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Womens Right to


Suffrage- the right to vote in an
Advocate- someone who argues for
Vote- to make an official choice for or
against someone or something by
casting a ballot, etc.
Rights- morally or socially correct
Privilege- a right or benefit given to

What is Womens Suffrage?

The right for women to be able to vote
and hold a place in office.

The Start
Began in Waterloo,
New York 1848 at a tea The women discussed
not having rights to:
party held by Jane
vote, own property and
Hunt, an advocate for
decided for a change.
womens rights
Guests: Lucretia Mott, But how?
Here they organized
Martha Wright, Mary
the first womens
Ann McClintock,
rights convention, the
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
convention was to be
held in Seneca Falls,
New York

Seneca Falls Convention

July 19-20, 1848, a two day
historical event, it was held at On the second day Fredrick
Wesleyan Chapel in Seneca
Douglas spoke and his
Falls New York
speech unified the two
300 people, including 40 men
causes of
attended in hopes creating a
abolishing(getting rid of)
brighter future for all women
slavery and women's rights
Here Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The declaration of
presented her declaration of
sentiments was signed and
sentiments where it was also
made legitimate by 68
was signed, this declaration
women and 32 men was molded after the
officially beginning the
Declaration of Independence
womens rights movement

Susan B. Anthony
Born in Adams Massachusetts in
1820, she lived most of her life
in New York
She devoted her life to
achieving equality for women,
although she was not present at
the Seneca Falls convention
She was in charge of the
National Women's Suffrage
Association in New York
She was once arrested and
brought to trial in Rochester
New York for attempting to vote
for Ulysses S. Grant in the
presidential election.
She never served jail time and
never paid her $100 dollar fine

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Born in Johnstown New York in
She helped in creating the
Women's Rights convention in
Seneca Falls
she started the New York State
Legislature to amend the existing
Married Women's Property Law
the Property law would grant
women the right to conduct
business, manage finances, sue
and be sued, a be joint guardians
for children.
it took six attempts before she
finally prevailed and brought New
York's women a giant leap closer
in equal rights

15th Amendment
1869 - was established for
African American men to have
the right to vote
Some women suffragists
opposed the amendment unless
it gave women the right to vote,
others thought it was a stepping
stone to a future they would be
excited for women with the
right to vote.
It was ratified(passed) in 1870,
giving African American men the
right to vote

19th Amendment
Finally in 1920 the
amendment granted
women the right to vote
within six days of the
ratification process three
states ratified it
8 million women across
the United States voted
that same year for the
first time

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