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Pedagogy of stereotypes
A stereotype is a one-sided, simplifying and idealized image of ones own
community (self stereotype) and an equally one-sided, simplifying and
negative vision of other communities
Most stereotypes are created through social learning.
An important role in this process is fulfilled by parents, peers and the
mass media, as well as by teachers.
Undoubtedly, this provides a wide scope for pedagogical activities directed
towards prevention of negative, unjust stereotypes towards certain social
A particular role in the contemporary, highly diverse society focused on
individualization should be played by education for tolerance, based on
anti-discrimination and equality messages.
The aim of this pedagogy is to present THUS the present status of
knowledge concerning stereotypes in various areas of education, as well
as to identify positive and negative stereotypes which are important from
the social and pedagogical perspective.
AS TEACHERS We want to give some thought to the issue of how to raise
the attention and sensitivity to stereotypes in teaching and educating, to
indicate those areas in LITERATURE/INTERCULTURAL STUDIES which offer
some room for education to tolerance and to point out the objectives,
tasks and perspectives of development of such AN education or TEACHING
famous quotes:
je parle anglais aux commerants,
franais aux hommes,
italien aux femmes, espagnol Dieu
et allemand mon cheval
les espagnols crivent moins quils ne pensent,
les franais plus quils nimaginent grce la qualit de leur style,
les allemands disent tout de telle faon que la moiti des gens ne les comprennent pas,
et les anglais crivent pour eux seuls

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