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Red Phoenix

The Red Phoenix practice is designed to help open the crown and activate the third eye, which is
dormant in most people. It becomes dormant over time because the Pineal Gland and Pituitary Gland
are not utilized sufficiently. It is important to work these glands and to get the hormones flowing
naturally again.

The Pineal Gland

The Pineal gland, sometimes referred to as the “third eye,” is a small endocrine gland in the
vertebrate brain. It produces the serotonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the
modulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. It is reddish-gray, about the size of
a pea, it’s located in the center of the brain and resembles a tiny pine cone. It is tucked
between the two hemispheres of the brain, in a groove where the two rounded thalamic
bodies join. The pine cone shaped gland can often be seen in x-rays because it becomes
calcified over time. The calcite that has been found in this gland has been linked with aging.
Calcification is believed to happen over time with the intake of flouride in drinking water and
toothpaste. This gland also produces pinoline, which is a methoxylated tryptoline that occurs in
the pineal gland during the metabolism of melatonin and is a natural component of human
blood and cerebral spinal fluid. Scientists believe that this may be a potential free radical
scavenger (antioxidant), similar to the function of melatonin.
The pineal gland is activated by light, and it controls the various bio-rhythms of the body. It is
believed that this gland assists people in attaining “seeing” powers. Activating this gland allows
for humans to “see” other realms as well as seeing beyond space and time. Meditation practice
such as the Red Phoenix practice allows you to activate this part of the brain so that you can
access these abilities. In your waking state, you will have more clarity. When you sleep, your
dreams will become more vivid.

The Pituitary Gland

In vertebrate anatomy the pituitary gland is an endocrine gland about the size of a pea and is
not considered a part of the brain. It is a protrusion off the bottom of the hypothalamus at the
base of the brain, and rests in a small, bony cavity (sella turcica). The pituitary gland secretes
nine hormones that regulate homeostasis.
Hormones secreted from the pituitary gland help control the following body processes:
• Growth (Excess of HGH can lead to gigantism and acromegaly.)
• Blood pressure
• Some aspects of pregnancy and childbirth including stimulation of uterine contractions
during childbirth
• Breast milk production
• Sex organ functions in both males and females
• Thyroid gland function
• The conversion of food into energy (metabolism)
• Water and osmolarity regulation in the body
• Water balance via the control of reabsorption of water by the kidneys
• Temperature regulation
• Makes endorphin to relieve pain and alter mood.
Most importantly, the pituitary gland helps with maintaining homeostasis in the body. That is
the body's tendency to return automatically to its level of highest functioning. Metaphysically, this
means aligning the frequencies of the physical and energetic bodies to homeostatically return to one's
highest spiritual functioning.

The Practice
Red Phoenix is a meditation in which you are feeling the path to the pineal and pituitary glands and
essentially, you are massaging them and activating them. In this meditation, you focus primarily on the
breath and the pathway. There is also a hand mudra that is the key to activating the meditation. It is not
necessary to hold the hand mudr; it merely stimulates the key pressure points.
To begin, you touch the tip of your middle finger to the tip of your thumb. The right hand is at chest
(heart) level and your pinky and forefinger stand up straight. Your hand should be a few inches away
from your chest. The left hand also touches the middle finger to the thumb and this hand lies in your
lap. The pinky and forefinger are pointed out straight. It is important to note that each finger represents
a particular kind of energy. The thumb represents FIRE and the middle finger represents SKY, hence the
name Red Phoenix. The Red Phoenix is a bird that engulfs itself in fire in order to be reborn. It
represents breaking down old beliefs and thought patterns in order to evolve to a higher consciousness.
Sit comfortably, but try to have the spine erect if possible. You can sit back in your chair with feet on the
floor, or you can sit cross legged, or even kneel on the floor with a pillow under your seat. Place your
hands in the mudra and then close your eyes. Start by breathing calmly in and out. The goal should be
to breathe in and out without any pauses inbetween the transitions. This is called One Breath. This
breathing practice alone can be done as a meditation at any point in your day. Take a long breath in and
fill up the belly and then exhale a long breath out. Put your entire awareness on your breath. All of the
breathing should be done through the nose. It is very important that you have a slight smile when doing
this practice as smiling opens up the crown. Once you feel relaxed and settled with your breath, now
place your awareness on the point between your eyebrows (this is the upper dantian), your third eye
area. This area is associated with the energy of consciousness and spirit (shen). Begin to feel a cool
sensation on this part, almost like a light mist or cool drop of water is being placed there. As you
breathe in, direct your awareness inward toward the center of your head, to the pituitary and pineal
gland area. Then as you breath out, follow the path to just the top of your head, your crown. When you
have completed the breath out, go back to the third eye area and breathe in, and follow the direct path
into the middle of your brain and then breath out and direct your awareness up to the top of the crown.
This is the “L-shaped” path that you will continue to focus on. As you continue this practice, you may
experience thoughts coming into your head. It’s important to direct your awareness back to the “L-
shaped” path. You may also feel your head start to fill with slight pressure. When you get to this point,
you can move onto the next level.
After you feel full in the head, then start the pattern of breathing in and bringing your awareness from
your head to your heart (the middle dantian). This area is associated with the storage of your life
energy. And then breathe out and allow the energy to flow from your heart down your feet, almost like
a waterfall.
To close down, place your left hand flat on the belly and then place your right hand over the
left hand. Place your awareness on the lower part of your belly, also called the dantian (energy
center). The lower dantian is particularly important as the center of balance and gravity.
Placing your awareness on the dantian aids in control of thoughts and emotions and acting
from this area is considered to be related to higher states of awareness. The lower dantian is
associated with cultivating life energy. Take a few minutes to let your awareness rest there.

Benefits of the Practice

Because you are working the pituitary and pineal glands, with practice you will experience
more balance in the energy system and physical system of the body. You will also become
more awakened as the third eye area will be progressively opened up. You will be able to “see”
things more clearly and may experience seeing or reading energy in all forms (visioning).
Practicing Red Phoenix in conjunction with Kunlun will allow you to access your light body.

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