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AP Style Stars Section A, W-Z

Name: ________________________

Instructions: Fill in the circle beside the correct answer

1.Which is the correct adverb to use? (pg 12)
O All right
2.If used after the name of a corporate entity, do we abbreviate company, corporation, etc?(pg 1)
O Yes
O No
3.Should you abbreviate titles when used before a full name? (pg 1)
O Yes
O No
4.A murderer is one convicted in court of law. (pg 20)
O False
O True
5.When it's used in a date, how do you write AM or PM? (pg 15/2)
O AM or PM
O A.M. or P.M.
O am or pm
O a.m. or p.m.
6.When can you use the phrase "women's wear?" (pg 448)
O Never, it's womenswear
O Anytime, it's perfectly acceptable
O Never, it's a politically charged phrase
7.Which one is used mainly as a verb, meaning to influence? (pg 6)
O Affect
O Effect
O Both
8.A widely known procedure for publicizing the dissappeance of a child. (pg 12)
O Amber alert
O A.A.
O Amber Alert
O amber alert
9.When do we use the ampersand & symbol? (pg 36)
O To make a sentence shorter
O Never!
O When its part of a companys formal name
O As a subsitute for and in a sentence
10.When do we use an asterisk * ? (pg 22)
O Always! It can add style
O There is no rule
O Never, it rarely translates
O If it feels right, use one

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