue to run my finger gently across
them. My mom used to do this to me when I was a little kid, it
helped me fall asleep. She says softly. I kissed the top of her head
and continued to do it. Good night. I say. Good night Jay. She
yawns, smiling as she drifted off beside me.

Chapter 12
I woke up, feeling colder than I was last night, and no weight on me,
which gave me the instant knowledge that Lily was not lying with me.
I opened my eyes, squinting in the sunlight streaming through the
now open curtains. Sitting up a little in bed I see Lily sitting at her
desk, running a pencil over paper. Lily? My voice makes her jump
and she spins round in her chair, the hand holding her pencil jumps
to her heart, which is now covered in a light blue sweater, which
goes well with the black skinny jeans she has on. Oh, morning. She
says, calming down over the mini fright I gave her. When did you
wake up? I ask, sitting up straighter in her bed. An hour ago, I
didnt want to wake you. She smiles. You could have, I wouldnt
have minded. I say, grinning at her. She giggles and puts the pencil
down on her desk then gets up and comes to sit beside me on her
bed, resting her head on my shoulder and wrapping one arm around
my chest. Last night was I started, but struggled finding the
words. It was- Lily interrupted me with a kiss, soft and simple.
Shh, youre welcome. She says, kissing me again. Youre welcome. I
kiss her back, losing track of my thoughts as she kisses harder,
gripping my chest with her fingers and swinging up to straddle me. I
like paying you back. She says through a wicked grin. Is that what
this is? I ask, hiding the hurt from my voice completely, masking it
with amusement. I still feel like I owe you more. She says between
kisses, her voice low and seductive. All I did was give you a ride
home and got rid of Mason. I say, gripping her hips, lifting her

sweater slightly. You have no idea how persistent Mason was

before, now he doesnt even speak to me, so you did me a very big
favour. She slipped her sweater off over her head. A big favour
deserves a big thank you. She winks.
What are you doing today? Lily asks when Im finished getting
dressed. I go over and stand behind her at her desk, where she is sat,
continuing sketching. I look down at the picture and see it is of a
woman, she looked very pretty, with long wavy hair.
Thats really good. I comment, Lily looks up at me and smiles.
Thank you. She replies. Who is it? I ask, rubbing her shoulders
gently. My mother. She says, and her voice cracks. Shes pretty. I
say. Yeah. She sighs. She was pretty. Was? I ask. She died
when she was thirty eight. She gulps. I was nine. I wrapped my
arms around her, not saying anything. After a short moment of
silence Lily giggled a little. You didnt answer my question. She
says. Hmm? I had forgotten the question. What are you doing
today? She repeats. Oh, right. I laugh, Im hanging out with Ted
today, were getting lunch I think. I say. I would invite you but-
But Im not the biggest fan of Ted. She laughs, standing up and
turning to face me. Can I see you later tonight? I ask. Sure. She
smiles, and kisses me on the corner of my mouth. She follows me to
the door and smiles warmly at me when I open it. See you later, Ill
call you. I say, heading out. Bye. She says, closing the door.
What a night. So you stayed in her dorm, and nothing happened?
Ted asked me, surprise written all over his face. I decided not to tell
him the whole truth, things like that were best kept to yourself. Of
course not, I told you, were just friends. I laugh. Im even surprised
by that, when she met me she didnt even give me a chance. He

chuckles. Im more persistent than you are Ted. I say. No doubt.

He laughs, and then a serious look comes over his features. I meant
what I said when she was something else, Jay. Shes been through a
lot; that I know of. He says. What do you mean? I ask. Its not my
place to say, but do you know about her mother? He asks. About
her, not being I didnt want to say it. Dead. He adds for me. I
nod. Well, when she died, Lily was left with her step dad, because
her real father had moved to New Zealand and couldnt afford to
have her, so her step dad became her guardian. He says gravely.
Dad worked with him, years ago, and knew he was a forceful man.
He hated things not going his way. I shouldnt be listening to this,
Lily should tell me all this herself. Well, four years on, her step dad
was charged with her moms murder. Murder? Holy shit! No one
believed it was him, but he was the only person they could point the
finger at, only he and Lily were with her mom the night she died.
Stop listening! So why does Lily hate the Greys? I ask, not wanting
to know the answer. Because dad was on the defendant team, he
gave a statement for her step dad. Ted says with no emotion.
Fuck, my dad stood up for him? No wonder Lily hates him. Dont
take it the wrong way, dad had no idea about Lily. She was kept in
the shadows the whole time, people forgot about her over those our
years, and her step dad never mentioned her to dad at work. He
says, reading my expression. He probably doesnt even know Lily is
the step daughter of the man he defended. Did he lose? I ask.
Yes, hes in prison. Ted says. I nod, not knowing what to say. When
I say goodbye I fish my phone out of my pocket and see the time,
half four. I dial Lilys number and ring her, feeling nervous after
hearing all of that from Ted. Hello? She says, answering the call.

Im coming to get you; Ill be there in ten minutes. I say. Okay,

bye. She giggles and hangs up. I climb in my car and head for the
dorms, a lump in my throat. Hey. She grins, climbing in my car.
She looks beautiful in a red and white short summer dress and white
cardigan, her long brown hair in a loose braid down her right
shoulder. Hello. I smile, feeling shy again, which is ridiculous.
Are you alright? She asks, noticing my attitude. I nod and smile at
her, then start driving. Where are we going? She asks, resting her
hand on my leg, sending shivers down my spine. To the beach
again. I say, smiling at her, which she returns, the fear that was in
her eyes the last time I took her there is no longer present. Its a
good thing Im wearing sandals then. She giggles.
Once we get to the beach, I park up and open her door for her, and
she doesnt let go of me, so we walk hand in hand down the beach.
Instead of sitting under the lit gazebo, I take her a little past it to
where a few beach chairs are, and we sit on a twin one together.
Its so beautiful here, especially with the sunset. She sighs
contentedly, leaning her head on my chest as we cuddle up on the
chair, my arm around her shoulders. It sets right behind Ana Isle. I
say with a grin. It was why my father chose it. Ill take you there one
day. Im not so keen on boats. She laughs. Im sure there are
other ways of getting over there. I say evilly, and she looks up to
glare playfully at me. I smile down at her, but the information Ted
told me earlier weighs my smile down, so I have to force it. She sits
up and turns to face me, so she is in-between my legs. What is
wrong with you, you seem different. She asks; concern on her face. I
shake my head. Jay, you can tell me, you know that right? She asks,
and I cant help myself. The same goes for you, you can tell me

anything. I say, looking at her pointedly and her smile slips a little,
but she nods shakily. Then tell me. I say quietly. What do you
know? She counters, so I tell her what Ted told me. She gulps. How
does he know all that? Ted had told me he looked her up when he
first met her, wondering if there was anything in old news stories or
records of our father that mentioned her or her father. When I told
Lily she nodded like it made sense. What else do you want to
know? She asks, not meeting my eyes. I feel bad for making her feel
like this, I take her chin in-between my fingers and make her look at
me. Nothing you dont want to tell me. I say, and kiss her softly.
She takes a deep breath and begins. My mom and dad split up when
I was one, and she remarried two years later, just after my third
birthday. Mark Evans was everything she wanted at the time. She
must have kept her real dads last name, which would explain why a
lot of people forgot about her like Ted said. At first it was perfect, I
didnt remember my real dad because I was so young, but I knew of
him. Lily took a deep breath and swallowed back the tears that
were pooling at her eyes. Mark was just like any normal step dad
until I was five, he started to drink, and when he would come home,
hed take me up to my bed, and tell me a story, and then he- She
was cut off by a sob. I hugged her. You dont have to tell me Lily. I
said, panicked by the story and her reaction, I didnt expect this. She
shook me off and wiped the tears away. No, I have to. She says
determinedly. He abused me every night for years, told me it was
because he loved me the same way he loved my mom. That it was
the right thing to do. Whenever I said I didnt want to, he would
accuse me of not loving him, that I was ungrateful, and at that age, I
couldnt bare the thought of him thinking that, in case he left me and
my mom like my dad did. She took another deep breath.

Then, when I was nine, he came home, drunker than usual, and I
knew what was coming, so I held on to my mom and started crying,
but this made him angry, he was blind from the alcohol. So angry
He went for me, but my mom got in his way and he hit her to the
floor, and then kicked her over and over again. She swallowed back
the sob that was desperate to come out. All I remember was
screaming, I didnt see the blood that was splattering everywhere, I
didnt see my mom lying on the floor, all I saw was black, and heard
the screaming. But then it went silent, and so cold. She closed her
eyes, as if she was back in that moment. He dragged me out of the
house, I remember how sticky his arms were, covered in blood. We
lived by the sea, he dragged me over the garden wall and onto the
beach, right into the water. Her eyes tightened. I didnt realise that I
hadnt been breathing the whole time. He tried to drown me. She
says after a moment of choking sobs. But then he stopped, and
pulled me out of the water. He kept repeating no, no, we can fix
this over and over again, like he was trying to soothe me. I never
expected this He ran in the house and took out clean clothes,
cleaned himself of all the blood, got us both changed and threw our
old clothes in a bag and set fire to It back out on the beach, then
covered the ash with sand. She opened her eyes. He called the
cops himself, completely sober. Sometimes I wonder if he was
actually drunk, if he even had an excuse. He told them he had taken
me out for the evening to the fair on the pier, and when we got
home we found my mom. She spat out in a venomous voice. They
didnt question it until four years later, when I was thirteen. And
my dad gave a defending statement. I said for her. Mark worked
with your dad until he married my mom, then quit to come and live
with us, but he was still in your fathers good books. Im so sorry. I

say. Youre right Jay, youre not you father, I get that now. Lily
sighs, finally looking at me, her eyes red. My dad would never have
done that if he knew the truth. I say, sure of it. Lily nods. I know,
but its hard to forgive, you understand? She asks and I kiss her. I
met Mason a year later. Her story apparently not over. I was
fourteen and living with foster parents, and he was everything I
looked for, strong, protective, loving. He helped me get myself back,
he helped me not be afraid of being touched by men anymore. It
took a whole year, but eventually I could let him touch me. He was
patient, but then it came to sex. I was still afraid of it. We broke up
because he wanted more and didnt want to be patient anymore to
get it. But he never left me alone, he kept bugging me and bugging
me, until that night, when you saved me from him, he was drunk and
getting in my face, saying he was going to take what I owed him, but
then you turned up. She smiles up at me, something I couldnt place
in her eyes. Youre the first person Ive had sex with since Mark, the
first guy Ive actually felt protected with, in all senses. I can see the
blush creep up her cheeks, and Im overwhelmed by something, so I
do the only thing my mind can think of, and thats to kiss her with all
the strength I have.

Chapter 13
Awaiting when you get here contact me, I might have new chapters
by then

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