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1 bowling ball
10 bowlings
1 bowling alley

teams of 2 or 3 players

Part of the sesin: main part

Length of the game: when finish

the game
Development: this game consist in that two teams (individual, pairs or
threesomes) must achieve knock down as many bowlings on every play,
on every play there are two opportunities to shoot except you do strike
on the first shot, there are 10 turns for each team, when 10 turns finish
the team whith more points win.

British Culture through Physical


Bowling origin is in Germany in the fourth century, was initiated as part of a religious
The peasants had a stick (Kegel) that used both for defense and for physical exercise.
The Church epitomized the Kegel as Evil and attract parishioners were invited to
participate in a set of clubs within the church or possibly in the cloisters.
Those who were able to give the Kegel would have knocked the atheist and tested who
were God fearing men; if they didnt undeniable proof of guilt and was considered sinful
life, being able to remedy the offense trying a new stake to get down the Kegel.

The entry into the peninsula of bowling, descendants of the Germanic Kegel, occurs
through the pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela.

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