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Primul Slide:

Since the uprisings of 1848, "Deteapt-te romne" has been the most enduring national
anthem of Romania. In the days following the state coup of August 23, 1944, when Romania
turned against Nazi Germany and participated in the war along with the Allies, the song
received heavy radio broadcast.

After the seizure of power by the communists on December 30, 1947, "Deteapt-te romne"
and other patriotic songs closely associated with the previous regime were outlawed.
Ceauescu's government permitted the song to be played and sung in public, but it was not
given state recognition as the national anthem.

Al doilea Slide:
The overall message of the anthem is a "call to action"; it proposes a "now or never" urge for
change present in many national anthems like the French revolutionary Marseillaise. This is
the reason why Nicolae Blcescu called it the "Romanian Marseillaise".

Al treilea slide:
The patriotic song of the 1848 Revolution 'Desteapta-te romne!' ('Wake Up Romanians!')
was adopted as Romania's National Anthem in April 1990. The lyrics belong to poet
ANDREI MURESANU (1816-1863) and the music to folklorist ANTON PANN (17961854).

Andrei Muresanu

Anton Pann

Al patrulea Slide:
It is an interesting fact that the two creators had written the poem and music independently,
that for almost ten years when the poem and the melody were brought together they
circulated separately, under different titles before the outbreak of the 1848 Revolution, that
the song preceded the lyrics, and that the melody and the poem were brought together by
psalm singer Gheorghe Ucenescu (1830-1896).

Al cincilea slide:
Full of historical significance for the Romanian people, 'Desteapta-te romne!' has imposed
itself as the centuries-old anthem of a nation longing for freedom and social justice.

Al saselea slide:
A more poetic translation
Awaken thee, Romanian, wake up from deadly slumber
The scourge of inauspicious barbarian tyrannies
And now or never to a bright horizon clamber
That shall to shame put all your enemies.
It's now or never that we prove to the world
That in these veins still flows Roman blood
And in our hearts for ever we glorify a name
Triumphant in battles, the name of Trajan.
Behold, imperial shadows, Michael, Stephen, Corvinus
At the Romanian nation, your mighty progeny
With arms like steel and hearts of fire impetuous
"Live in liberty, or die" that's what they all decree.
Priests, raise the cross, as this army is Christian
Give it liberty and it's sanctified scope
We'd rather die in battle, with honorary glory
Than live again enslaved on our ancestral land.

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