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Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2012;22:105-111.

Original Article

Association of serum testosterone with acne

vulgaris in women-A case control study
MM Rahman*, L Khondker*, SC Hazra*, MSI Khan*
*Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical
University(BSMMU), Dhaka, Bangladesh


Objective To find out the association of serum testosterone with acne vulgaris in women.
Patients and methods Seventy patients were considered as group A (case - female patients of
acne), and 70, age- and sex-matched, healthy subjects were enrolled as group B (controls females without acne). Mean serum testosterone levels were measured in case and control groups.
Results The mean serum testosterone level was significantly high among the cases (0.52 ngm/ml)
than the control (0.35 ngm/ml). Data analysis revealed that the percentage of serum testosterone
above normal was found to be high among the cases with acne (10%) whereas below normal level
of serum testosterone was found among the control i.e. patients without acne and the difference
was statistically significant.
Conclusion There is a significant association between serum testosterone and acne vulgaris.
Testosterone levels should be measured in patients presenting with acne vulgaris especially in
treatment resistant cases. Anti-androgen treatment may be indicated in those cases with elevated
testosterone level.
Key words
Serum testosterone, acne vulgaris.

Acne is the most common disease of the skin
which affects 20-90% of all adolescents, with
spontaneous resolution, in most cases, in late
teens or early twenties.1,2,3 It occurs
predominantly on the face and to a lesser
extent, on the neck, back and chest.1 Some
important pathogenic factors involved in acne
include hyperkeratinization and obstruction of
the sebaceous follicles as a result of abnormal
keratinization of the infundibular epithelium,
androgenic stimulation of the sebaceous
glands and microbial colonization of the
Address for correspondence
Dr. Lubna Khondker
Specialist in Dermatology and Venereology,
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Ph# 01552370429

pilosebaceous units by Propionibacterium

sulphate) are involved in the development of
acne.4 The skin is a typical target tissue for
androgens and testosterone, a major androgen
in human blood that stimulates many
metabolic processes in the epithelium of
sebaceous gland.5 Raised androgen levels
dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate) in women with acne
have been repeatedly demonstrated in many
studies. Androgens enhance the sebum
production and follicular keratosis that plays
the key role in the aetiology of acne.6 Acne is a
common feature in the course of endocrine
diseases, characterized by raised levels of


Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2012;22:105-111.

androgens.3 The mechanisms suggested

include: increased circulating levels of
androgens, increased local metabolism of
androgens in skin and increased tissue
sensitivity to androgens.7
Nevertheless, acne or hirsutism may be found
with normal androgenic parameters. Increased
sensitivity of sebaceous end organ to
metabolism of androgen are other possible
mechanisms involved in the development of
acne.2 As there is inadequate evidence on the
status of circulating testosterone in patients of
acne, this study was undertaken for evaluation.
Serum testosterone level estimation is a simple
cost-effective laboratory test that could give us
a clue of disease status. If elevated levels are
found, specific antiandrogen treatment can be
highly successful in the management of the
disease. To the best of my knowledge there is
no previous study of estimation of serum
testosterone in patients with acne vulgaris in
women in Bangladesh. A conclusive result
will be of benefit to patients with acne in our
Patients and methods
It was a case-control study which was carried
out for a period of 2 years from March 2009 to
February 2011, in the outpatient department of
Dermatology and Venereology, Bangabandhu
Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU),
Dhaka, Bangladesh. Female patients having
acne vulgaris were selected as study
population. Healthy controls (age- and sexmatched) were enrolled from the community.
Seventy patients were considered as group Acase (female patients with acne), and 70
females were considered as group B- controls
(normal females without acne). Purposive type
of non-probability sampling technique was

followed. Data were recorded on pre designed

data collection sheet.
Inclusion criteria for case selection were:
patients having clinically diagnosed acne
vulgaris (greasy skin, comedones, papules,
pustules, nodules and scarring, in some cases,
predominantly on the face and to a lesser
extent on the back and chest), aged 13-45
years and willingness to participate in this
study. Patients were excluded if they were
unwilling to participate, pregnant or lactating,
using oral contraceptive pill, antiandrogen,
systemic antibiotics and oral retinoids within 3
months prior to the study, or treated with
topical medication such as antibiotics, benzoyl
peroxide, tretinoin, adapalene, tazarotene
within 1 month prior to the study, and women
on medication known to affect androgen
action or metabolism e.g. estrogen, dilantin,
acetate, corticosteroid and finasteride. Ageand sex-matched eumenorrhoeic healthy
females, willing to participate in this study,
were enrolled as controls. Females on
hormonal contraceptives were not included as
Acne vulgaris was diagnosed by seborrhea
(greasy skin), comedones, papules, pustules,
nodules and scarring, in some cases,
predominantly on the face and to a lesser
extent on the back and chest. The disease was
graded according to the Consensus Conference
on Acne Classification convened by American
Academy of Dermatology in Washington DC
on march 24 and 25, 1990.1 According to these
criteria, mild acne was defined by the presence
inflammation and a few or no papules;
moderate acne, by the presence of comedones,
with marked inflammatory papules and
pustules and severe acne, by the presence of
inflammatory nodules, in addition to
comedones, papules and pustules.


Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2012;22:105-111.

Then from the selected patients blood samples

were collected with aseptic measures for
estimation of serum total testosterone. Those
cases with elevated serum total testosterone
levels were further studied to evaluate the
cause. Serum follicle stimulating hormone
(FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were
measured, along with ultrasonography (USG)
of whole abdomen with special attention to
ovaries and adrenal cortex.
Sample collection and preservation
After informed consent, all patients and
control women were subjected to the same
experimental protocol. Serum sample were
drawn during the luteal phase (between 18th
and 25th days of the menstrual cycle). With all
aseptic precautions 3 ml of blood was
collected from the median antecubital vein
with disposable plastic syringe. The needle
was detached from the nozzle and blood was
transferred immediately into a dry, clean
plastic test tube with a gentle push to avoid
haemolysis. Collected blood was allowed to
clot and then centrifuged. Separated serum
was collected into plastic microcentrifuged
tubes and appropriately labeled and stored at
20C until assayed.
Method of estimation
Microparticle enzyme immunoassay (MEIA)
method (Newman 1999) by Abbott, USA,
AxSYM System autoanalyzer was used. The
method was used to determine serum total
Biochemistry, BSMMU, Dhaka.
Ethical consideration:
Prior to the commencement of this study, the
research protocol was approved by the ethical
review committee of BSMMU. The aims and
objectives of the study along with its
procedure, risk and benefits were explained to

the patients in easily understandable local

language and then informed consent was taken
from each patient. It was assured that all
information and records were kept confidential
and the procedure would be helpful for both
the dermatologists and the patients in making
rational approach of the case management.
Data processing and analysis
For the statistical analysis, one Microsoft
Windows-based software package was used
(SPSS [Statistical Package for Social Science]
15 for Windows, SPPS Incorporation,
Chicago, IL, USA). Categorical data were
presented as frequency and percentage and
analyzed by 2 test. Continuous data were
presented as mean and SD, and analyzed with
the help of Studentst test. Risk factors were
analyzed. Statistical significance was set at
0.05 level and confidence interval at 95%
Table 1 shows the demographic data in case
and control groups. The two groups were wellmatched for age, sex and other demographic
Different clinical characteristics are depicted
in Table 2. The mean duration of disease was
62.6 months ranging from 1 year to 25 years.
28.6% of the respondents had it for a duration
of 12 to 24 months and an equal percentage for
25-48 months. However, 27.1% of the patients
had acne for more than 6 years. All the
(blackheads and whiteheads). 94.3% had
papules and 58.6% had pustules. Considering
the site of lesion, all the patients had acne in
the face. However, 17.1% of the patients had
acne in the back along with face. 40% of the
patients presented with mild acne and 60% had
moderate acne.


Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2012;22:105-111.

Table 1 Distribution of the patients by age, marital status, level of education and occupation.
Age (years)
22.83 5.6
Age groups
22 (31.4%)
17 (24.3%)
39 (27.9%)
29 (41.4%)
18 (25.7%)
47 (33.6%)
11 (15.7%)
17 (24.3%)
28 (20.0%)
5 (7.1%)
13 (18.6%)
18 (12.9%)
3 (4.3%)
5 (7.1%)
8 (5.7%)
Marital status
52 (74.3%)
36 (51.4%)
88 (62.9%)
18 (25.7%)
34 (48.6%)
52 (37.1%)
Level of education
4 (5.7%)
3 (4.3%)
7 (5.0%)
25 (35.7%)
15 (21.4%)
40 (28.6%)
Higher Secondary
14 (20.0%)
8 (11.4%)
22 (15.7%)
Graduate or higher
27 (38.6%)
44 (62.9%)
71 (50.7%)
46 (65.7%)
38 (54.3%)
84 (60.0%)
12 (17.1%)
21 (30.0%)
33 (23.6%)
12 (17.1%)
11 (15.7%)
23 (16.4%)

p value




Table 2 Distribution of the patients by duration of disease, pattern of skin lesion and its site.
Duration of disease (months)
N (%)
20 (28.6)
20 (28.6)
11 (15.7)
19 (27.1)
*Pattern of skin lesion
70 (100.0)
66 (94.3)
41 (58.6)
*Site of lesion
70 (100.0)
12 (17.1)
Severity of acne
28 (40.0)
42 (60.0)
*Multiple responses
Table 3 Distribution of the study population by serum testosterone.
Case (n=70)
Control (n=70)
Mean serum testosterone (ngm/ml)
Below normal

p value


Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2012;22:105-111.

Considering the pattern of treatment received,

42.9% of the patients mentioned that they used
topical ointment, 37.1% had received herbal
medication and 25.7% had received systemic
Analysis revealed that mean serum
testosterone was significantly high among the
cases (0.52 ngm/ml) than the control (0.35
ngm/ml) and the mean difference was
statistically significant (p<0.05). Data analysis
revealed that the percentage of serum
testosterone above normal was found to be
high among the cases with acne (10%)
whereas below normal level of serum
testosterone was found among the control i.e.
patients without acne and the difference was
statistically significant (Table 3).
All patients with elevated serum testosterone
levels showed normal serum FSH and LH
levels. Similarly, ultrasonography of the whole
abdomen and pelvis revealed normal ovaries
and adrenals.

The mean duration of the disease in our study

was 62.6 months (5.2 years) ranging from 12300 months (1-25 years). Zaenglein et al.8
found that in women acne persisted through
the third decade or even later, which was
consistent with this study. In contrast to our
study, Hatwal et al.7 found that the mean
duration of acne was 2.6 years (range 1 to 6
years). Borgia et al.3 reported mean duration of
disease as 5.94.6 years.
All of our study patients presented with acne
in the face. The lesions of acne vulgaris were
present in the back along with face in 17.1%
of the cases. Simpson and Cunliffe showed
that acne occurred predominantly on the face
(99% of sufferers) and to a lesser extent,
occurred on the back (60%) and chest
(15%).9,10 In our study, 40% of patients had
mild acne and 60% had moderate acne. In their
case control study, Lookingbill et al.11 showed
that mild acne was present in 44.4% of cases
and moderate acne in 55.6% of cases. These
two findings were almost consistent with each

In this study, a total 140 females were enrolled
with 70 having acne vulgaris considered as
case and another 70 without acne vulgaris
considered as control, to find out the
association of serum total testosterone with
acne vulgaris.
Age of the patients in this study ranged from
13 to 40 years. The mean age of the cases was
22.435.2 years. The mean age of the control
was 23.235.9 years. Age of the control also
ranged from 15 to 40 years. In a case-control
study by Slayden et al.1 ages of the women
ranged from 12 to 43 years. Patients with acne
and controls had similar meanSD age
(26.59.3 years vs. 29.24.7 years,

The current study revealed that serum

testosterone was significantly high among the
cases (0.52 ngm/ml) than the control 0.35
(ngm/ml) and the difference was statistically
testosterone in 7 (10%) cases and below
normal level of serum testosterone was found
among 13 (18.6%) of the control individuals.
Among the control nobody had elevated level
of testosterone. The difference between case
and control was statistically significant
(p<0.05). Those cases with elevated serum
testosterone levels were evaluated for serum
FSH, serum LH and ultrasonography of the
whole abdomen with special attention to
ovaries and adrenal cortex was normal.
There are many studies regarding correlation
of acne and serum testosterone, both
affirmative and negative. Hatwal et al.7 found


Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2012;22:105-111.

that, females with acne had significantly

higher levels of serum testosterone than
controls. Held et al.12 reported that, elevated
serum testosterone levels were associated with
acne and Darley et al.13 found increased
testosterone or low sex hormone binding
globulin (SHBG) alone or in combination in
60% of patients. However, Levell et al.14
reported that acne was not associated with
abnormal plasma androgens. Zaenglein et al.8
stated that in the majority of acne patients
serum androgens were within the normal
Cibula et al.6 demonstrated that, the severity of
acne in adult women was not determined by
androgen production. Ninety women over 17
years of age with acne were enrolled into the
study. Levels of testosterone, androstenedione,
dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate and sex
hormone binding globulin (SHBG) were
measured. The levels of at least one androgen
were elevated over the reference value in 73
(81%) patients. Testosterone, DHEA, DHEAS
and androstenedione levels were elevated in 22
(24%), 17 (19%), 27 (30%) and 71 (79%)
patients, respectively. Their study did not
demonstrate a positive correlation between
androgen production and acne severity in a
group of women over 17 years of age. While
playing a part in acne development, enhanced
androgen production does not have an effect
on the degree of clinical manifestation of the
disease. There must, therefore, be key factors
other than androgen levels in the pathogenesis
of severe acne. Their study suggested that the
severity of acne in adult women is not
determined by androgen production.
Held et al.12 investigated the relationship
between hyperandrogenism and acne. Elevated
serum androgen levels have been reported in
patients with acne resistant to conventional
dermatologic therapy. This study was designed
to investigate the relationship between serum

androgen levels and the presence of acne in an

unselected population of women. Elevated
serum testosterone levels were associated with
acne vulgaris. Normal serum testosterone
levels were found only in those patients with
regular menstrual cycles. This study suggested
that elevated serum testosterone levels are
related to the presence of acne.
Vexiau et al.15 investigated for androgens
excess in women with acne alone compared
with women with acne and/or hirsutism. They
showed that persistent acne may be an isolated
sign of hyperandrogenism.
Ginsberg et al.16 studied 36 women with acne
vulgaris and complaints of hirsutism,
infertility, menorrhagia, or oligomenorrhea for
androgen abnormalities. They observed that
the frequency of abnormal androgen levels
remained relatively constant regardless of the
severity of the presenting signs and symptoms.
This study calls attention to the high frequency
of an androgen abnormality in acne patients
who also have evidence of hirsutism,
menstrual irregularity and infertility.
The study found a significant association
between serum testosterone and acne vulgaris.
Serum testosterone levels should be measured
in patients presenting with acne vulgaris
especially in treatment resistant cases.
Antiandrogen treatment may be indicated in
those cases with elevated testosterone level.


Slayden SM, Moran C, Sams JWM et al.

Hyperandrogenemia in patients presenting
with acne. Fertility Sterility 2001;75:88992.
Seirafi H, Farnaghi F, Farhani AV et al.
Assessment of androgens in women with
adult-onset acne. Int J Dermatol


Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2012;22:105-111.








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