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Water resources should be Nationalised

Hi Friends, I really appreciate your views regarding this topic and I would like to
present my views on this topic also. According to me water resources should be
nationalised because water is really a very important part of our life. We can't
survive without water. India is a big country and approximately 50% people are
living below poverty line. If water resources be privatised they couldn't survive.
India is a agricultural country so nationalising water resource will also help to grow
our villages and agriculture.

Hi friends.
According to me the water resources should be nationalized because water is the
most important part of life for every human being living on this planet. We are
looking for life on mars also but with the availability of the water this shows that
water is very important for us to live our life. If water resources are nationalized
then there will not be any conflict between the peoples as India is a place of
diversity. The authority of water should be given into the hands of the central
government and as there is the department of electricity there should be a
department of water.
Where people can sit together and make decisions regarding the supply and usage
of water in the country and there should be a water meter and water bill for every
house as there is a electricity bill. The process of water harvesting should be made
compulsory so that water can be conserved. Water is the right of every human
being but in India it has been violated by some people so if water gets nationalized
this violation done to people in urban villages can be abolished. It has some
disadvantages too such as corruption, increased waste product in water by
industries will make it polluted, fighting for probational land around the side of river
banks etc. But at the same time it has got the advantages, which will help in the
growth of the nation with increase in the productivity.

Hey Friends :
I would say Nationalizing of water resource is much important.
The water resource is imbalanced in different regions.

The thing is instead of just joining the river to ocean ""if we nationalize them"".

The usage of the water resource will increase.

Create employment to the local people.
Cultivable land can be converted into cultivatable land.
Reduces the scarcity of in different areas.
There won't be flooding's.
No need to build too many dam's.
Many sources from income such as fishing etc.
May be a chance for a local transport.

Off-course it has disadvantages too :.


Chance for corruption.

Improper ceasing of land.
May create fight between different regions.
Industries may make the water polluted.
AND so many political problems.

But compared to disadvantages there are too many advantages.

Some parts of India are flooded with Rain, they don't have place to live till the
flooded rain water gets drained, in some other parts people are longing to get water
for irrigation and their basic needs.
We can stop all these if we Nationalize all water resources in India. But this is still
under consideration from Government side, But no steps have been taken to
implement this.
As per my Knowledge the problems in implementing this I think are,
Detailed well planned architecture have to be prepared to connect all rivers without
any city gets affected and it should be taken under one control.

As above friends told nationalization of water is not much necessary. Because

definitely the power of constructing dams or some other source will be given to the
political parties. There would be only corruption and not service to people.
But having nationalized water will help people of different states for their survival.

For this the solution would be choosing a correct political leader who has mind to
serve people.
Hai friends. Water Resources should be Nationalized. As we all know that the river
water which is flowing in our surrounding is simply combining with the sea and it is
of no use instead of that if we use that river water for irrigation by constructing the
Reservoirs we can do the best for irrigation purpose and the people who are
depending on the irrigation will survive happily.

Hi friends,I read most of your note, I am also in favor of nationalization of water

resources like major rivers lakes, etc. But one thing I must say that one water
resources water is not possible to distribute to the hole country.
So, a water resources will cover how many states! is due to excessive distribution of
water the bio-diversity of the river as well as the state in which river is follow going
to changed? Is it would be the cause of drought of the state in which it follows? We
have to to look after this type of problems before going to nationalized the water
Who knows it may be cause water war between tow or more states. To avoid these
type of complications should be form a high profile committee who would be study
the complications and their solutions.

Hi friends,
Ya i'm also thinking that if water resources should be nationalized then it can be
supply of water to all the state with effective proposition. Then we can have no
problem with the other states.
For example:-.
The dam constructed by the karnataka Government on the river Thungabvadra river
is stopping the water flow to the Andhra pradesh state. If they release the water Ap
some areas is cultivating. So that we have to nationalize the water resource.
Thanking you friends.

The water resources should be nationalized is a good idea that the state political
parties can not have a bone for a contention among the people. Since the local
political parties have a keen eye on cashing the melee situations created for their
This ulterior motive was quite obvious when the people of Kerala and Tamilnadu out
on the ground with lethal weapons for water related issue. So all rivers and
reservoirs established in our country should go under one command. When it
happened, the people of India could see nothing but development in every aspect
which will pave a good platform for us to get into the label of super power country.

Hi fnds.
From my point of view water resources should be nationalised so that the power of
usage of water lies in the hands of the central government and if that govt is strong
can reduce the quarells between the states and can distribute them according to
the need of the states and it can have the right to supply that in an efficient way to
all the states without nationalisation it is like giving sweets to children and telling
them to distribute among themselves, so it should be nationalised, like railway
budjet, finance budjet there should be water budjet in which the drought areas
should be recognised through expert comittees and should be distributed.
We the indians we should be united in sharing our resources and help the states
which are facing shortage of resources so that we can live happily and develop in a
quicker way.

I think water resources should be nationalised so that each state get the sources of
water from which some state are suffering and our land become fertile. Our
economic groth will start and each will get the employment.

I feel that water should not be nationalized. India being a diverse country, makes it
difficult for the govt to allocate and divide resources equally to the entire
population. Hence a state-wise allocation is used as it is less cumbersome and so
that state governments can handle the water resources in a better and localized
Also, nationalization of water would lead to water wars and huge demand which will
lead to dying out of the water in rivers. Even without nationalization, states are
fighting over sharing water and excessive use of shared waters. Hence it would
cause a major disaster if we nationalize water.

Instead efforts should be made to conservation, water harvesting techniques,

construction of wells and bringing in a better system for recording and billing water
usage as it is done for electricity.

In my point of view water should be nationalized because, we know that water is

ultimate source of our life as well as with out water we can not live at all. We know
that India have good lands and good farmers, if water is nationalized then India
becomes developed and all the land comes under cultivation. By making the rivers
nationalized the land becomes fertile and can be used for cultivation there are by
the Indian labors can get some work, some food, and even Indian goods quality can
also be increased.

Coming to pros:
- Nationalization can improve gross usage of water resources there by decreasing
- It creates employment to several people directly or indirectly
- Future scope of utility of these can be estimated and implemented
Well, the cons are:
- Political issues may concern the implementation of developmental activities
- Corruption may go high
- Inefficient monitoring leads to increased wastes of water resources

Hello friends. I appreciate all of yours views in positive ways or which are given
negative also but I think that water resources should not be nationalized Because it
leads corruption and wastage of water resources. There is no need of nationalization
every state have to take steps for saving rainy water and use it in efficient way also
utilize the ground water as possible.

According to me water resources should be nationalized because in our GDP rate

there is a Major part from agriculture so that if water resources will be nationalized
it would definitely impact on it and helpful for our national economic growth.

I think water should be nationalized. If the Government nationalizes them the

government think of the need of the water in each state. Government supplies the
water to each and every state as the demand of the water. Some stages have huge

amount of water in there reservoirs and some don't have a single drop. Water is
essential for every one. If government takes the responsibilities then all the land
comes under cultivation and it will increases the productivity of the land and there
by decrease the importing of goods from other countries and increase the number
quality and quantity of the goods exported to the other countries by which it will
increase the Indian economy. We are still a developing country we should use each
and every path to make India a completely developed country. By making the rivers
nationalized the land becomes fertile and can be used for cultivation there are by
the Indian labors can get some work, some food, and even Indian goods quality can
also be increased.

Actually what I feel if some knowledge is given to the rural as well as urban areas
people about the future effect of the scarcity of water through campaign or many
other media. A waterless state and we are searching water for the irrigation purpose
and we are facing this problem often because we are left with no water from
Karnataka state and the crops are dieing of no water source, so the water resource
is to be nationalized is so important for a state like Tamilnadu.

Nationalisation of water resources has both pros and cons. Though it is a sensitive
issue to be handled, considerations from different state governments are to be
looked before doing any proceedings in this aspect. As different water resources
cater different kinds of needs, it is to be clearly understood what type of resources
are to be nationalised.
Coming to pros:
- Nationalization can improve gross usage of water resources there by decreasing
- It creates employment to several people directly or indirectly
- Future scope of utility of these can be estimated and implemented
Well, the cons are:
- Political issues may concern the implementation of developmental activities
- Corruption may go high
- Inefficient monitoring leads to increased wastes of water resources

There is no point in nationalising water resources. The reason is in advanced cities

and metros the presences of water mafias are growing with the help of politians and
no one can deny it. And now that every week some or the other scams are being
unearthed, it clealry shows the mis-management of politicians in the cabinet. So
how can they manage after nationalising it? What is the proof that they don't

Building dams are also not the option as it will disturb the ecological imbalance.
Rather if every state take up responisbilities to take care of their water resources by
checking leaking pipes, pilferage and acting upon water mafias, we can definitely
save water!

I think every major water resources like river, lakes, dams are under the control of
government now only left is wells and the boring done at the house place or at the
farming place, I think it would be very difficult for the government to nationalize all
these sources and also it is not necessary. Instead of thinking in this way I would say
Government must make the arrangement to make the nearby river water reach to
the location facing water scarcity. As it has been done in the Rajkot. In Rajkot the
water of huge river NARMADA is provided when its city DAM is not able to provide
sufficient water to the city.
So government must take the complaints of the people facing water scarcity
problems and must take such kind of quick steps for the betterment of our country
and its people.
I don't think so, if water resources are nationalized then that may be another reason
to instigate war. Water is free flowing, a nations inability to maintain healthy water
will cause the dirt n other things to flow to other nations causing differences. Even if
we talk about division of water on the basis of states, every state will have its own
We are already having enough agitations on the division of states then division
water would be disastrous, every other territory will demand more and more. The
best thing I feel that can be done is to allocate a strong distribution channel to
ensure that water reaches the unprivileged parts of our country.

I do agree with advantages over nationalizing water resources, whereas there are
more problem with we don't foresee to. The water resources being nationalized,
water would be polluted all over the nation. There are many textile and leather
industries spread across the country. They have been polluting the nearby rivers
and lakes to dispose their waste. For the case, take Tirupur in Tamil nadu. The place
which attracts all textile people of the country and abroad.
The underground water there is so contaminated that, they get coloured water
everywhere they put a bore. If people have nearly contaminated the underground
water itself, imagine the water which would be flowing on the surface. The

nationalization of water can be done, if the government is very strict with their
policies and rules though. Or nationalization would end as a disaster.

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