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Appendix F

Mentor Consent Form

'I1le role of the Mentor is to assist the student in designing a meaningful project experience and a tangible
product. The Mentor should meet with the student as the student is completing the projecJ hours and
working on the product development. r01e Mentor should assist the student 'with research, development
technology, and other concerns. 111C Mentor should provide information beyond wl1.'lt the student nuy
have learned through the research process. 1be Mentor should give insights into the topic as it peliains to
"real work!'" experiences. The Mentor should ensure that the student is actively involved in project hours
and not simply observing. The Mentor should sign the appropriate doclID1ents to include in the student's
portfolio. The Mentor MUST NOT be related to the student. The Mentor should be an expert in tbefield
chosen by the student.

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Student Name,J{IA>I'1

Project Topic

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Years ofexperience in topic area


Mentor age

For the protection ofmyselfand the student I agree that we will not nx::et alone. I agree to uphold the
roles/duties ofthe project mentor to the best of my ability.

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