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According the Richard Hamilton, the poem of Hesiods Theogonys is a

precedent of sorts for all the various forms of archaic poetry. Hesiod tells the
poem in a narrative style, which is very much like Homers various hymns
and writings. Additonally, Hesiods encounter is one of the first self
descriptions by a poet according to article. Furthermore, the poet receives a
mission to tell a story, which is mirrored in various other later works of
writing, from writers such as Archilochus and Callimachus.
2. The program of the Theogony is split into three parts-Kids of both Gaia and
Ouranos, then their childrens childrens, and finally, the story of Olympus.
Theogony begins with a genealogy, and then turns towards the fall of Kronos
and the tians, and then the crowning of Zeus as a king. The article brings up
that there are various inconsistencies within the program, because it is quite
confusing to mark a start and end of various stories. The article also states
that most scholars agree that Theogony helps to portray a story in favor of
Zeus, citing that many stories were written in such a way that Zeus would still
look good.
3. To begin with, there is the Non-Narrative Digression, which is a distribution
of honors towards other deities. The article states that this is used to focus
the audiences attention away from Zeus, as well as to introduce other
characters. It helps to portray a background of various other characters. Then
there is the narrative digression, which is the essentials of the poem. This is
highlighted by three key stories of Prometheus, Typhoeus, and Ceto. This is
the highlight of the poem, and shows how Zeus came to and maintained
power. These two digressions helped to come together to portray a bigger
story of the power of Zeus.
4. Hesiod glorifies Zeus in a variety of ways, such as skewing stories towards a
favorable perspective of Zeus (Prometheus). Additionally, each action that is
taken, ultimately seems to boil down to help Zeus somehow. Furthermore,
because of the controlled generation, Zeus now has supreme power over
everyone else. Power is now always kept in the hands of Zeus, and Hesiod
portrayed all of this throughout Theogony.

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