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--C- 1 --- 2009

Narmada: Hi Sourabha, how goes life? How is

your new job?

( o? F h u

-- j---
Sourabha: That certainly was so, but in the
present job keeps me on the go all
the time. That's too hard to bear,
you know.

Sourabha: OK. Can't complain. I can't say I

am very happy either though.

( . K
- -)
Narmada: I thought your present job is better
than the former one.

(F u--E- p u
Sourabha: It certainly is, but the trouble is I've
my hands full all the time. No time
to relax at office even for a minute.

( . E u
BJ hC. C J-
d C)
Narmada: What's keeping you so busy?

( BJ --C?)
Sourabha: The company is pulling out all
stops to complete project on hand
by the end of the next month. So
we are all rushed through all the
time. I hope to get a bit of rest the
month after the next.

Narmada: If I were you, I'd do this job rather

than the old one. It was certainly a
dead-end job, wasn't it?

( F p Ey--ho
vd- a --- Jh-- -N- v-Ao-hC. E t-o-Ko -----o.
a- y h NvA

( Fj, F u--E-o
h. F u N-uh
EC ?)

Narmada: You are the hardworking type. You

will soon rise to the top. Wish you
all luck. Bye.

( , F *\ ~
BJ--. h NvA

(y d- E .
E -y-- p
J English
NE- Eo
Idioms - u--x
E---E -C-*

Look at the following expressions from the
dialogue above.
1) I have my hands full all the time
2) It was a dead-end job
3) My present job keeps me on toes all the time.
4) The company is pulling out all stops to complete the project.
1) To have somebody's hands full = to be
very busy =
3) to keep some one on toes.


~/ BJ---

a) There's no talking to him now. He has

his hands full with his daughter's marriage

p x-. xt
Rx ~ BJ o.

G.G.Rao, Visakhapatnam

the art.
The newspaper X uses the state-of-the art
printing technology =

- vA u -E
v l-- -C/ u -E
-A J-c- -j v -uEo
Q. As he was very strong very strong as he
was -n x N?
A. As he was strong = ------x
As he was strong, he was able to carry such
a load =
strong as he was, he was
able to carry such a load =

--L- =
---- --L-.
Q. He is an excellent actor He is an actor par
excellence N?
A. He is an excellent actor = p

He is an actor par excellence =

---J h
Excellent = p
Par excellence = --A Eo/
Q. Mind blowing - Mind boggling N?
A. Mind blowing CvsA, Cvs, v--a-u
L-T/ N*-v-i Sachin's record in batting is mind blowing!

u-- * Jf E Cvs
L-T-/ v--a-u- L-T-.
Mind-boggling = (u u) n--/ ---- d- i/ x-d i,
Cvs- L-T.LTTE Prabhakaran's capability to carry on
attacks on Srilanka was mind boggling =

X OC --- ---- v--

n u -/ n-E N.
- - j l, 'Ct-A-J-
pC/ Cvs L-T N.

2) v- E--/ v v

-x--- 571

State of the Art.. technology etc.

u -E
-A J-c/ J--
l-- -j---, state-of-

a) Unfortunately a teacher's job in a private

school is a dead-end job =

wj \x
u -----E u

b) With such qualifications why is he still in that

dead-end job?=

-----E u- ---o?
4) Pull out all stops = Ny-v-o /
-N- v-Ao-.
The centre is pulling out all stops to end
Naxalism =

q-L--Eo --- v
-N- v-Ao-hC.

Q. I watched out for spectral hitchhikers.

C u- nEo --- ---.

A. State-of-the art=
(latest/ most modern)

Eo- _---- u-n-- q

BJ--- o.
(Round the corner = (-) O--)
2) A dead-end job = E
u (-v---/ @ N-)

I have my hands full all the time


There's no talking to him now. His daughter's

marriage is keeping him on toes.
b) With the elections round the corners, the candidates have their hands full/ are on their toes

-u/ op-x vA v- E--hC.

Srinu, Darsi

y- v-
h-- U .
Q. Essential , quintessential N?
OE -s L? A. Essential = E-j A u-i. extremely
important - Water is essential for life.
Quintessential =
fect example of something.


being a per-

Sachin is the quintessential batsman =


-z---j u--q--

Q. Surface and come to fore

A. To surface = -- c-/ %-u
o uh/ h- vu-~--/ pd
- E--.
a) He had disappeared a year ago and surfaced in Srikalahasti a week ago =

C u - ---.
But times have changed but commoners are
now making no bone about their disrespect
for the politicians.


vox * -----i idioms and

o. E --.
Make no bones = - - oC
- Et--- p-.
n = ------x
v --E N, u v
-- p-h-o.
phrasal verbs

Q. Soulful rendition
A. Soulful Rendition =


idiom - gain mileage - j -/ J-n-AE -E , vu v-Ao-.

N-h--p -O ---q Fo -C---, vu - v-Aoh. Sentence n = j-A/ -i - -C---- v-Ao-hE v-- p--d.
Heinous = j-A--i/ -i

Q. He saved the day.

Dhoni saved the day for India by his very fast

century =

n = u d---
si N-.

Q. Pakistan took an 'U' turn.

A. Take a U turn (an U turn

) = -- \ x. u n = -n
a-C/ x --*C. (--o- -C.)

Q. They are protesting against derogatory


The Police cordoned off the site of the bomb

explosion =

- L nEo M-
d-d, \- v-P-- .

--J (derogatory) d- x x
E-- ---o.

Q. He has locked horns with his rival.

A. To lock horns =

-J N d--.
n = vu-Jn N


Q. They have no love lost for each other.

A. To have no love lost =

lJ u v/
o --.
Sentence n = J-lJ u v/ o
. (No love lost between Samatha and

Q. Corden off

M-, jE-
J*/ - p v- v- v-P-- .

Miracle =


--K- E -
d-\-/ N * -.
A. Cordon off (an area) =

u d,


A. To save the day =

b) At the meeting of the party the differences

between the two groups surfaced =

- u Sx

A. Be possessed =

Every TV Channel finds in disasters like

floods a chance to gain mileage =

* d-\/
O-E - * L-Eo *a--d.
Sentence n =

The question of Telangana has come to the

fore once again =

Q. It is a miracle I am not possessed.

Q. The people blamed her for trying to gain

mileage out of this heinous incident.

-C- %-u-i v X--h vu-~--u.

-- _ u N-
---f/ -j a.
Come to the fore = 1) v /
vu . (To become prominent)/
vu .

-v-- -C-* (vx p - Sx %-u-u)

Hitchhikers = - x, --K- x
*- v u---x. Ox L-- u- v-G* \-j, x, --K-
E-h, \ f-\ E-E -v -Ld
C, -v---x u--h.
Et--u o f \ hitchhikers
o-d vu-~i -Ld -h x
v/ / u- E--h ?
-E x Spectral (u-x) hitchhikers -o. u n o-d
vu-~-u u-x hitchhikers -o
E--h- E .

His best talents come to the fore when

there is trouble =

Q. Rhetoric

E -- N-J---.
A. Rhetoric = v-,
-- v-N
- --
v-, ; ----M.SURESAN
, N-dx-
x --i, vu-n- vA---i - a--d -u-, - --. v-, -x
vu .

A. Spectral =

Q. His opinion is a figment of imagination.


Gv, Lp-*C.
Figment = --, E--EN.
(u, , Fo figments of our

vu CC.

Spoken English -- -u- -x ---.. URL:

--C- 8 --- 2009

-- j---

Jagadish: Hi Ramesh, who have you been

talking to over the phone?

(-J x---o x?)

Ramesh: That's my brother Naresh. He was
talking about the movie he went to
last night. He was telling me he liked
it, of course, but it did not go down
well with his wife, it seems.

( t -. Eo Rx
E- J* x---o.
-o, C *a-F,
x-N d----E.)
Jagadish: What was the movie?


Ramesh: All that I can say is that kind of

sophisticated action can't be to you
liking. You lack taste, my dear.

( p--L--x . Eo-i u F a-E. F

G--*-, Nv.)
Jagadish: I really wonder what you saw in that
movie to go gaga over it?

( x -*--- *v
Ramesh: No one can hold a candle to my
favourite in the matter of action and
expression. OK. Let's not argue
about it. We can never agree on that.

Ramesh: Ninnu Ne Pelladanu, now showing

at Chitramahal. Have you seen it?

1) It did not go down

well with his wife
2) It didn't appeal to
3) You are
about it


4) ... what you've

seen in it to go
gaga over it.

3) be crazy about =

5) No one can hold a candle to ...

p - U, -v -u-q x
N-K--i/ K *a V---C.
b) She is crazy about modern fashions

a) An alliance with PRP did not go down well

with a good number of congress leaders

-u-- x *a V.
C j expressions ,
N-K--i, V-- E n.

4) go gaga =

v- h -C -v
- d----C/ a-

a) The minute he appears on the stage people go gaga over him.

N othing in ... to go gaga over it !

Jagadish: Of course I have. And it didn't
appeal to me either.

-x--- 572

(, . l p E---C.)
Ramesh: But it did to me. It was really wonderful.

(F *aC. s-
C E-.)
Jagadish: I know; you are the fan of the hero,
and even the dullest movie he acts
in you are crazy about it, aren't
you? How can you like such muck?

( -. y G--EN.
--h---i *v-i,
F . h F *a?)
Raghunath, Boddapadu.

C u- - n-
Marriages have nothing to do
with your partners age.


Rx, u/ h -

* Phrasal Verbs/ idioms
o. --.
to do with = .
Nothing to do with = N-i
Q. Women to pop abortion pills in a bid to do
away with unwanted pregnancy.

-* sEo - Y s-v- LT v ---o (pop = x

To do away with = - -l-AE --.
a) The school wants to do away with ties as a
part of the students' uniform =

Nu-n -E-- -i B----- \-.

b) The government wants to do away with

middle men =

vy - v

Q. This peoples face of Rajamata was not one

for which she has been talked about.
A. Sentence


Q. That of maharani a politician, one who lent

her voice to a cause.
A. One who lent her voice to a cause =

v -- N--E l *a uh.
Q. Greedy auto drivers egg them on.

o wjx x J--p-/


h, .
sophisticated= (
Eo--i (--E) ---u.
J-Eo Phrasal Verbs,
idioms l.

b) Shahruk khan is a Hindi actor, but his

action goes down well with the people of
other languages
= -- D---j--p-
v- a-C.
2) To appeal to = a/ -h--

C--O E--* ~ v~-

*a--x--- ( V---)

b) There was certainly nothing in the movie

for the people to go gaga over it
= *a V---Lq N
*v .
5) To hold a candle to = (p--) D
, --/ J--
a) No other batsman can hold a candle to
Sachin as a batsman.
= -u-q-- *- D/
*- p--x-.
b) No other holiday spot can hold a candle to
Kashmir in its scenic beauty

U--E . * U J h L-T-hC/ -d--C.

Q. The government was committed to implement the development programmes in their

true spirit.
A. Be committed to =

lj / d-
. G-%Cl u-v-- J--
vy d---C.

Q. Visibly angry with officials for their laxity.

A. Visibly =

-J --x/ -. laxity =
Ex~u. C-- Ex~u x -

Q. I grew in stature due to T.D.P.

A. in stature =

n. ---- --Kd x
n J-TC.

Q. The leaders are on a shaky wicket.

A. be on shaky wicket/ on a sticky wicket =

-u-t J-n-A .
Q. Many people converged on the otherwise
sleepy coastal city from villages the affable
and plain speaking lady was a source of
inspiration and Malasri in the green suit stole
the show although the event. Her very presence lent an aura of solemnity and unfalling
commitment that transcended beyond the
human barriers of language.

- - %dE -J{-E
-v-B --E d--\ v--*
v *a N--. o--y--i, oC
--o-x x \ pJh
C. u-v J-T-
a- -h--o X v--u-h
EL-*C. \ - -s-E
-----B--i N-v-, E-l-

Q. Lest there is no meaning for their art.

A. Lest there should be no meaning for their art.

x- - n-- - -/ n- -.

u- v %u
-u Qt- -.
Hold a candle to - phrasal verb - J-,
D- -- -n- not p,

b) The movie failed to appeal to a section of

the viewers.
= _ v~- *v a-/ h

Look at the following sentences from the

conversation above.


a) Music has no language. Real good music

appeals to all people.


K *a V--.

a) The youth now a days are crazy about

pop music and break dance

j expressions Fo, 'a--E -C-*-N.

1) Go down well with: a/ d--.

(, -- v-- N-
G- - y D-.
E J* l. E-l-J
N- U- -.)

(p *v--x -o 'Eo
x-. y ?)

AV Subbarao, Onipenta

, u N-

C / --- n ---.
1. To A 2. --n 3. -ul
4. 5. ju, v 6. Eve
7. Finale 8. -v 9. Trivia 10. Also
ran 11. Be run down 12. In the long run
13. On the run 14. Run Across 15. Run after
16. Run away 17. Run a risk

Q. Above, over

-sx L?

A. 1) Go up in flames 2) Refugees/ Fugitives

3) Civil War 4) Goad 5) Offering 6)

u-i V (u vu
o V --V/ v)
7) 'L = T 8) Having a good memory 9) vu E N-, ax
10) Eo- x, N x -
----x 11) F- * - --
12) Vx 13) --M- *,
v * v- p- J--
14) -J-j -- / -.
j h- -n- (Lq
) 15) - - 16) J--
17) v--o--\ -
A. DE J* -- -x N-J.
J N-J-ho.
above = over j --E-j n.
The plane flew above/ over the hill= -j ...
There are two rooms above/ over that floor =

-h-j --o.
-- n- , He jumped
over the wall . above .
fixed point j - above .
The place is 3000 ft above the sea level

(-v--d-E 3000 - h



He is over 50 years; It costs over Rs.100/-

C-- n ---.


1) Run into 2) Run-of-the mill 3) Run over

4) Run to seed 5) Run up 6) Run against
7) Running fight 8) Make the running 9) In the
running 10) Jumbo
A. 1) Run into =

-- -j o -
2) h---E (a run of the mill movie)/
h L-T-E/ dull
3) i) T--x-. ii) E-E/
- d, J/ O }-.
4) i) v-l ---/ -----x -{
p--. d------
h/ n -N-- -.
ii) d -x, , Nh-- pAh-.
5) i) u - J V. In the/
during the run-up to the elections there
were frequent fights between the two
parties =

--Eo- _----o Vx
Kd u x \-jC.
ii) Long jump/ High jump N --p-
--- h
6) uA-- .
7) ---o
8) i) -E -- Eg---
ii) j EE ---
9) j C--- / N
10) i) ---C v-- -B-}-
l N
ii) -, - l-j.

Spoken English -- -u- -x ---.. URL:

--C- 15 --- 2009

Subodh: Since when have you taken a liking
to cricket? I often see you glued to
the TV whenever there is a cricket

(y p--* v G--Eh-o? v u o-p-

y O \-- h-o.)
(Glue = >/ A--)
Pranav: Since the start of the current series.
Earlier, it wasn't to my liking, I admit.
But somehow it has held me too. I
just can't explain that.

( u v .
- d , U-Jh. u-*-C.
J-T p-.)
Subodh: You used to complain that I was too
keen on cricket, and that it didn't
deserve the attention the crowds

-- j---
Subodh: Whatever you say, I find Cricket
much more thrilling. May be you say
I have a weakness for it. Call it what
you will. The game is like nothing

(F-o , v -
q L-T-hC. - a y. i .
C E .)
Pranav: How about your brother?

(O t -?)
Subodh: He has a passion for it. He forgets
everything watching cricket.

1) Since when have

you taken a liking
to Cricket?
2) ... that I was too
keen on Cricket
3) You didn't see
what.. to make
them take to it
4) ... and it has grown on me ever since

j o/ -j o d--.

6) He has a passion for it.

a) Indians are keen on Cricket =

( v -i G-.
v h Fo -*--.)
Pranav: That makes two of you then, you
crazy guys.

1) Take a liking to something/ somebody =

3) Take to something/ somebody =

N-Eo/ -j o d-- -G-,

(F -o-, a-x.)

She has a passion for music

( v A d----oE, E-x vl
-F N ? d--
v- Fn ---N.
-- F - d ?)

u \ -.

(, p . v N-E-h J E u n-*C. . v G J-TC. F, p-

v G- --.
a -p y-E
Baddi Pappulu, Vykunthapuram

---S-%g U No y
Y U O G- -C.

Subodh: Just as you

about football.

b) His service to the old and orphans made

me take a liking to/ take to him =

x- ho ---O
d/ G- *C.

(F -
j a-x/
y -

c) They met just yesterday, but they have

taken a great liking to/ took to each other

(Notes: Glued to the
current =
present; deserve =
love =
match =
thrill =
like nothing else =

x ---oC Eo, l
-J-- _--u.
Idiom (B): As a fish takes to water =
Fx - d, ...

O -\--;
| LT ;
Eo-- \ d- N;
N-K- V--;

He takes to singing as a fish takes to water


Fx d, -
(Take to n o, y

Look at the following sentences from the

dialogue above:


' x translate it into


Q. I have to go or I am to go

uEo xL n
present --a-?
I had to go or I was to go uEo past
-a? - I was to go
o-p n pd ---E E--hC.
A. I have to go = xL ( -/
-J c)
I am to go = xL (-J c--)
I had to go = xLq *aC (
-/ J c) (x)
I was to have gone (I was to go ) =
xLq C. (Rx---a/ Rx----a)

a) After hearing Dr Balamuralikrishna, she

took a liking to/ took to classical music =

-x--- 573

Pranav: Why, even now I am. About cricket, I

happened to see Dhoni batting once,
and it has grown on me ever since.
But even now my first love is football.
Nothing matches the thrill that the
game gives you, I bet.

A. While he was writing I entered = I entered

when he was writing.

A. God is in many forms

\- E ---

. when, --o-p E.
Q. Eo -- p-o? Tx-
Q. 'So far so good' N?
A. -- C.
A. How far did we do in the lesson yesterday?/

2) be keen on some thing/ somebody =

5) May be you say I have a weakness for it

d, d--, V-- -- j
Tx C-- --o. p
Tx- --L-T-N, -C-*- JEo expressions p l.

were paying it. You didn't see what

anybody could find in cricket to make
them take to it at all. You were into
football earlier, weren't you.

How far did we go in the lesson yesterday?

GT Rohit, Secunderabad

'F join -E -P---i-C DEo

Tx- pL?


Hx Live -s cleanest
. *a Dictionary
h . Most clean E ----?
a) 'You are instructed to be join tomorrow'
b) 'You are instructed to be joined tomorrow' A. Dictionary, * Dictionary .
O- -E--hC: clean superlative,
c) 'You are instructed to join tomorrow'
cleanest E. Most clean .
Which is correct?
M C-J - J-T oj uA. (C) is correct
N- N-- -- "They are
Q. '- u (deserve) C Tx-
left anything in the room" o. C
T. Mallikarjun, Karimnagar
They haven't left anything E They didA. He deserves it/ He is deserving
n't have left any thing E ---Q. Respected Sir, Please clarify these doubts.
Q. 'If I were a bird I would fly away' - u
C d p--.
He has a car isn't he? question tag n
I \ were correct -C?
left any thing in the room' is
- ---.
A. C -x N-J ? C vh
A. He has a car, isn't he? - \ isn't he? j
-E N-Eo --C. If I were a bird =
question tag ?
~-j (F ~E u vh ) G. Shankar, Keshavapatnam
-sx singualr/ subjects \ Q. How to recognise syllables in a particular
He has a car, doesn't he? \ question tag,
word? Please give some clues to me.
plural verb (were) hC.
doesn't he? ?
e.g. : eventually, extraordinary
He has a car, doesn't he? = - C, Q. 'While he was writing, I entered the room'
independent unit of sound is a syllable.
When he was writing, I entered the room'
Usually a vowel sound (not just any of the let ux n ? while, ters, a, e, i, o and u) makes a syllable. Take
Q. Change into passive voice 'She has done her
when N, E --T-
the word 'sentence'- It has two independent
sounds - 'sen' and 'tence'
A. Her work has been done


v d.
b) The boy is not keen on Maths. Why force
him to study it? =

d--? --o -
4) To grow on = v-v- -Eo/ -J-O
d --. j vv- d L-Th, it grows on us.
a) His is not the kind of action you like at first,
but it grows on you =

F a---a, F yC

b) In most Indian movies, heroines don't like

heroes at first, but the heroes grow on
them as days pass =

-B *v
x --x -
d . F v x-O d
5) Have a weakness for = --E-x, u
---x V- (--)
a) He has a weakness for drink =
- d.
b) He has a weakness for cricket = v x
- G-. \ v u/
. E-x u-i
N-- CL, --- E
6) Have a passion for = N-K- d--
a) Indians have a passion for cricket = v
-B-- N-K--i d.
b) She has a passion for music/ Music is a
passion for her =

U x-L d/ A d- N

So there are two syllables in the word.

Eventually- The syllables in this word:
1) e 2) ven 3) tu 4) al and 5) ly
Extraordinary- 1) ex 2) tra 3) di 4) na and
5) ry.
Q. Please give me in detail explanation of formal - informal method, which method to be
followed in general conversation.
I came across these words in a standard
A. I have explained these terms a number of
times in these columns. Please refer to the
dictionary for their meanings. When you talk
to your parents, your wife and children, your
brothers and sisters, your friends, you are
informal. When you talk to your superiors,
elders, strangers, and respectable people
you are formal.

A Sudhakar, Pedda Malla Reddy

Q. Some words like, but, put, cut, nut, etc., we
are pronouncing in different way. why?
A. That is the nature of the English language.
English over the centuries has borrowed a
large number of words from other languages.
The way a word is pronounced depends on
the origin of the word (Which language it
entered English from) and also certain
language processes special to English. No
special reason for this. A native speaker of
English has little difficulty in these matters.

Spoken English -- -u- -x ---.. URL:

--C- 22 --- 2009

-- j---

Nikhila: How goes the game, dear?

( C F E?)
Karthik: Not at all bad. We've had very good
profits. All thanks to you. Your advice
was timely and I took the plunge. It
paid off.

(vt- C. *
a. F . j -E Ny-*a -----J*
/ . E-x
Nikhila: Very happy to hear that. I tell you
again and again. If you play your
cards well, nothing stands between
you and success.

( - C C N-.
S} S} h-o. y j u
B- F N--E u f
Karthik: Manasa was wide of the mark when
she strongly suggested that I was
investing at the wrong time. You
proved right and she, wrong.

( vA- - d- -o-E d *-*

--C. y -dF,
pF V-C.)

(C h--i N. -p
v----i Eg B--,
-----. C *-C.)
Nikhila: I am sure another boom in real estate
is much on the cards. I advise you to
be prepared for it. You can reap a rich

(J d S} V---E
d t- C. E y
l --C J. y
Karthik: If that happens, I am ready to invest
again. I am sure I'll be successful.

Reap a rich harvest



We are going to
learn some more
phrasal verbs and
idioms in this lesson.
Look at the following sentences from the dialogue above:
2) If you play your cards right, ...
3) Manasa was wide of the mark

J\ B-E -j
P-*-x -, u --x-N
--ox -.

1) Pay off =

a) He had no hope of winning the elections, but

he took a chance and it paid off =

L v , j y--E
-h L-.
b) She invested a lakh rupees, without the certainty of a profit and the gamble paid off =

H e took a chance and it paid of f

(, -E, p -v-h
. F %d x, x
n , t-- E
p E--hC.)
Karthik: That was of course the best bet. I
never took any risk and avoided acting on the spur of the moment. That
helped me a lot.
Gurram Shankar,
Q. Sir, Please clarify my doubt.
Some sentences are like this
in one book:
1. They are absent today
2. Admissions are in progress
3. She was present in the class yesterday
After 'be form' we use past participle. In these
sentences V1 form used. Why?
A. A 'Be' form can be followed not only by the
past participle but also by the Ist Regular
Doing Word - What you call V1. The only
thing is when a 'be' form is followed by the
past participle, the verb is in the passive
A 'be' form can be followed by a noun/ adjective/ complement etc.
eg: 1) He is an officer (is - 'be' form + officer noun)
2) They are good (are - 'be' form + 'good' adjective)
3) She was home yesterday [was - 'be' form +
home (Complement)]
Take your sentences:
They are absent/ were present (are/ were 'be' form + absent/ present - adjective)
S.P., Nirmal
Q. What is meant by 'does' and how it used in
English language.

Timely =
Boom =

d- d;
N-K--i --;

A. 'Does' is the form of 'do' used with he, she

and it.
When someone does some thing regularly,
we say,
He does it every day
(His doing it happens everyday)
She does the cooking everyday = (She
cooks every day) =

W hC.

Q. What are equalent words in English for these

words: a)


-- ()
d R Nh- L-

A. a) Puffed rice

b) You mean Vijayawada is pleasant during the

summer? You are wide of the mark =

y- -N N-- x---
-? F Jh p.
4) Throw caution to winds = vh
B-- / -v-h .
a) He threw caution to winds and lit a cigarette
in a petrol bunk =

vh B--
v - L-T-.

b) Dharmaraju threw caution to winds as he

played the game of dice =

vh B--/ Ex-~u/ -- -*-- W .
Game of dice = *- ;
Die = * dice (plural) = *-.
5) The best bet = --L-T * E/ G
If you want to travel fast in Hyderabad your
best bet is the city bus =

~ - d- dC,
h- t -; F -
*a dC. (Gamble = W/ G-h-
t - d- d)
2) Play one's cards right = L-N u-J-/ j o -n Ey--.

y \--j x- --q x
L-j E (/ , v u
6) be on the cards = ---C.

a) He did not play his cards right and had to

forego all his property =

A very interesting cricket series between

India and Srilanka is on the cards =

L-N u--J---x h h -d--Lq *aC.

On the spur of the

moment =

p--p u C;

-n Bv--Eo vq----, Eo
p- -.

5) That was of course the best bet

Nikhila: You certainly will be. I am really sorry

for Mithun. He is a little careless and
so he is back to square one. I am
really sorry for him.

-x--- 574

a) To say that Pakisthan doesn't encourage

terrorism is wide of the mark =

4) You never throw caution to winds.

6) ... another boom in real estate is on the

Nikhila: But at the same time, never throw

caution to the winds. I always knew
your luck was in real estate.

b) Rice flakes c) Broom.

-N- -- --Tx- -- --.

G. Srinivas, Husnabad.
Q. Please explain about: a) gerund suffix
b) possessive suffix c) derivational suffix
d) inflexional suffix
A. A suffix is a sound, added at the end of a
word to change its part of speech or some
times its meaning.
e.g.: Act - (verb); Actor - noun; In this word 'or' is a suffix.
1. A gerund suffix, forms the gerund of a verb.
'__ing' is the gerund suffix. go - going
(gerund); sing - singing (gerund) etc.
2. 's (Apostrophe and s) is the possessive
suffix. A possessive suffix indicates what a
person possesses/ has.
The woman's sari = sari of the woman.

- p-/


( J-T d- d
l. N --E
d t C.)

(p-. N N-
C. -v-h
. -x, J-nA Sx
---*aC. E

3) Wide of the mark =

1) It paid off.

\ L-T v u
X- u ----o.

b) He always plays his cards right and emerges

as the winner =

L-N u--J*/ -Eo Cy-E- -E N- EL-.

3. Derivational suffix: Any suffix which forms

the derivative (a word formed from another
word by adding a suffix).
eg: fool (n); fool + ish (suffix)- adjective.
Here the adjective foolish is derived
from the noun fool by adding the suffix
'___ish'. So '___ish' is an example of a
derivative suffix.
4. Inflexional suffix: Inflexion = a change in
the form of a word, especially a change in
its ending to change its function in a sentence or a part of speech.
eg: India (Noun); Indian (adjective) '+n' at
the end is an inflexion or inflexional
Q. What is the meaning of 'revolutionist'?
A. There is no such a word as 'Revolutionist'.
you must have mistaken it for 'Revolutionary'.
Revolutionary = 1) Causing a great or
complete change in the ways of life, beliefs,
culture, etc of a people.
2) Connected with change in the political set
up of a country/ state.
3) A great person who causes a revolution.
Kandukuri Viresalingam was a revolutionary.
Q. "Tennyson is not the greatest of all poets".
Please change the above sentence into
comparative degree.
A. You can refer to a grammar book, can't you?
Any way the following are the other degrees.
Comparative Degree: some poets are
greater than Tennyson.

Prabhu, Madurapudi

C u- n ---.
She accused the leaders of being responsible for her poll defeat.


Eo-x -N - -
o- x EC-*C. (
- - N -u-E
x EC-*C.)

Q. The police is looking into the Reddy's murder

after being threatened by the aid of a lawyer
representing him.
A. After being threatened =
being, passive form
'be' form(passive)

y. u


x E.

Q. The dangerous rat race that is leaving them

lonely and discontent.

-J, -%-h N--ho

(C-ho) N-K .
Rat race = -zA Bv-i .

Q. Mr. Kumar's offer having not been remotely

expected by his friends.

o--- P---E
( o---P-E)
Having not been expected = () P--E.

Spoken English -- -u- -x ---.. URL:

--C- 29 --- 2009

-- j---

Sasir: Hi Sarat, I rarely see you nowadays.

What might be the reason?

( , - E--h-o?
Sarat: I'm very hard-pressed for time nowadays. I have to finish my project within
the next week and God knows if I will be
able to.

( BJ ---. a-
vd Jh--L, --
L-/ L-L.)
Sasir: What is holding you up? I thought you
had already completed it. When we met
last didn't you tell me that it was almost

Sasir: That reminds me. I attended Prof.

Nithin's lecture yesterday. Oh, it
dragged on and every one got irritable.
It dragged on like an Indian movie, you

( h-*aC. Eo
v- EA -u--E }. C
N L-T---- TC. -J
* L-T-*C. C -B
E- TC.)
Sarat: It's always the case. Prof Vasanth who
heads my team is quite fast, and I find it
difficult to keep up with him, for no fault
of mine. Every thing seems to be
ranged against me. I don't know what
lies ahead for me.

(F f hC? yC p-
Jh------o. J
---o-p C h--o ?
Sarat: I did but I had unexpected hold-ups at
the last minute, not at all of my making.
I could not receive at the right time a few
papers I needed. I got them only yesterday.

Now look at the following sentences

from the conversations above:
1) I am hard pressed
for time.
2) What's
you up?


3) .... I had unexpected hold-ups.

4) I'm sorry your project is dragging on
5) Three weeks passed by before I received
6) .... I find it difficult to keep up with him

---iC -

a) Most Indian movies drag on as if they

would never end =

a) He will definitely accept this job as he is

hard pressed for money =

b) The speeches dragged on till in the end

only a few listeners remained. =

1) be hard pressed =

b) With only a few days to go for the elections, the parties are hard pressed for time

u- - o N--L-T-; *- Cl-C v NT-.

DE -C-*, 'drag' = N L-T
uh/ N/ E. (drag = bore)

= Eo- Eo Vx -, Kd-Fo
\ s-C----o.

a) He is such a drag that nobody wants to

talk to him =

*a- u- -.
- s --/ - C.

Sasir: Don't you worry. I know you are not the

one to give up so easily. You will be able
to catch up and finish it on time. Go
ahead, bye.

H e is har d pr essed for money

2) To hold something up =

-x--- 575

Sasir: You had some such difficulty even earlier, didn't you? I am sorry your project is
dragging on.

( --.
y L_ C E
. y Jh--h-E
t C.
E, h.)

( s F - -C ? F vd -- - E C.)
Sarat: Three weeks passed by before I
received them. That was a lot of waste
of time. Besides, I had to attend a lecture programme which ran on for another week.

( N -J -- --*-. %
C. E-- -
-u u-v--E }Lq *aC.)

Notes: Not at all of my

making =


'Does there breathe a man with soul so

dead...' Again, 'a soul so dead' becomes, 'so
dead a soul'. The line in the poem then can
be read as:


Nu-n u-- Eo
--- o.

b) My brother walks so fast (It's) difficult to

keep up with him =

-h - ( )
- d .

Keep up with = Keep pace with.

b) But for some hold ups the shooting would

have ended last week =

corpus fund =

- *, _ y
n -J -
drought hit areas = %d C v
cell phone jammer = --x
/ -x * -
franchise = F p-h-, -
t- --J-a -A.
Q. - -j ? --Tx-- - --C cease or seige?

Q. 3 years before, 3 years ago, 3 years back

O u N? C p L?
x v.

Q. ' --E x ' .
-- ---a?C ya, yea C?
A. a. Yea.
Q. option, choice -O- J* N-J---.
A. option = , --C = choice.
Q. debt, debit, credit J* L---.
A. seize
A. Dictionary
Q. E-u-TE unemployee ? C Q. -HxE l -Eo -? dissolve,
--j ?
resolve C L?

Q. Once you have said poem has to convert into

prose style, please clarify again and give me
an example.

Q. everyone, each and everyone

A. In his hands a pen, on his table a book -

A.V. Subbarao, Onipenta

a book on his table - This is what is called

the prose order. When you put a line into
the prose order you can understand it more

a) The students are unable to keep up with

the lecturer =

f- x--x EE

A. Jobless/ idle

C -E j. - v
C C? A pen in his hand,

* - a--p- -j .
6) Keep up with somebody = -J

a) If there are no hold-ups I will be able to finish the work by the day after (tomorrow) =

t E .)

If you read the whole novel/ play you will

know its theme. Or if you read the summary
of a play/ novel you will know its theme.

= -E *-.

b) Three weeks passed by before I got a

reply from the Govt. office =

E v-d- -C.
3) Hold ups = C j hold up C-* = u/ f.

'Does there breathe a man with so dead a

soul...?' = Does there breathe (= live) a man
with such a dead soul...? = A man does not
live with such a dead soul


a) Months have passed by since I last saw


(Paucity =

This is a line from the poem. In prose, the

verb comes first in a question, and the verb
'breathes' takes the form 'Does breathe', and
then the verb is immediately followed by the
subject 'The man'. So 'Breathes there the
man...' in prose order can be read as:


Theme = subject matter/ topic.

b) The paucity of funds has held up a number of projects =

e.g.: Breathes there the man with soul so


Novel = A long story which the author tells

E N-, - --E--*C.
5) Pass by = -*-- ()

j o -/

Eo Kd h---x -- --- T--.

s- .
Be ranged against = vA-- .
Give up - \ n --x-- E
C--. n -.

A. Drama = Play = A story shown on a stage in

a theatre by actors taking the rolls of the
characters in the story

b) The movie was such a drag that I wished

I had not seen that =

a) The rasta roko by some political parties

has held up traffic nearly for three hours =

His troubles are his own making =

Q. When I was reading drama,

play, novel, I could not understand main theme properly.
Please clarify what should I

-D/ N
L-T (Ah) - x-


- .

A. Sudhakar, Bhiknoor

C - E--
-- -B E-.


(. M .
Eo -- d . Fo
vA-- o-d-E--hC.
-- L-- .)

(. F --E, -E
u J-TC *J EN-.
---i Eo u --E
-. N Eo a.)

Eo f- ---, (E)
-- h C.
4) drag on = N L-T-- --/
p- E---x .

A. 3 years ago Three years back

Three years before - Indirect speech
3 years ago

A. Dissolve.

( *a--

This is how a line in poetry has to be

changed into prose order.


C-- n ---.
contingency fund, corpus fund, drought hit
areas, cell phone jammer, franchise

A. contingency fund =

N-u --
a -u E


VLG Raju Srikrishnapatnam

A. Every one = Each and every one


Q. safari park

A. Debenture -

- \
n h?
A. u-%- ya -J-- O,
E-C-* u
Q. cash & carry

p Lx- h-

- N- N?
j F uh _ *
t p B--od, a f
E L d--l-i v. F d-, F Nh-- t -Lq--p
-x K h, uh _--*
- t a---.
Dividend = F --x, x
EpAh v .

Spoken English -- -u- -x ---.. URL:

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