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Lessons We Can Learn From Virus

Outbreak Movies

Photo via Warner Bros.

“Think “when” not “if.”

In just a span of months, the coronavirus has swept the world and it’s still on the loose. But no
reason to panic! All we need is to be combat-ready at all times. Here, we’ve taken notes from
virus outbreak movies to help us stay alive during this pandemic.

Stay at home

Alien (1979)
Let’s start with the basics.

Think “when” not “if”

World War Z (2013)

In this Brad Pitt zombie film, people have seen signs of impending doom but no action was
taken until it was far too late.

Don’t spread fake news

Contagion (2011)

The last thing everyone needs now is panic caused by fake news stories and hoaxes. So share
information responsibly.

Stay in touch with someone from the government or health agencies like WHO.
Contagion (2011)

Case in point: Dr. Ellis Cheever in the film Contagion. You could possibly get first dibs on
vaccines before the rest of the world can.

Petition for government funding

The Andromeda Strain (1971)

On a more serious note: Now more than ever, we need the best scientists and all the health
funding we can get. Mandatory mass testing. Temporary quarantine and health centers. Local
testing centers. Food programs. The list goes on.

Your safety should always be your priority, movie buff. If you have any COVID-19-related
inquiries or concerns. Call these medical hotlines courtesy of the Department of Health (DOH).

For COVID-19 Health Concerns:

(02) 894-COVID (26843)
1555 (toll-free for all subscribers)
NCR Dedicated Telemedicine Hotlines:
(02) 8424-1724 - TeliMed Management Inc., and Medgate
(02) 7798-8000 - KonsultaMD
For Mental Health Concerns:
0917-899-USAP (8727)
(02) 899-USAP (8727)

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