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In the recent years, many health professionals have been appointed to leadership
positions and management of large scale health programs in their countries. It is
generally accepted that the medical education training programs provide adequate
knowledge and impart relevant skills and competencies for the management of
diseases, therefore, management of health care systems and programs. However,
there is now a consensus that in many countries medical education training
programs are compact and do not impart to graduates sufficient knowledge and
skills for the management of health care systems and programmatic services. With
increasing demand for quality services, strategic planning and working in teams,
when you lead you take a stand to create a better future. The new leadership will
not be provided by a take charge elite but will emerge from the capacity that lies
within each and every person. It will be leadership that does not presume to have
all the answers, but one that seeks to empower others, as stated by Annabel
Beerel, in "Leadership through Strategic Planning". Afya Bora Fellowship aims at
training leaders in global health, therefore, it is important that the
definition/meaning of leadership and leadership attributes are clearly understood.
You have recently been appointed Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Health in
your country after completion of a leadership training fellowship. An international
organization has keen interest in your country and wants to operate a large scale
health programme on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD). However, the
International Organization will not commit the funds to your ministry until it is
assured that you have appointed a competent in-country Programme Manager who
- in addition to being a holder of an advanced degree in a health profession - MUST
have outstanding leadership attributes. You have at most two weeks to identify and
appoint a person suitable for the post of Programme Manager who in your opinion
has the required leadership attributes.
What do you understand by the term leader?
What leadership values will you be are looking for?
What do leaders do different from Managers?
In your opinion, what influences leadership?
What criteria will you use to determine the leadership potential of candidates for
this new position of Programme Manager?
How can you ensure continued building of leadership competencies in your

Case 2
LEADERSHIP Scenario: Klipper Kuik, Inc.
Klipper Kuik, Inc. sells sail boats to upper crust clients who live in the Chesapeake Bay area,
particularly, Annapolis,
Maryland. The company has been in existence only a short time, but sales are up and business is
booming. Sara Tonin, the
CEO, got the company off to a good start with her patented sail design. She discovered a way to
make smaller sails which
could catch more wind, even when there is no wind. She guarantees smooth sailing in any
weather condition. This has made the
boats very attractive to weekend sailors. Sara says, "let's capitalize on this while the gettin's
good." As she puts it, "get'em in,
sell'em, and clip'em quick before they get away."
However, her husband Jibb, who she assigned to supervise the sales staff, has had problems
getting his salespersons motivated
to do their job. Some seem to want no supervision while others want to know exactly what it is
they are supposed to do. A
couple of them insist on being managers themselves.
Jibb is confused about how to organize and lead the staff. Should he develop teams, supervise
them individually, or just leave
them alone? Since Jibb's only work experience was as a weekend life-guard before he met Sara,
he is floundering, as he puts it,
"rudderless in a turbulent sea." He wants you, an expert HR specialist consultant, to help steer
him back on course. Therefore,
he has contracted you at $1000 a day, to develop a leadership development plan for Klipper
Kuik, Inc.
The contract specifies that you will:
1. Decide on what leadership theory(s) to implement
2. Develop a plan to train managers if necessary (this means an extended contract for you)
3. Use sound reasoning to justify why your leadership plan will work for his company
4. Have it in "ship shape" and ready to sail by the agreed upon deadline.
5. Make sure it will fly with Sara since she's the Captain of this ship.


Scenario: Drugs Unlimited, Inc.

Poppa Pill, the original owner of Drugs Unlimited, has been running his generic drug
manufacturing operation since he started it
in 1989. His most successful pharmaceutical is what he calls the "life extender" which has been a
very popular over-the-counter
product for decades. Poppa knows he's getting on up in years, so he's planning to develop a new
subsidiary called Head
Cases. He wants to get it up and running smoothly before his anticipated retirement in the year
2000. Since he won't have time
to run both companies and still play squash four times a week, he's decided he'll have to find
someone to take over the
leadership of Drugs Unlimited.
Before his wife died in 1930, she was managing the operations. However, because of her
dictatorial management style,
turnover was always a problem. Since then Poppa has seen sixteen VPs of operations come and
go. He believes that the more
successful ones seem to be "people friendly" types, and notes that many seem to become more
care-free and outgoing once
they learn a lot about the company products. The workers seemed to always be happy and
motivated, especially those working
on the production lines. However, since the FDA came in four years ago and tightened up
specifications and record keeping,
the workers are starting to act like those found in most companies. Some say they want no
supervision, others want to know
exactly what it is they are supposed to do, and a couple insist on being managers themselves.
Poppa has retained you, an expert HR consultant, to help him establish effective leadership for
the organization. Therefore, he
has contracted you at $1500 a day, to develop a leadership development plan for identifying and
training managers who can
successfully lead the company into the next century.
Your contract with Drugs Unlimited, Inc. specifies that you will:
1. Decide on what leadership approach(s) to implement.
2. Develop a plan to train managers.
3. Use sound reasoning to justify why your leadership plan will work for his company.

4. Have the managers up to speed by the end of the year.

5. Make sure the plan won't be a bitter pill for the line workers to have to swallow.

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