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UI Guidelines for RAPID!

Objectives of the UI design
The UI should be designed so that the following objectives are met.
the most common functions are completed quickly
it is obvious to the user what s/he should do, so that training is not required
Guidelines to help meet those objectives
1. Minimize the number of clicks or screen changes to perform a given function.
a. If the common function changes later, then change the flow/UI later.
2. Make it obvious what the user is supposed to do.
3. Provide feedback on what the user did.
4. Use standards that are consistent with industry standards or web standards.
5. Use consistent navigation and operation throughout the entire application.
a. For example, symbols/icons always means the same thing.
b. A preview button will always do the same thing, like save and preview;
it will never save sometimes and not other times. But even better than that
example is to make it obvious that you are going to Save and Preview.
6. Pop-ups vs. open the new page in the original window:
a. Use a pop-up window when:
i. The user is on a list; the popup lets them look at one thing from the
list in detail but then close it and return to the list.
b. Open a new page in the original window when:
i. The users workflow is moving on; the user will not want to return to
the first window as a normal part of their workflow.
ii. The second window does not relate to the first.
Message Guidelines
We decided on these rules for messages:
1. Use first person
2. Use passive voice (especially when user did something wrong); use active voice
for giving directions of what to do if passive voice is unclear
3. Error messages should tell us
a. The error (what bad thing happened)


University of Manitoba Campus | 500 One Research Road | Winnipeg, MB R3T 6E3 | Canada
TELEPHONE 204.927.1800 FAX 204.257.3332 EMAIL sales

b. The reason (why that happened)
c. How to fix it


University of Manitoba Campus | 500 One Research Road | Winnipeg, MB R3T 6E3 | Canada
TELEPHONE 204.927.1800 FAX 204.257.3332 EMAIL sales

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