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Causes of Bullying:

1. Unethical and poor conditions at home:

Many a times, there are children who learn bullying by seeing their
home conditions. In their home they see that the anger or
aggression is used to maintain the obedience.
Children learn that angriness and the aggression to use them over
others or on their friends. This gave them a feeling of conquering
or to become high in power. This all is related to poor parental
2. Poor Parental Supervision:
When a child is allowed to do whatever he/she wants, it results in
loosing self control. He/she doesnt know that when he is going to
cross the limit or boundaries. The lack of consequences of bad
behavior urges the child to bully or dominate at school or outside.
3. Due to jealousy or inadequacy from others:
Many times either children or the elder people feel that a particular
person is getting attention from the teacher or the boss. So they
might get jealous and start spreading rumors or gossiping or
posting some indecent comment about the victim to make him
unpopular between the people and uplift selfs social standing.
This is one main cause of cyber bullying.
4. History of Bully/ Seeking revenge:
Many children who were rejected socially or did not get any love
or empathy in past sometimes passes this horrible condition to
others or behave in same nature with other students.
5. For entertainment:

Sometimes when a person is bored or have nothing to do he may

bully someone to spice up things or to add drama element to their
life. He might think that this unethical behavior is good to get

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