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Breast Cancer


Cancer is:

The disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal

cells in a part of the body.

Cells become cancerous after mutations accumulate in the

various genes that control cell proliferation. According to
research findings from the Cancer Genome Project, most
cancer cells possess 60 or more mutations. The challenge for
medical researchers is to identify which of these mutations
are responsible for particular kinds of cancer. This process is
akin to searching for the proverbial needle in a haystack,
because many of the mutations present in these cells have
little to nothing to do with cancer growth.

Mitosis and Cancer

Mitosis is closely controlled by

the genes inside every cell.
Sometimes this control can go
wrong. If that happens in just a
single cell, it can replicate itself
to make new cells that are also
out of control. These are cancer
cells. They continue to replicate
rapidly without the control
systems that normal cells have.
Cancer cells will form lumps, or
tumors, that damage the
surrounding tissues.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Some breast cancer treatments

can cause ongoing side effects,
such as menopausal symptoms,
fatigue or pain. Some treatments
can also affect a womans ability
to get pregnant. Breast cancer
and its treatments can cause
changes to your body and how
you feel about your body. This
may be because of physical
changes after surgery, hair loss
from chemotherapy or weight

Possible Causes of Breast Cancer

A woman whose mother,

sister, aunt, or daughter
has had breast cancer is
more likely to get breast
cancer. It can be a passed
down through family.
Age is a factor because as
women get older, they are
more at risk for breast
cancer. Teens as well as
women in their twenties

Treatment for Breast Cancer

You can have the tissue with

cancer in it cut out or use
high-energy rays to kill the

Age is a factor because As

women get older, they are
more at risk for breast
Teens as well as women in
their twenties and thirties
are less likely to get breast

Other Important Information

There are 4 stages of

breast cancer.
Survival Rate:
Stage 1- 100%
2- 93%
Stage 3- 72%
Stage 4- 22%
There is a month to
spread awareness about
breast cancer.
Breast cancer is the
most common cancer
among women world

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