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Extra Credit/World War Z

Markesha Crawford
Mrs. Arceo

Extra Credit/World War Z

1) What is the vector of the disease in this film?

The vector of this disease is a rabies like virus
2) What was the cure for the disease?
There was no actual cure. You can stop the virus from spreading by
amputation or simply not getting bitten.
3) What public health protective measures were taken to keep this from spreading?
If you were of some value to the government concerning this virus you were
flown to an U.S. Navy Carrier, Jerusalem intercepted a message and was able
to build a great wall, or staying in one securely look area making a minimal
amount of noise.
4) What was the mode of transmission?
A bit from an infected person
5) What role does immunity play in the resolution of this film?
Because the infected ignored the sick, injured, and elderly it was assumed
that the zombies rather have the healthy people rather than the sick. So the
idea was to inject themselves with a deadly but curable disease in order to
mask themselves from the zombies. It was a way to preserve life and fight
against the incurable.

Extra Credit/World War Z


World War Z [Motion picture on DVD]. (2013).

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