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Colette Derohanian and Katelyn Truong

Home Interior Paint

Performance Task #3

Part A :
The color that used the lowest percentage of red was Peach Pie. I
found my answer by first finding the sum of how many drops each
color used. Coral paradise used 19 drops of paint, Sunset Shine used 13
drops of paint. Peach pie used 18 drops of paint. Then I divided the
number of red paint by the total amount of paint drops. So, coral
paradise would be 8 / 19 = 42%. Sunset Shine would be 5 / 13 = 38%.
Peach Pie would be 6 / 18 = 33%
Part B: 20 would be the total amount of drops in 1 paint can.

Part C :
Ava needs to add 4 more drops to have a total of 12 drops of red
pigment. I found my answer by adding 4, 4 times to equal 16. Then I

circled the 3, 4s and added them together, which equals 12. Then I
divided 12 / 16 toget 0.75 which is also known as 75%. Then I found the
difference of 12 and 8 to get 4. That 4 would be all you need to add to
the 8 drops of red paint.
Part D :
The percent of the total amount of red pigment ordered last month
was 25%. I found my answer by adding up the total amount of
pigment and I got 32. Then I divided the amount of red pigment by the
total amount of pigment which was 8 / 32 and I got 0.25. Which
equals to 25% because 0.25 is 25 of 100 which is another way to say
percent. The percent of blue pigment is 37.5%. I found my answer by
dividing 12 by 32 which is 37.5. That is also the percent. The percentage
of yellow paint is the same as the percentage of blue pigment because
they are the same number. They both solve the percentage by dividing
12 / 32 which is 37.5%.
Part E:
Pigment Color

Amount Ordered
Last Month

Amount to Order
This Month

Red Pigment

8 oz

10 oz

Blue Pigment

12 oz

15 oz

Yellow Pigment

12 oz

15 oz

Total Order

32 oz

40 oz

Part F:
With tax, the final price of the shipment would be $9.82. To get this
answer, first we multiplied 30.35 by .06, which got us 1.821. Then we
added the shipping, which was $7.99. At the end, the total was $9.82.

Mr. Whang's Google Doc

Our Google Spreadsheet

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