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Version 1.13
Created by Mythril Wyrm
Table of Contents
I. Update History
II. Legal Notice/Disclaimer
III. Foreword
IV. Basics
A. Attributes
B. Battle System
1. Move Phase
2. Action Phase
3. Aftermath
C. Exploring the World
1. Exploration Points
2. Events
3. Towns
D. Helpful Hints
V. Walkthrough
A. First Generation
1. Frontier
2. Hidden Path
3. Dodone
4. Slumber Forest
5. Mimas
6. Zelzagun Fortress
7. Rigulus
8. Cave of Origin
9. Rome Valley
10. Return to Zelzagun Fortress
11. Mudus Gate
12. Pleuron Fortress
13. Gridamas Capital
14. Kaystros Mountains
15. Lucrellia
B. Second Generation
1. Grugund Kingdom
2. Tannus Mountains
3. Nagigahara
4. Hazus's Scar
5. Old Yamato Republic
6. Alzai Fen
7. Dinan Plains
8. Ancient Forest
9. Renda Town
10. Trum Coast
11. Republic of Fensarril
12. Andorra La Vella Peaks
13. Closed Forest
14. Furyum Daryl
15. Kotuy
16. Return to Grugund Kingdom
17. Return to Andorra La Vella Peaks
18. Return to Furyum Daryl

19. Colhol Fortress

20. Graccea
C. Third Generation
1. Maralinga
2. Ku Kaatje
3. Tweda Forest
4. Musoi
5. Frozen Wood
6. Lus Soleil
7. Zamul Fortress
8. The City of Paillene
9. Aulis Lake
10. Twulan City
11. The City of Aulis
12. Lyonrendas
13. Ewabarl Shivan
14. Tlalocan City of God
15. Ginnunga Canyon
16. Return to Lyonrendas
17. Gilga Zeyon
18. Bak Mui
19. Return to Musoi
20. Return to Tlalocan
21. Mulan's Gem Cave
22. Magna Val
23. Fendias
D. Fourth Generation
1. Cape Town of Nillea
2. Tran Hills
3. Tenedos City
4. Bibrest Mountains
5. Jalfa Fortress
6. City of Rabat Salle
7. Crystal Lake
8. Halulu Atea
9. Eriswil
10. Nymph's Bath
11. Kudan's Sump
12. Villers le Lac
13. Konolfingen
14. Darfur Cave
15. Merchant City Tegea
16. Danakil Great Fen
17. Areopagus
18. Archer's Point
19. Enhambre
E. Fifth Generation
1. Elblag
2. Limburg
3. Zeleia Fortress
4. Kuturgur
5. Eljudnir Fortress
6. Lingen
7. Uttara Kulu
8. Kaluni Kahla
9. Lyonesse Fortress
10. Centan
11. Vatna
12. Vol Tuanor
13. Ladoga

14. Lazar Desert

15. Dandalugan Fortress
16. Falmouth Hills
17. Helmos Mountains
18. Guisado Gaza
19. Larohenga Deserts
20. Barzakh, City of the Dead
F. True End & Boundary Plane
1. Lucrellia
2. Graccea
3. Fendias
4. Enhambre
5. Aegisthus
6. The Boundary Plane
VI. Lists
A. Fields
1. Basic
2. Force Field
3. Vital Field
4. Sorcery Field
5. Fundamental
6. Speed Zone
7. Happy Time
8. Gravity
9. Hypnotic Field
10. Little Fortune
11. Deadly Gamble
12. Mystic Brain
13. Hazardous Kingdom
14. Wild Coliseum
15. Nightmare Prison
16. Hell's Banquet
17. Full Rein Force
18. Heaven and Hell
19. All Reduced
20. Overdrive
B. Esoteric Book
C. Adventurer's Guild
1. Skill Recipes
2. Equipment
D. Smithing List
1. Weapons
2. Armor
3. Accessories
4. Items
E. Titles
VII. Questions & Answers
VIII. Special Thanks
IX. Contacting Me
To skip to a specific section, press Ctrl + F, type in a section name, and
press Enter.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------I. Update History
v0.10 - Completed part of the First Generation walkthrough. Will add more as I
continue to progress through the game.
v0.15 - After a long hiatus, completed more of the First Generation walkthrough
and made several formatting and mechanical changes.
v0.20 - Completed the First Generation walkthrough, expanded the Basics section, and made several formatting and mechanical changes.

v0.30 - Completed part of the Second Generation walkthrough, began filling in

the lists, and made changes to several sections.
v0.35 - Completed more of the Second Generation walkthrough, expanded and reorganized the lists, and made changes to several sections.
v0.40 - Completed more of the Second Generation walkthrough, expanded the lists
and Special Thanks section, and made changes to several sections.
v0.45 - Completed the Second Generation walkthrough, began the Third Generation
walkthrough, expanded the lists, renamed General Tips to Helpful Hints, and
made a few minor changes.
v0.55 - Completed most of the Third Generation walkthrough, expanded the lists,
and made a few minor changes.
v0.60 - Completed the Third Generation walkthrough, began the Fourth Generation
walkthrough, expanded the lists, and made a few minor changes.
v0.80 - Completed the Fourth Generation walkthrough, began the Fifth Generation
walkthrough, expanded the lists and began reformatting the Smithing List section, and made a few minor changes.
v0.90 - Completed more of the Fifth Generation walkthrough, expanded the lists,
added link to an English manual for the Xbox 360 version of the game to the
Questions & Answers section, added map of Bibrest Mountains, corrected some errors on other dungeon maps, and made a few minor changes.
v1.00 - Completed the Fifth Generation walkthrough and all of the lists, updated the Questions & Answers section, and made several minor changes. The main
portion of the walkthrough is now complete; the next update will include more
information about the True End and the battles with the gods.
v1.10 - Added more information about the True End, Boundary Plane, and battles
with the gods, reorganized the Lists section and added the skill recipes and
items that can be purchased with TP, updated the Questions & Answers section,
corrected some errors about damage based on facing and the party members who
follow the protagonists between generations, and made numerous minor changes.
v1.11 - Corrected an error in the results of the decision made after clearing
Mudus Gate, added some information about an alternate way to win the battle
against Valeria at Nagigahara, and made a few minor changes.
v1.12 - Added maps and descriptions of the fields to the Lists section, updated
the Questions & Answers section, and made a few minor changes.
v1.13 - Added descriptions of attributes and their effects on stats to the
Basics section, revised the Battle System and Special Thanks sections, and made
a few minor changes.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------II. Legal Notice/Disclaimer
This FAQ is copyright 2010-2013 by Devin McCain. At this time, only the sites
listed below have my permission to host this FAQ:
GameFAQs (
Neoseeker (
Super Cheats (
Please notify me as soon as possible if you find it posted anywhere else. If
you want to post this FAQ on your own website, you may do so only if you obtain
my permission in writing and agree to leave the FAQ completely unchanged. If
you post it without my explicit permission or change it and try to pass it off
as your own, there will be unpleasant consequences when I find out. Feel free
to print a copy of this FAQ for personal use, but do not publish or distribute
it with intent to turn a profit on it. I'm sharing it free of charge, so please
respect that.
All other copyrights and trademarks mentioned in this FAQ are the property of
their respective owners. I neither claim nor challenge their ownership.
This FAQ may contain spoilers. Continue reading at your own risk.

I take no responsibility for any embarrassment, injuries, or deaths that result

from the use of this FAQ or any of the information contained herein. If you're
that stupid, it's your own damn fault.
Got that? Good. Now, let's move on to the fun stuff...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------III. Foreword
Hello, and welcome to my FAQ and walkthrough for Record of Agarest War! I downloaded this game after reading some intriguing reviews and reports about its
special features, and while the game didn't live up to my lofty expectations,
it was good enough to keep me coming back. I also noticed that there was no
complete walkthrough for the game and minimal resources to help fellow strategy
RPG gamers figure out what to do, so I took it upon myself to provide them with
one. Flawed though the game is, it became more engrossing as I began to understand the mechanics behind it, and I'm hoping that this guide will make the
game more playable for those who want to give it a try.
In this FAQ, I will provide explanations of the game mechanics, walkthroughs of
the scripted battles, lists of the enemies that can appear in random battles,
maps of the dungeons, summaries of the plot, results of choosing each different
dialogue option, and recipes for all of the different items. I will compile new
sections based on reader demand and contributions.
I wrote this FAQ while playing through the North American version of the game
on Hard Mode. On Easy or Normal Mode, enemy HP and parameters will be reduced
accordingly, and your characters can reach a maximum level of 350 rather than
In any case, if you're looking for a resource to help you survive the worst
that Record of Agarest War has to offer, this walkthrough is for you.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------IV. Basics
Unless you bought your copy of the game in Japan or imported it, you'll have to
play without an instruction manual. The tutorials can't be relied upon to explain the finer points of the game clearly, so read this section first if you
have any questions about basic gameplay elements.
A. Attributes
There are five attributes in the game, each of which is tied to one or more
stats. Characters have different growth rates in each attribute, which determine how much it costs for them to raise that attribute with Party Points (PP)
or the points they receive when they gain a level. A better growth rate lowers
the maximum point cost of an attribute and the rate at which this cost rises,
thus allowing a character to raise the attribute higher without spending as
many points.
STR - Strength. Influences the effectiveness of a character's physical attacks.
Each point of STR adds 6 points to ATK and half a point to HIT.
VIT - Vitality. Influences a character's resistance to physical attacks. Each
point of VIT adds 3 points to DEF. Each time characters level up, they
gain HP equal to thrice their base (unequipped) VIT plus twice the level
they've reached.
AGI - Agility. Influences a character's ability to dodge physical attacks and
act quickly in battle. Each point of AGI adds half a point to AVD.
INT - Intelligence. Influences a character's ability to use and resist magic.
Each point of INT adds 6 points to MAG and 4 points to RST.

LUK - Luck. Influences the success rate of a character's attempts to steal from
and capture monsters. Each point of LUK adds half a point to both HIT and
It's generally a good idea to decide whether characters will be frontline
fighters, support fighters, or spellcasters early on and invest points in their
attributes accordingly. Frontline fighters need lots of STR and VIT; support
fighters need lots of STR and AGI; spellcasters need lots of INT and (possibly)
AGI. LUK doesn't need to be increased very much unless a character is going to
be capturing and/or stealing frequently.
B. Battle System
This is where the meat of the game lies. You'll be spending most of your time
on the battlefield, and if you become intimately familiar with the combat system and its many intricacies, you'll thrive there. It's impossible to flee from
battles, and most of them will continue until either your party or the enemy
party has been wiped out.
Battles are divided into two phases: the Move Phase and the Action Phase.
1. Move Phase
At the beginning of this phase, combatants gain a number of AP (Action Points)
equal to their base AP score. They can stay in their starting position or move
into any empty square within their movement range; moving 1 square costs 1 AP.
The enemies will not move until your party moves, so don't worry about being
When you move the cursor over each character, you'll notice that certain
squares start flashing. These are extend spaces, and moving another character
into one of them will link the two characters together with a beam of green
light, allowing them to generate extra AP during the Action Phase and combine
their attacks against a single enemy. Link your whole party together, and they
can all combine their attacks against any enemy that one or more of them can
reach. Good positioning and wise use of combined attacks will allow you to fell
even the most powerful foes. Be warned, however, that your enemies can form
links of their own.
Generally, you want to face your characters in whichever direction allows them
to form links most easily. Bear in mind that attacks from the sides or the rear
inflict extra damage, so you may want to think more defensively when facing
particularly strong enemies.
2. Action Phase
This phase begins once you have confirmed your characters' moves. During this
phase, you and the enemies get to launch your attacks. The combatants with the
highest AGI and AP totals take their turns first, and may act according to the
AP they have available. The turn order is displayed in the meter at the top of
the screen.
Linked characters should use coordinated combinations of skills to defeat the
most dangerous foes and stop them from performing combination attacks. Focusing
on one enemy at a time is usually a good strategy, because consecutive attacks
deplete an enemy's break gauge. Once this gauge is fully depleted, the enemy
will become more vulnerable to damage. Your party members have their own break
gauges, which can be depleted by a concerted enemy assault. Try not to let this
One thing to bear in mind when launching combined attacks is the range of each
skill. Characters can attack enemies who are outside of the normal range of

their skills during a combined attack, but they will automatically move to the
closest empty square from which they can use the skill. If no such squares are
empty, they will not be able to act. Plan your attacks carefully to ensure that
none of your characters cut each other off.
Certain skills, when used in succession, combine to form Extended Skills. You
can discover the combinations on your own, or by reading manuals purchased from
item shops. Extended Skills are more powerful than normal skills and will score
additional hits against foes with empty break gauges. They're best used at the
end of a combo, after wearing an enemy down with multi-hit skills.
Every time a skill is used, both the user(s) and the target(s) gain 5 SP
(Spirit Points). The surviving combatants will also gain a bit of SP each time
someone is defeated. High SP can trigger special abilities or be expended to
perform Extra Skills, which inflict devastating damage. Some Extra Skills hit
over a large area, making them ideal for clearing out groups of weak enemies or
doing severe damage to bosses. Many enemies have Extra Skills of their own, so
pay attention to their AP and SP and make them priority targets if they're
about to unleash hell on your party.
If one of your party members is slain, his or her body will turn to crystal. A
counter will appear over the crystal and decrease by 1 on each of the departed
character's turns. If the counter reaches zero or the battle ends, the crystal
will disappear and the character will stay dead until you pay to have him or
her revived in town. Using a revival item or spell on the crystal before it
disappears will prevent this from happening.
Reducing an enemy to its negative maximum HP total results in overkill. For
example, if an enemy has 100 maximum HP, reducing it to -100 HP with one or
more attacks will overkill it. Overkilled enemies always drop items, which may
be even more valuable than the ones they drop at random.
Unused AP carry over to the next combat round. Characters can accumulate up to
twice their base AP score in stored AP.
3. Aftermath
Winning a battle earns you EXP (Experience), G (Gold), EP (Enhancement Points),
and TP (Technique Points). You will receive a grade ranging from S (the best)
to I (the worst) for each battle, which will be higher if you finish the battle
quickly and if your party's average level is lower than the average level of
your enemies. The better your grade, the larger the percentage boost to your
earnings will be.
Enhancement Points can be used to enhance your equipment at the blacksmith.
Technique Points can be exchanged for items and skills at the guildhouses in
town. Spend your EP and TP wisely to keep your characters prepared for the
challenges they will face.
C. Exploring the World
If you aren't locked in mortal combat with bloodthirsty monsters or using the
spoils of victory to strengthen your party, you'll be visiting one of the sites
1. Exploration Points
Isometric mazes that you explore in search of treasure and bosses. You will
randomly encounter monsters while questing in these dungeons, and your party's
HP will not be restored until you return to the world map. Fight conservatively
and heal wounded party members before finishing each battle to avoid suffering
losses from attrition.

Note that healing items can be used between battles in dungeons, but revival
items cannot.
2. Events
These can occur almost anywhere. They consist of cutscenes, which may give you
plot-related information, allow you to interact with a potential bride, or
herald a series of battles. Like in dungeons, your party will not be healed
between battles, but you'll be given a chance to reorganize your party and save
your game.
The events that take place throughout the game are influenced by a variety of
factors, including the Link Gauge, turn counter, and affection levels of your
potential brides. You will not see certain events unless you meet the required
3. Towns
Bastions of civilization that provide a number of useful services for intrepid
adventuring parties.
Item Shop - You can purchase new equipment here. Many of the items and skills
that you create at the blacksmith guild or adventurer's guild will
be added to this shop's inventory.
Blacksmith Guild - You can alchemically enhance or create equipment here. You
will need EP to enhance equipment, and raw materials and
Gold to create it.
Adventurer's Guild - You can earn new titles by meeting certain conditions. The
guild will reward you with items, Gold, PP, and TP for
each new title you earn. Later, you'll be able to exchange
your saved TP for items, use Gold and raw materials to research new skills, and register your records to the game's
Monster Guild - You can combine your captured monsters to create new ones, or
trade them in for items.
First Aid - You can revive slain party members at the infirmary. The cost of
revival is 100 G per level of the deceased.
Alchemist's Guild - You can use old memories to animate characters from earlier
generations as marionettes, which will fight alongside your
party. Forbidden Tomes are needed to create marionettes,
and the cost of animating one is 5000 G per level of the
desired character.
Horoscope - You can visit the fortune teller to learn the attributes of the
children you can father with your potential brides. Each fortune
will cost you a modest 100 G.
D. Helpful Hints
VIT influences HP growth and is important for all characters. The HP gains are
not retroactive, but if you invest several points in it at low levels, your
characters will be much more durable at the end of the game.
Always stock up on revival items before entering a dungeon or starting an event
battle. Several of the bosses employ Extra Skills that can severely wound or
kill multiple targets, and Fragments/Stones/Vessels of Life will save you from
annihilation if this happens.

Save before going to any of the event locations, preferably on a separate slot.
If you don't like the result of a battle or a decision, reload and try again.
Take the time to overkill every new enemy you meet. It's a guaranteed way to
get items, many of which are useful for crafting new equipment or fulfilling
the requirements for titles.
Dungeons are good places to grind. You can get in several encounters in a short
span of time by wandering around, and the turn counter doesn't increase while
you're inside. This is especially important if you're going for the True End.
The strongest enemies in most dungeons randomly appear in the boss room after
the boss has been defeated. Seek them out if you're looking for a challenge;
they aren't easy prey, but the rewards are worth the effort.
Don't bother with the auto-battle feature unless you're much, much stronger
than the enemies you're fighting. It fights very inefficiently and will often
get your party killed.
When enemies that can counterattack are hit with combos, they will only try to
retaliate against the last party member who dealt them damage. Finish combos
with ranged attacks or spells to circumvent an enemy's counterattack.
Earn as many titles as you can before the end of each generation. The rewards
can really help you out, and you'll save yourself the trouble of backtracking
for titles during later generations.
The expressions of the portraits that you see during the cutscenes indicate the
affection levels of potential brides. In order from lowest to highest affection
levels, the expressions are as follows: yelling, frowning, smiling, laughing,
At the end of each generation, take the woman with the highest affection level
as your bride. She'll give you a stronger protagonist to control in the next
------------------------------------------------------------------------------V. Walkthrough
Throughout this section, I will provide rough maps of the dungeons and overviews of the scripted battles and the events that you can expect to see if you
follow the same path that I did through the game. Alternative paths and the
conditions for getting certain events will be provided based on contributions
from other players and my own experience during future playthroughs.
Recommended level is the recommended AVERAGE level of your party members if you
don't want to struggle with a particular dungeon, battle, or series of battles.
Depending on your strategy, skill, and equipment setups, you may be able to
clear certain battles at levels lower than my recommendations.
The enemies that appear in the scripted battles will always be the same. The
enemies that appear on the world map may vary, and I have listed every enemy
that I have encountered at each location.
When listing the results of your choices during certain events, a + after a
woman's name indicates that her affection will increase and a - after a woman's
name indicates that her affection will decrease.
A. First Generation
This chapter tells the story of Leonhardt, also known as "Golden Leo." He is an
officer in the Gridamas army who becomes embroiled in a quest that will span
generations and determine the fate of the entire world.

The women that Leonhardt can choose to marry are Fyuria, Luana, and Elaine.
1. Frontier
After selecting the difficulty
the world, you'll get to watch
and Leonhardt, which will play
trol by pressing Select if you
over soon regardless.

of the game and learning about the history of

your first battle. It's a duel between Kasibal
out automatically. You can switch to manual conwant to input a command, but the battle will be

After a conversation between Leonhardt and Kasibal, your first real battle will

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L1 Frontier Soldier (x4)
Strategy: You control Leonhardt, Kasibal, and two Gridamas Soldiers during *
this battle. Approach the enemies and save your AP during the first round, *
then unload on them during the next round to take them down easily. Try to *
overkill them for Silver Ore.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

You'll be given the chance to save your game at this point.

Later, a Gridamas officer named Musaka and his troops are threatening an elven
girl. Leonhardt witnesses the assault and intervenes on her behalf.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L1 Musaka, L1 Frontier Soldier (x2)
Strategy: Leonhardt must fight this battle alone. Musaka poses the biggest *
threat, so you want to take him down first. Stand back and conserve your AP *
on the first round, then use Double Edge and Power Attack successively to *
perform the Extended Skill Broken Hit. It will do well over 100 damage and *
make quick work of Musaka. Once he's down, mop up the Frontier Soldiers to *
seize victory. Use Grass to restore your HP if they run low.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

While traveling with the elf girl, Leonhardt runs into Melchior and the Dark
Knight. They've learned about his fight with Musaka, and they're none too happy
to see him consorting with the enemy. Leonhardt sends the elf girl away and
buys her some time to escape by engaging the Dark Knight.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L99 Dark Knight
Strategy: If your adversary's 129,998 HP and 1768 ATK didn't give it away, *
this battle is unwinnable. Just let him kill you.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Leonhardt suffers a mortal wound in the battle, so Melchior and the Dark Knight
walk off and leave him to die. As his surroundings fade to black, he is visited
by a strange woman named Dyshana, who offers to revive him in return for his
and his descendants' souls. Eager for a chance to redeem himself, Leonhardt ac-

cepts her offer and goes off in search of the elf girl. When he finds her cornered by a large, bestial humanoid, he jumps to her defense.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L2 ???? (larva)
Strategy: Do whatever you want. This battle won't last long.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The elf girl interrupts the confrontation to tell Leonhardt that the humanoid
is Borgnine, her guardian. She introduces herself as Ellis and promises to lead
the group to civilization.
When you reach the world map, add Ellis and Borgnine to your party. Borgnine is
a heavy hitter who can soak up lots of damage, and complements Leonhardt well
on the front lines. Ellis has powerful offensive magic and the Heal spell, but
is very fragile. She has superior range when linked, so it's advisable to place
her in the rear of your formation.
Once you're finished organizing your party, follow the road to the Hidden Path.
-> Frontier Road, West
Enemies: L1 Thief
Even though the Thieves usually appear in groups of three, they pose little to
no threat. Overkill them for Grass.
2. Hidden Path
Leonhardt, Ellis, and Borgnine find a large rock blocking the path to Dodone.
Not willing to give up or change their course, they decide to smash their way
through it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L1 Rock
Strategy: The Rock won't attack you, so use this opportunity to find out
which combinations of skills and Extended Skills will maximize your damage- *
dealing ability. If you accumulate enough SP to use your Extra Skills, you *
can quickly reduce the Rock to dust.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

-> Frontier Road, East

Enemies: L1 Thief
3. Dodone
This is your first chance to stock up on supplies. Buy manuals from the item
shop and use your saved EP to enhance your party's weapons and armor at the
blacksmith. You can fight Thieves on the Frontier Road if you need Gold or EP.
-> South Murks Road, West
Enemies: L1 Thief
-> North Murks Road, East
Enemies: L1 Thief
Keep overkilling them to collect Grass.

4. Slumber Forest
Recommended Level: 2+
Enemies: L1 Thief, L3 Hornet, L4 Hell Dog
Map: 2
The enemies in this dungeon can be deadly if you're unprepared or unlucky. The
Hornets are fast, and the Hell Dogs hit hard and have a high evade rate. They
also have a devastating counterattack that they use in response to close-range
attacks. It can do 200+ damage to a character, so keep Ellis away from them and
use short-range attacks only to finish them off. If your party gets worn down,
exit the dungeon to restore the injured characters' lost HP, then return to
explore some new areas.
If you take the time to search the forest throroughly, you'll be rewarded with
some nice treasure. The Bone Guard, which gives a nice boost to a character's
physical defense, and the Thunder skill, which damages and may paralyze one
target, are particularly valuable finds.
Proceed to Alfheim after making your way through the forest.
-> Hamas Animal Trail
Enemies: L3 Hornet, L4 Hell Dog
-> Alfheim
Enemies: None
The party meets Ellis's grandfather Teonor and learns that Borgnine is a larva
who was willed into existence by Ellis. Teonor asks Leonhardt to help him retrieve a stolen elven artifact, and at Dyshana's urging, he agrees.
After the scene plays out, enter the town again to meet Vira-Lorr, a three-eyed
seeress. She's the most powerful offensive spellcaster you'll find for a while,
and a little less fragile than Ellis. Add her to your party once you return to
the world map.
-> North Murks Road, East
Enemies: L3 Hornet, L4 Hell Dog
-> North Murks Road, Central
Enemies: L3 Hornet, L4 Hell Dog
-> North Murks Road, West
Enemies: L3 Hornet, L4 Hell Dog
Cut your way through the enemies, overkilling them whenever possible to earn
crafting materials.
5. Mimas
Recommended Level: 3+
After a party discussion about tactics, you'll be thrown into the party screen.
Make any adjustments necessary to prepare for the upcoming battles.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



Enemies: L4 Gridamas Soldier (x4)

Strategy: Position your party, save your AP, and let them approach you in
the first round, then destroy them with Extended Skills. Make sure you heal
any injured party members with Grass or Ellis's magic before defeating the
final soldier.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L6 Gridamas Captain, L4 Gridamas Soldier (x4)
Strategy: This battle is a little harder than the last one, but the same
basic strategy applies. Get your party into position, build up your SP by
defeating the soldiers with Extended Skills, then demolish the captain with
Extra Skills.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After the battle, Leonhardt introduces himself to Fyuria, an elf maiden who was
being harassed by the Gridamas forces. She is unfriendly and suspicious of him
at first, but eventually agrees to travel with him. She's a fast and wellbalanced character who can use either magic or physical attacks effectively,
and should be added to your party as soon as you return to the world map.
Return to Dodone, and you'll notice that alchemy and horoscopes are now available. Use your saved Gold and materials to craft new weapons and armor.
-> North Nohutlu, South
Enemies: L4 Hell Dog, L5 Goblin
-> North Nohutlu, North
Enemies: L4 Hell Dog, L5 Goblin
The Goblins have more HP and higher ATK than the Hell Dogs, but none of their
abilities are especially deadly. Keep them away from your casters and fight
them the same way you fight their canine companions.
-> Puteaux
Enemies: None
Upon receiving a message about the movements of the Gridamas forces, the party
heads for Zelzagun Fortress to intercept them.
-> South Nohutlu, North
Enemies: L4 Hell Dog, L5 Goblin
-> South Nohutlu, South
Enemies: L4 Hell Dog, L5 Goblin
6. Zelzagun Fortress
Recommended Level: 6
Fyuria realizes that her brother is somewhere on the battlefield, and Leonhardt
agrees to help her find him.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Enemies: L7 Gridamas Captain, L6 Gridamas Soldier (x4)


Strategy: Once again, hang back and build up your AP while the enemies come
to you. Depending on your preference, you can defeat the soldiers for SP
and destroy the captain with Extra Skills, or focus on the captain first
and then mop up his subordinates; either strategy works well. If you defeat
the captain first, you can then take out two soldiers per turn by splitting
up your party members' attacks. Remember to heal before the battle ends.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


The party manages to find Fyuria's brother Zerva, who is in the company of a
mysterious gunman. Upon seeing Leonhardt with his sister, Zerva accuses him of
taking hostages and attacks.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L7 ???? (gunman), L5 Zerva
Strategy: Your priority here is not to defeat the enemies, but to survive. *
This battle will automatically end in three turns or when you have only one *
living party member, so keep as many people alive as possible to maximize *
your rewards and minimize the money you'll have to spend on revivals.
The gunman has strong physical attacks, Zerva has strong magical attacks, *
and both of them are fast. They can easily kill a party member if they team *
up on him or her, so stay out of the range of their attacks as you build up *
your AP. Zerva has lower HP and DEF than the gunman, so hit him hard and
fast with Extended Skills on the second round. The gunman will most likely *
kill a character or two on his turn, but the battle will end after he does. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

You will receive the Force Field field after finishing the battle.
The gunman flees the battlefield, saying he's not being paid enough to die, and
Fyuria persuades Zerva to join the party and help them bring an end to the war.
Leonhardt realizes that they will need more troops to match the military might
of Gridamas, and decides to seek aid from the kingdom of Rigulus.
You will be prompted to choose between breaking through Zelzagun Fortress or
going around to the north and sailing to Rigulus.
Break through Zelzagun Fort
--------------------------DARK shift, Fyuria Go around
--------LIGHT shift, Fyuria +
I chose to go around. Your path will be different if you choose another option.
Before progressing, add Zerva to the party to fill your roster. He fights with
scythes, which can hit all three squares in front of him. He has lower HP and
a more magical bent than his sister, so make sure he's well-supported by strong
and hardy fighters.
-> Puteaux Forest, South

Enemies: L4 Hell Dog, L5 Goblin, L6 Imp

-> Puteaux Forest, Central
Enemies: L4 Hell Dog, L5 Goblin, L6 Imp
-> Puteaux Forest, North
Enemies: L4 Hell Dog, L5 Goblin, L6 Imp
The Imps have decent magic attacks, but low HP. Goblins and Hell Dogs should be
cake by now. Trounce them.
-> Alcina Wharf
Enemies: None
Zerva says that he has prepared a boat, and the party sets sail for Rigulus.
-> Celades Waters I
Enemies: L5 Goblin, L6 Imp, L7 Skeleton
-> Celades Waters II
Enemies: L5 Goblin, L6 Imp, L7 Skeleton
-> Celades Waters III
Enemies: L5 Goblin, L6 Imp, L7 Skeleton
-> Celades Waters IV
Enemies: L5 Goblin, L6 Imp, L7 Skeleton
The Skeletons are fast and well-rounded. Make them high-priority targets, and
you should have few problems during the voyage.
-> Ridinia Island
Enemies: None
Zerva asks Leonhardt what he plans to do after reaching Rigulus. To Fyuria's
dismay, Leo admits that he has nothing planned beyond petitioning the king for
help. Ellis and Vira-Lorr remain optimistic and supportive of Leo, and the party presses on.
-> Luminil Bay
Enemies: L5 Goblin, L6 Imp, L7 Skeleton
7. Rigulus
Leonhardt risks arrest and execution by meeting with King Gunther alone. The
king admits that he fears for his kingdom and wants to help the people of the
Frontier, but is unable to commit troops because of the incessant attacks by
beasts from the Cave of Origin. A particularly strong beast is preventing the
king's soldiers from sealing the cave. If Leonhardt and his companions can slay
this beast, King Gunther will pledge his support to the Frontier.
-> Rymt Haim Trail, East
Enemies: L6 Imp, L7 Skeleton, L7 Lesser Bat
The Lesser Bats have low HP, but are fast and have strong magic. They can dodge
physical attacks, but magic is quite effective against them.
After clearing this area, go back to Rigulus for a special event. Leonhardt
will buy Fyuria a doll and talk to her about her childhood, shifting the Link
Gauge towards LIGHT and increasing Fyuria's affection for him.

-> Rymt Haim Trail, West

Enemies: L6 Imp, L7 Skeleton, L7 Lesser Bat
-> Chalcis
Enemies: None
-> Sohbrook Bypath, East
Enemies: L6 Imp, L7 Skeleton, L7 Lesser Bat
-> Sohbrook Bypath, Central
Enemies: L6 Imp, L7 Skeleton, L7 Lesser Bat
-> Sohbrook Bypath, West
Enemies: L6 Imp, L7 Skeleton, L7 Lesser Bat
The enemies are the same as the ones on the Rymt Haim Trail, but they appear in
groups of 6-7 at a time. The battles here are dangerous, but the rewards are
worth the risk.
IMPORTANT! The enemies in the Cave of Origin are quite powerful, and I highly
recommend leveling up before trying to clear it. The first two rooms of the
cave, where the enemies are weaker and less numerous, are a good place to gain
EXP. Craft the best weapons, armor, and accessories you can afford, and spend
your saved EP to upgrade them - you'll need them if you want to survive.
8. Cave of Origin
Recommended Level: 9
Enemies: L6 Imp, L7 Skeleton, L7 Lesser Bat, L8 Big Crab, L9 Fairy, L10
Lycanthrope, L11 Mandrake, L12 Mage, L21 Jumbo Cock
Map: 6

\ / \
5 4
\ /
/ \
3 1

As you enter the cave, you'll see a cutscene of Melchior discussing strategy
with General Elaine, Marquis Braham, and Duke Largen of Gridamas.
You'll run into quite a few new enemies here. Big Crabs are very slow, but have
high HP and defense and a deadly counterattack. Use magic to defeat them from a
safe distance. Fairies are quick, resistant to magic, and skilled in its use.
Fight them with physical attacks. Lycanthropes are extraordinarily fast, and
Mandrakes boast an assortment of skills that includes buffs and healing spells.
They should be high priority targets when they appear. The Mages are physically
frail, but possess high MAG and RST. Higher-level monsters appear more often
and in larger numbers deeper in the cave, so make sure you heal your party after each battle and avoid lingering in dangerous areas.
When you're ready to clear the cave, make your way to Area 3 and collect the
Recovery Grass and Staff of Healing from the chests there. Equip Vira-Lorr with
the staff and attach a Heal to it if you have one to spare. Another healer will
be a welcome addition to your party.
There's nothing else of interest in the area, so backtrack through Area 2 to
reach Area 4. Open the chests to find an Alluvial Gold and a Holy Symbol, and
exit to the northwest to reach a ledge with two chests on it. They contain an

Intelligence Ring and Essential Arts V. Since you can't jump off the ledge,
you'll have to take the northwest exit from Area 2 and pass through Area 5 to
reach your destination.
After a short scene in front of the altar in Area 6, you'll be thrown directly
into a boss fight.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L10 Jumbo Cock
Strategy: Don't let its suggestive name fool you - the Jumbo Cock can be a *
hard foe to beat if you don't come prepared. Its skills hit in a wide area *
and can instantly flatten characters with a low DEF, and its high AGI all *
but guarantees that it will strike first each turn. Its Resolve Will Power *
allows it to rapidly charge its AP, so be ready to take frequent hits.
One of your saving graces is that the cockatrice occupies a 3x3 area. It's *
a nice big target, and it won't be able to move if you position characters *
right next to it. That's exactly where you want to place Leo and Borgnine, *
and Ellis and Vira-Lorr should stay close enough to reach them with healing *
spells. Fyuria and Zerva should stand wherever they must to keep the party *
linked together and continually blast the Jumbo Cock with magic. Your whole *
party should be able to hit it for 1000+ damage each round, or more if you *
have enough SP to use Extra Skills. Letting the Jumbo Cock kill a party
member or two in order to charge up your SP can allow you to punish it on *
the following turn, but you may not want them to miss out on the vast EXP *
it gives when defeated. Having fewer characters alive also diminishes your *
overall damage output, so you may not be able to do enough damage to over- *
kill the boss. If you're intent on doing so, play it safe and let Leo and *
Borgnine draw the Jumbo Cock's attention until everyone has enough SP to
unload on it with Extra Skills.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After winning the battle, you'll be returned to the world map with all party
members restored to full life. The monster guild will become available in town,
and you'll be able to research new skills and exchange TP for prizes at the adventurer's guild.
If you return to Area 6 of the cave, you will be able to meet the Jumbo Cock in
random encounters. In spite of its higher level, its stats won't be as high as
they were during the boss fight, but it's still not a foe to be taken lightly.
Don't get caught with your pants down.
IMPORTANT! The next time you return to Rigulus, visit the adventurer's guild
and stock up on Vessels of Life. You can get them for 25 TP apiece, and in addition to reviving slain party members with full HP, they sell for a whopping
50,000 G each. At an exchange rate of 1 TP for 2000 G, you can easily get all
the cash you'll need for a good long time.
-> Rome Valley, North Pass
Enemies: L8 Big Crab, L9 Lycanthrope, L10 Fairy
IMPORTANT! Before visiting the next location, buy or create all the items,
skills, and equipment you need and want. Once you finish the next battle, you
won't be able to go back to town for a while.
9. Rome Valley
The party comes across the Dark Knight and the gunman from Zelzagun Fort, who

Leonhardt and Zerva both remember. He identifies himself as Winfield and implores the party for help fighting off the Dark Knight. Leo warns Winfield that
the Dark Knight is immensely powerful and urges him to flee rather than fight,
but agrees to aid him nonetheless.
You'll obtain the Vital Base field and Winfield after the cutscene, both of
which you'll have to use in the upcoming battle. Reorganize your party and get

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L12 Dark Knight
Strategy: This battle is about two things: surviving, and testing your new *
field. The red and blue squares on the battlefield will respectively raise *
and lower the attributes of anyone standing on them, so try to position
your party members on the ones that will give them the greatest benefit.
While the Dark Knight isn't the unstoppable killing machine he was when you *
fought him on the Frontier, he's still too powerful to defeat. He's highly *
resistant to all forms of damage, and can counter physical attacks for 600+ *
damage at close range. Don't bother attacking him; just draw his attacks
with Leo and Borgnine and heal them as necessary. The battle will automati- *
cally end after the Dark Knight's third turn.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

At the first available opportunity, the party flees from the battle. With the
Dark Knight pursuing them through the valley, their only choice is to keep
moving south.
-> Rome Valley, South Pass
Enemies: L8 Big Crab, L9 Lycanthrope, L10 Fairy
Winfield will be unusable in this battle, so don't forget to rearrange your
-> Managua Plains, North
Enemies: None
As Winfield thanks Leo for his aid, Dyshana notices that he is wearing an odd
bracelet. She identifies it as the Bracelet of the Covenant, the elves' missing
treasure and the most powerful artifact ever owned by Dark Lord Summerill. The
elves sealed it away with magic to keep it out of Summerill's hands forever,
but the seal grew weak enough for Winfield to steal the bracelet. Summerill
will be drawn to Winfield in search of the artifact, which attaches itself to
the wearer's wrist. There is no known way to remove or destroy the bracelet,
but Winfield resolves to find one as he travels with the party.
From this point onward, Winfield will be usable in battle. His MAG is terrible,
but he has high ATK and LUK and can shoot enemies from a distance with his gun.
After the cutscene, you will be given the choice of three paths to follow to
Take the shortest route to Rigulus
---------------------------------Major DARK shift, Fyuria +

Go along the Kaystros Mountains

------------------------------LIGHT shift, Fyuria +
Go as far south as possible
--------------------------Major LIGHT shift, Fyuria ==================================
I chose to go along the Kaystros Mountains. Your path will vary if you choose a
different option.
-> Indignant Hill
Enemies: L8 Big Crab, L9 Lycanthrope, L10 Fairy
-> Managua Plains, Central
Enemies: None
You'll see a cutscene of Elaine and Largen questioning the motives behind the
Gridamas invasion of the Frontier. Elaine states her plans to head to Zelzagun.
-> Kerrigan Road, West
Enemies: L8 Big Crab, L9 Lycanthrope, L10 Fairy
-> Kerrigan Road, East
Enemies: L8 Big Crab, L9 Lycanthrope, L10 Fairy
-> Harvel Pass
Enemies: None
The enemies in the next four locations will appear in groups of 6-7. They won't
be as deadly as they were in the cave, but stay on guard all the same.
-> Bensulum Alley, South
Enemies: L8 Big Crab, L9 Lycanthrope, L10 Fairy
-> Bensulum Alley, North
Enemies: L8 Big Crab, L9 Lycanthrope, L10 Fairy
-> Managua Plains, East
Enemies: L8 Big Crab, L9 Lycanthrope, L10 Fairy
-> Rigulus Bypath
Enemies: L8 Big Crab, L9 Lycanthrope, L10 Fairy
-> Rigulus
Ah, sweet civilization! King Gunther is pleased to see that the party has dealt
with the mighty beast from the Cave of Origin, and makes good on his promise to
send troops to Zelzagun Fortress. Leonhardt agrees to lead Rigulus's army on
the battlefield.
The king will also permit Luana the dancer to join the party. She has high INT,
AGI, and LUK, and fights with breakers. She comes equipped with the Steal skill
and a Holy Symbol, a nice piece of armor that has Resist Death attached to it.
Her Will Power, Heavenly Sense, increases the drop and steal rates of items.
She starts off at Lv. 6, however, so you'll have to fight weaker monsters or
keep her away from the thick of the action until she becomes stronger.

Return to Harvel Pass for an event. Leo compliments Ellis and Luana on their
hard work as the party prepares to make camp, and both Fyuria and Luana ask for
his help.
Help Luana
---------LIGHT shift, Luana +, Fyuria Help Fyuria
----------DARK shift, Fyuria +, Luana ==============================
If you choose to help Luana, she will ask if you thought that being a popular
dancer meant she didn't know how to cook. You can respond one of three ways.
Frankly, I did.
--------------LIGHT shift, Luana +, Fyuria Not exactly.
-----------LIGHT shift, Luana +, Fyuria I am not quite sure...
---------------------DARK shift, Fyuria +
If you choose to help Fyuria, she will complain that you pay more attention to
Ellis than you do to her. You can then ask her one of three personal questions.
Ask about her age.
-----------------DARK shift, Fyuria +, Luana Ask about her childhood.
-----------------------LIGHT shift, Fyuria +, Luana Ask about Zerva.
---------------LIGHT shift, Fyuria +
-> Husn Sea Route, NW
Enemies: L6 Imp, L7 Skeleton
-> Husn Sea Route, SE
Enemies: L6 Imp, L7 Skeleton

-> Kushina Valley

Enemies: None
-> Sem Coast Road, West
Enemies: L6 Imp, L7 Skeleton
-> Sem Coast Road, East
Enemies: L5 Goblin, L6 Imp, L7 Skeleton
-> Dunan Garrison
Enemies: None
-> Zelzagun Fortress, Backroad
Enemies: L11 Mandrake, L13 Slime
Finally, some new enemies! Too bad they're unremarkable. Slimes have less HP,
DEF, RST, and AVD than Mandrakes, and their ATK is only slightly higher. If
your party is well-leveled and well-equipped, they won't pose a threat to you.
10. Return to Zelzagun Fortress
Recommended Level: 13
Leonhardt and his companions lead the forces of Rigulus against the Gridamas
troops at the fortress. During the skirmish, Leonhardt catches sight of Marquis
Braham, the leader of the coalition that brought down his father. He suspects
that Largen is taking orders from Braham, leading Luana to deduce that Braham
is the commander of the Gridamas forces. She suggests a direct assault; Leo
charges Braham, who denounces him as a traitor and attacks him.
You'll have a chance to reorganize your party before starting this battle.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L14 Braham, L14 Largen, L12 Gridamas Soldier (x4)
Strategy: The soldiers on the far left and right trade HP and ATK for Fire, *
Wind, Power Up, and Speed Up skills and the MAG to use them well. Largen, *
who has 3482 HP and Will Powers that boost the accuracy and evasion rate of *
allies in his extended area as he accumulates SP, is the most dangerous foe *
here. Braham is inferior to him in all parameters except MAG, which isn't *
particularly scary considering that Fire is his only spell.
What is scary is the sheer number of enemies in this battle. You won't be *
able to defeat either Largen or Braham on your first turn, and if the two *
of them coordinate their attacks against a single target, even Borgnine can *
be laid low. You might be able to build up the SP needed for Extra Skills *
by defeating the soldiers, but Largen and Braham are likely to kill a party *
member or two as you pick off their underlings.
There's no safe path to victory in this battle, but there is a devious one *
that requires only two turns and 1-2 revival items. When the battle starts, *
choose one or two characters with low DEF or RST and move them up to the
enemy lines, keeping everyone else at least 4 squares away. Let the enemies *
kill the sacrificial lambs and save your party's AP. At the start of the
next round, move a living party member close enough to revive the deceased *
with Fragments of Life, and use the SP you gained from their deaths to un- *
load on Braham with Extra Skills. It's a little risky, but it works quickly *
and well.

* Once you defeat Braham, the battle will end at the beginning of the next
* round.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Braham flees when Leo offers him a chance to surrender. Largen accepts defeat
gracefully, and Elaine soon arrives on the scene. She is disillusioned by the
actions of Gridamas and wants to join forces with Leo. Largen then urges the
party to march on Mudus Gate.
Elaine will join your party once the cutscene ends. She fights with spears and
has respectable ATK power. She also starts at Lv. 12, so it won't take long for
her to catch up to the rest of the party.
-> Itogi Plains, NE
Enemies: L12 Mage, L13 Slime, L14 Mummy
The Mummies have high HP and ATK, but low RST and AVD. They drop Bandages when
overkilled, but this is difficult to accomplish without Extra Skills or strong
coordinated attacks. You may want to save them for last.
-> Itogi Plains, Central
Enemies: L12 Mage, L13 Slime, L14 Mummy
-> Itogi Plains, SW
Enemies: L12 Mage, L13 Slime, L14 Mummy
IMPORTANT! Before proceeding to Mudus Gate, make sure you have a few Fragments
of Life on hand. They will be extremely useful in the battle to come.
11. Mudus Gate
Recommended Level: 14
Elaine states that two regiments fled from Zelzagun Fortress with Braham, and
two more are on their way from Pleuron. The gate is heavily fortified and will
be all but impenetrable once the reinforcements arrive, but Largen points out
that one of the regiments was once under Elaine's command. The party decides to
attack the gate as Elaine appeals to her old troops.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L15 Gridamas Captain (x2), L14 Gridamas Soldier (x4)
Strategy: The two soldiers on the right are magic users, but there are no *
noteworthy foes in this battle. Kill off at least two of the soldiers to
build up your SP, then use Extra Skills against the captains and finish off *
the remaining soldiers. You should be able to overkill most of the enemies *
in this battle with ease; just remember to heal before defeating the last *
The only thing to be wary of here is the captains' Power Crusher, an Extra *
Skill that does heavy physical damage. Try to defeat them before they save *
up enough SP to use it.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kasibal tells Braham that spies from Zelzagun slipped in with the soldiers and
opened Mudus Gate. Elaine approaches the two men and urges them to lay down
their arms. Leo approaches Kasibal and shares a tense moment. A furious Braham
once again denounces Leo and his companions as traitors who want to destroy
Gridamas, but Leo's conviction is unwavering.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L17 Braham, L17 Kasibal, L15 Gridamas Captain (x2), L14 Gridamas *
Soldier (x2)
Strategy: Braham has become a much more dangerous opponent since your en- *
counter at Zelzagun Fort, and Kasibal is no pushover either. They'll work *
with each other, the captains, and the soldiers to wipe your party out with *
coordinated attacks, but the same tactics you used in the battle against
Braham and Largen can win the day here. Send one or two weak characters to *
draw the enemies' attacks while everyone else hangs back, unload on Braham *
and Kasibal with Extra Skills, use Fragments of Life to revive your fallen *
allies, and repeat as necessary. The battle becomes much easier once either *
Braham or Kasibal is defeated, and you might be able to overkill them if
you play your cards right.
You have to defeat all of the enemies to win this battle. Good luck!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Braham flees after his second defeat, promising retribution. Kasibal begs Leo
to look after Gridamas and its people, then dies of his wounds. With this, the
party captures Mudus Gate, which Elaine says will force Gridamas to pull back.
After a much-needed rest, Leonhardt hears that King Gunther has agreed to leave
the forces of Rigulus under his command for the time being. There has been no
word from Gridamas for a while, but orcs and goblins have been appearing near
the Frontier. Borgnine senses danger, saying that the Dark Knight had the same
aura as a larva, and Largen agrees that the country has been descending into
chaos since the Dark Knight appeared. The party decides to advance on Pleuron
in search of answers, and must choose one of three routes to get there.
Take the direct route.
---------------------DARK shift, Fyuria +, Luana & Elaine Go around Mudus River
--------------------Major LIGHT shift, Luana & Elaine +, Fyuria Traverse Fuvelmill Lake
----------------------DARK shift, Luana +, Fyuria & Elaine =============================================
I chose to go around Mudus River. Your route will vary slightly if you choose a
different option. If you complete the battle after turn 75, you will be forced
to take the direct route.
-> Culvert, East
Enemies: L12 Mage, L13 Slime, L14 Mummy
-> Culvert, West
Enemies: L12 Mage, L13 Slime, L14 Mummy
-> Trosia Highland

Enemies: None
As the party stops to relax, Winfield approaches Leonhardt and advises him to
talk to the women, who have been fighting. You must choose which one to visit.
Go and see Luana.
----------------Luana +, Fyuria & Elaine Go and see Fyuria.
-----------------Fyuria +, Luana & Elaine Go and see Elaine.
-----------------Elaine +, Fyuria & Luana ==========================
No matter which woman you choose to speak to, you will receive Esoteric Book I
after the cutscene.
-> Trosia Highland, North
Enemies: L14 Mummy, L17 Lizard Man
Lizard Men are essentially faster, more dangerous Mummies. Their MAG is awful,
but they have lots of HP and ATK and the ability to counter your attacks. Use
spells to weaken them before finishing them off with Extended or Extra Skills.
-> Trosia Highland, Central
Enemies: L14 Mummy, L17 Lizard Man
-> Trosia Highland, South
Enemies: L14 Mummy, L17 Lizard Man, L17 Specter
Specters are well-rounded foes with a magical bent. They have high MAG, AVD,
and RST, and can also float. Physical attacks are effective against them.
-> Mudus River, Downstream
Enemies: None
Leonhardt finds Elaine sitting by herself at night, and they reflect on their
childhood friendship. You may choose one of three topics of conversation.
Talk about her childhood.
------------------------Major DARK shift, Elaine +
I do not know what to say.
-------------------------DARK shift, Elaine +
Talk about the others.
---------------------LIGHT shift, Elaine +

-> Rodill Trail, North
Enemies: L14 Mummy, L17 Lizard Man, L17 Specter
-> Rodill Trail, South
Enemies: L14 Mummy, L17 Lizard Man, L17 Specter
-> Kanatrious Hill
Enemies: None
Melchior rebukes Braham for his failure at Mudus Gate, though Braham blames the
loss on Largen's betrayal. Melchior announces that he is leaving Pleuron with
his army, and gives Braham an amulet and command of two of the Dark Knight's
regiments as he departs.
-> L'arcgi Road, West
Enemies: L17 Lizard Man, L17 Specter, L18 Fire Spirit
Fire Spirits are a pain in the ass. They have low HP, but high MAG and RST and
insane AVD, which allows them to dodge most physical attacks with ease. They
also float, and absorb damage from fire-based attacks as HP. Save them for last
when they appear in battle, and annihilate them with Extra Skills after killing
off the other enemies.
-> Norligu Bridge
Enemies: L17 Lizard Man, L17 Specter, L18 Water Spirit
Water Spirits are identical to Fire Spirits, save that they utilize and absorb
damage from water-based attacks. Fight them as you would their fiery cousins.
-> L'arcgi Road, East
Enemies: L17 Lizard Man, L18 Fire Spirit, L18 Water Spirit
12. Pleuron Fortress
Recommended Level: 17
The party finds the city defended by orcs and goblins under the leadership of a
garvel. The party finds it with Braham, who has been driven mad by bloodlust.
Dyshana informs everyone that Braham's amulet has given him great power at the
cost of his sanity, and that Winfield will meet a similar fate if the Bracelet
of the Covenant cannot be removed. Winfield seems sobered by the thought, but
Leo suspends the discussion and charges Braham and the garvel.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L19 Braham, L18 Garvel, L17 Orc (x3)
Strategy: Braham is at his best here, and is supported by the Garvel and
three powerful lackeys. All four of them boast strong physical attacks and *
over 2000 HP, and even without their aid, Braham can easily kill Ellis or *
Vira-Lorr in one turn. Even characters with high DEF will feel the sting of *
his blows.
There are, however, a few factors that mitigate the difficulty of this bat- *
tle. The enemies have low RST, and most of their skills can only target one *
person at a time. With a little luck and careful positioning, it's possible *
to draw the enemies' attacks to Borgnine as the other characters focus on *
dealing damage, but the "baiting" strategy from the last two battles with *


Braham works well if you have one expendable character and a few Fragments
of Life. Whichever strategy you choose, you should defeat the Garvel as
soon as possible; if it flees out of your party's range, go after the Orcs
instead. Without minions, Braham becomes a far more manageable threat, and
he won't last long against a series of Extra Skills.

If you overkill the Garvel, you'll get a Feather Ring for your trouble. The *
extra point of MOV is worth it.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

With their leader defeated, the goblins and orcs flee the city and are routed
by the soldiers of Rigulus. Dyshana concludes that the force responsible for
organizing the horde is overwhelmingly powerful, and goes so far as to suggest
that the goblins and orcs were conjured by dark magic. Largen remembers that a
minor lord visited King Hertzfeldt of Gridamas and gave him a ring before the
Dark Knight appeared. He fears that the king is being manipulated by the Dark
Knight, and that the monstrous horde and Gridamas's war with the Frontier are
part of a ploy to draw attention away from Summerill's hunt for the bracelet.
Determined to save the king and unravel the Dark Knight's scheme, the party decides to go to Gridamas.
-> Noriless Main Path, North
Enemies: L18 Fire Spirit, L19 Orc
Despite being higher in level, the Orcs in the field are less dangerous than
the ones from the battle at Pleuron Fortress. They have high ATK, but they're
slow and weak against magic. Your strategy is obvious.
-> Noriless Main Path, South
Enemies: L18 Fire Spirit, L18 Water Spirit
-> Grimoire Way, North
Enemies: None
-> Dordt Bach's House
Enemies: L19 Orc, L20 Werecat, L20 Familiar
The Werecats can cast wind-based and healing spells with moderate skill. Their
AVD is very high, so physical attacks will usually miss. Magic will make short
work of them.
Familiars are floating eyeballs with good AVD, high MAG and RST, and a variety
of dark and water spells. Physical attacks work well against them; Extra Skills
work even better.
-> Loratul Hills
Enemies: L19 Orc, L20 Familiar
-> Grimoire Way, South
Enemies: None
Fyuria, Luana, and Elaine approach Leonhardt at night, eager to know what kinds
of qualities he looks for in a woman. Fyuria will start by asking how he feels
about strong-willed women.
I do not hate them.
------------------LIGHT shift, Fyuria +, Luana & Elaine -

I can scarcely stand them.

-------------------------DARK shift, Luana & Elaine +, Fyuria =======================================
Luana asks how Leo feels about eccentric women.
I see nothing wrong with them.
-----------------------------Minor LIGHT shift, Luana +, Fyuria & Elaine I have little interest in them.
------------------------------DARK shift, Fyuria & Elaine +, Luana =============================================
Elaine asks if Leo likes women who can cook.
Anyone can learn to cook.
------------------------DARK shift, Fyuria & Elaine +, Luana Love is all that matters.
------------------------LIGHT shift, Luana +, Fyuria & Elaine =======================================
Fyuria asks how Leo would respond if she asked him for a new doll.
If you desire it, then it is yours.
----------------------------------DARK shift, Luana +, Fyuria & Elaine I want that one to be special.
-----------------------------LIGHT shift, Fyuria & Elaine +, Luana =======================================
Luana asks if Leo likes children, since he is always nice to Ellis.
I like all children.
-------------------Minor LIGHT shift, Luana & Elaine +, Fyuria Ellis is special.
----------------Minor DARK shift, Fyuria & Luana +, Elaine -

Elaine asks Leo if he would ever betray his beloved.
My heart will always stay true.
------------------------------LIGHT shift, Fyuria +, Luana & Elaine I have yet to give my heart to anyone.
-------------------------------------DARK shift, Luana & Elaine +, Fyuria =======================================
Fyuria asks how Leo feels about inter-species marriage.
Species has nothing to do with it.
---------------------------------LIGHT shift, Fyuria +, Luana & Elaine So long as they love one another.
--------------------------------DARK shift, Luana & Elaine +, Fyuria =======================================
Luana asks Leo how he would feel about having a wife who could sing, dance, was
healthy, and could still do housework.
I think she would make life more fun.
------------------------------------LIGHT shift, Luana +, Fyuria & Elaine Does such a woman even exist?
----------------------------DARK shift, Fyuria & Elaine +, Luana =======================================
Elaine asks if Leo would ever return to Gridamas.
I cannot return.
---------------DARK shift, Fyuria & Elaine +, Luana Yes, we must help them rebuild.
------------------------------LIGHT shift, Luana +, Fyuria & Elaine =======================================

Leo ends the conversation by thanking the three women for fighting at his side
and wishing for all of them to find happiness.
-> Gridymate Road, NE
Enemies: L19 Orc, L20 Familiar, L21 Hobgoblin
Hobgoblins are essentially Orcs on steroids. They have high HP and ATK, but low
RST and no magical skills whatsoever.
-> Gridymate Road, Central
Enemies: L19 Orc, L20 Familiar, L21 Hobgoblin
-> Gridymate Road, SW
Enemies: L19 Orc, L20 Familiar, L20 Werecat, L21 Hobgoblin
13. Gridamas Capital
Recommended Level: 20
The party meets Melchior at the city gates. He is frustrated that his plans to
manipulate the Dark Knight went awry, but pleased with the two armies that his
former companion has assembled for him. Leonhardt accuses Melchior of being the
Dark Knight's thrall, and tells him that bears the blame for King Hertzfeldt's
current predicament. Melchior responds that he is acting under his own will,
and that true soldiers must obey their king's orders without question. Leo disagrees, insisting that true soldiers must risk their lives to protect others.
Unable to reconcile their differences, Melchior challenges Leo to battle and is
joined by King Hertzfeldt. Fyuria condemns the challenge as an act of desperation, but Melchior counters that it will spare the lives of the other soldiers
on the battlefield. The final decision is left to Leo.
Accept his challenge.
--------------------LIGHT shift, Fyuria & Elaine +, Luana Reject his challenge.
--------------------Major LIGHT shift, Luana +, Fyuria & Elaine Fight one-on-one.
----------------Major DARK shift, Fyuria & Elaine +, Luana =============================================
Regardless of which option you choose, the outcome is the same. Dyshana reminds
Leo to destroy the king's ring, and the party prepares for battle.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L21 Hertzfeldt, L20 Melchior, L17 Gridamas Captain (x2), L17
Gridamas Soldier (x2)
Strategy: The two soldiers have healing spells in addition to their earth *
and wind magic. Melchior has wind magic, Hertzfeldt has dark magic, and
both of them have devastating physical attacks. The battle takes place on a *
large preset map, which Melchior and the king can easily cross with their *


MOV of 5. Victory won't come easily.

The soldiers and captains are nothing more than annoyances. Defeat them all
first, keeping characters with high HP and DEF close to Melchior and King
Hertzfeldt to draw their attacks. Use spells like Power Up on your physical
attackers if you have them, and have Vira-Lorr and Ellis focus on healing
and reviving party members as you build up your SP. Once you have enough to
use everyone's Extra Skills, unleash hell. Defeat Melchior or Hertzfeldt,
and the rest of the battle will be much easier.


Of course, you can also use the "baiting" strategy from the earlier battles
if you remembered to load up on Fragments of Life.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

King Hertzfeldt loses his finger in battle, but considers it a small price to
pay for freedom from the Dark Knight's control. He swears that he will bring
peace not only to Gridamas, but to Rigulus and the Frontier as well. Melchior
pledges his support for the king's mission, and the party is about to leave the
city in triumph when a messenger from King Gunther announces that Mudus Gate is
under attack by beasts. The party immediately knows that the Dark Knight is behind the attack, and Melchior informs them that his former ally wants to take
over the continent. He sends the party to the Kaystros Mountains, where he
knows they will find the Dark Knight.
-> Mimurae Lulakan
Enemies: L12 Mage, L14 Mummy
-> Foothill Town
If you need to buy supplies or craft new equipment, do it here and now. This is
your last chance before the final showdown with the Dark Knight.
-> Prospect Ridge
Enemies: L11 Mandrake, L12 Mage, L13 Slime
-> Kaystros Trail, South
Enemies: L11 Mandrake, L12 Mage, L13 Slime
14. Kaystros Mountains
Recommended Level: 20+
The party meets the Dark Knight atop a high cliff. Leonhardt recalls the time
the Dark Knight killed him and the pact he made with Dyshana, and vows to slay
his nemesis before he dies again.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L25 Dark Knight
Strategy: This is what you've been waiting for - a battle against the Dark *
Knight that you can win! He has 8502 HP, very high stats, a counterattack *
that can do 900+ damage, and an Abyss Symbol that restores 12% of his HP
each round. He fights you alone, however, which makes this battle easier
than than the last few scripted encounters.
If you have two characters with the Heal spell and a good strategy, you can *
win this battle without having to revive anyone. Send everyone with high HP *
and DEF up to draw the Dark Knight's attacks and wail on him with Extended *
Skills. Hit him with offensive magic after healing your wounded characters, *
but keep your magic users at least four squares away from the Dark Knight *


to avoid getting caught in his Impulse Wave. You'll have to deal more than
1020 damage each round to outpace his HP recovery, so keep up the pressure
and use your most powerful Extended Skills to whittle him down. If you need
an extra edge, take advantage of the special spaces on the battlefield.

Once all your characters have enough SP to use their Extra Skills, the bat- *
tle's as good as yours. If you're going for the overkill, you may have to *
chip away at the Dark Knight for another turn or two before you unload.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Leonhardt's final slash sends the Dark Knight plummeting off the cliff. The
party believes that the fall will be fatal, but Dyshana reminds Leo that he has
one last task to accomplish before his destiny on this continent is fulfilled.
The party proceeds to a great pillar in the mountains.
15. Lucrellia
Dyshana tells Leonhardt that five pillars must be sealed to stop the spread of
darkness. The other four are on different continents, and Leo's descendants
will be responsible for sealing them. Traveling between continents is normally
impossible, but Dyshana's power can make it possible. Winfield and Ellis offer
to help raise Leo's son, and Zerva promises that he will repay his debt through
service. Leo thanks his companions and gets ready to choose his bride.
B. Second Generation
This chapter tells the story of Ladifour "Ladius" von Busser, son of Leonhardt
and heir apparent of House Busser. He begins the chapter accompanied by Ellis,
Borgnine, Vira-Lorr, Zerva, Winfield, and Vashtor.
The women that Ladius can choose to marry are Valeria, Yayoi, and Sherufanir.
1. Grugund Kingdom
Ladius doubts that he is worthy to inherit the family estate, and worries that
doing so will distract him from fulfilling his destiny. Winfield and Zerva encourage him to relax, and Dyshana tells him that his destiny has only one path.
Vashtor arrives bearing news of a rebel uprising in the Tannus Mountains, which
are part of House Maurice's territory. Ladius leaves to discuss the situation
with his retainers, though Vira-Lorr wonders why a house with many enemies and
a reputation for cunning and foresight would allow a rebellion to take place on
its lands.
Ladius meets with his retainers Hailzen, Gilliam, and Hykezatt. Hailzen tasks
him with leading a punitive force against the rebels, and refuses to discuss
the decision with Gilliam or Hykezatt when questioned. As he prepares to leave
the city, Ladius meets his comrade-in-arms Valeria, who asks him what he plans
to do. He tells her that he will not disobey the king's orders, and she warns
him not to be hasty. Ladius leaves her in charge as he departs to suppress the
IMPORTANT! Before leaving town, visit the adventurer's guild to get the Golden
Warrior title. One of the rewards that comes with the title is Resurrect, a
light skill that restores a fallen party member to life for only 16 AP. It will
serve you well in the battles ahead.
-> Larune Rook Way, South
Enemies: L23 Bandit
The Bandits have a lot of HP, but no other special qualities. Get a feel for
your party of choice as you fight these easy foes, looking for formations and
combinations of skills that will optimize everyone's effectiveness.

-> Larune Rook Way, North

Enemies: L23 Bandit
-> Kishuna Road Fork
Enemies: None
A rebel soldier sees House Busser's flag and immediately falls back to warn his
compatriots. Winfield and Vira-Lorr are impressed by the rebels' bravery, but
Vashtor thinks only of the tactical disadvantages of their position. The party
discusses his amnesia and swordsmanship skills as he walks off, and agrees that
he can't be trusted completely, but is better to have as a friend than a foe.
-> Tannus Mountains, South
Enemies: L23 Bandit
-> Tannus Mountains, North
Enemies: L23 Bandit
2. Tannus Mountains
Recommended Level: 21
Vashtor fears that the punitive forces are spread too thin as Ladius approaches
the rebels and urges them to lay down their arms. They respond by telling him
to address the king's corruption and threatening him when he asks if vengeance
is the answer. A woman with the ears and tail of a fox intervenes, introducing
herself as Sherufanir as she mocks the punitive forces and protests the tax increase brought about by the war. Ladius is outraged, but Sherufanir says the
king makes it possible by placing too much power in the hands of the nobles.
Though Ladius sympathizes with the rebels, he will not abandon his mission, so
Sherufanir issues a challenge: if Ladius can defeat her in single combat, the
rebels will lay down their arms; if he loses, he must join the rebellion. Ellis
protests, but Ladius accepts the challenge and swears in his father's name to
honor the agreement.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L23 Sherufanir, L22 Rebel Captain, L21 Rebel Soldier (x4)
Strategy: The soldiers on the far left and right have magic, but they pale *
in comparison to Sherufanir. In addition to being deadly with her earth and *
fire spells, she has respectable ATK and AVD and such high AGI that she'll *
almost always strike first. The captain is a stronger physical attacker and *
has more HP than Sherufanir, but can only hit one character at a time. The *
soldiers are only dangerous if they have enough SP for their Extra Skills. *
This isn't much of a duel, but it can be very difficult if your characters *
are underleveled or you're not comfortable with your party's style. You're *
on a unique battlefield, and the safest place is the corner closest to your *
starting position. Move your characters down there and link them together, *
positioning your hardiest fighters to block the path to your magic users. *
Defeat the soldiers to boost your SP, heal and revive characters as neces- *
sary, and take down Sherufanir as soon as you're able. She can hit several *
targets at once with her magic, and is easier to overkill than the captain. *
The captain likes to use Power Crusher to break up your formation, but the *
damage is nothing one of your tanks can't endure.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Emerging victorious, Ladius asks the rebels to lay down their weapons. They are
uncooperative at first, but Sherufanir persuades them to obey by promising them

sanctuary. Ellis is annoyed with her for unexpectedly changing the terms of the
agreement, but Ladius and others explain that it is the only way to ensure the
rebels' cooperation. Ladius splits his forces, sending half with Vashtor and
taking the other half and Sherufanir with him, then sets off for the capital.
-> Grugund Kingdom
Valeria meets Sherufanir and balks when asked to
Ladius meets with his retainers, and is asked by
has been giving commands to the rebel forces are
Gilliam says that such a serious accusation must
seriously. Ladius is arrested and imprisoned.

escort her to Ladius's villa.

Hailzen if the rumors that he
true. Ladius denies them, but
at least appear to be treated

Sherufanir, who has learned some important information from Valeria, comes to
visit Ladius in his cell. An army is being formed to seize Ladius's lands, and
"Val" herself will lead it. For the sake of protecting his house, he escapes
from prison with Sherufanir.
In spite of being a fugitive, you're able to return to Grugund Kingdom and buy
supplies at your leisure. Funny that.
-> Grugund Bypath
Enemies: L20 Werecat, L20 Familiar, L21 Hobgoblin
-> Sogana's Hidden Path
Enemies: None
Gilliam sneeringly dismisses Ladius as a commoner as the retainers discuss what
to do about his betrayal. Hykezatt is skeptical of the allegations and insists
upon an investigation, but Gilliam and Hailzen refuse him. They say the time
for investigations has passed, and that fleeing with his army and the rebels is
proof enough of Ladius's guilt. Despite Messina's and Hykezatt's objections,
Hailzen decrees that Ladius's lands will be passed to the next Busser in the
line of succession and leaves his fate in Valeria's hands.
-> Jerreychard, North
Enemies: L20 Werecat, L20 Familiar, L21 Hobgoblin
-> Jerreychard, South
Enemies: L20 Werecat, L20 Familiar, L21 Hobgoblin
IMPORTANT! Before entering the next area, upgrade your equipment and stock up
on Fragments of Life. You have three consecutive battles coming up, and the
last thing you want is to run out of supplies in the middle of a fight.
3. Nagigahara
Recommended Level: 22
The party overtakes Valeria's army and, after some brief deliberation, rejects
Sherufanir's suggestion to fall back to Fensarril. Ladius meets Val head-on and
condemns her for trying to seize his lands; she, in turn, says that no true
lord would abandon his people to lead an army. She offers to vouch for Ladius's
character if he returns to the capital to stand trial, but he will not flinch
from fulfilling his destiny. Confused and upset by his stubbornness, Valeria
orders her troops to attack.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* BATTLE #19
* Enemies: L22 Grugund Soldier (x6)


Strategy: The second and third soldiers from the left use wind and water
magic against you. Kill them first so they can't heal their wounded allies.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L23 Grugund Captain, L22 Grugund Soldier (x6)


Strategy: The four soldiers on the right have wind and water magic. Target
them first, and kill the captain with Extra Skills before he has a chance
to use any Extra Skills of his own. Provided he doesn't, this battle is
just a little harder than the last one.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L26 Valeria, L24 Grugund Captain, L23 Grugund Soldier (x4)
Strategy: The two soldiers in the rear have wind and earth magic, including
Harvest Heal. Valeria is primarily a physical attacker, but has lower DEF
than RST. Her Extra Skills are obscenely powerful and can do 2000+ damage,
even to powerful fighters like Vashtor. Deal with her as soon as you have
enough SP for your party's Extra Skills, or she'll tear you to shreds. You
can mop up her minions at your leisure once she's gone.
If you're intent on overkilling Valeria, bring Borgnine into the battle and
keep him close to her at all times. Unless Ladius has some extremely fancy
armor, only Borgnine will be able to consistently survive Val's attacks.
Heal him as necessary while building up your SP, and pray that she stays
focused on him.
You can also win this battle by defeating every enemy except Valeria. If
you do, her affection level will be higher when she joins your party.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Valeria is angered by her defeat and unmoved by Ladius's apologies, even when
he insists that he has a destiny to fulfill. Though wounded, she picks herself
up and orders her troops to pursue him as he marches off.
-> Hazus Field, West
Enemies: L24 Killer Bee, L25 Night Hound
Killer Bees have low HP and DEF, but high AGI and AVD. They attack with both
physical and magical skills. Night Hounds have lower AGI and AVD than the bees,
but they have powerful physical attacks and counterattacks. Magic works wonders
against these new foes.
-> Hazus Field, East
Enemies: L24 Killer Bee, L25 Night Hound
4. Hazus's Scar
Recommended Level: 22
A vast swamp lies in front of the party, and the Grugund army is close behind.
Ladius instructs Dyshana to lead the others west through the Alzai Fen while he
holds back the vanguard of the army and buys time for everyone to escape.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* BATTLE #22
* Enemies: L26 Grugund Captain, L24 Grugund Soldier (x5)


Strategy: Despite what the cutscene suggested, you can use a full party of *
characters in this battle. As long as you pay attention to the enemies' ex- *
tended areas and the two magic-using soldiers, it's rather simple.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

When one of her soldiers informs her of Ladius's escape, Valeria orders the army to skirt around to the south of the fen and ambush the fugitive on his way
out. The soldier reminds Val that the fen is forever shrouded in mist, and suggests that she tend to her wounds in the capital while the army searches for a
a local guide to lead them through the fen. Valeria accepts his proposal and
leaves the outspoken soldier in charge of the army, hoping that Ladius will
-> Morkris Swamp
Enemies: L24 Killer Bee, L25 Night Hound
-> Alzai Fen, NE
Enemies: L24 Killer Bee, L25 Night Hound
-> Alzai Fen
Enemies: None
Ladius regrets wounding Valeria, but Ellis and Dyshana assure him that she will
understand when he sees her again. Dyshana and Vira-Lorr discuss their ability
to see the future, with Dyshana admitting that she can only see inevitabilities
and hinting that an eavesdropper is nearby. Vashtor catches sight of a curious
young girl who comes from a village on the banks of the river Rizel. When Zerva
asks her how the village holds up to the river's annual floods, the girl says
her people's god protects the village. She trusts the party and offers to take
them to her village, and after an amusing exchange between Ellis and Winfield,
the party follows her.
-> Alzai Fen, West
Enemies: L24 Killer Bee, L26 Bone Soldier
The Bone Soldiers are souped-up Skeletons with a more martial bent. They have
high ATK and DEF, and can use Burst Hit to knock party members around and break
up your formations. They can also counter physical attacks.
-> Vessanarl Swamp
Enemies: L24 Killer Bee, L25 Night Hound
5. Old Yamato Republic
Ryutai, a village official, greets the party and introduces the young girl as
Yayoi. Since she is the village's most powerful priestess and she met the party
by chance, he believes that their coming is the will of the god. Ryutai says
the river is too swift to cross near the village, but he has heard that there
is a ford in the Ryulent Forest. The ryulent are an extinct race whose lands
are a mystery to everyone in the village, but Ladius is committed to finding
the ford.
Dyshana invites Yayoi to join the party, saying that her power is needed to
cleanse the darkness. Ryutai refuses, saying she must stay in the village, but
Zerva reveals a more sinister truth: Yayoi is to be sacrificed to the village's
god in exchange for its continued protection. Vashtor deduces that a god capable of accepting sacrifices has a physical form, so Dyshana and the party decide to find the god and learn how - or if - it protects the village. Ryutai
allows Yayoi to join them, but insists that the expedition be kept a secret.
Yayoi will join your party after the cutscene. She starts at Lv. 22, and comes

equipped with a Staff of Blessing and an Ice Guard. She has

respectable LUK, and her other stats are reasonably good as
the first party member who naturally has a slot for a water
on using her, she makes a good replacement for either Ellis

very high INT and

well. She's also
skill. If you plan
or Vira-Lorr.

IMPORTANT! Before tackling the dungeon, stock up on Fragments of Life. You'll

need them for the upcoming boss fight.
6. Alzai Fen
Recommended Level: 24
Enemies: L24 Killer Bee, L25 Night Hound, L26 Bone Soldier, L26 Killer Bat, L28
Pixie, L37 Tree Spirit
Map: 7

/ \


\ /
The Killer Bats have amazing AGI and AVD and well-rounded stats. Magic or Extra
Skills will dispatch them effectively. Pixies use a plethora of water, earth,
and wind spells, and have high AVD to compensate for their pathetic DEF.
This is a large dungeon, but it's rather straightforward and the enemies aren't
quite as menacing as the ones in the Cave of Origin. The chest in Area 2 holds
a Rising Rod, which you should collect as you pass through. There are chests to
be found in Area 4, 5, and 6, as well; they contain an Ice Guard, a Gekko, and
Secret Arts III. It's worth your time to find them.
Reaching Area 7 triggers a cutscene. The party reaches the god's abode in the
heart of the fen, but the god is nowhere to be seen. Borgnine senses a corrupt
presence, and the god reveals himself. He is actually Quadmas, a twisted and
gluttonous larva who deceived the villagers in order to get a steady supply of
food. Dyshana realizes that he lacks the power to protect the village, and the
starving "god" attacks the party in hopes of slaking his ravenous hunger.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L28 Quadmas
Strategy: This corrupt larva has earth and thunder magic, but his physical *
attacks pose the biggest threat. He's also equipped with an Abyss Symbol, *
which restores 12% of his 12,998 HP every round. On the plus side, he oc- *
cupies a 3x3 area, and his low AGI means your party will usually get to act *
before he does.
The first thing you want to do is get your party members into formation.
Position your fighters with high HP and DEF right next to Quadmas, and your *
magic users far enough away that they can reach the fighters with healing *
spells. Get all the characters' extended areas to overlap, use any buffs
you have, and pummel him with Extended Skills until everyone has enough SP *
to use Extra Skills. You have to keep up the pressure once you start your *
offensive, or Quadmas will regenerate his lost HP and punish you with his *
Extra Skills. The weaker one does 3000+ damage to all adjacent characters, *
and the stronger one hits a single target for 10,000+ damage, so you don't *
want to be on the receiving end of either one.



Don't even bother trying to overkill Quadmas; it's far too risky. Finishing
the battle with all your party members alive is the best you can reasonably
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

If you return to Area 7 of the dungeon after defeating the boss, you will be
able to meet Tree Spirits in random encounters. They have powerful earth and
light spells at their disposal, and are all but immune to magic themselves.
Defeat their minions to build up your SP, then dispatch them with Extra Skills
that do physical damage.
Ryutai is shocked and dismayed by the destruction of Quadmas, for the legends
foretell that a great disaster will befall the village without his protection.
To set everyone's minds at ease, Ladius agrees to stay in the village until the
disaster comes to pass, staking his and his companions' lives on the villagers'
-> Old Yamato Republic
Some time later, Ryutai is relieved to find that disaster has not struck the
village. Ladius declines Ryutai's offer of a reward for defeating Quadmas, but
Yayoi is grateful to the man who saved her from being sacrificed and asks to
travel with the party. Ryutai grants her request and wishes everyone well as
they leave for Ryulent Forest.
-> Alzai Fen, SW
Enemies: L26 Bone Soldier, L26 Killer Bat, L27 Gremlin
Gremlins use physical attacks and the occasional dark skill against your party.
They have well-balanced stats, but they aren't much of a threat.
-> Alzai Fen, South
Enemies: L26 Bone Soldier, L26 Killer Bat, L27 Gremlin
-> Ryulent Forest
Enemies: None
Winfield and Zerva lament being lost in the forest, and Vashtor is worried that
the party will have to return to Yamato. Ladius insists that they keep moving
forward when the party hears a strange voice. Much to everyone's surprise, the
speaker reveals himself as a willowy humanoid taller than Borgnine, with skin
like bark and hair like leaves. He tells them that he is a ryulent, and is able
to hide in the forest because he is one with it. He is particularly intrigued
by Vira-Lorr, since the onerthes are as rare as his own race. The ryulent introduces himself as Arbol and agrees to lead the party to the ford they seek,
but he has another stop to make first.
You will receive Esoteric Book II and the Sorcery Place field after the cutscene. Arbol will also join your party. He starts at Lv. 24 and comes with a
Spiked Hammer and Earth Guard. His stats are well-balanced, and he has thunder
and earth skill slots.
Return to the forest for an event with Yayoi. She sees that Ladius has not been
eating, and offers him some onigiri. He finds it delicious, and she tells him
that it is normally made from seaweed and shrimp. Since these things are not
available in the forest, she used marinated leaves in place of seaweed and asks
Ladius to guess what she used in place of shrimp.

I've no idea, but it was delicious.

----------------------------------Minor DARK shift, Yayoi +
Please, tell me.
---------------LIGHT shift, Yayoi I don't much care.
-----------------DARK shift, Yayoi +
-> Barbaric Forest, North
Enemies: L26 Bone Soldier, L27 Gremlin
-> Barbaric Forest, South
Enemies: L26 Killer Bat, L28 Pixie
-> Ancient Forest
Enemies: None
Arbol leads the party to a secret grove where the last of the ryulent survive.
Elder Misselkanui explains that the ryulent will endure as long as there are
trees and plants in the world, but the same cannot be said for the endangered
onerthes, syrium, and high elves. Arbol and Misselkanui sense the approach of
humans, which the party immediately knows to be the Grugund army. Fearful for
the safety of Yamato, Ladius decides to confront the army and persuade them to
leave the village in peace, but Vira-Lorr doesn't think it will be that simple.
-> Jade Voice
Enemies: L26 Killer Bat, L27 Gremlin
7. Dinan Plains
Recommended Level: 25
The general of the Grugund forces advocates burning Ladius and his followers
out of the forest. Ladius and Ellis arrive just in time to stop him, and the
party lures the enemy into the forest.
IMPORTANT! The next three battles will be surprise attacks, so your characters
and the enemies will be randomly positioned around the battlefield. The first
thing you want to do each time is cluster your party members together, then
pick off the magic users and let the other foes come to you. Use a small field
(like Vital Base) and characters who can form links from a distance to make
things easier on yourself.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L26 Grugund Captain, L25 Grugund Soldier (x4)
Strategy: Two of the soldiers can use fire and wind magic. Defeat the ones *
you can reach for easy SP, then go after the captain and mop up the others. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L26 Grugund Captain (x2), L25 Grugund Soldier (x5)

* Strategy: Three of the soldiers can use wind and water magic. It's only a *
* little more difficult than the last battle, and the same strategy applies. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The party is beginning to tire, but Ladius insists that surrender is not an option. The general again orders his troops to set the forest on fire, but they
are thwarted by a ryulent attack. Ladius takes the initiative and launches a

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L28 Grugund Lt., L26 Grugund Soldier (x6)
Strategy: Four of the soldiers can use earth and wind magic. The lieutenant *
is essentially a beefed-up captain. Kill him before he has enough SP to use *
Kikou Sho, and this battle will be about as hard as the last one. If you
save the lieutenant for last, either spread your party out or be ready to *
use a plethora of revival items.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ladius thanks the ryulent for their help. The party expects the Grugund army to
return with more seasoned troops, so they decide to move on to Fensarril and
let the ryulent protect the forest. Just then, Misselkanui sees the bracelet on
Winfield's wrist and identifies it as the Bracelet of the Covenant. The ryulent
elder does not know how to remove it, but posits that the high elves who live
in "the land closed off by ice" might be able to help. Misselkanui gives Arbol
permission to travel with the party so that he may explore the world, choose a
final resting place, and give life to a new forest.
8. Ancient Forest
Recommended Level: 26
Enemies: L27 Gremlin, L28 Pixie, L29 Werewolf, L30 Iron Scissor
Map: 5 1
\ \
The Werewolves have above average STR and high AGI and AVD. Iron Scissors have
laughable AGI, but they make up for it with high HP, ATK, and DEF. Make liberal
use of magic when fighting them.
This is a small dungeon with fairly simple enemies and some nice treasure. Note
that the path from Area 2 to Area 4 is actually in the northwest corner of the
area, slightly south and west of the path to Area 1.
The chest in Area 2 contains Basic Smithing. There are three chests in Area 3,
in which you can find a Hard Shell, a Shield Sword, and the Fireball spell. The
chest in Area 4 contains a Platinum Bullion, and don't miss the one in Area 5
on your way to the exit. It contains Forbidden Tome I, which will allow you to
animate Leonhardt, Fyuria, Luana, and Elaine as marionettes at the alchemist's
guild in town.
-> Alba Cape
You'll emerge here after making your way through the Ancient Forest. You can
enter Area 5 of the forest from here, and will have to pass through it again if
you want to return to Yamato.

-> Dedan Island

Enemies: L29 Werewolf, L30 Iron Scissor
9. Renda Town
Zerva advises Ladius to supplement the dwindling ranks of his army with some
local troops, but Ladius declines, saying he does not want to force people to
follow him. Ellis informs him that a horde of orcs and goblins is camped along
the southern coast, which the army of Fensarril will take some time to reach.
Ladius is reluctant to put his army at risk by helping, but Arbol recalls that
a woman who recently came across a large sum of money left for the south coast
alone. Winfield is eager to follow the wealthy woman, but Ellis fears a trap
and Vashtor favors heading northwest to Fensarril. The final choice is left to
Head for the coast
-----------------Major DARK shift
Head for Fensarril
-----------------Major LIGHT shift
I chose to head for the coast. Your route will vary if you choose a different
-> Lutoty Sea Route, North
Enemies: L29 Werewolf, L30 Iron Scissor
-> Lutoty Sea Route, South
Enemies: L29 Werewolf, L30 Iron Scissor
-> White Sand Road
Enemies: None
The party meets Sherufanir, the mystery woman Arbol mentioned in town. She says
that she got tired of waiting for Ladius in Fensarril and decided to scout the
area, and admits to being guilty for the army's pursuit. Ladius bears her no
ill will, and Sherufanir invites herself into his party, convinced that fate
brought them together again. After introducing herself to Yayoi and brushing
off Winfield's advances, she says the horde's fortress looks small and poorly
defended and leads the party to it.
Sherufanir will join your party after the cutscene. She fights with daggers,
has high AGI and INT, and starts at Lv. 25. Depending on how you equip her, she
can be effective as either a supporting fighter or magic user.
-> East Trum Sea Route, N
Enemies: L29 Werewolf, L30 Iron Scissor
-> West Trum Sea Route, S
Enemies: L29 Werewolf, L30 Iron Scissor
10. Trum Coast
Recommended Level: 28

Though the horde is larger than it was when Sherufanir first saw it, there are
few enough orcs and goblins for Zerva and Winfield to suggest a full frontal
assault. Vashtor and Ladius notice that the horde is well-organized, and decide
to break the enemy's morale by slaying the garvel.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L29 Garvel, L28 Orc (x2), L27 Hobgoblin (x3)
Strategy: This battle is quite simple. The Garvel can take a lot of punish- *
ment, but it's not threatening as long as it doesn't save up enough SP for *
Kikou Sho. The other enemies are nothing more than cannon fodder. Defeat
them until you have enough SP for your Extra Skills, then exterminate the *
Garvel with extreme prejudice. The other enemies will be easy to mop up.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

With the garvel dead, the orcs and goblins flee. The party savors the victory,
and decides to let Fensarril's army deal with the remaining monsters.
You will be able to take one of two routes back to Renda.
-> West Trum Sea Route, S
Enemies: L29 Werewolf, L30 Iron Scissor, L30 Flame Dog
Flame Dogs have high ATK and AGI and a massive amount of HP. They use fire and
thunder skills, absorb fire damage, and can counter physical attacks. Use water
skills against them, and overkill or capture them if you can.
-> West Trum Sea Route, N
Enemies: L29 Werewolf, L30 Iron Scissor, L30 Flame Dog
-> Seyroot Way
Enemies: None
Ladius sees Sherufanir sneaking off at night and must decide whether or not to
follow her.
Do not follow her.
-----------------Major DARK shift
Follow her.
----------LIGHT shift, Sherufanir +
If you don't follow her, the event ends. If you follow her, Ladius will tail
her to a meadow, where he hears some animalistic sounds. Thinking a monster is
nearby, he draws his weapon, but Sherufanir steps out of the shadows. She says
that she loses the ability to think rationally during the full moon, but is
flattered that Ladius was worried about her. She then asks if he would like to
be her "partner" for the night.
But of course.

-------------LIGHT shift, Sherufanir +

No thank you.
------------LIGHT shift, Sherufanir Uh...
----DARK shift, Sherufanir +
If you choose the first option, you'll see an amusing scene with Winfield.
-> Valtore Plain
Enemies: L29 Werewolf, L30 Iron Scissor, L30 Flame Dog
-> Valtore Bay
Enemies: None
Ladius walks in on a conversation between Yayoi and Sherufanir. Yayoi feels
homesick, and Sherufanir says she needs a pep talk from her commander.
Be stern with her.
-----------------LIGHT shift, Yayoi +, Sherufanir Remain neutral.
--------------Major DARK shift, Yayoi & Sherufanir Console her.
-----------LIGHT shift, Yayoi & Sherufanir +
-> Masswein Flat Road
Enemies: L29 Werewolf, L30 Iron Scissor, L30 Flame Dog
-> Renda Town
Upon returning to town, Ladius and his companions are greeted by an old man. He
thanks everyone for dealing with the orcs and goblins and promises to care for
the troops in Ladius's army.
After the cutscene, you'll receive the following rewards:
3 Platinum Ores
2 Stones of Life
1 Shield Sword
1 Bird Eye
1 Feather Ring
500 EP
20 PP
20,000 G
Not bad for a hard day's work, eh?

-> Regen Way, South

Enemies: L29 Werewolf, L30 Iron Scissor, L30 Flame Dog
-> Regen Way
Enemies: None
Valeria ponders the logistics of attacking Fensarril and reasons that delaying
the invasion will allow her troops to make better preparations. She questions
Fensarril's role in the border disputes and wonders what Hailzen hopes to gain
by invading them. She instructs her general to set up camp for the night with
plans to cross the mountains in the morning.
-> Regen Way, North
Enemies: L29 Werewolf, L30 Iron Scissor, L30 Flame Dog
11. Republic of Fensarril
Ladius meets with Magistrate Mullentz to petition for his troops' citizenship.
Mullentz is aware that Ladius is a criminal, and the situation in Grugund has
aroused his suspicion. He knows that the Grugund army has crossed over Andorra
La Vella into Fensarril territory, and that many of Ladius's followers were
once soldiers of Grugund. If Fensarril's forces leave the city to repel the invaders, they may stage a revolt. Ladius permits Mullentz to investigate him as
a show of good faith, but Mullentz has already conducted an investigation. He
also knows that the death of Duke Howell is a pretext for Grugund's invasion.
Mullentz does, however, offer to make Ladius's troops citizens of the republic
if they fight in its defense. Ladius accepts his offer, and marches his troops
to the vanguard of the army to meet the Grugund forces in battle.
-> Eyeltfred Plain, SW
Enemies: L30 Iron Scissor, L30 Green Mousse
Green Mousses are well-rounded foes who can use wind-based skills. They're not
particularly dangerous.
-> Eyeltfred Plain, NE
Enemies: L30 Green Mousse, L30 Red Mage
As one would expect of spellcasters, Red Mages have low HP, but very high MAG
and RST. They mainly use fire magic and have no physical attacks.
-> Breeze Hill
Enemies: None
King Balzac confers with his son Urian, who is sending half of the supplies requested by Grugund. Balzac tells the prince of his plan to make Grugund aware
of how much they need his kingdom's support, which he will use as leverage if
Grugund and Fensarril don't destroy each other first. Prince Urian voices his
concerns about accepting help from someone who is not human and his fears that
their mysterious ally is using them, but Balzac assures his son that their ally
is the one who is being used. He reminds Urian that a king - like their ally is more than a mere mortal, and is unfit to rule if he does not behave as such.
-> Andorra La Vella, Base
Enemies: L30 Green Mousse, L30 Red Mage
-> Andorra La Vella, SE
Enemies: L30 Flame Dog, L30 Green Mousse, L30 Red Mage
12. Andorra La Vella Peaks

Recommended Level: 30
Vashtor notices that the Grugund forces' defense is
the high ground, but an optimistic Winfield notices
by Ladius and the Fensarril forces. Vira-Lorr fears
costly one, but Vashtor and Winfield believe that a

superb and that they have

that they are outnumbered
that the battle will be a
swift, decisive victory is

As Ladius advances, he runs into Valeria, who accuses him of defecting and conspiring to invade Grugund. Ladius insists that he risked much by traveling to
Fensarril and that he is fighting to defend the republic, but she is unwilling
to listen to him. Sherufanir further enrages Val by saying that she and Yayoi
are Ladius's soul mates. Convinced that he has betrayed his homeland for women,
Val swears to kill Ladius herself, and the party prepares to do battle as she
orders an all-out attack.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L32 Valeria, L30 Grugund Captain (x2), L29 Grugund Soldier (x3)
Strategy: This battle takes place on a long field that narrows at the ends. *
All three of the soldiers can use wind and earth magic, and Valeria's stats *
are high across the board. Send a tank to the front to draw the enemies'
attacks, defeat Val's soldiers to build up your party's SP, then wipe her *
out with Extra Skills before she has a chance to unleash hers. The enemies *
tend to cluster together on this field, so Extended Skills such as Double *
Needle and Holy Mist will prove useful here.
If possible, overkill Valeria for a Samson Ring.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Valeria curses her troops as they break formation and flee. She promises that
Ladius will not escape her next time and withdraws, much to the surprise of
Winfield. Zerva points out that some of the troops were not obeying her orders,
and Vashtor remembers seeing some of them fleeing for Furyum Daryl. The party
considers following them, but decides to return to the capital first.
-> Breeze Hill
Valeria reports back to Hailzen and asks why he gave her men from Furyum Daryl.
He and Gilliam evade her question, but insist that they know how to handle military affairs and that they are acting on the king's will. Val blames her loss
on the disorganization of her troops, but Gilliam suspects her of deliberately
showing Ladius leniency and subtly threatens her when she protests. A disappointed Hailzen temporarily suspends Val's command and declares himself supreme
commander of the Grugund forces until she is reinstated. Val leaves to take a
rest, and Hykezatt asks if it was necessary to punish her so harshly. Hailzen
stands by his decision and refuses to tell Messina what he plans to do as the
supreme commander. As Hykezatt leaves the chamber, Hailzen calls a war council.
-> Fensarril Republic
Mullentz is surprised to hear that men from Furyum Daryl were fighting with
Grugund, but he immediately knows who is responsible. Ladius says that it is
his destiny to deal with the mastermind personally, and requests that Fensarril
refrain from launching any attacks against Grugund until he finishes. Mullentz
accepts, and advises Ladius that the mastermind is a scoundrel, but his son is
a good man who may be willing to aid their cause.
-> Kesata Old Path, East
Enemies: L30 Flame Dog, L30 Green Mousse

-> Kesata Old Path, West

Enemies: L30 Flame Dog, L30 Green Mousse
13. Closed Forest
Recommended Level: 31
Enemies: L30 Green Mousse, L30 Red Mage, L31 Mandragora, L36 Miesha
Map: 5
An event will trigger when you first try to enter the dungeon. While leading
the party through the mist-shrouded forest, Ladius asks everyone to stay close
together to avoid getting lost. Arbol, who can sense the locations of people
within the forest, says that Yayoi has strayed from the path, so Ladius waits
for her to return and asks her where she was. She apologizes, saying that she
found a vine that can be used to tell someone's fortune. She performs a reading
for Ladius, and asks him to choose one of three pieces of the vine.
----LIGHT shift, Yayoi +, Sherufanir Middle
-----Minor DARK shift, Yayoi & Sherufanir +
---Major DARK shift, Sherufanir +, Yayoi =======================================
After the event, you'll be free to explore the dungeon. Among the new enemies
in it are Mandragoras, which have high HP and ATK, Harvest Heal, and a variety
of other earth skills; and Mieshas, which are extremely fast, great with magic,
and automatically evade any physical and magical attacks with less than 100%
accuracy when they're low on HP. The encounter rate here seems to be a little
higher than in previous dungeons, but with the exception of the Mieshas, the
monsters are more annoying than threatening.
The chest in Area 1 contains Essential Arts IX. Take the lower exit to reach
Area 2 and collect a Harvest Heal and Secret Arts IV from the chests there,
then take the upper exit and open the chest in Area 3 to find a VIT Up. Area 4
contains Essential Arts X, and you can find Secret Arts V on your way to the
exit in Area 5.
-> Visionary Forest
You'll emerge here after making your way through the Closed Forest. You can
enter Area 5 of the forest from here, and will have to pass through it again if
you want to return to Fensarril.

-> Syriumville
Enemies: None
The party tells Sharona, the village chieftain, that they are going to Furyum
Daryl and will need her help to reach the capital unseen. Sharona, eager to be
free from the restrictive life of a chieftain, agrees to guide the party there
personally on the condition that she is allowed to remain with them. Ellis and
Winfield worry about how the village will fare without Sharona, but her young
valet Malitz assures everyone that it will only be a temporary inconvenience.
Sharona mentions that orcs, goblins, and a garvel have been spotted near Furyum
Daryl, but begins preparing a feast and insists that the party stay and meet
the villagers before continuing on their way.
You will receive Esoteric Book III and the Fundamental field after the cutscene. Sharona will also join your party. She's a magic-oriented character who
fights with breakers and has an extra skill slot. She starts at Lv. 28, and is
initially equipped with a Quick Turn and a Thunder Guard.
-> Illuric Path, Bewitching Creek
Enemies: L31 Mandragora, L31 Mummy Man
Mummy Men have reasonably high ATK and low RST. They are primarily physical attackers, but they also have some earth and shadow skills.
-> Illuric Path, Hegun's Lodge
Enemies: L31 Mandragora, L31 Mummy Man
14. Furyum Daryl
Enemies: None
Zerva observes that the people have absolute faith in their king, but Sharona
suspects that fear drives them more strongly than loyalty. The people say that
the king will protect them from the orcs and goblins, but Dyshana warns the
party that creatures of darkness can never exist harmoniously with mankind - if
they have not attacked the city, it is because a great power is holding them at
bay. Just then, Prince Urian approaches the party and tells them to come to the
castle, declining to answer questions. The party meets King Balzac, and Ladius
asks him if his soldiers from Furyum Daryl were fighting on the side of Grugund
during the invasion of Fensarril. Balzac confirms this, arguing that he could
not deny Grugund's request for support and ordered them to disguise themselves
as Grugund troops to avoid making their involvement known. The prospect of war
between Grugund and Fensarril does not concern him, but he does not want it to
spill over into Furyum Daryl. He denies any knowledge of the orcs and goblins
or their strange behavior, and remains smug and evasive after Sharona points
out that they have been spotted entering and leaving the castle. Urian escorts
the party outside, and returns to listen to his father's plan to overcome the
Dark Knight.
Ladius, uncertain about what to do next, decides to return to Grugund. Ellis is
incredulous, but Vira-Lorr says they will formulate a plan as they march.
-> Furyum Daryl Main Path
Enemies: L31 Mandragora, L31 Mummy Man
-> Furyuna Way, SW
Enemies: L31 Mummy Man, L32 Salamander
Salamanders have reasonably high ATK and DEF and some fire-based skills. Water
magic works well against them.

-> Furyuna Way

Enemies: None
-> Furyuna Way, NE
Enemies: L32 Salamander, L33 Earth Knight
Earth Knights are deadly foes with high stats across the board, an attack that
hits two squares in a line, and a plethora of physical and earth-based skills.
They absorb earth damage as HP and are impossible to capture. Take them down as
quickly as you can.
-> Kablar Plain
Enemies: L32 Salamander, L33 Earth Knight
15. Kotuy
Ladius talks to the party and learns that Grugund is reachable from their current location. Sharona suggests inviting the rebels to join their cause, but
Vashtor fears they will tip their hand early and be scattered. The party infers
that Grugund is desperate and will spread its forces thin by invading Fensarril
while suppressing the rebellions. Ladius concludes that a coordinated assault
with the rebels will catch Grugund off-guard and leaves to confer with them.
Stock up on supplies and forge or upgrade your equipment here before moving on.
-> Rikus Bridge
Enemies: L32 Salamander, L33 Earth Knight
-> Shandarion Plains
Enemies: None
-> Vhon Novin Way, South
Enemies: L32 Salamander, L33 Warlock
Warlocks have high MAG, RST, and AVD stats and attack your party with fire and
thunder magic. Physical attacks and Extra Skills will bring them down.
-> Vhon Novin Way, Central
Enemies: L32 Salamander, L33 Earth Knight
-> Vhon Novin Way, North
Enemies: L33 Earth Knight, L33 Warlock
-> Seibal Forest
Enemies: None
Yayoi asks Sherufanir about the outcome of the conference with the rebels. She
and Winfield credit Ladius for how smoothly everything went, but Ladius says
they will need the support of the Neira rebels to stand against Grugund. He
also asks Vashtor to send messages to Hykezatt, Messina, and Valeria; Winfield
does not believe that contacting Val will benefit the party, but Ladius knows
that she disapproves of the duke's methods. Even if she refuses to help the
party, she will not betray them.
-> Bushelle Forest Road, West
Enemies: L33 Earth Knight, L34 Evil Fiend
Evil Fiends have huge amounts of HP and ATK and a powerful counterattack, but
are vulnerable to magic.
-> Bushelle Forest Road, Central

Enemies: L33 Earth Knight, L34 Evil Fiend

-> Bushelle Forest Road, East
Enemies: L33 Earth Knight, L33 Warlock
-> Torth's Grove, West
Enemies: L33 Earth Knight, L33 Warlock
-> Torth's Grove, East
Enemies: L33 Earth Knight, L33 Warlock
-> Neiva Forest
Enemies: None
Valeria replies to Ladius's message, warning of him of the expedition against
Fensarril and informing him of her intentions to defect to his ranks. Sharona
and Zerva are skeptical of her intentions, but Ladius believes her and Winfield
encourages him to move against Grugund. Ladius chooses the foot of the Tannus
Mountains as a staging ground and orders Vashtor to assemble the troops there.
-> Kishuna Road Fork
Valeria meets with Ladius and informs him that the bulk of Furyum Daryl's army
is pushing toward Fensarril. She reports that Hykezatt and Messina are still
working with her, and the party prepares to strike against Hailzen.
16. Return to Grugund Kingdom
Recommended Level: 34
Enemies: L34 Guard
Map: 7

\ /
/ \

An event will trigger as you enter the city. Messina and Hykezatt meet with
Ladius and his allies, telling them that Hailzen and Gilliam are hiding deep
within the castle. Hykezatt plans to secure the area around the castle while
Ladius goes inside to find the usurpers. Gilliam panics as the castle burns,
but Hailzen is confident that the Royal Guardsmen will repel the attackers.
There's some nice treasure in Area 3. The second room is empty, but you can
find a chest that contains a Feather Ring in the first room and two more chests
that contain a Hawk Eye and a Charm of Force in the third room.
Area 4 is chock full of treasure. Go through the first door to find chests that
contain a Sharp Sense and a Recovery Herb, the second door to find chests that
contain a Refresh Herb and a Samson Ring, and the third door to find a corridor
that leads to chests containing an INT Up, a Stone of Life, and an Issen.
The path splits in three directions in Area 5. Take the middle path first to
find a chest with a Resurrect in it, then follow either of the side paths
through Area 6. Don't forget to take the Platinum Bracelet from the chest by
the door.

Hailzen and Messina await in Area 7. Hailzen insists that a war with Fensarril
will be good for Grugund's economy, but Ladius urges him to turn his troops
against Furyum Daryl and King Balzac's army of orcs and goblins. Hailzen dismisses the suggestion and insults Ladius's companions, provoking him to battle.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L37 Hailzen, L36 Gilliam, L35 Guard (x4)
Strategy: The duke and the marquess will fight you with the help of four
Guards. The ones on the left and right have Refresh, Heal, and a variety of *
ice- and wind-based skills, while the ones in the center have Sonic Wave, *
Fireball, and higher physical stats. Gilliam has Thunder and a variety of *
earth-based and physical skills, while Hailzen is primarily a physical at- *
tacker with powerful Extra Skills. If you have a powerful character to
serve as a decoy, send him to the front and let the enemies beat him down, *
then revive him and use the accumulated SP to go crazy with Extra Skills. *
Hailzen poses the biggest threat, so try to defeat him before he has time *
to unleash his strongest attacks. Gilliam will fall with comparative ease *
once the Guards are out of the picture, and can be overkilled to get a
Magic Blade.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hailzen and Gilliam are captured after the battle, and their troops surrender.
Ladius leaves Hykezatt and Messina in charge and departs for Andorra La Vella.
Valeria will join your party after this battle. She's a physical fighter who
uses polearms and has a slot for a fire skill. Equip her to your tastes and
stock up on Fragments of Life before pressing on.
-> Mer Larark, Gateway
Enemies: L34 Evil Fiend, L34 Cat Lady
Cat Ladies have a wide array of elemental spells, low HP, and extremely high
-> Mer Larark, Station 3
Enemies: L34 Evil Fiend, L34 Cat Lady
-> Andorra La Vella, NE
Enemies: L34 Evil Fiend, L34 Cat Lady
-> Andorra La Vella, Ravine
Enemies: L34 Evil Fiend, L34 Cat Lady
17. Return to Andorra La Vella Peaks
Recommended Level: 35
Ladius and his allies meet Mullentz at the peaks to discuss the best way to
deal with Furyum Daryl. As Mullentz and Sherufanir discuss how much of a threat
they pose without the support of Grugund, Vashtor reports that the forces of
darkness are mobilizing. Sharona reports that Furyum Daryl is also moving,
leading the party to surmise that the dark army's attack is meant to intimidate
Grugund and Fensarril. Ladius volunteers to deal with the dark forces while
Mullentz deals with Furyum Daryl's army. Arbol and Yayoi warn their leader that
a beast not unlike the one from Yamato is traveling with the orcs and goblins,
though it feels pure rather than twisted.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L36 Garvel, L35 Bull Orc (x2), L35 Hobgoblin (x3)
Strategy: Nothing too special. Kill a Bull Orc to build up your party's SP, *
then take down the Garvel before it has a chance to use Kikou Sho and deal *
with the remaining peons. Make sure you heal up before finishing the fight. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L36 Garvel (x2), L35 Bull Orc (x2), L35 Goblin Mage (x2)
Strategy: This is a surprise battle, so there's an element of luck at work *
here. The Garvels don't have Kikou Sho, but they can still do some pretty *
serious damage if they use Extended Skills with their allies. Try to take *
at least one of them down early on, then focus on the Goblin Mages, who can *
damage characters in a large area with Evil Omen. The Bull Orcs hardly pose *
a threat compared to the other foes, so save them for last.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L39 Dragon, L36 Garvel (x2), L35 Goblin Mage (x2)
Strategy: This is another surprise battle, and it's a far cry harder than *
the last two. The Goblin Mages have wind- and water-based skills, and both *
of the Garvels have Kikou Sho. They all pale in comparison to the Dragon, *
which has 17,507 HP and an array of powerful physical and fire skills. On *
the bright side, it's not very agile and has low RST - just pray that it
never uses Breath of Fire on you.
Frightening as the Dragon is, you want to kill its subordinates first. Pick *
a character to be the decoy, then have him or her distract the Dragon while *
the others defeat the Goblin Mages and Garvels (in that order). When only *
the Dragon remains, keep it occupied by putting one character to its back *
or front and one to its side, then use your strongest magical skills on it. *
Since it flies, avoid using earth-based skills as much as possible.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vira-Lorr posits that the dragon's appearance is a sign that the power of the
darkness is growing. Dyshana proposes a strike at the source of the darkness,
and Mullentz lends some Fensarril troops to aid Ladius and his forces.
-> Andorra La Vella, W
Enemies: L35 Bull Orc, L35 Goblin Mage
This is the eastern path to Assim River Upstream. You can take this one or the
western path as you choose.
-> Lolo-on's Path
Enemies: L35 Bull Orc, L35 Goblin Mage
This is the western path to Assim River Upstream. You can take this one or the
eastern path as you choose.
-> Assim River Upstream
Enemies: None
King Balzac tells Prince Urian that the turnover of Grugund's leadership and
Fensarril's isolationist policies have eliminated the need for war. The prince

worries that enlisting the aid of demons has forever lost Furyum Daryl the
trust of the other nations, but Balzac offers to let his son kill him to redeem
his country's image. With respectful words and a promise that he will not follow in his father's footsteps, Urian takes Balzac's head.
If you return to the area, you will see an event with Sherufanir and Ladius in
the camp. She asks him if he ever gets tired of fighting and suggests that they
run away together. When he says he's never considered the possibility and that
fighting is his world, Sherufanir says that she hates his world and lauds him
for being able to convince people that they can create a conflict-free world.
He reflects on why he is so driven to change the world and promises that he
will come to Sherufanir first when he is ready to run away.
This event will result in a LIGHT shift and increase Sherufanir's affection.
-> Furyuna Way
Enemies: None
All three of the women will ask Ladius questions here. Valeria asks him what he
thinks of a focused, driven woman with a temper.
It is good to know what one wants.
---------------------------------Minor DARK shift, Valeria & Yayoi +, Sherufanir The temper could be a problem...
-------------------------------Minor LIGHT shift, Sherufanir +, Valeria & Yayoi ==================================================
Sherufanir asks Ladius if he would ever feel comfortable relying on a woman.
Of course, if she is dependable.
-------------------------------Minor LIGHT shift, Yayoi & Sherufanir +, Valeria I could never rely on a woman.
-----------------------------Minor DARK shift, Valeria +, Sherufanir & Yayoi ==================================================
Yayoi asks Ladius if he would ever want to try food from Yamato again.
If it is not imitation cooking.
------------------------------Minor LIGHT shift, Yayoi & Sherufanir +, Valeria I am not sure about eating raw fish...
-------------------------------------Minor DARK shift, Valeria +, Sherufanir & Yayoi ==================================================

Valeria asks Ladius how he would feel about having daily fencing practice.
Why not?
-------Minor DARK shift, Valeria & Sherufanir +, Yayoi No, we would not want to overdo it.
----------------------------------Minor LIGHT shift, Yayoi +, Valeria & Sherufanir ==================================================
Sherufanir asks if Ladius has ever been interested in a woman. (Cheeky!)
I think mostly of battle, not women.
-----------------------------------Minor DARK shift, Valeria & Sherufanir +, Yayoi Not really...
------------Minor LIGHT shift, Yayoi +, Valeria & Sherufanir ==================================================
Yayoi asks Ladius whether he would choose a small box or a large one.
I choose the large one.
----------------------DARK shift, Valeria & Sherufanir +, Yayoi I choose the small one.
----------------------Minor LIGHT shift, Yayoi +, Valeria & Sherufanir ==================================================
Valeria asks what Ladius would think of a woman who has been in love with him
since she was a little girl.
I would hope to return her feelings.
-----------------------------------Minor LIGHT shift, Valeria & Yayoi +, Sherufanir I would not know what to do.
---------------------------Minor DARK shift, Sherufanir +, Valeria & Yayoi ==================================================
Sherufanir asks how Ladius what Ladius would think about a woman who wanted to
forget about war and live peacefully with him.

That sounds nice.
----------------Minor DARK shift, Sherufanir +, Valeria & Yayoi I have a destiny I must fulfill.
-------------------------------Minor LIGHT shift, Valeria & Yayoi +, Sherufanir ==================================================
Yayoi asks Ladius if he believes that fate can be changed.
I think you can change your destiny.
-----------------------------------LIGHT shift, Valeria & Yayoi +, Sherufanir A single man cannot change fate.
-------------------------------Minor DARK shift, Valeria & Sherufanir +, Yayoi =================================================
18. Return to Furyum Daryl
Enemies: None
Urian meets Ladius and his allies in front of the open and unguarded castle
gates and proclaims himself king. He requests that Ladius replaces half the men
in his army with troops from Furyum Daryl, but Sharona is suspicious. As a show
of good faith, King Urian offers himself up as a hostage.
Gladly accept
------------LIGHT shift, Sherufanir & Yayoi +, Valeria Think about it
-------------DARK shift, Valeria & Sherufanir +, Yayoi Accept, given the circumstances
------------------------------Major DARK shift, Valeria & Yayoi +, Sherufanir =================================================
Regardless of your choice, the outcome is the same. The king tells Dyshana
where to find the stronghold of the dark forces, and Ladius leaves with his
army to fulfill his destiny.
-> Ristos Hills, South
Enemies: L35 Bull Orc, L35 Goblin Mage
-> Ristos Hills, North
Enemies: L35 Bull Orc, L35 Goblin Mage

19. Colhol Fortress

Recommended Level: 36
As the party enters the fortress, Yayoi begins to tremble and the Dark Knight
reveals himself. Without saying a word, he draws his sword and moves in for the

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L43 Dark Knight
Strategy: He's much stronger than he was in the last generation, but he no *
longer regenerates HP. He does, however, have Kikou Sho, Hellfire Slash,
some dangerous physical and dark skills, and a counterattack that can do
2000+ damage. His high INT and AGI mean that he'll usually strike first, so *
be ready to fight reactively rather than proactively. Distract him with
physical attackers while your mages hang back and fight with spells. Double *
Needle is good for lowering his VIT and increasing the damage he takes from *
physical attacks, and Power Burst can be useful for knocking him back and *
avoiding his counterattacks. Heal as needed and try to make sure that he
can't hit too many of your party members with Kikou Sho, and you'll be able *
to fell the Dark Knight in due time.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Dark Knight withdraws as the party tires, leaving everyone to wonder if
Ladius could have beaten it. He does not believe he is strong enough to slay
the Dark Knight, but Dyshana reminds him that his family's power is growing and
that surviving is sufficient for now. The party leaves the fortress as Yayoi
observes that the darkness has dissipated.
20. Graccea
Winfield, Vira-Lorr, Ellis, and Sharona bid Ladius a somber farewell as he prepares to choose his bride and seal the second pillar.
C. Third Generation
This chapter tells the story of Thoma, son of Ladius and shameless flirt. He
begins the chapter accompanied by Ellis, Borgnine, Vira-Lorr, Zerva, Winfield,
Vashtor, Arbol, and Sharona.
The women that Thoma can choose to marry are Lavinia, Faina, and Noah.
1. Maralinga
As the chapter begins, Thoma teases Ellis and Borgnine, and Winfield wonders
whether or not "that old man" is trustworthy. Arbol assures him that he is a
reliable source of information, and Sharona proposes that the party travel to a
town in the south to find out more about the goings-on on the continent.
-> Enrimalt, North
Enemies: L38 Mercenary
Mercenaries have pretty high ATK and decent HP. Magic works well against them,
especially when they're near death and their Parry ability takes effect. They
can be overkilled for Alluvial Gold.
-> Enrimalt, South
Enemies: L38 Mercenary
2. Ku Kaatje

Arbol mentions that there is a city of elves on the continent, but much of the
surrounding land is covered in ice. Winfield adds that an invisible wall surrounds the elven city, and that it is impossible to find one's way through the
forest surrounding the city without an elven guide. Thoma shares rumors of a
female elf who could guide the party, and leads his companions off to find her.
Stock up on supplies in town before proceeding.
-> Kesven Bypath
Enemies: L38 Mercenary
-> Eureka Plains
Enemies: None
A young girl asks her father, the consul, why he chose to banish someone. He
insists that he cannot allow his judgment to be clouded by emotion, and that
he did as the law dictated. He reminds her that she is a civilian and advises
her not to concern herself with legal matters.
-> Anastajion Field
Enemies: L38 Mercenary
-> Tweda Forest, W
Enemies: L38 Mercenary
3. Tweda Forest
Recommended Level: 38
Winfield spots a red-haired elven girl as the party enters the forest, and also
notices a large beast in front of her. Assuming that she is in danger, he and
Thoma charge forth to save her, reciting four of the gentlemen's rules as they
draw their weapons.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L39 Tyrant, L38 Army Bee (x2), L37 Cat Lady (x2)
Strategy: The Cat Ladies are old hat by now. The Army Bees have low HP and *
very low DEF and RST, but very high AVD. The Tyrant can both take and deal *
out a great deal of physical punishment, but is slow and has low RST. Kill *
the bees first so they can't boost the other enemies' physical damage with *
their Thrust Will Power. Go for the Cat Ladies next, then turn your party's *
full strength against the Tyrant. If you have at least one strong healer in *
your party, the decoy strategy works well against it.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dyshana interrupts the men's introductions to ask the elf woman to guide the
party to the City of Elves. She initially refuses, but reconsiders when Thoma
tells her about the cursed bracelet that Winfield wears. In exchange for some
coins, she agrees to take the party to the village gates, but warns them that
they will have to find their own way in.
Lavinia will join your party after the event. She is a front-line fighter who
uses swords and has a dark skill slot, and comes equipped with an Owl Rapier
and Battle Frame.
-> Ku Kaatje
Late at night, Winfield encourages Thoma to approach Lavinia. The young man
flatters her as she shops for supplies, but she rebuffs his advances, claiming

that she is exhausted. You are then given three options to choose from.
Continue to woo her.
-------------------DARK shift, Lavinia +
Back off quietly.
----------------LIGHT shift, Lavinia +
Go in for the kill!
------------------Major DARK shift, Lavinia +
-> Tweda Forest, East
Enemies: L34 Cat Lady, L34 Evil Fiend
-> Hynada Plains, NW
Enemies: L34 Cat Lady, L38 Army Bee
-> Hynada Plains, SE
Enemies: L34 Cat Lady, L34 Evil Fiend
-> Fouras Bay
Enemies: L34 Cat Lady, L34 Evil Fiend, L38 Army Bee
-> Clenia Island
Enemies: None
Lavinia explains that she is taking a detour to avoid the orcs and goblins, who
are rapidly building fortresses across the land. Thoma pledges to protect her,
to Winfield's delight and Ellis's dismay.
-> Diroll Snowfield
Enemies: L35 Bull Orc, L35 Goblin Mage
4. Musoi
Lavinia instructs the party's elves to hide their ears, warning them that the
people of this continent feel anger and resentment towards elves because of the
carefree life they lead in Lus Soleil. Borgnine and Arbol, however, are allowed
to enter the city as they are.
Stock up on items and enhance your equipment before moving on.
-> Milcrim Snow Road
Enemies: L35 Bull Orc, L35 Goblin Mage
-> Schardt Bell Snowfield
Enemies: None
A dark, mysterious figure consults with the consul, who says that all problems
have been dealt with and the work is proceeding on schedule. The figure reminds
him of the consequences for failure or disloyalty and announces its lord's plan
to capture the City of Elves, which Musoi has long desired.
-> Suchukelte Avalanche

Enemies: L35 Bull Orc, L35 Goblin Mage

5. Frozen Wood
Recommended Level: 39
Enemies: L38 Army Bee, L39 Garm, L41 Thunder Spirit, L41 Wind Spirit, L41 Earth
Spirit, L42 Tyrant, L44 Cold Gel
Map: 7

1 3
\ / \|
4 2
/ \
6 5

Before entering the forest, you will see an event. Arbol revels in being surrounded by snow-covered trees, but Vashtor does not share his appreciation for
the scenery. Lavinia mentions that she uses a "ripple" in the world to guide
the party through the forest, but neither Ellis nor Zerva can feel it. Arbol
feels that the forest is trying to tell him something, but becomes uneasy when
he observes that the trees have had their voices sealed away.
This dungeon can really be a doozy, both because of its inhabitants and its
layout. Garms have high STR and AGI and an assortment of thunder skills, and
can counter your attacks. All of the spirits float, have high RST and AVD, and
specialize in spells of their respective elements. Cold Gels have well-balanced
stats and respectable RST, and the Tyrants are even stronger than the ones you
fought when you met Lavinia. Even worse, the forest is laid out like a maze,
and retracing your path will often land you in a different area than the one
through which you entered. The map above is accurate only when moving from a
lower-numbered area into a higher-numbered one, so wander with caution.
As you explore the forest, be sure to grab Medium Equipment I from the chest
near the entrance. You can also find Essential Arts XIII and a STR Up in some
chests in the southeast corner of Area 2, Medium Weapons II in Area 5's chest,
and the Forbidden Tome II and Beast Ring in the chests in Area 3 (which can be
reached through the exit in the northwest corner of Area 2). Be warned that
Tyrants spawn in pairs in Area 3; they can be extremely dangerous on your first
visit, but you can hunt them for Heart Stones if you come back after gaining
several levels.
In Area 6, Lavinia informs the party that the City of Elves is nearby. As Thoma
and Winfield charge ahead, she talks to Ellis and reveals that she is a dark
elf, feared and hated by other elves. Ellis convinces her to travel with the
party, despite Lavinia's warnings that her services do not come cheap, and a
hidden eavesdropper emerges from behind a tree as they walk away.
-> Icy Galleria
Enemies: L38 Army Bee, L39 Garm, L41 Thunder Spirit, L41 Wind Spirit, L41 Earth
Spirit, L42 Tyrant, L44 Cold Gel
Map: Same as Frozen Wood
You'll emerge here after leaving the Frozen Wood. Return and head northeast to
find a chest that contains Essential Arts XIV.
-> Soleil Snow Road
Enemies: L39 Garm, L41 Thunder Spirit
6. Lus Soleil
Recommended Level: 40

As Ellis tries to persuade Lavinia to come inside the city with everyone else,
the eavesdropper from the forest approaches. Lavinia identifies her as Faina,
who says that she had to come and see her sister. She brings Lavinia and the
party to the home of their father, Mervis, who says that the Bracelet of the
Covenant Winfield wears is the most powerful of Lord Summerill's talismans.
It was forged by greers and nelths and imbued with magic by high elves, and
could grant divine power to its wielder if harnessed properly. This, Mervis explains, is why Winfield has stopped aging, but it will eventually transform him
into a gurg, or dark knight. He goes on to explain that the dark knights were
once larvae, but were bathed with Summerill's power and bound to his will. If
Winfield wants to avoid this fate, he must find a greer and nelth to recreate
Hass Calinou's Hammer - the same talisman used to forge the bracelet - and dip
it in the blood of a high elf. Mervis surmises that the greer and nelth will be
willing to help the party, but they will still need to find a rare material to
craft the hammer. He then invites the party to stay at his house for the night.
Later, Lavinia and Faina talk outside, and Lavinia voices her anger at their
father for leaving their mother, who has sealed herself away from the world.
Ellis and Thoma then run up to them, warning them of a joint attack on the city
by the humans, orcs, and goblins. Lavinia prepares to join the counterattack
while Faina flees to safety.
IMPORTANT! The next three battles are surprise attacks. Keep this in mind as
you arrange your party and choose your field.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L39 Goblin Mage (x3), L39 Musoi Soldier (x4)
Strategy: The Goblin Mages have wind and water spells and Harvest Heal. The *
Musoi Soldiers have average HP, high ATK, and Kikou Sho. Spread your party *
out and try to break their links and stop them from using Extended Skills, *
then drive the enemies together and finish them off.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L39 Bull Orc (x2), L39 Goblin Mage (x2), L39 Hobgoblin (x2)
Strategy: The Goblin Mages have earth and thunder spells this time, and the *
Hobgoblins aren't really dangerous unless they help the other enemies pull *
off Extended Skills. Save them for last.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L41 Garvel, L40 Bull Orc (x2), L40 Goblin Mage (x3)
Strategy: The Goblin Mages in this battle have earth and wind spells, and *
the Garvel has Kikou Sho. Don't let it build enough SP to use it; if it
does, take it down fast, overkilling it if possible.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A young elf blames Lavinia for the dark forces' attack on the city, but Thoma
says that the Bracelet of the Covenant drew them to Lus Soleil. In spite of
Mervis confirming what he says, the young elf continues to demand that Lavinia
leave the city and gets sternly rebuked by Thoma. Lavinia bids her father a
frosty farewell as the party prepares to depart.
-> Icy Galleria

As the party travels through the forest, Ellis tells Thoma that he reminds her
of his father. Lavinia proposes heading north to avoid the forces of Musoi, and
reveals that she has been following the party. Lavinia objects to letting her
join, but Vira-Lorr supports the idea, arguing that Faina has the capacity to
make her own decisions.
Faina will join your party after the event. She has high INT and LUK, and comes
equipped with a Platinum Rod and Dream Hazard.
After recruiting Faina, go northeast, then go northwest twice to escape from
the forest.
-> Lyril Coast
Enemies: L41 Thunder Spirit, L41 Wind Spirit
-> Visra Channel
Enemies: None
Lavinia does some scouting and reports that the goblins and orcs are numerous
enough to have built a fortress. She offers the party a choice between heading
west toward Ku Kaatje, which is safer; or heading north toward Tweda Forest,
which is closer to both the fortress and the homes of the nelth and greer. She
leaves the choice in Thoma's hands.
We go forward, like true men.
----------------------------Major DARK shift, Lavinia & Faina +
We must live to fight another day.
---------------------------------LIGHT shift, Lavinia +, Faina Perhaps something different?
---------------------------Major LIGHT shift, Faina +, Lavinia ======================================
I chose the first option. If you do the same, you will be presented with a
short path to a fortress; otherwise, you will have to take a longer path to
reach Ku Kaatje.
IMPORTANT! If you choose the first option, you won't have a chance to return to
town until you clear Zamul Fortress. Make sure you're well-prepared before you
commit to this course of action.
-> Sufill Cape
Enemies: L41 Thunder Spirit, L41 Wind Spirit, L41 Earth Spirit, L42 Tyrant
-> Dedon Field
Enemies: L41 Thunder Spirit, L41 Wind Spirit, L41 Earth Spirit
7. Zamul Fortress
Recommended Level: 41
Winfield and Thoma feel discouraged as they stare down the massive enemy force,
but they realize that fighting is their only option. Spurred by encouraging
words from Faina and sarcastic ones from Ellis, they leap into battle.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L41 Bull Orc (x2), L41 Goblin Mage (x2), L41 Hobgoblin (x3)
Strategy: The Goblin Mages have earth and fire spells. This is a surprise *
battle, but you know how to deal with all of the enemies in it by now. Just *
go for it.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L42 Garvel, L41 Bull Orc (x3), L41 Goblin Mage (x3)
Strategy: The Goblin Mages here have fire and wind spells. If you can't
kill the Garvel by the third turn, spread your party out so it can't hit
too many people with Kikou Sho at once.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lavinia and Ellis are displeased with Thoma's decision to assault the fortress,
but Faina is somewhat more defensive of him. Borgnine and Arbol destroy the
fortress while the rest of the party rests.
-> Hydess Field
Enemies: L41 Wind Spirit, L41 Earth Spirit, L42 Tyrant
-> Tweda Forest, South
Enemies: L41 Thunder Spirit, L41 Wind Spirit, L42 Tyrant
-> Tweda Forest
Enemies: None
Lavinia tells the party of Paillene and Twulan, the homes of the nelth and the
greer, which lie to the north and east respectively. She lets Thoma decide
where they will go first.
We make for Paillene
-------------------Faina +, Lavinia We make for Twulan
-----------------Lavinia +, Faina ====================
I chose to make for Paillene. Your route will vary if you go the other way.
-> Tweda Forest, NW
Enemies: L40 Lamia, L43 Mab
Lamias have well-balanced stats and a variety of water spells, as well as Black
Mist and Wind. Mabs have very high MAG, RST, and AVD, along with Harvest Heal
and a vast repertoire of wind, thunder, and dark spells. Overkill them for
Sloughs of Snake and Fairy Rings.
-> Feband Animal Trail
Enemies: L40 Lamia, L43 Mab

-> Kenna Field, West

Enemies: None
-> Gacksart Plank Road
Enemies: L40 Lamia, L43 Mab
8. The City of Paillene
An old nelth named Macmuth explains that his people can craft accessories, but
can only adorn weapons and other large items. He sends the party to Twulan and
tells them of a spring beneath Aulis Lake that holds the Spirit Water, which
is needed to craft the hammer. At Dyshana's request, he also introduces them to
Plum, a self-assured young girl who claims to be the city's best adorner. She
jumps at the chance to be an ambassador for Paillene, and joins the party on
their quest with Macmuth's blessing. She has high INT and LUK and comes with a
Luna's Wand and a Marine Rouge, and her earth and water skill slots make her a
flexible spellcaster.
After this event, you will receive Esoteric Book VI and the Happy Time field,
and the paths to Aulis Lake and Twulan will open. I chose to visit Aulis Lake
-> Digon Old Path, West
Enemies: L40 Lamia, L43 Mab, L45 Phantom
Phantoms have high MAG and RST and an assortment of dark, water, and thunder
skills. They also have Magic Barrier, which allows them to evade all damage
from spells that have a chance of missing when they're low on HP. Overkill them
for Banishing Charms.
-> Digon Old Path, East
Enemies: L40 Lamia, L43 Mab, L45 Phantom
IMPORTANT! Stock up on revival items before tackling the next dungeon. You'll
need them for the boss.
9. Aulis Lake
Recommended Level: 43
Enemies: L40 Lamia, L43 Mab, L45 Phantom, L45 Grand Mummy, L45 Golem, L46 Devil
Map: 8

\ / \ /
7 6 3
\/ /

As the party takes in the refreshing sights, Plum explains to them that the
Spirit Water lies in a series of underground tunnels that connect Aulis Lake
with Palaminus Lake. The entrance to these tunnels becomes accessible at low
tide, but will fill with water again when the tide rises. The party prepares to
enter the tunnel as Thoma ponders how much his allies respect him.
When you first enter Area 2, the party will encounter a young woman with blue
hair. She introduces herself as Noah and asks what business the party has in
the cave, to which Thoma replies that he is looking for an item to defeat the
Demon King. Noah excitedly joins the party, calling after "Trauma" to hurry up

as she charges forth. Following her lead soon gets the party lost in the
caves, causing Ellis to deduce that Noah has no sense of direction. Noah promotes an annoyed Lavinia to party leader and invites her to escort the party to
their destination.
After the event, Noah will join your party. She is a well-rounded fighter who
comes equipped with an Inescapable Grasp and a Hard Shell. You will also receive Esoteric Book V and find yourself at the southwest entrance to Area 4.
Grab Secret Arts VII and a STR Up from the chests there, then head to Area 3
and open the chest to find a White Frame. Visit Area 2 for a chest that contains an INT Up, and grab the chest in Area 5 as you pass through it to find
an Advanced Heal. Get the Ogre Claw from the chest in Area 6, and venture into
Area 7 to find a Power Up+ and Medium Weapons III.
In Area 8, the party will encounter a squid-like spirit that Borgnine insists
on destroying at any cost. Thoma draws his weapon and prepares for battle.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L46 Devil Tentacle
Strategy: This beast has 49,306 HP and is equipped with an Abyss Symbol,
which will restore 12% of its HP each turn. It has immense ATK and a few
different water and earth skills and absorbs water-based attacks, but its *
size and speed work against it. Send three characters up to surround it and *
stop it from leaving the corner, and position your mages where they can
heal the tanks without exposing themselves to the Devil Tentacle's attacks. *
Once everyone is in place, start attacking with Extended Skills to build up *
your party's SP, healing and reviving party members as needed. When your
whole party has around 150 SP, unload on the Devil Tentacle with everyone's *
least costly Extra Skills, and keep doing the same each turn. You'll lose a *
few party members, but keep reviving them with Resurrection or Fragments of *
Life and whittling the beast's HP down. As long as it can't hit more than *
one of your tanks and you have enough revival items to spare, you should be *
able to slay the squid after six or so turns of attacks.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After the battle, the party claims the Spirit Water and makes plans to head to
Twulan, which you can reach by following the short road through the Sanini
Highland or the long road through the Loray Ard Hills. Though Plum warns the
party that the tunnels will soon fill with water, you can return to Aulis Lake
at any time.
-> Sanini Highland
Enemies: L45 Phantom, L45 Golem
Golems have massive amounts of HP and ATK, powerful physical skills, and the
ability to counter your attacks. Take them down before they're able to use
their Extra Skills, or they'll flatten your party.
-> Loray Ard Hills
Enemies: L40 Lamia, L43 Mab
-> Kenna Field, East
Enemies: None
-> Itriquim Plain
Enemies: L40 Lamia, L43 Mab

-> Dusk Hill

Enemies: None
-> Budis Valley Way
Enemies: L40 Lamia, L43 Mab
-> Vonra Lural, South
Enemies: L40 Lamia, L43 Mab
10. Twulan City
Ganz, the best blacksmith in town, welcomes the party to the underground city
of Twulan. He has heard of their quest and claims that he is able to craft Hass
Calinou's Hammer, which Plum can then adorn. After exchanging verbal jabs, they
set out to find the rest of the materials they need to begin their work.
After the event, you will receive the Gravity field and Ganz will join your
party. He's a spear wielder with high STR and VIT, and comes equipped with a
Damascus Spear and a Guard Frame.
-> Vonra Lural, North
Enemies: L45 Phantom, L45 Golem
-> Zalto Hills
Enemies: L45 Phantom, L45 Golem
11. The City of Aulis
King Reinbach considers the party's visit to be a welcome departure from the
monotony of his normal schedule and informs them that they need Tlalocan's permission to enter Mulan's Gem Cave in the north. He also mentions that the road
is overrun by monsters from Gilga Zeyon, which the party can avoid by using his
ship to cross Palaminus Lake. He gives them a message for King Mercer of
Lyonrendas and discusses the recent increase in monster attacks with Ganz,
hoping that cooperation will allow them to vanquish the monsters.
Replenish your items and upgrade your equipment in town before setting out.
-> Palaminus Lake, South
Enemies: L45 Phantom, L46 Devil Tentacle
The Devil Tentacles here aren't as strong as the one in Aulis Lake, but they
can still do 4000+ damage with Tentacle and 8000+ damage over a large area with
Impulse Wave. Spread your characters out so they can't all be hit at once.
-> Palaminus Lake
Enemies: None
-> Palaminus Lake, North
Enemies: L45 Phantom, L46 Devil Tentacle
12. Lyonrendas
King Mercer explains that having the trade routes blocked is problematic for
the city's economy, and fears that an attack from Gilga Zeyon will come soon.
Ganz urges him to ask for Reinbach's aid in a preemptive attack, and Mercer
reveals that Midas of Tlalocan will offer his support. Thoma resolves to reach
Tlalocan while he still has a chance of receiving permission to enter Mulan's
Gem Cave, and Mercer tells him that he will either need to travel northeast
through the monster-infested Ginnunga Canyon or northwest through the rebelladen Ewabarl Shivan to reach the city. The choice is left to Thoma.

Ewabarl Shivan
-------------Major LIGHT shift, Faina & Noah +, Lavinia Ginnunga Canyon
--------------Major DARK shift, Lavinia & Faina +, Noah ============================================
I chose to pass through Ewabarl Shivan. Regardless of which route you choose,
stock up on supplies before you depart.
IMPORTANT! If you spend some time capturing and combining the monsters you
fight in the next several battles, you can create Angels and Mucranes, then
combine them to create a Luijt. These botanical beasts start at Lv. 91 with
over 16,000 HP and 105 INT and LUK, making them absolute terrors in combat.
They can also be traded in for Resurrection, which revives slain characters
with 50% of their maximum HP and sells for 30,000 G.
-> Adebart, South
Enemies: L47 Wolf Dead, L47 Big Eye
Wolf Deads are strong, fast, specialize in physical skills, and can counter
your attacks. Big Eyes are floating spellcasters that specialize in dark and
water skills. Overkill them for High-Grade Fur and Crystal Lenses.
-> Adebart, North
Enemies: L47 Wolf Dead, L47 Big Eye
13. Ewabarl Shivan
Recommended Level: 45
The party is contemplating the ease of their journey through the canyon when a
rebel approaches them and urges them not to go to Tlalocan. Without giving the
party a reason, the rebels attack them as they attempt to pass.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L47 Hooligan (x7)
Strategy: This is a surprise battle against a large group of enemies. They *
aren't very strong, but they're pretty fast and can rapidly wear your party *
down if they get to use their Extended Skills. Focus on interrupting their *
combos and taking them down one at a time. Ellis's Shine Storm and Plum's *
Rainstorm work well against the Hooligans, and they can be overkilled for *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vashtor concludes after the battle that the hooligans are not ordinary rebels,
and they flee after warning the party once more not to go to Tlalocan.
-> Eartbakt Passage
Enemies: L47 Wolf Dead, L47 Big Eye
-> Efnored Coast
Enemies: L47 Wolf Dead, L47 Big Eye

-> Traloraim Plain

Enemies: L45 Golem, L47 Wolf Dead
14. Tlalocan City of God
Midas, the consul from the event at Eureka Plains, greets the party and laments
that the canyons limit his city's contact with the southern lands. He is more
than happy to honor Dyshana's request for access to Mulan's Gem Cave, but he
asks them to do him a favor first. He discusses the logistics of moving troops
south past the rebels of Ewabarl Shivan, and requests that the party deal with
them. Ellis asks for Thoma's input.
Happily accept
-------------Major DARK shift, Faina & Noah +, Lavinia Ask about the rebels
-------------------LIGHT shift, Lavinia & Noah +, Faina Ask about the monsters
---------------------Major LIGHT shift, Lavinia +, Faina & Noah ============================================
Regardless of your choice, Thoma asks about the origins of the rebels and
learns that a boy who tried to kidnap the consul's daughter has been colluding
with them. Thoma vows to talk some sense into the lovestruck lad.
-> Ewabarl Shivan
Recommended Level: 45+
Ganz and Plum have different ideas about how to approach the rebels, who send
their young commander Alberti to treat with the party. He maintains his innocence and insists that Midas plans to commit acts of evil, and attacks the
party when they refuse to heed his words.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L49 Alberti, L46 Hooligan (x5)
Strategy: The Hooligans are more or less the same as the ones you fought
during your first visit. Alberti has more than twice the HP of his minions, *
as well as very impressive AGI and an assortment of physical, wind, and
dark skills. He frequently dodges physical attacks, so take down a couple *
of the Hooligans to build up your party's SP before attacking him with your *
Extra Skills. The rest of the Hooligans will be easy prey without a leader. *
If possible, overkill Alberti for a White Frame.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The defeated Alberti orders the rebels to throw down their weapons and pleads
Thoma to release them. As Winfield binds Alberti, one of the rebels reveals
him to be the leader of Tlalocan's Imperial Guard. He accuses Consul Midas of
framing him and allying with monsters in preparation for an attack on
Lyonrendas - as soon as King Mercer allows Tlalocan's troops into his lands,
they will turn on him. With no way to determine whether or not his captive is

telling the truth, Thoma warns the rebels not to cause problems in his absence
and escorts Alberti back to Tlalocan.
-> Tlalocan City of God
Consul Midas thanks the party for capturing Alberti. Before handing him over,
Thoma asks if he was fairly tried for his crimes and wonders if Midas's
daughter Nastassja can shed some light on the circumstances surrounding
Alberti's punishment. Midas refuses to let her speak; he insists that making
such a request of a citizen would be an abuse of his power and threatens to
revoke his permission to allow the party into Mulan's Gem Cave. Suddenly,
Nastassja enters the chamber and shows the party her bracelet, which resembles
the Bracelet of the Covenant and was placed on her wrist by the dark knight to
ensure her father's cooperation. Midas insists that his daughter is lying and
has her removed from the chamber, but Thoma believes her. He chooses to retain
custody of Alberti, assuring the consul that he will make the disgraced guard
captain cut ties with the rebels and stay far away from Nastassja. As Thoma
leaves to fulfill his promise, Midas rallies his forces and prepares to march
on Lyonrendas.
-> Keeri Rykum, North
Enemies: L45 Golem, L47 Big Eye
-> Keeri Rykum, South
Enemies: L45 Golem, L47 Wolf Dead
15. Ginnunga Canyon
Thoma releases Alberti, who requests his aid for an attack on Tlalocan. Ganz
and Vashtor do not think the party and the rebels could stand against an army
of thousands, but Thoma suggests that Alberti accompany the party to Lyonrendas
instead. He agrees, and heeds Thoma's suggestion to be more relaxed.
After this event, you will receive Esoteric Book VIII and the Hypnotic Field
field. You will also be joined by Alberti, an agile dagger wielder who comes
equipped with a Sword Breaker and a Bracelet of Feicui.
-> Ewabarl Shivan
Thoma meets up with Noah at night and notices her collection of treasures.
Though they look foreboding to him, she says that serve as mementos of her
adventures and all the emotions she experienced while undertaking them. She
tosses him a golden statue and a crystal ball, which zap Winfield with lightning and scorch him with fire as Thoma handles them. As he examines a third
trinket, he notices a switch on its back.
Best leave it alone.
-------------------Major LIGHT shift, Lavinia & Faina +, Noah I have to know.
--------------Major DARK shift, Noah +, Lavinia & Faina ============================================
-> Eraphon Animal Trail
Enemies: L47 Wolf Dead, L47 Big Eye
-> Jivast Trail
Enemies: L47 Wolf Dead, L47 Big Eye

16. Return to Lyonrendas

Alberti warns King Mercer of the impending attack by Tlalocan. The king informs
the party that the monsters plan to invade Musoi and Lus Soleil as well, and
that he can only field one army at the present time. Zerva points out the risk
of spreading the troops too thin, and Winfield asks for Thoma's opinion on the
right course of action.
Aid Lyonrendas, our brothers in arms.
------------------------------------LIGHT shift, Lavinia & Faina +, Noah To Aulis, for reinforcements.
----------------------------DARK shift, Faina +, Lavinia & Noah ======================================
I chose the first option. If you choose the second, you will have to return to
-> Cellatz Wildland
Enemies: L47 Wolf Dead, L47 Big Eye, L49 Spark Knight
Spark Knights are well-rounded warriors who have thunder skills and the ability
to counterattack. They can't be captured.
17. Gilga Zeyon
Recommended Level: 46
Alberti brings a message from Mercer indicating that he is preparing to breach
the gates of the fortress. Eager to seize the opportunity, Thoma sends
Borgnine and Arbol to assist in the attack.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L48 Garvel (x2), L47 Bull Orc (x2), L46 Goblin Mage (x2)
Strategy: This is a surprise fight. The Goblin Mages have fire and water
spells, and the Garvels both have Kikou Sho. Try not to let them use it.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

With the gates open, the party surges into the fortress to sow discord in the
enemy ranks.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L48 Garvel (x2), L47 Bull Orc (x3), L46 Goblin Mage (x2)
Strategy: This, too, is a surprise fight. There's an extra Bull Orc, and
the Goblin Mages have water and earth spells this time around, but it's
otherwise similar to the previous fight. Take down the Garvels early, and *
you shouldn't have too many problems.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Enemies: L48 Garvel (x3), L46 Goblin Mage (x3)

Strategy: Well, kiss my grits! It's another surprise fight, and the Goblin
Mages in this one have earth and wind spells. They also have Sanctuary,
which heals enemies in a large area. Defeat one or two of them to build up
your party's SP, then unleash your Extra Skills on the Garvels. Try not to
cluster your party members, or they have a good chance of getting hit with
Kikou Sho.


If you overkill the Garvels, you'll get Vessels of Life.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As the party savors their victory over the forces of darkness, King Reinbach
calls an audience with Thoma. He tells him that the monsters are marching on
Musoi and Lus Soleil, neither of which is prepared for an attack. Lavinia
blames herself for inadvertently helping the forces of darkness discover the
City of Elves, but Thoma accepts that he is fated to fight these creatures and
places the blame on himself. He vows to help his friends protect their hometowns at any cost, and is left to choose which one to defend.
We make for Lus Soleil
---------------------DARK shift, Lavinia & Faina +, Noah We make for Musoi
----------------Major LIGHT shift, Faina & Noah +, Lavinia We make for Tlalocan
-------------------DARK shift, Noah +, Lavinia & Faina ============================================
-> Lattriwen Way, North
Enemies: L47 Wolf Dead, L49 Spark Knight, L49 Storm Knight
Storm Knights are virtually identical to Spark Knights, but with wind skills
and a slightly stronger magical inclination.
-> Lattriwen Way, South
Enemies: L47 Wolf Dead, L47 Big Eye, L49 Storm Knight
-> Schardt Bell Snowfield
Thoma complains about the cold as the party sets up camp and invites the women
to cuddle up to him and share their warmth. He is flabbergasted when none of
them accept his invitation, and Dyshana urges him to be more honest about his
feelings and consider the way that his actions impact others. As he walks off
to collect his thoughts, he sees Noah writing a letter. When he asks who she is
writing to, she asks him if he would like to see it.
Yes, in fact, I would.
---------------------LIGHT shift, Faina & Noah +, Lavinia Perhaps I had best not.

----------------------Major DARK shift, Faina, Lavinia, & Noah +

I apologize for the intrusion.
-----------------------------Major LIGHT shift, Lavinia +, Faina & Noah ============================================
Regardless of your choice, you will learn who she is writing to and receive
Esoteric Book X.
-> Lus Soleil
Mervis assures Faina and Lavinia that he and the other citizens are alright,
and that no monsters have threatened them since the party's assault on Gilga
Zeyon. He admits that the elves must open themselves up to the rest of the
world and apologizes for being a poor father to Lavinia, inviting her to return
to his house and promising to release her mother. He does not know anything
about the situation in Musoi, but he suggests that Meteor Ore could be used to
break the curse on Nastassja's bracelet and offers to help the party if they
can find some.
-> Vovokas Pass
Enemies: L47 Wolf Dead, L48 Yeti
Yetis are large monsters with high HP, ATK, and DEF and a couple of water
skills. Surround and destroy them after building up some SP, but watch out for
their counterattack. They can be overkilled for Great Ice Pillars.
18. Bak Mui
Recommended Level: 47
After a brief tactical discussion, the party attacks the fortress.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L49 Garvel, L48 Bull Orc (x2), L47 Goblin Mage (x3), L46 Hobgoblin *
Strategy: You have quite a large force to contend with in this battle. The *
Goblin Mages have fire and thunder spells and the ever-annoying Sanctuary, *
so kill them first. Defeat the Garvel next to avoid getting hit with Kikou *
Sho, then wipe out the Bull Orcs and Hobgoblins. In spite of their numbers, *
it's not that hard a fight.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The party deduces that the forces of darkness have begun marching on Musoi, and
pursues the enemy while leaving behind just enough men to repair the fort.
-> Valus Highland
Enemies: L47 Wolf Dead, L47 Big Eye
-> Abolt Coast
Enemies: L47 Wolf Dead, L47 Big Eye
19. Return to Musoi
Recommended Level: 47+
The party arrives in the city before the enemy does, so Vashtor forms the

troops into two flanking divisions and orders Alberti to lead a rear attack.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L49 Garvel (x2), L48 Bull Orc (x4), L47 Goblin Mage (x2)
Strategy: No Hobgoblins this time, and the Goblin Mages have thunder and
water spells in addition to Sanctuary. Kill them first, then go for the big *
boys. As per usual, make the Garvels a higher priority for elimination.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The battle convinces the citizens of Musoi to make peace with and eventually
form an alliance with the elves. Zerva is concerned about the situation in the
north, so the party decides to return to Tlalocan.
-> Lyonrendas
King Mercer reports that he was able to beat back Tlalocan's forces with help
from Aulis and Twulan. He also reports that King Reinbach has gone to lay siege
to Tlalocan and urges the party to hurry after him.
-> Kevery, South
Enemies: L47 Wolf Dead, L49 Spark Knight, L49 Storm Knight
-> Kevery, North
Enemies: L47 Wolf Dead, L47 Big Eye, L49 Spark Knight
20. Return to Tlalocan
Recommended Level: 48+
Alberti meets with King Reinbach and informs him of his plans to infiltrate the
city. Reinbach agrees to give the plan some time, but warns that he will have
to take drastic measures if they don't return shortly.
Soon, the party confronts the consul and asks where Nastassja is. He refuses to
answer their questions or accept their terms of surrender, instead boasting
that he has been granted godlike power that he will use to destroy both the
party and the invading army.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L53 Midas
Strategy: The corrupted consul has 69,382 HP, high ATK and RST, and a bevy *
of physical skills. He also absorbs earth damage, can counter your attacks, *
and has an Abyss Symbol, so he'll regenerate HP each turn. Expect a very
hard fight.
Midas has several attacks that hit everyone around him, so spacing is of
the utmost importance here. Send a tank up to distract him, and make sure *
the rest of your party stays at least three squares away from the tank so *
they can't be hit by the consul's Kikou Sho, Phoenix Strike (which will do *
10,000+ damage in a circular area), or Seven Stars Blast (which will do
25,000+ damage in a rectangular area). Revive the tank as s/he falls, then *
get your party members back into formation immediately. After stockpiling *
at least 250 SP, wait for Midas to perform his action, then go all out on *
him with your Extra and Extended Skills. Do it again at the beginning of
the next turn, and you should be able to finish him off before he acts. One *
mistake can spell disaster in this fight, so don't start attacking until


you're certain that your party members have all the SP and AP they need to
fully deplete Midas's HP. Winfield's Hold Shot is good for stealing items
and buying some time, and if you have Vashtor and Borgnine in your party,
Void Scream works especially well.

If you can't do enough damage to kill Midas after a couple of all-out at- *
tacks, go and build your party members up to Lv. 50 and use some of the
Proofs of Valor you've been collecting. The additional AP and Extra Skills *
you get for doing so will help tip the balance in your favor. This is one *
of the hardest fights in the game, so don't be ashamed if you have to do
some grinding to win.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Mortally wounded, Midas laments his weaknesses and confesses that he colluded
with the Dark Knight to protect and strenghten Tlalocan. He begs the party to
protect his daughter and gives Alberti the key to Mulan's Gem Cave before he
Soon after the party's victory, Reinbach and Mervis meet up with them. Mervis
fears that the Meteor Ore will not be able to remove the curse on Nastassja,
who tells the party that it was placed on her by a frightful monster that resembled Borgnine. Dyshana holds out hope that the Meteor Ore may be able to remove the curse, and the party leaves for the cave to recover the ore.
21. Mulan's Gem Cave
Recommended Level: 48+
Enemies: L46 Garuda, L48 Yeti, L48 Angel, L49 Storm Knight, L49 Spark Knight,
L51 Mucrane

6---5 7
| 3 | /
|/ \|/
2 1 4

Garudas are large floating monsters with high HP, AGI, ATK, and AVD and a fair
number of fire and wind skills. Angels are floating monsters with high ATK and
AVD, Light Heal, thunder skills, and a powerful counterattack. They also absorb
holy attacks, and drop Holy Water when overkilled. Mucranes have low HP, but
they command a vast array of spells and have extremely high AGI, AVD, and RST.
Use Extra Skills to take them down after building up your party's SP.
Aside from the monsters, you can find a fair bit of treasure in this cave.
There's a VIT Up+ and Accessories I-III in Area 2, a Cure All in Area 3, an
Essential Arts XVII in Area 4, a Crystal Spear in Area 5, Secret Arts IX and
Essential Arts XV in Area 5, and an Essential Arts XVIII and Essential Arts XIX
in Area 7.
Both the Meteor Ore and a boss fight await you in Area 8.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L53 Mandrake Root, L48 Angel (x4)
Strategy: The Mandrake Root is a large floating enemy with 32,323 HP, very *
high MAG and RST, and a lot of earth and holy spells. It comes equipped


with an Abyss Symbol, but compared to Midas, it's easy. After defeating its
Angel underlings to build up SP, attack it with physical Extra and Extended
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


After the battle, the party gathers enough Meteor Ore to forge Hass Calinou's
Hammer and break the curse on Nastassja. Thoma resolves to attack Magna Val
while Mervis tries to counteract the curse.
-> Bak Mui
Late at night, Thoma's potential brides approach him and state a desire to know
more about him. Lavinia begins by asking if Thoma's behavior is a facade, which
she does not want to prevent her from understanding who he really is.
Then I shall be more honest with you.
------------------------------------LIGHT shift, Lavinia +, Faina & Noah What you see is what you get.
----------------------------DARK shift, Faina & Noah +, Lavinia ======================================
Faina says that she wants to help Thoma and share his pain.
You cannot help me.
------------------DARK shift, Lavinia & Noah +, Faina I would like that.
-----------------LIGHT shift, Faina +, Lavinia & Noah ======================================
Noah asks Thoma to tell her not to worry and pledge to protect her if she follows him.
I cannot ask you to follow me.
-----------------------------Minor LIGHT shift, Lavinia +, Faina & Noah Believe in me. You will not regret it.
-------------------------------------DARK shift, Faina & Noah +, Lavinia ============================================
Lavinia asks Thoma if he plans to stay on the continent or go elsewhere once he
has fulfilled his destiny.

Keep me warm, and I shall stay.

------------------------------DARK shift, Lavinia +, Faina & Noah I will leave when I am finished.
-------------------------------Minor LIGHT shift, Faina & Noah +, Lavinia ============================================
Faina asks Thoma if he would be willing to live in Lus Soleil.
That could be nice.
------------------DARK shift, Noah +, Lavinia & Faina I could never do that.
---------------------LIGHT shift, Lavinia & Faina +, Noah ======================================
Noah asks Thoma if he agrees that a life without adventure would be pointless.
I will adventure forever!
------------------------DARK shift, Faina & Noah +, Lavinia I am done with adventuring.
--------------------------Minor LIGHT shift, Lavinia +, Faina & Noah ============================================
Lavinia asks Thoma what sort of woman he is attracted to.
All the women of the world.
--------------------------Minor LIGHT shift, Faina & Noah +, Lavinia You, Lavinia.
------------DARK shift, Lavinia +, Faina & Noah ============================================
Faina asks Thoma if he likes women who are prone to sickness, eat a lot, and
are somewhat unreliable.
You must be more confident.
--------------------------Minor DARK shift, Lavinia +, Faina & Noah -

I like you just as you are.

--------------------------LIGHT shift, Faina & Noah +, Lavinia ===========================================
Finally, Noah states that she wants to make a request of Thoma when everything
is over. He tries to predict what she will ask of him.
A visit to your orphanage?
-------------------------Minor LIGHT shift, Faina & Noah +, Lavinia I cannot go on your adventure.
-----------------------------Minor DARK shift, Lavinia +, Faina & Noah ============================================
-> Alberback Mine, West
Enemies: L49 Spark Knight, L49 Storm Knight, L50 Fenrir
Fenrirs are large, fast, strong beasts with a combination of physical, ice, and
earth skills. Use your party's Extra Skills to take them down, overkilling them
for Insoluble Ice if you can.
-> Alberback Mine, East
Enemies: L49 Spark Knight, L49 Storm Knight, L50 Fenrir
-> Qubad Coast
Enemies: L49 Spark Knight, L49 Storm Knight, L50 Fenrir
-> Levanes's Whisper
Enemies: L49 Spark Knight, L49 Storm Knight, L50 Fenrir
22. Magna Val
Recommended Level: 49+
Borgnine senses that the commander of the dark forces is another larva, which
Vashtor identifies as a durga. He explains that larvae are gods which lose some
of their power when they are summoned to the mortal realm, and durga maintain
more power than most larvae. Reinbach hesitates to assault the fortress of such
a powerful being, so Thoma leads his companions into battle against it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L53 Durga, L50 Garvel (x2), L49 Goblin Mage (x4)
Strategy: The Durga is a large monster with 55,615 HP, powerful physical
attacks, a vicious counterattack, and an Abyss Symbol. The Garvels both
have Kikou Sho, and the Goblin Mages all have wind and earth spells, in*
cluding Sanctuary. Kill the healers first, then use a tank as a decoy to
distract the Durga while you crush the Garvels and build up your party's
SP. Once you have at least 200 SP for everyone, go all out with your most *
powerful Extra Skills. You don't have a lot of room to maneuver on this
battlefield, so try to keep your party away from the corners.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The dying durga mocks Thoma and his companions, saying that they are nothing
compared to its master and that darkness is right beside them. As his allies
ponder the words of the dying larva, Thoma asks Alberti to stay with Nastassja
and suggests that his child will be able to help Winfield break the bracelet's
curse. Vashtor lags quietly behind the group as they leave the fortress.
23. Fendias
Winfield and Alberti bid Thoma a fond farewell, and Plum and Ganz promise to
take care of the situation on the continent as he prepares to choose his bride
and seal the third pillar.
D. Fourth Generation
This chapter tells the story of Duran, son of Thoma and sharp-tongued defier
of destiny. He begins the chapter accompanied by Ellis, Borgnine, Vira-Lorr,
Zerva, Winfield, Vashtor, Arbol, Sharona, Plum, Ganz, and Alberti.
The women that Duran can choose to marry are Hildegard, Silvi, and Ryuryu.
1. Cape Town of Nillea
Duran responds coldly to Winfield's assurances that the pirates will show up. A
female pirate interrupts their conversation, calling Duran's party a circus and
introducing herself as Captain Hildegard of the Death-Cross Pirates. She agrees
to take the party to the Ioros Islands as they requested, but only if they show
their determination by bringing her a Marfile fruit. She directs them to the
Bibrest Mountains, where she has heard that such fruits grow, and advises them
to find one before her offer expires. Alberti suggests that they look for more
information in Pirrene, a town to the west.
Replenish your items and upgrade your equipment before setting out.
-> Schleier Sea Route, East
Enemies: L52 Cerberus
Cerberuses are large, powerful fiends that primarily use physical skills. They
also have a powerful counterattack, a couple of fire skills, and the ability to
absorb fire damage. Overkill them for Beast Skins.
-> Schleier Sea Route, West
Enemies: L52 Cerberus
-> Copenia Coast
Enemies: None
-> Lyon Field
Enemies: L52 Cerberus, L52 Orc Mage
Orc Mages have decent HP and a full complement of dark, thunder, and earth
spells, plus Refresh and Sanctuary. Make them high priorities for elimination.
-> Galledetex Forest, South
Enemies: L52 Cerberus, L52 Orc Mage
-> Pirrene
Upon investigation, the party learns of a town called Tenedos located to the
south and a harpuia woman who was bound for the town. Vira-Lorr observes that
most harpuia live in the Bibrest Mountains, so the party decides to follow in
her footsteps.

2. Tran Hills
Recommended Level: 50
The party meets a rabbit-like humanoid while trudging through the hills. She
suspects them of being bandits and prepares to fight them, but is attacked from
behind by a band of orcs and goblins. As she turns her aggressions toward them,
the party decides to lend her a hand.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L50 Bull Orc (x2), L49 Goblin Mage (x3), L49 Hobgoblin (x3)
Strategy: The Goblin Mages have Refresh, Sanctuary, and an assortment of
water and wind spells. Kill them first to eliminate their healing and their *
dangerous Extra Skills, then go after the Bull Orcs. The Hobgoblins, as
usual, should be saved for last. Not a hard fight, really.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The rabbit girl compliments the party's fighting prowess, but Duran insists
that she leave them alone. The rest of the party tells her of their search for
the Marfile fruit and the harpuia. She invites herself along on their quest and
introduces herself as Qua. She is an agile pugilist who starts at Lv. 48, and
comes equipped with Mithril Knuckles and a Mithril Bracelet.
You will receive the Deadly Gamble field after this cutscene.
-> Jean Lulun Way
Enemies: L52 Cerberus, L52 Orc Mage
3. Tenedos City
The party arrives in town just after the harpuia leaves, and Dyshana comments
that they will never be able to catch her if they follow the same route she
did. Qua offers an alternate route, and Alberti reveals that all of his inquiries about the Marfile fruit have led back to the harpuia. Vashtor and Ganz
do not think the party has time to chase after her and suggest looking for the
fruit on their own. Winfield leaves the decision in Duran's hands.
IMPORTANT! If you want to get the Forbidden Tome III and revive Thoma, you must
choose the second option here. If you don't, you'll be unable to access the
Bibrest Mountains until the end of this generation.
Chase the harpuia.
-----------------DARK shift
Take the steep path.
-------------------LIGHT shift
Find it on our own.
------------------Major DARK shift
I chose the third option. If you choose the first or second option, a path will
open to the north of Pirrene.

-> Sorlistrum Pass

Enemies: L52 Orc Mage, L54 Magic Lord
As their name implies, Magic Lords are powerful spellcasters who know a wide
variety of wind and water spells, including Cure All. They have very high RST,
but physical attacks will rip them apart. Overkill them for Encyclopedias.
-> Lerouxnar Passage
Enemies: L52 Orc Mage, L54 Magic Lord
-> Boreal Path
Enemies: None
Qua and Plum begin to wonder if the party will ever find the Marfile fruit on
their own, and Ganz suggests that looking for the harpuia would be a better use
of everyone's time. You are then allowed to decide how Duran responds to his
allies' concerns.
Let it go
--------Minor LIGHT shift
----Minor DARK shift
------DARK shift
Regardless of your choice, a new path will open after this event.
-> Genozard Trail
Enemies: L53 Bone Warrior, L55 Basilisk
Both of these foes have high HP and ATK and a counter, but the Basilisks'
defensive stats are a little higher. Overkill them for Skulls of the Dead and
Eyes of Basilisk.
-> Bibrest Trail, North
Enemies: L53 Bone Warrior, L55 Basilisk
From here, you will be able to reach Cannus's Tear. If you chose the second
option during the event at Tenedos City, you will instead follow the path below
through the Bibrest Mountains.
-> Gelledetex Forest, North
Enemies: L52 Cerberus, L52 Orc Mage
-> Bibrest Trail, South
Enemies: L52 Cerberus, L52 Orc Mage
4. Bibrest Mountains
Recommended Level: 51

Enemies: L46 Garuda, L52 Gigantes, L52 Dragon, L53 Bone Warrior, L54 Magic
Lord, L55 Basilisk
Map: 6
/ \

This is a relatively straightforward dungeon, but you'll have to do a lot of
jumping to scale the cliffs. As you work your way through it, be sure to grab
the LUK Up and Bloody Sword in the southeast corner of Area 2 and stop by Area
4 to collect an AGI Up, a Sonic Gun, and Forbidden Tome III. Don't miss the
Earth Dragon as you pass through Area 5, and grab the Status Up on your way to
the exit in the northwest corner of Area 6.
-> Cannus's Tear
Enemies: None
Arbol discovers a Marfile fruit, but it is growing out of the party's reach. As
they try to puzzle out how to collect it without damaging the surrounding area,
a harpuia flutters down and offers to pick it for them. In return, she exacts
a promise from them to keep the location of the fruit a secret. She introduces
herself as Silvi and confesses that she loves the ocean when Dyshana wonders
what brought her all the way to Tenedos. Fascinated by the harpuia's curiosity,
Dyshana invites her to join the party, and Silvi gratefully accepts. Before
leaving, she insists on stopping by her village to tell her family, and leads
the party there.
After this event, Silvi will join your party. She starts at Lv. 50, has high
STR and AGI, and comes equipped with an Estoc and a Mithril Bracelet.
-> Voeli Zeil Plank Road
Enemies: L52 Gigantes, L54 Magic Lord, L55 Basilisk
Gigantes are large, slow enemies with high ATK and DEF and huge pools of HP.
Turn your Extra Skills on them after defeating the monsters that appear with
-> Phoenix Wing Fortress
Enemies: None
A harpuia named Keith is opposed to letting Silvi go on her journey, insisting
that she is needed more at the fortress. Vira-Lorr talks him out of attacking
the party, and Dyshana assures him that Duran will be able to purge the darkness from the continent.
-> Cape Town of Nillea
Duran presents Hildegard with the Marfile fruit, and the pirate captain agrees
to let the party sail with her until they find a Rainbow Shard. She mentions
that she needs to make a quick detour as the party leaves to board her ship.
After this event, Hildegard will join your party. She is a gunner who starts at
Lv. 50, has high STR and VIT, and comes equipped with a Mithril Gun and a
Mithril Bracelet.

-> Bool Burn Course 1

Enemies: L56 Lost Pirate
High HP and ATK, low RST, mostly use physical skills, can't be captured.
-> Bool Burn Course 2
Enemies: L56 Lost Pirate
-> Cittilia Channel
Enemies: None
Duran strikes up a conversation with Hildegard while she stares at the waves.
He hesitates when she asks him if he would like to try riding the waves and
gets defensive when she calls him a coward. She eventually goads him into doing
it, and admits afterward that she had fun despite being scared.
After this event, the Link Gauge will shift toward DARK and Hildegard's affection will increase.
-> Bool Burn Course 3
Enemies: L56 Lost Pirate
-> Bool Burn Course 4
Enemies: L56 Lost Pirate
-> Oriana Waters
Enemies: None
Vira-Lorr invites Plum to drink with her, leading the young nelth to experience
a pleasant, dreamlike state. This event unlocks CG #96.
-> Bool Burn Course 5
Enemies: L53 Sea Bat, L54 Death Killer Bee
Both of these monsters have average HP, high STR and AGI, and the ability to
fly. The Sea Bats also have respectable RST and Harvest Heal. Overkill the bats
for Coral and the bees for Needles of Death.
-> Geminia Cape
Enemies: L53 Sea Bat, L54 Death Killer Bee
5. Jalfa Fortress
Enemies: None
Hildegard warns the party that everything they see should be kept secret, and
that they will not survive if they betray her trust. She introduces them to a
young man named Kilik, one of several orphans who found a home and a sense of
purpose with her crew. She leaves a broad-shouldered man named Vlady in charge
of the crew and discusses the party's destination with them. Rumor has it that
yulishees can be found at Crystal Lake in the east or around an island to the
south, but the party may be able to gather more information at Rabat Salle in
the west. Duran concludes that the party must visit all three locations.
Three paths will open after this event, which you are free to traverse in any
order. I chose to go to Rabat Salle first.
-> West Linotor Sea
Enemies: L53 Sea Bat, L54 Death Killer Bee, L56 Demon
Demons are well-rounded flying spear wielders that have a counterattack and a

mix of dark, fire, thunder, and physical skills. They absorb fire damage and
are more vulnerable to physical attacks than magical ones. Overkill them to get
Devil's Tails.
-> West Linotor Sea Gate
Enemies: L53 Sea Bat, L54 Death Killer Bee, L56 Demon
-> Simnil Bay, North
Enemies: L53 Sea Bat, L54 Death Killer Bee, L56 Demon
-> Simnil Bay, West
Enemies: L53 Sea Bat, L54 Death Killer Bee, L56 Demon
6. City of Rabat Salle
The party asks a man of the sea where yulishees can be found. He advises them
to search Nymph's Bath, a lake on an island to the east, but warns them that
the journey there is dangerous.
A new path will open when you leave the town. Stock up on supplies before
-> Simnil Bay, South
Enemies: L56 Demon, L59 Water Pudding
Compared to the other monsters you've been meeting, Water Puddings are nothing
special. Bear in mind that they absorb water-based attacks, and overkill them
for Alkahests.
-> Simnil Bay, East
Enemies: L58 Devil Cancer, L59 Water Pudding
Devil Cancers have high HP and ATK and mainly utilize physical skills. Attack
them with (anything except water) magic for best results.
-> Nymph's Bath
Enemies: None
Most of the party is awestruck by the beauty of the lake, but Winfield is disappointed that he cannot find a nymph. The rest of the party comments on his
declining health and disturbed sleep, and resolves to do something to help him.
After this event, you will receive the following rewards:
Divine Branch
Unicorn Horn
Moon Fragment
50 PP
You can then return to the area to see an event that involves Qua rubbing sunscreen on Ellis at the beach, which unlocks CG #97.
-> Wonlutota Sea
Enemies: L57 Cockatrice, L58 Devil Cancer, L59 Water Pudding
Cockatrices are large, agile, flying monsters with a huge pool of HP and a wide
range of physical and wind skills.
-> Lerolli Waters
Enemies: L58 Devil Cancer, L59 Water Pudding, L61 Mandrake Root

Mandrake Roots are large floating monsters with respectable AGI, extremely high
INT, and a variety of powerful holy and earth spells. Use physical attacks and
Extra Skills against them.
-> Pirate's Point
Enemies: None
-> Gunilu Bay
Enemies: L53 Sea Bat, L54 Death Killer Bee, L56 Demon, L57 Cockatrice
-> Jalfa Cape
Enemies: L54 Death Killer Bee, L56 Demon, L57 Cockatrice
-> Tarllaphon Sea, West
Enemies: L53 Sea Bat, L54 Death Killer Bee, L56 Demon
-> Tarllaphon Sea, Central
Enemies: L53 Sea Bat, L54 Death Killer Bee, L56 Demon
-> Tarllaphon Sea, East
Enemies: L53 Sea Bat, L54 Death Killer Bee, L56 Demon
7. Crystal Lake
Enemies: None
The party sees no signs of the yulishee, but is approached by a young nelth
traveler. His name is Fer, and he describes himself as "the world's greatest
treasure hunter." He admits to becoming stranded on the island, but is not
consistent in describing who or what attacked his ship. He does, however, know
that the party needs the Rainbow Shard, and agrees to help them search for it.
After this event, you will receive Esoteric Book XVII and the Hazardous Kingdom
field, and Fer will join your party. He starts at Lv. 52, has high AGI and LUK,
and comes equipped with an Attack Command and a God of Wind.
-> City of Rabat Salle
The man of the sea insists that the party just missed the yulishees at Crystal
Lake. Fer mentions that the lakes of the Ioros Islands are all fed by the
ocean, making it likely that the nymphs were at sea. Duran grows tired of the
wild goose chase, but Hildegard swears to continue helping the party until they
complete their quest.
-> Crystal Lake
Upon returning to the lake, the party finds a woman with green hair and ears
like fins. She introduces herself as Reverie the yulishee and says that she'll
be happy to help them find the Rainbow Shard, but will have to petition Colom
to give it to them. She explains that Colom is the place where yulishees gather
and tells the party where it is, but expresses interest in seeing the carnival
at Halulu Atea first. The decision of what to do is left to Duran.
Visit Halulu Atea.
-----------------DARK shift, Hildegard & Silvi +
Visit Nymph's Bath.
------------------LIGHT shift, Hildegard +, Silvi -

Just take the Shard.

-------------------DARK shift, Silvi +, Hildegard =================================
I chose the first option. Your route will vary if you choose a different one.
After this event, you will receive Esoteric Book XIV and the Wild Coliseum
field, and Reverie will join your party. She is a well-balanced character who
starts at Lv. 52, has high VIT and INT, and comes equipped with a Crystal Spear
and an Ice Fang. Appropriately, all of her Extra Skills are water-based.
-> Copenia Coast
Reverie experiences her first storm and gains a new respect for the surface
dwellers who have to endure them. This event unlocks CG #98.
-> Shelltodal Sea, North
Enemies: L56 Demon, L59 Water Pudding
-> Flambalt Trench
Enemies: L56 Demon, L58 Devil Cancer
-> Shelltodal Sea, South
Enemies: L56 Demon, L59 Water Pudding
-> Yulider Coast
Enemies: L58 Devil Cancer, L59 Water Pudding
8. Halulu Atea
The party is unable to find the carnival until an oracle follower approaches
them and asks if they have come to have Ryuryu tell their fortunes. Reverie
mentions that this would be a rare opportunity for a reading, piquing the interest of Qua and Plum, and the follower tells them that they can find Ryuryu
to the southeast of town. Duran is indifferent, but he grants his companions
permission to see the oracle.
-> Mitdiroll Forest Land
Enemies: L46 Garuda, L52 Cerberus, L52 Gigantes
Giganteses have low INT and AGI, but vast amounts of HP and very high ATK and
DEF. Use magic or Extra Skills against them.
-> Legenda Castle
Enemies: None
As the party discusses questions that they would like to ask, Ryuryu expresses
an interest in reading Duran's fortune. He tries to decline, but Vira-Lorr accepts on his behalf, whispering to Sharona that she wants to test Ryuryu's insight. Ryuryu sees three women at his side: one a pirate, one with wings, and
one of no consequence. When pressed by Hildegard, she reveals that one of the
women will become Duran's partner, then reveals herself as the mystery woman.
She also reveals that she offered herself up to the demons in a nearby fortress
to save the other islanders from their wrath. At Dyshana's behest, she agrees
to join the party if they can save her from being sacrificed.
-> Rip Cape
Enemies: L58 Devil Cancer, L61 Mandrake Root
-> Labert Channel

Enemies: L58 Devil Cancer, L59 Water Pudding

-> Dydon Cape
Enemies: L58 Devil Cancer, L59 Water Pudding
9. Eriswil
Recommended Level: 57
The party meets Lox, a hulking husward who plans to marry and devour Ryuryu.
Winfield offers himself to the brute in place of the fortune teller, but Lox is
not interested in bargaining. Vashtor seems to recognize him, and Ryuryu jumps
to the party's aid as they prepare for battle.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L60 Lox, L56 Bull Orc (x2), L56 Goblin Mage (x4)
Strategy: What Lox lacks in speed, he makes up for in strength. He's got
61,378 HP and an Abyss Symbol, and he supplements his arsenal of physical *
skills with Thor Hammer, Crimson and Lightning Attack. The Goblin Mages
have Refresh, Sanctuary, and some water and wind spells, and the Bull Orcs *
are little more than free SP. Use a tank to keep Lox trapped in his corner *
while you kill off his minions, then use spells to chip away at his HP and *
build up your party's SP you're ready to blast him out of existence with
your Extra Skills. Lox's Ground Breaker will do 45,000+ damage, so keep the *
rest of your party away from the tank until they're ready to unleash hell. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After the battle, Winfield notices Vashtor's smoldering rage and Ryuryu keeps
her promise, pledging her life and loyalty to Duran's party. Alberti proceeds
to wipe out the rest of the dark army, and the party razes the fort.
Meanwhile, Vashtor meets with a mysterious figure and warns him that "they" are
aware of his plans. He instructs the figure to remain hidden for the time being
and goes to answer Ellis's call.
After the cutscene, you will receive Esoteric Book XV and Ryuryu will join your
party. She is a powerful spellcaster who starts at Lv. 52, and comes equipped
with a Death-Scythe and a Thunder Emperor.
-> Halulu Atea
Duran and Zerva have a discussion about fate and why the syrium have chosen to
follow the Spirit Vessels from one continent to the next. Silvi finds them as
they are talking, and Zerva asks her to keep Duran company while he attends to
a matter elsewhere. With a little bit of prodding from Silvi, Duran decides to
ask one of the fortune tellers whose predictions will be most accurate.
Fisherman fortune-teller
-----------------------DARK shift, Hildegard & Silvi +, Ryuryu Old fortune-teller
-----------------Major DARK shift, Silvi +, Hildegard & Ryuryu Elven fortune-teller

LIGHT shift, Hildegard & Ryuryu +, Silvi ===============================================

-> Thiem Wildland
Enemies: L58 Devil Cancer, L59 Water Pudding
-> Samceil Channel
Enemies: L56 Demon, L59 Water Pudding
-> Kushtina Island
Enemies: L56 Demon, L58 Devil Cancer
-> Pirate's Point
While the party rests, Sharona angers Duran by telling him not to pretend to be
stronger than he is. Ryuryu approaches him and tells him that he is treated
like a child because he acts like one. When he mocks her and questions her
fortune-telling ability, she invites him to ask her a question of his choosing.
Tell my fortune.
---------------DARK shift, Silvi & Ryuryu +, Hildegard Tell me what will happen.
------------------------Major LIGHT shift, Hildegard, Silvi, & Ryuryu +
Tell your own fortune.
---------------------LIGHT shift, Hildegard & Ryuryu +, Silvi ===============================================
-> City of Rabat Salle
Duran explains the purpose of his journey to Ryuryu, leading her to confess
that she feels uneasy following him and has difficulty trusting him completely.
He becomes defensive, insisting that she cannot understand him or the fate that
he will suffer. Vira-Lorr chides him lashing out at Ryuryu, and Hildegard urges
the fortune teller not to treat Duran like a tool. Silvi reminds Duran that he
can call on the strength of his companions at any time, leaving him at a loss
for words.
Look to Hildegard.
-----------------DARK shift, Hildegard & Ryuryu +, Silvi Look to Silvi.
-------------DARK shift, Silvi +, Hildegard & Ryuryu Look to Ryuryu.
--------------LIGHT shift, Ryuryu +, Hildegard & Silvi ==========================================

Later, Zerva and Winfield try to offer Duran some reassurance, but he remains
closed off to his male allies.
10. Nymph's Bath
Reverie petitions a yulishee named Landa to give the party the Rainbow Shard,
but Landa warns that the shard could threaten the whole world if it fell into
the wrong hands. Ganz and Ellis explain to her that they need Hass Calinou's
Hammer to destroy the Bracelet of the Covenant, but Landa is not convinced and
gets berated by Winfield for being selfish and petty. Fer argues that treasures
should be shared rather than hoarded, and Reverie agrees to lead the party to
the Rainbow Shard in spite of Landa's objections.
-> Pienso Sac Channel
Enemies: L57 Cockatrice, L58 Devil Cancer, L61 Mandrake Root
11. Kudan's Sump
Recommended Level: 58
Enemies: L53 Sea Bat, L58 Devil Cancer, L59 Water Pudding, L60 Gargoyle, L61
Mandrake Root, L62 Eye of Devil

2 1
/ \
3 4
/ \
\ /\ / 5
8 7 6

Most of the enemies here look familiar, but there are a couple of new ones.
Gargoyles are small, quick fliers with high ATK and a mix of physical, wind,
and dark skills. Eyes of Devil are flying spellcasters that mainly use dark
magic, though they also have Temperor, Sanctuary, Earth Needle, Impulse, and
Atomic Hole.
As you work your way through the dungeon, visit Area 2 and open the two chests
there. The one in the northwest corner contains a Sword Breaker, and the one in
the southeast corner that contains Adv. Weapons III. Be sure to procure the
Orichalcum from the chest in the southeast corner of Area 2, the Marine Rouge
and Secret Arts XII from the chests in Area 5, the Blizzard from the chest in
Area 6, the STR Up+ from the chest in Area 7, and the Oboro and Secret Arts
XIII from the chests in Area 8, as well.
In Area 9, the party encounters a giant squid that has succumbed to the magical
charms of the Rainbow Shard. They have no choice but to fight it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L63 Giant Squid
Strategy: It has 68,822 HP, high ATK and DEF, and some powerful physical
and water skills. It also has an Abyss Symbol. Use the tried and true
method of putting a tank directly in front of it to distract it, waiting
for your party's SP to build up, and unloading on it with Extra/Extended
Skills after it takes its turn. If the first wave of attacks doesn't kill *
it, the second one ought to finish the job before it regenerates.
If you manage to overkill the Giant Squid, it'll give you a Three Stars.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The party is unable to find the Rainbow Shard after the battle, leading Reverie
to deduce that Landa took it. Vashtor is prepared to fight the yulishees for
the shard if necessary, and Dyshana urges the party to remember that the ends
justify the means. Reverie, however, intends to try diplomacy first.
-> Nymph's Bath
Landa does not receive the party warmly and is not forthcoming with information
about the Rainbow Shard, leading Vashtor to threaten to slaughter the people of
Colom. She agrees to hand over the shard if the party destroys the fortresses
that the demons have built at Villers le Lac and Konolfingen.
You can attack the fortresses in either order. Villers le Lac is closer, so I
visited that one first.
-> Jalfa Fortress
Hildegard asks for Duran's help retrieving some materials from a storehouse in
the back of a cave before a storm. She cannot send anyone else into the storehouse because she is the only one with the key. Duran is left to choose how he
will respond.
Make her go alone.
-----------------DARK shift, Ryuryu +, Hildegard & Silvi Go with her.
-----------LIGHT shift, Hildegard +, Ryuryu Walk away.
---------Major DARK shift, Ryuryu +, Hildegard & Silvi ===============================================
Regardless of your choice, you will receive Esoteric Book XVI after this event.
-> Diano Coast
Enemies: L57 Cockatrice, L60 Gargoyle, L61 Mandrake Root
12. Villers le Lac
Recommended Level: 59

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L59 Bull Orc (x2), L59 Hobgoblin (x2), L59 Orc Mage (x2)
Strategy: The Orc Mages have Refresh, Sanctuary, and an assortment of of- *
fensive water and wind spells. Kill them first, then attack their allies, *
breaking up links as necessary.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L60 Garvel, L59 Bull Orc (x3), L59 Orc Mage (x3)
Strategy: This a surprise battle, and the Orc Mages in it have Refresh,


Sanctuary, and an assortment of dark and fire spells. The Garvel has Kikou
Sho and Blood Stream, and should be your top priority for elimination. Kill
the Orc Mages if they get in your way, and save the Bull Orcs for last.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Enemies: L60 Garvel (x2), L59 Bull Orc (x2), L59 Hobgoblin (x2), L59 Orc
Mage (x2)
Strategy: It's another surprise fight, but you're up against two Garvels
and a couple of Hobgoblins instead of a full force of orcs. Once again, go *
for the Garvels first, killing the Orc Mages if they become a nuisance or *
you need to break up links. The Bull Orcs and Hobgoblins will be easy prey *
without their allies to help them.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vashtor reports that the dark forces had amassed and were continuing to collect
raw materials. The party resolves to attack the next fortress before it can
build up a strong defense.
If you return to the fortress, you will see an event in which Duran reacts
negatively to Winfield's suggestion that the party rest and tell stories over
tea. He overhears the women discussing what gave him such a dour outlook on
life when he collapses, then stands up and begins lavishing them with praise
and compliments. Ryuryu performs an exorcism that restores Duran to normal.
Meanwhile, Winfield reveals that Duran's strange behavior was caused by a
Soulbind Elixir, which transported his consciousness into the youth's body.
Dyshana berates Winfield for using the elixir and encourages him to be less
reckless, but commends him for helping to breach the walls between Duran and
his possible brides.
After this event, the Link Gauge will shift toward DARK and all three women's
affection will increase.
-> Rein Channel, South
Enemies: L57 Cockatrice, L61 Mandrake Root, L62 Eye of Devil
-> Rein Channel, North
Enemies: L57 Cockatrice, L61 Mandrake Root, L62 Eye of Devil
13. Konolfingen
Recommended Level: 59

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L59 Bull Orc (x2), L59 Hobgoblin (x3), L59 Orc Mage (x2)
Strategy: The Orc Mages, which should be your first targets, have dark and *
water spells in addition to Refresh and Sanctuary. After they're gone, the *
rest will be sitting ducks.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L60 Goblin King, L59 Hobgoblin (x3), L59 Orc Mage (x2)
Strategy: This a surprise fight, and the first one in which you encounter a *
Goblin King. It has pretty high HP and ATK and primarily uses physical
skills, though it also has Crimson Attack. Take it down after defeating any *


nearby Orc Mages, then mop up the remaining foes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L60 Garvel (x2), L60 Goblin King (x2), L59 Orc Mage (x2)
Strategy: This, too, is a surprise battle, and the Orc Mages here trade
water spells for wind spells. The Garvels can be dangerous if they save up *
enough SP to use Blood Stream, so try to take them down before they do.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

With both fortresses destroyed, the party decides to leave further monitoring
of the islands to the yulishees and the pirates and goes to collect the Rainbow
Shard from Landa.
-> Nymph's Bath
Since no one else in the party knows how to handle the Rainbow Shard properly,
Landa entrusts it to Reverie, who has been exiled from Colom and will remain
with the party. She expresses no regrets, saying that she knew the risks when
she agreed to help the party. With all the materials to craft Hass Calinou's
Hammer in hand, Winfield wonders what life will be like without the Bracelet of
the Covenant attached to his wrist. Ellis thanks Landa, and Reverie wishes her
well as she departs.
Hildegard says that she will soon leave the party, but invites them to stay at
her fortress and relax before returning them to the mainland.
-> Pirate's Point
Hildegard realizes that a tsunami is coming and flees toward high ground, but
the party gets swept away when it hits. Duran regains consciousness on the
shore and calls to one of the women, who he sees lying nearby.
-----LIGHT shift, Hildegard +, Silvi & Ryuryu Silvi!
-----LIGHT shift, Silvi +, Hildegard & Ryuryu Ryuryu!
------LIGHT shift, Ryuryu +, Hildegard & Silvi ==========================================
Duran and the woman then share an intimate moment before being interrupted by
another party member.
After this event, you will receive Esoteric Book XVIII.
-> Crystal Lake
Knowing that the party's camp is located close to some hot springs, Winfield
asks for Duran to help him claim "a treasure fit for the gods." Zerva tries to
warn Duran not to listen to him, but the final choice is Duran's alone.

Follow him.
----------DARK shift, Hildegard, Silvi, & Ryuryu Doubt him.
---------LIGHT shift, Hildegard, Silvi, & Ryuryu +
If you choose the first option, you will receive Secret Album 4 and unlock CG
-> Konolfingen
IMPORTANT! Before viewing this event, make sure that Silvi is equipped with the
best weapon, armor, accessory, and skills you have available. She will have to
fight a Lv. 61 Garvel alone, and if she loses, it's game over!
The party stops to rest at the fortress, and Ellis notices that Duran looks
sickly and feels feverish. He passes out, and Dyshana informs the party that he
will die if they cannot find a cure for him soon. Silvi says a Marfile fruit
would help Duran; she has found one nearby, but only she can reach it. Ryuryu
warns her that darkness lies ahead, and sure enough, Silvi sees a garvel while
flying at night. Not one to be deterred, she slays it and returns with the
Marfile fruit, which allows Duran to make a speedy recovery.
After this event, the Link Gauge will shift toward LIGHT, Silvi's and Ryuryu's
affection will increase, and you will receive the following:
Marfile Seed
Holy Beast Sword
Esoteric Book XXI
50 PP
-> Jalfa Fortress
Hildegard bids the party farewell and returns to her pirates, confident that
her newfound friends will succeed in their quest. Dyshana leaves her with words
of caution, warning Hildegard that envy and hate can take root in the hearts of
people close to her and assuring her that they will meet again.
After this event, Hildegard will leave your party. Redistribute her equipment
if necessary.
-> City of Rabat Salle
Ganz is unable to find a satisfactory forge in town. As he wonders if he could
possibly find one on the continent, Arbol spots a member of Hildegard's crew.
It turns out to be Kilik, who tells the party that Vlady poisoned the captain
and took her prisoner. He says that he knows where she is being held and has
men who will fight to rescue her, leaving Duran to decide how to tackle the
Push through the front line.
---------------------------LIGHT shift, Hildegard & Ryuryu +, Silvi Let the pirates save Hilda.

DARK shift, Silvi & Ryuryu +, Hildegard Let Kilik save Hilda.
--------------------LIGHT shift, Hildegard & Silvi +, Ryuryu ==========================================
-> Vict Channel, SE
Enemies: L57 Cockatrice, L60 Gargoyle, L62 Eye of Devil
-> Vict Channel, NW
Enemies: L57 Cockatrice, L61 Mandrake Root, L62 Eye of Devil
14. Darfur Cave
Recommended Level: 60
The party confers with Kilik and the pirates, formulating a plan to rescue
Hildegard before attacking Vlady's band of mutineers.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L60 Pirate (x6)
Strategy: This is a surprise battle in which you face two different kinds *
of Pirates. You can tell them apart by their weapons; the axe wielders have *
higher HP and ATK whereas the anchor wielders have higher MAG and RST. They *
also have Glacier and Blizzard spells. Focus on linking your party members *
together so they can use their Extended Skills and preventing the Pirates *
from doing the same.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L60 Pirate (x8)
Strategy: This is a surprise battle, and you've got an even mix of physical *
and magical Pirates to deal with this time. Again, focus on linking your
party members together so they can use their Extended Skills and preventing *
the Pirates from doing the same.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

In the midst of all the commotion, Kilik encounters Hildegard and tells her
that Duran is engaging Vlady in battle. She is surrounded by a magical barrier
that prevents her from moving, but she asks Kilik to wait with her until Duran
Meanwhile, Duran and his allies find Vlady, who was conspiring with the demons
and is enraged that his plans are falling apart. Using the power he has been
given, he transforms and attacks the party.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L65 Vlady, L61 Pirate (x7)
Strategy: This isn't a surprise battle, but it's a large step up in dif*
ficulty from the last two. In addition to three physical Pirates and four *
magical Pirates with Refresh and Sanctuary spells, you have to deal with
Vlady, a powerhouse with 57,361 HP, 3580 ATK, and skills that can hit in a *


wide area. Immediately send a tank his way to keep him distracted, then
chase after the Pirates and pick them off as you catch them. In addition to
the usual procedure of healing and reviving the tank, you'll have to rearrange your party to reach the Pirates and keep Vlady's attention focused
where it needs to be. Stick with it, and as soon as you've got enough SP,
hit Vlady with everything you've got. The minions make this battle tedious
at first, but once they're gone, it becomes fairly simple.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


After the battle, the party frees Hildegard and discusses who or what had the
power to create the barrier around her. Vashtor says a gurg is responsible, and
Dyshana confirms his theory. Hildegard vows to help the party stop it, and
makes Kilik the new captain of the Death-Cross Pirates. Ryuryu predicts that
the party will receive a message borne on wings, and is proven correct when
Keith arrives to request Silvi's help attacking Areopagus, the headquarters of
the dark forces. The party decides to assist the harpuia in their assault.
-> Venicson Tunnel
Enemies: L61 Mandrake Root, L63 Giant Squid
-> Giana's Sea
Enemies: L61 Mandrake Root, L63 Giant Squid
15. Merchant City Tegea
Recommended Level: 61
IMPORTANT! You will not be able to use Vashtor, Ellis, or Borgnine in the next
battle. If any or all of these three are part of your regular lineup, make sure
you have suitable replacements for them before you enter Tegea.
Keith shows the party the city of Tegea, a bastion of military and economic
power and the last line of defense against the demon hordes. If it falls, the
rest of the continent is sure to follow. Alberti proposes pushing forward to
fight the demons, and Silvi suggests using the Great Danakil Fen as an initial
staging point. During this discussion, Vashtor whispers to Ellis that he wants
to talk to her about Duran privately.
That night, Ellis meets Vashtor in the woods to talk. He tells her that Duran
is becoming more of an obstacle to his lord and must be prevented from forging
Hass Calinou's Hammer. He shows her the Rainbow Shard, which Reverie gave to
him upon request, and runs Ellis through. He reveals to her his plans to use
her blood and the shard to forge a Bracelet of the Covenant. Borgnine arrives
just in time to see Vashtor flee with an unconscious Ellis.
The next day, as the party searches for their missing companions, Reverie admits to giving Vashtor the Rainbow Shard. Ryuryu sees a vision that suggests
Ellis is at Areopagus, and the party resolves to save her. Keith, however, reports that a large enemy force is marching on the city, and promises to find
Ellis while the party holds off the demons.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L63 Garvel (x2), L61 Goblin King (x2), L60 Orc Mage (x4)
Strategy: This a surprise battle. The two Garvels are the biggest threats *
here, followed closely by the Goblin Kings. Pull your party together, then *
attack and kill the most threatening foes before they can cause too much
damage with their Extended Skills. Duran's Cluster Shot works well here if *
you get surrounded.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
After the battle, Silvi reports that the demons made straight for the weakest
point in the city's defenses when they attacked. The party deduces that a spy
is feeding them information, and that there is a traitor in their midst. Ryuryu
suspects that Keith is the traitor, and Borgnine arrives and adds that he is
working with Vashtor. The party is surprised by this turn of events, but Duran
prepares to leave for Areopagus and confront Vashtor about his betrayal.
Borgnine will rejoin your party after this event. Don't forget to re-equip him
if you put him back in your party.
-> Danakil Great Fen, Far South
Enemies: L65 Flame Knight, L65 Ice Knight
Both knights specialize in and absorb attacks of their respective element. The
Fire Knights have stronger physical attacks; the Ice Knights are better with
-> Eldybil Swamp
Enemies: L65 Flame Knight, L65 Ice Knight
16. Danakil Great Fen
Recommended Level: 62
Enemies: L64 Iron Golem, L65 Flame Knight, L65 Ice Knight, L66 Goblin King, L66
Gorgon, L67 Black Dragon, L68 Mist Dragon
Map: 9

4 3
/ \ /
8 5 2
\ /

Iron Golems are large and slow, but have high HP, ATK, and DEF. Gorgons are
well-rounded creatures with respectable AGI, and they know several fire spells.
Black Dragons are large, fast fliers that have high RST and come equipped with
Abyss Symbols. Mist Dragons are large fliers that are faster and more resistant
to magic than Iron Golems, and they also absorb water damage. Don't take them
Grab the O-Bracelet from the chest in Area 1 and make a detour to Area 3 to get
Advanced Weapons V. Collect the Bardiche and Dark Ray as you pass through Area
4 and the LUK Up+ in the southeast corner of Area 6, then swing by Area 7 for
Secret Arts XV. Don't miss the chest containing Accessories 2-I in Area 8, and
prepare for a boss fight when you reach Area 9.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L68 Mist Dragon
Strategy: 86,123 HP, 3787 ATK, 2506 MAG, equipped with an Abyss Symbol,
uses physical, earth, and water skills, absorbs water damage. Keep the rest *
of your party at least three squares away from your tank so the dragon
can't hit them with Earthquake, save up your SP, and unleash hell when
you're ready.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After slaying the dragon, you will see a cutscene where Vashtor talks to Ellis,
who is alive in spite of her wounds. He plans to sacrifice her to unleash the
powers of the Bracelet of the Covenant, and confesses that he has always been
an agent of darkness. He also speaks with Keith, and assures him that he will
keep the promise he made as long as Keith keeps his.
-> Sion Boardwalk
Enemies: L65 Flame Knight, L65 Ice Knight, L66 Gorgon
-> Danakil Great Fen, Far North
Enemies: L65 Flame Knight, L66 Gorgon, L66 Goblin King
17. Areopagus
Recommended Level: 63
Ryuryu predicts that Ellis does not have long to live, which makes Duran and
the rest of the party all the more determined to save her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L61 Goblin King (x2), L60 Bull Orc (x2), L60 Orc Mage (x3)
Strategy: The Orc Mages have Refresh, Sanctuary, and assorted thunder and *
dark spells. Slay the Goblin Kings first, and this battle will be a breeze. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Keith informs Vashtor that Duran and his companions are closing in on them.
Vashtor announces that he will be taking Ellis to Archer's Point and orders
Keith to deal with the party. Keith doesn't think he stands a chance against
them, but Vashtor leaves him with a servant and a gift that will allow him to
channel the dark lord's power.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L62 Garvel (x2), L61 Goblin King (x2), L60 Orc Mage (x2)
Strategy: The Orc Mages in this battle trade thunder spells for earth
spells. Go for the Garvels before they can save up enough SP to use their *
Extra Skills, then deal with the others.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Keith confronts the party and refuses to tell them where Ellis and Vashtor are.
He insists that he acted as he did to protect Silvi and expresses frustration
that she was never aware of his feelings for her, and invokes the power of
Vashtor's gift to strengthen himself and take her by force.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L68 Keith, L64 Garvel (x2), L64 Orc Lord (x2)
Strategy: The Orc Lords have high physical stats, but are inferior to the *
Garvels. They have Parry, however, so you'll have to use spells or Extra
Skills to finish them off. Keith is the greatest threat by far; he has
68,653 HP, 3781 ATK, 2882 MAG, and a variety of physical and wind skills. *
He's also pretty fast, and can attack from two spaces away. As you did with *
Vlady, distract him with a tank while wiping out his minions to build up


your SP. Once all the small fries are gone, keep reviving and healing your
tank until you have enough SP to lay Keith out. His Blaster Dive can do
30,000+ damage in a large radius, so if you misjudge your strength, expect
the results to be fatal.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

With his dying breath, Keith tells the party that Vashtor has headed west to
Archer's Point and praises Silvi for being honest about her feelings. Though
saddened by her friend's death, she follows Duran and his companions as they
set out.
-> Elebashtina Forest Rd
Enemies: L64 Iron Golem, L66 Gorgon, L67 Black Dragon
-> Bygone Footstep
Enemies: None
Duran's potential brides ask him questions to learn more about him. Hildegard
starts by imploring him to be himself instead of hiding behind a facade.
I will do my best.
-----------------DARK shift, Ryuryu +, Hildegard & Silvi I am already myself.
-------------------LIGHT shift, Hildegard & Silvi +, Ryuryu ==========================================
Silvi asks if he will allow her to help him carry the weight of the world.
Will you bear this burden with me?
---------------------------------LIGHT shift, Hildegard & Silvi +, Ryuryu I cannot ask you to do that.
---------------------------DARK shift, Ryuryu +, Hildegard & Silvi ==========================================
Ryuryu asks if Duran thinks it is wonderful to have someone at his side.
Not in the least.
----------------LIGHT shift, Hildegard & Ryuryu +, Silvi If you say so.
-------------DARK shift, Silvi +, Hildegard & Ryuryu ==========================================


Hildegard says that Duran is just as rebellious and unruly as he was when they
first met.
Your point?
----------LIGHT shift, Hildegard & Ryuryu +, Silvi Leave me alone.
--------------DARK shift, Silvi +, Hildegard & Ryuryu ==========================================
Silvi asks Duran if he would like to fly freely through the sky with her.
Freedom does not exist.
----------------------DARK shift, Ryuryu +, Hildegard & Silvi I hate heights.
--------------LIGHT shift, Hildegard & Silvi +, Ryuryu ==========================================
Ryuryu asks Duran if he agrees that the two of them are dishonest.
How are we alike?
----------------LIGHT shift, Hildegard & Ryuryu +, Silvi Perhaps you are right.
---------------------DARK shift, Silvi +, Hildegard & Ryuryu ==========================================
Hildegard asks for Duran's honest opinion of her.
I have never thought about it.
-----------------------------DARK shift, Silvi & Ryuryu +, Hildegard I do not hate you.
-----------------LIGHT shift, Hildegard +, Silvi & Ryuryu ==========================================
Silvi expresses her desire to stay by Duran's side.

I want you to be with me.

------------------------DARK shift, Silvi +, Hildegard & Ryuryu I need you to help me.
---------------------LIGHT shift, Hildegard & Ryuryu +, Silvi ==========================================
Ryuryu asks if anyone is close to Duran's heart.
---LIGHT shift, Hildegard & Ryuryu +, Silvi No.
--DARK shift, Hildegard & Silvi +, Ryuryu ==========================================
-> Wiseman's Cape
Enemies: L64 Iron Golem, L66 Goblin King, L67 Black Dragon
18. Archer's Point
Recommended Level: 64
When questioned about his betrayal, Vashtor responds to Duran and his allies
with scorn and contempt. He agrees to release Ellis in exchange for Winfield's
Bracelet of the Covenant, but as Winfield approaches, Fer cuts Ellis's bonds
and distracts Vashtor while she flees. Vashtor walks off with the Rainbow
Shard, ordering one of his fellow gurg to deal with the party.
Ellis will rejoin your party after the cutscene. Re-equip her and rearrange
your party to prepare for the battle.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L71 Gurg
Strategy: This ironclad fiend has 91,253 HP, 4179 ATK, 734 DEF, 3651 MAG, *
886 RST, and absorbs dark damage. It's also equipped with Grand Cross and *
Nightmare and a Caina, which regenerates 20% of its HP per turn.
Once again, the baiting strategy works well here. Send a tank up to draw
the Gurg's attention, reviving and healing as necessary. Keep the rest of *
your party members at least four squares away from the tank so they can't *
be hit by Grand Cross or Impulse Wave, and begin your assault once you have *
a large pool of SP to work with and the Gurg takes its action for the turn. *
Extended Skills like Earth Nova are effective against it, but if your party *
doesn't have the skills they need to use it, try to focus more on physical *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Duran tries to chase Vashtor after felling the gurg, but Dyshana holds him back

and says that there's only one place he can run. She consoles him by saying
that they have found Ellis and tells him that it is time to produce an heir,
who Duran hopes will be more empathetic and less stubborn than he is.
-> Merchant City Tegea
Qua, never much for propriety, eats a banana in a very suggestive manner. This
event unlocks CG #99.
-> Tenedos City
After losing a game devised by Winfield, Hildegard must wear a swimsuit and
pose for a sketch. This event unlocks CG #86.
19. Enhambre
Duran bids his companions a terse farewell, and Reverie asks the others if
there are rules governing who he can marry. The party ponders this point as
Duran prepares to choose his bride and seal the fourth pillar.
E. Fifth Generation
This chapter tells the story of Rex, son of Duran and last of the Spirit
Vessels in Leonhardt's family line. He begins the chapter accompanied by Ellis,
Borgnine, Vira-Lorr, Zerva, Winfield, Arbol, Sharona, Plum, Ganz, Alberti, Qua,
Fer, and Reverie.
1. Elblag
Winfield and Ganz observe that the situation is dire and the continent full of
armies. Reverie says that the fall of Uttara Kulu, the Sacred Mountain, left
the continent reeling as the demon armies advanced. Alberti doubts that it
would be possible to disrupt the communication or supply lines between the
demon strongholds, but Rex and Winfield know that this is their last chance to
defeat Summerill. Though outnumbered and outclassed, the party mobilizes and
prepares to rally the armies of the continent's three great nations against the
army of darkness.
-> Raywen Moor
Enemies: L65 Flame Knight, L65 Ice Knight, L66 Gorgon
-> Malena Way
Enemies: None
Rex asks Dyshana why both his father and mother needed to give their lives.
She says that the support of the women who care for the spirit vessels is
necessary, and Rex vows to end the cycle of sacrifice by defeating Summerill.
Dyshana warns Rex to choose his words with care, but promises to give Rex her
help if he asks for it.
After this event, you will receive Esoteric Book XXII and the Hell's Banquet
field, and Dyshana will join your party if the Link Gauge is NEUTRAL. She
starts at Lv. 58, has high INT and LUK, comes equipped with a Soul Sucker and
Three Stars, and has an innate ability to absorb dark damage. Her magic will
prove invaluable to your party.
-> Warrabool Plain
Enemies: L65 Flame Knight, L65 Ice Knight, L66 Gorgon
2. Limburg
Zerva reports that the enemy is approaching Zeleia Fortress, which will need
more men to stand against the assault. The party decides to go and reinforce
the soldiers there.
-> Vancres Hills

Enemies: L65 Flame Knight, L65 Ice Knight, L66 Gorgon

3. Zeleia Fortress
Recommended Level: 64
The fighting has already begun by the time the party reaches the fortress.
Realizing that the demons' momentum is all that has brought them this far, the
party opts to strike at the husward that leads them.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L65 Husward, L64 Garvel (x2), L63 Orc Mage (x3)
Strategy: The Husward has 65,715 HP and an Abyss Symbol, and the Orc Mages *
have Refresh, Sanctuary, and assorted dark and earth spells. Shove a tank *
in the Husward's face to distract it until you've dealt with its minions, *
then take the brute down with Extra Skills.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After the battle, Plum shows the party a letter of introduction to the king of
Limburg, sealed by the general who commands the fortress. The party returns to
the city to meet with the king and gather information about the war.
-> Limburg
King Sarburgh accepts the party's offer to help his country in their war and
speaks openly about the state of affairs on the continent. The demons have cut
off communication between the countries and prevented the king from forming
alliances, and he has also heard that a massive fleet is approaching. Fearing
that the ships carry crews of demons, he requests the party's assistance in
repelling their assault. The party heads to Elblag to prepare and investigate.
-> Elblag
The party is approached by a young woman named Beatrice, who asks to speak with
Alberti and identifies him as her grandfather. She explains that her father,
Ryune, was Alberti's son, and they were able to cross between the continents
thanks to the Meteor Ore in the ring that Nastassja received as a wedding gift.
While Beatrice rests and recuperates from her journey, Alberti tells Winfield
that he told Ryune to search the world for people who were willing to fight
against the forces of darkness. Beatrice understands that the party is severely
outmatched, but offers to lend them her troops' and her strength.
After this event, you will receive Esoteric Book XXIII and the Full Rein Force
field, and Beatrice will join your party. She is a well-balanced fighter who
uses swords and knives in battle, starts at Lv. 60, and comes equipped with a
Split Sword and Force Frame.
-> Limburg
Beatrice meets with King Sarburgh and requests to merge her his army with his,
but asks that Rex's command take precedence. The king agrees to this condition
and reports that the demon forces are gathering at their fortresses. Beatrice
identifies Vol Tuanor and Kuturgur as the demons' most important strongholds,
and underscores the importance of holding Zeleia. Sarburgh agrees to move to
the fort with a small army and send the rest of his troops to help the party
secure the pass. He gives them leave to go where they will, but states that he
is most worried about the most distant territories. Rex will have to decide how
to approach the war quickly.
IMPORTANT! The order in which you choose to clear the fortresses will determine
the enemies you face, the rewards you receive, the movement of the Link Gauge,

and whether or not you will be able to recruit the last two party members. I
have provided below the order in which to attack the fortresses if you want to
get the True End, and the enemies you will have to fight if you do. If you take
longer than the listed number of turns to clear the fortresses, you will fight
different enemies and the Link Gauge will shift toward DARK.
-> Gabov River Road
Enemies: L70 Demon Whip, L70 Great Sorcerer
Demon Whips have powerful physical attacks, Drain Energy, and Nightmare. Great
Sorcerers are fast, have high INT, and command a variety of dark, earth, and
water skills. Overkill them for Poisonous Stems and Grand Grimoires.
-> Brave One's Guidepost
Enemies: None
Rex helps a struggling Plum fetch some water and invites her to ask him for
help in the future if she needs it. She reflects on how similar he is to Thoma,
leading Rex to wonder if the nelth girl had feelings for his grandfather. Plum
speaks very admiringly of Rex as well, reflecting on what a fine young man he
has grown into.
-> Hooknarl Road
Enemies: L70 Demon Whip, L70 Great Sorcerer
-> Lilycia's Windmill Road
Enemies: L69 Living Dead, L70 Great Sorcerer
The Living Deads have high ATK and DEF and primarily use physical skills to attack. Magic will make quick work of them. Overkill them for Plumages of Anubis.
4. Kuturgur
Recommended Level: 65
You can bypass this fortress if you choose, but it provides a great opportunity
to earn some rewards.
Realizing that they have little time to spare, Arbol and Borgnine lead the
charge on the fortress while the others follow behind, killing all the demons
in their paths.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L67 Goblin King (x2), L66 Bull Orc (x2), L65 Orc Mage (x2)
Strategy: The Orc Mages have Refresh, Sanctuary, and assorted dark and fire *
spells. You know what to do.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L68 Orc Lord (x2), L67 Goblin King (x2), L65 Orc Mage (x2)
Strategy: Instead of Bull Orcs, you're up against Orc Lords. It's only a
little harder than the previous battle, though.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L69 Garvel (x2), L68 Orc Lord (x2), L67 Goblin King (x2)


Strategy: The bad news is that this is a surprise fight, and the Orc Mages
have been replaced by Garvels. The good news is that the enemies have no
way to heal themselves. Try to keep them from linking up and using Extended
Skills, and take out the Garvels before they can use Blood Stream. If you
can manage that, this fight will be easy.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


After clearing the fortress, you'll see a cutscene in which Vashtor gloats that
he will soon control the continent and awaits his showdown with the descendant
of Leonhardt.
-> Larzart Pass
Enemies: L70 Demon Whip, L70 Great Sorcerer
-> Blugarn Sea Route
Enemies: L69 Living Dead, L70 Great Sorcerer
-> Nefestrice Coast
Enemies: None
Qua talks to Fer about a mystery food that is delicious after being pickled in
salt for three years...and explains that she is talking about nelths. Fer runs
away in fear, and Qua reveals to Rex that she was joking. She then relates the
story of her first meeting with Duran, and says that she thinks of Rex and the
rest of the party as her family.
-> Deyon Alley
Enemies: L69 Living Dead, L69 Troll, L70 Demon Whip
Trolls are large monsters with high HP and STR and low AGI. They mainly attack
with physical skills and are vulnerable to magic. Overkill them to get Great
-> Dalnia Way
Enemies: None
Rex walks in on Alberti while he is giving Beatrice a pep talk. He asks if Rex
has any questions for his granddaughter, and Rex mentions that one has been on
his mind.
Where is your accent from?
-------------------------DARK shift
How is Nastassja?
----------------LIGHT shift
How were the other continents?
-----------------------------Minor LIGHT shift
After Rex asks his question, Alberti somberly encourages him to be strong on
the battlefield and be prepared to leave his friends behind.
-> Knownlin Hill

Enemies: L69 Troll, L70 Demon Whip, L70 Great Sorcerer

5. Eljudnir Fortress
Recommended Level: 66
The party notices that the fortress has fallen into disrepair just as a large
enemy force arrives. With no time to fix the walls, they prepare for battle.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L69 Garvel (x2), L68 Orc Lord (x2), L67 Goblin King (x3)
Strategy: Garvels first, Orc Lords second, Goblin Kings third.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L73 Husward, L67 Goblin King (x5)
Strategy: Distract the Husward with a tank until you've felled the Goblin *
Kings, then go all out on it.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Clearing this stronghold before turn 25 will cause the Link Gauge to shift
toward LIGHT.
-> Tarkdy's Path
Enemies: L69 Living Dead, L69 Troll, L70 Great Sorcerer
6. Lingen
King Marleen thanks the party and King Sarburgh for their help and posits that
the harpuia stronghold Kaluni Kahla will be crucial to the war effort. The king
cannot send his troops up the steep cliffs, so the task of securing it falls to
the party. The king mentions that a harpuia child survived the demons' attack
when the stronghold fell and requests that they try to save the child, who is
now heading that way.
Replenish your items and upgrade your equipment before leaving town.
-> Redest Pass
Enemies: L69 Living Dead, L69 Troll, L70 Demon Whip
-> Sazart Valley Way
Enemies: L69 Troll, L70 Demon Whip, L70 Great Sorcerer
7. Uttara Kulu
Recommended Level: 66+
Enemies: L69 Troll, L73 Nekomata, L74 Light Spirit, L74 Dark Spirit, L74 King
Werewolf, L75 Master Skeleton, L78 Devil

/ \


\ /

The enemies here are a step up in difficulty from the ones in the field. The
Nekomatas are fast monsters with low HP, but high AVD and a nice assortment of
physical, wind, and earth skills. Light Spirits have very high RST and absorb
light damage. They excel at using light skills, but have Cure All, Glacier, and
Blizzard to round out their arsenal. Dark Spirits are much the same, only they
absorb and specialize in dark skills with a few lightning skills thrown in for
variety. King Werewolves are a bit less agile than Nekomatas, but have a more
physical bent and drop Chipped Statues when overkilled. Master Skeletons have
high HP and ATK and a skillset that includes Nightmare, Ankh Glaive, and Gaia
Attack. They also have Parry, so you'll have to finish them off with magic or
Extra Skills. They can be overkilled for Necro Stones. Devils are large, slow
monsters with very high HP and ATK, and they supplement their physical skills
with Hati, Storm Attack, and Crimson Attack.
Thankfully, there's some good treasure to be found as well. In Area 2, get the
Shiny Fang from the chest in the north. Visit Area 3 to find Forbidden Tome IV,
a Clairvoyance, and an INT Up+, and open the chests in Area 4 to find a Vessel
of Life and a Resist Frame.
In Area 5, the party finds a female harpuia surrounded by monsters and jumps to
her defense.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L74 Nekomata (x2), L73 Master Skeleton (x2), L72 King Werewolf
Strategy: If you didn't have any problems with the random encounters in the *
dungeon, you won't have any problems with this fight.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The harpuia is eager to go avenge her people after the fight, but pauses when
the party says that they, too, are bound for Kaluni Kahla. She accepts Rex's
invitation to join them and introduces herself as Murmina.
After the cutscene, you will receive Esoteric Book XXIV and the All Reduced
field, and Murmina will join your party. She is a well-rounded gun wielder who
starts at Lv. 60 and comes equipped with a Quickrain and a Misty Guard. Climb
the steps to reach Area 6, grab the Crimson Edge from the chest in the northeast, and proceed to Area 7, where you'll find chests that contain O-Knuckles
and Secret Arts XVII (if you climb to the top of the cliff and leap off). After
collecting them, exit to the northwest.
-> Acktul Cliff
Enemies: L66 Goblin King, L68 Mist Dragon, L71 Orc Lord
8. Kaluni Kahla
Recommended Level: 68
Murmina shows the party a secret passage through which they can enter the

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L71 Orc Lord (x3), L70 Goblin King (x3)
Strategy: All too easy. Go for the Orc Lords first.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L72 Garvel (x2), L71 Orc Lord (x3)
Strategy: Not much harder. Go for the Garvels first.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L77 Gurg, L76 Lindwor
Strategy: The Lindwor can fly and has a wider movement range than the Gurg, *
and both enemies have Abyss Symbols. In all other respects, the Gurg is the *
the greater threat, especially with its Genesis Wave. Distract them with a *
tank, using Extended Skills on them to build up SP after they take their
turns, then annihilate one of them with Extra Skills. Without a companion, *
the other one will be much easier to take down.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Murmina tells the party of her plans to find and kill Vashtor after the battle.
Rex allows her to remain with the party, but cautions her that she may not be
able to take Vashtor's head.
Clearing this stronghold after recruiting Murmina will cause the Link Gauge to
shift toward LIGHT.
-> Seryale Plain
Enemies: L69 Living Dead, L70 Great Sorcerer
-> Guardian Road, South
Enemies: L69 Living Dead, L70 Demon Whip
-> Guardian Road
Enemies: None
Murmina refuses Reverie's invitation to sit and spend time with the party,
leading Rex to question her as the two of them stand in the rain. She insists
that she cannot rest until she has become strong enough to avenge her people,
and asks Rex not to worry about her.
Stop her from seeking revenge.
-----------------------------LIGHT shift
Ask what else she would like to do.
----------------------------------Minor LIGHT shift
Promise to help her.
-------------------DARK shift
-> Guardian Road, North
Enemies: L69 Living Dead, L70 Demon Whip, L70 Great Sorcerer
9. Lyonesse Fortress

Recommended Level: 68
Seeing the demons assaulting the fortress and the soldiers inside fighting a
losing war of attrition, the party moves to flank the demons.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L68 Orc Lord (x2), L67 Goblin King (x4)
Strategy: Nothing special. Target the Orc Lords first.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L69 Garvel (x2), L68 Orc Lord (x4)
Strategy: Same as before with upgraded monsters. Go for the Garvels first. *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L73 Husward, L68 Orc Lord (x2), L67 Goblin King (x2)
Strategy: The Husward is the biggest threat here, and it comes equipped
with an Abyss Symbol. Take out its minions to build up SP, then hit it hard *
with Extra and Extended Skills.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Clearing this stronghold before turn 45 will cause the Link Gauge to shift
toward LIGHT.
After a tactical discussion with the soldiers of the fortress, the party makes
plans to head to Centan.
-> Shussburg Wooden Pass
Enemies: L69 Living Dead, L70 Demon Whip, L70 Great Sorcerer
10. Centan
The party treats with King Raynos, who agrees that offensive action needs to be
taken. The demon forces at Vatna, however, are preventing him from moving his
troops, and he warns the party that they will have to deal with reinforcements
even if they can handle the reserves. Rex assures the king that they will not
need his troops to break through the fortress, which leaves Raynos convinced
that they will return victorious.
-> Norace Plain
Enemies: L66 Goblin King, L68 Mist Dragon, L71 Orc Lord
-> Buleuz Way
Enemies: L66 Goblin King, L68 Mist Dragon, L71 Orc Lord
11. Vatna
Recommended Level: 70+

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L77 Mist Dragon, L75 Husward (x2), L72 Garvel (x2)
Strategy: It looks like the demons have taken off the kid gloves. The Mist *
Dragon and Huswards all have Abyss Symbols, so pick one of them and focus *


your party's attacks on it. The Huswards have higher HP and ATK, but their
defensive skills are lower than the dragon's and their Extra Skills aren't
as dangerous. Try to take one of them down, then go after the Mist Dragon
and the other Husward. Spread your party members out so they can't all be
hit by the enemies' skills, and save the Garvels for last unless you're in
dire need of SP.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L83 Gurg (x2)
Strategy: The Gurg on the right has 102,083 HP and a wide array of physical
skills, including Genesis Wave and Gore Crush. The Gurg on the left has
89,830 HP and an assortment of powerful magic skills, including Meltdown,
Grand Cross, Earth Nova, and Extra Heal. Both have Abyss Symbols. Prepare
for a difficult fight.
Your best bet is to go after the magical Gurg first to deprive the enemies
of healing. Spread your party out, and attack only after the Gurgs have
taken their turns. Try to keep them focused on one character at a time, and
wipe out the magical Gurg with Extra Skills after stockpiling some SP. With
one Gurg out of the picture, you can switch to the baiting strategy to deal
with the other.
Both Gurgs carry some nice items, so steal from and overkill them if at all
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


After the battle, Zerva will tell Dyshana why he fights, and Dyshana will leave
the two wounded gurgs with a message for Lord Summerill.
-> Keledevol Way
Enemies: L66 Goblin King, L68 Mist Dragon, L71 Orc Lord
-> Dyan's Small Deserts
Enemies: L66 Goblin King, L68 Mist Dragon, L71 Orc Lord
12. Vol Tuanor
Recommended Level: 72+
The demon troops at the fortress are extremely well-disciplined, leaving the
party convinced that a gurg is leading them. Determined to strike down the
leader and break the enemy's morale, Rex asks Fer to lead him through the

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L75 Husward, L72 Garvel (x2), L71 Orc Lord (x2), L70 Goblin King *
Strategy: This is a surprise battle, and you're up against quite a few op- *
ponents, but it's easier than the first battle at Vatna as long as you de- *
feat the Husward early on. Kill a Garvel or two first if you need to build *
up SP, but don't worry about the Orc Lords and Goblin Kings until the big *
guy has fallen.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L83 Gurg, L80 Lindwor (x2)


The best advice I can offer is to cut off the enemies' movement and force *
them to attack certain characters. Spread your party members out, but not *
to the extent that the Lindwors can fly between them at will, and don't let *
anyone get trapped in a corner that the other characters can't reach. If
you're using Winfield, Hold Shot can be invaluable for keeping the enemies *
in place. Focus on maintaining control of the battlefield and taking down *
one enemy at a time, because each one that dies will mean that much less
pressure for you to face.
This is an extremely difficult battle, so you shouldn't feel bad if it
takes you several tries to win. Don't give up!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Strategy: Welcome to hell! The Gurg is identical to the physical Gurg that
you fought at Vatna, and the two Lindwors are leveled-up versions of the
beast from Kaluni Kahla. They have a lot of wind-based skills, and their
large size and the shape of the battlefield makes it easy for them to cut
off your party members' escape routes. This, combined with the Gurg's
crushing physical attacks, means you really have your work cut out for you.

The gurg flees after the battle, and a vengeful Murmina tries to chase after
it until the party talks her down. The party returns to liberate the fortress,
and Vira-Lorr and Dyshana lag behind to discuss the seeress's reasons for remaining with the party.
Clearing this stronghold before turn 55 will cause the Link Gauge to shift
toward LIGHT.
With the last of the demon fortress cleared, the party convenes to plan their
next move. Fer suggests returning to Zeleia Fortress, and Winfield complains
that the bracelet's curse is making it harder for him to control his body.
Dyshana tells him that death, corruption, or sealing Summerill are his only
hopes for release, and Winfield's determination makes the choice an easy one.
-> Zeleia Fortress
King Sarburgh is impressed by the party's accomplishments, which will allow for
a strike at the demons' headquarters if Dandalugan Fortress can be seized. He
urges them to be cautious as they advance.
-> Limburg
Vira-Lorr, Ellis, and Sharona sit in the tavern, contemplating the price of an
unnaturally long lifespan over an ale. Ellis lightens the mood by proposing a
drinking contest, leading to a suggestive conversation about which of the women
should be paired with Rex. Rex and Winfield later come across the sleeping
lushes, and Winfield asks Rex to determine a winner of the contest.
--------DARK shift
------DARK shift
----LIGHT shift

This event unlocks CG #118 and will earn you the following rewards:
Magic Stone Piece (x2)
Damascus (x2)
Meteoric Iron (x2)
50 PP
-> Jyumi's Steep Road
Enemies: L76 Titan, L77 Golden Bat
Titans are large monsters with high HP and ATK, but low RST. They can be overkilled for Pulses of Earth. Gold Bats have low HP, but very high MAG, RST, and
AVD and a variety of powerful light and dark spells. They also absorb light
damage and come equipped with Cainas, so they'll regenerate HP every round.
Extra Skills will make quick work of them.
-> Monofis Canyon
Enemies: None
-> Old Linatoria's Sculpture Site
Enemies: L76 Titan, L77 Golden Bat
After clearing this area, you will be able to reach Ladoga. You can also take
the road below if you prefer.
-> Zercla Bypath, SE
Enemies: L75 Death Crab, L76 Titan
Death Crabs have high HP, DEF, and ATK, but are very vulnerable to magic. You
get Aqua Stones for overkilling them.
-> Zercla Bypath, NW
Enemies: L75 Death Crab, L76 Titan
13. Ladoga
Recommended Level: 75
The party spots the gurg that leads the demon troops and races to get to it

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L85 Gurg (x2)
Strategy: You've got a physical Gurg on the left and a magical Gurg on the *
right. Use the same strategy you did at Vatna to secure victory.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The demon troops retreat once their leader falls, which Vira-Lorr and Sharona
fear is an ominous sign. King Sarburgh meets up with the party and asks them to
secure the Lazar Desert before taking Dandalugan Fortress. The party agrees,
suggesting that he rest his troops until the supply lines have been secured.
-> Kudin Wildland
Enemies: L75 Death Crab, L76 Titan, L77 Golden Bat

-> Erichard Dune

Enemies: L75 Death Crab, L76 Titan, L77 Golden Bat
-> Lazar Desert Oasis
Enemies: L75 Death Crab, L76 Titan, L77 Golden Bat
14. Lazar Desert
Recommended Level: 76
The party sees no monsters in the desert, but Arbol senses a presence nearby.
As they consider retracing their steps, Borgnine assumes a fighting stance and
charges to the fore, where a dragon appears to menace the party.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L85 Ring Dragon
Strategy: This monster has 173,747 HP, 5031 ATK, 941 RST, an assortment of *
physical, earth, and water skills, and an Abyss Symbol. Shove a tank in its *
face, keep the rest of your party at least three squares away so they can't *
be hit by Earthquake, and attack the Ring Dragon to build up SP after it
takes its turn. Get your party back into formation at the beginning of each *
new round, and as soon as you've built up all the SP and AP you need to
slay the dragon, have at it.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

King Sarburgh congratulates the party on another victory and informs them that
Lingen and Centan are marching on Dandalugan Fortress. He encourages them to
advance with his army, and to be well-prepared for the battle ahead.
As Rex and his followers approach the fortress, a garvel informs Vashtor that
they are close. Vashtor instructs the garvel to open the gates and admit them,
clearly anticipating another meeting with his long-absent "guests."
-> Lazar Desert, West
Enemies: L75 Death Crab, L76 Titan, L77 Diabolos
Diaboloses are large monsters with high ATK and impressive AGI. In addition to
physical skills, they have Crimson Attack and Nightmare, and can be overkilled
for Gems of Onyx.
After clearing this battle, you will be able to reach Izabella Garrison. If you
don't want to use the most direct route, you can instead follow one of the two
routes listed below.
-> Kelistbud Wildland
Enemies: L76 Titan, L77 Golden Bat, L77 Diabolos
-> Evant Wildland
Enemies: L75 Death Crab, L76 Titan, L77 Diabolos
-> Zarabool Bypath, South
Enemies: L75 Death Crab, L76 Titan, L77 Golden Bat
-> Zarabool Bypath, North
Enemies: L75 Death Crab, L77 Golden Bat, L77 Diabolos

-> Izabella Garrison

Enemies: None
King Sarburgh reports that he was able to set up camp without resistance, which
makes the rest of the party fear that the demons have set a trap for them. The
king prepares for a night raid and invites the party to rest at the camp.
Outside of the camp, Sharona tells Dyshana that she is worried about Vashtor
and his desire to fight Rex. The two discuss what might happen later if Rex is
released from his bonds.
-> Discorazono Pass
Enemies: L75 Death Crab, L76 Titan, L77 Diabolos
15. Dandalugan Fortress
Recommended Level: 78
Enemies: L80 Goblin Mage, L81 Orc Mage, L83 Orc Lord
Map: 6 7 4
\|/ \
5 \
3 |
IMPORTANT! You will not be able to return to this dungeon after defeating the
boss. Be sure to collect all the treasure that you want from the dungeon before
clearing it.
When you enter the dungeon, you will see a cutscene in which Vashtor begs Lord
Summerill for more time to trap the party. Summerill agrees to let him handle
the party as he sees fit, confident that Vashtor's hatred will drive him to
kill them.
Considering what you've been through to get here, this dungeon is a breeze. The
encounter rate is low, the enemies are weak, and the first two areas are rather
straightforward. After ascending the staircase in Area 3, double back and take
the southeast exit to reach the upper level of Area 2. Get the Nightmare from
the chest, then enter the doorway to reach Area 4, where you can find chests
that contain an O-Bangle, a Hermes Ring, and an Aura Ring. Exit to the southwest to reach Area 5 and climb the southern stairs to reach Area 6, where you
can procure a Triple Feather, a VIT Up+, an Extra Heal, and a Tree of Life. After collecting them, return to Area 6 and climb the northern stairs. Grab the
Three Stars from the chest by the door, and enter Area 7 to face the boss.
Unless the Link Gauge shifted to DARK after any of the earlier fortress battles
or you took more than 70 turns to reach Dandalugan Fortress, you will encounter
Vashtor here. He insists that he belongs in Lord Summerill's court and denies
that the years he spent with Ladius, his descendants, or the rest of the party
have any meaning or value to him anymore. Unable to reason with their former
comrade, the party takes up arms against him.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* BATTLE #88
* Enemies: L90 Vashtor


Strategy: If you're going for the True End, you must keep Vashtor alive. He
has 198,569 HP, extremely powerful dark and physical skills, and an Abyss
Symbol, so letting him survive for seven turns shouldn't be too difficult.
You don't even need to bother attacking; just distract him with a tank and
revive or heal as necessary. If you have Winfield in your party, be sure to
steal from Vashtor before the battle ends.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Murmina draws her gun and prepares to shoot Vashtor as he kneels before the
party, but Rex stands in her way. Warning her of the self-perpetuating cycle of
hatred and the emptiness of revenge, he urges her to forgive Vashtor. Touched
by Rex's sincere display of caring, she puts away her gun and watches as Rex
welcomes Vashtor back into the party. He then warns the party to evacuate the
fortress, which is about to explode.
After this cutscene, you will receive Esoteric Book XXVII and the Overdrive
field, and Vashtor will rejoin your party. He starts with the same level, attributes, and EXP total he had when he left the party, but will need to be
given new equipment if you want to keep using him.
-> Izabella Garrison
Vashtor reveals to the party that the destruction of Dandalugan was meant to
delay the party and their allies, if not kill them outright. The party cannot
press deeper into enemy territory until the rubble is cleared, and would be extremely vulnerable if they did, so they ask Vashtor if there are any other
routes west. He suggests moving through the Falmouth Hills and the Helmos
Mountains; they are full of monsters, but the demons will not be patrolling the
area. They will also not be able to bring any troops with them, but Rex agrees
to Vashtor's plan once the former gurg promises to serve as a guide.
-> Monofis Canyon
Between watches at camp, Murmina asks Beatrice why she follows Rex. They learn
that their reasons for following him are very similar, and suggest that Rex has
somehow enchanted them.
After this event, you will receive the following:
Esoteric Book XXVI
Force Frame
Resist Frame
Generation Crystal
50 PP
-> Lingen
After a moment of awkward silence, Ellis tells Rex that her teaching helped him
become the man he is today. She contrasts him with his ancestors, saying that
he is more like Leo than the others, and gives him a charm in exchange for a
promise that he will not die in battle.
After this event, you will receive the following:
Mist Wand
Ray Blade
50 PP
-> Helulu Valley Wildland
Enemies: L81 Rune Master, L82 Bloody Beast
Rune Masters have high INT and command over earth and holy spells. They drop
Master's Rings when overkilled. Bloody Beasts have high STR and AGI and mainly

use combo skills, though they also have Hati, Storm Attack, Thor Hammer, and
Nightmare. Overkilling them will net you Bloody Pearls.
-> Falmouth Hills, South
Enemies: L77 Diabolos, L81 Rune Master
After clearing this battle, you will be able to access Falmouth Hills. You can,
if you prefer, take the route below instead.
-> Saffon Bypath
Enemies: L77 Diabolos, L82 Bloody Beast
-> Corleitz Alley
Enemies: L81 Rune Master, L82 Bloody Beast
16. Falmouth Hills
Recommended Level: 80
Rex and his companions find themselves staring down a dragon unlike any they've
seen before. With no way to avoid or flee from it, they engage it in battle.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L90 Evil Dragon
Strategy: 178,010 HP, 5289 ATK, 833 DEF, 3936 MAG, 1207 RST, comes with an *
Abyss Symbol. Its skills include Ankh Glaive, Blood Sucker, Earthquake, and *
Genesis Wave, and it absorbs dark damage. Distract it with a tank, attack *
after it moves, and hit it hard with Extra Skills after building up enough *
SP. If you have your tank equipped with an Earth Dragon or another piece of *
equipment that absorbs earth damage, you can really increase his or her
longevity in this battle...and if you're feeling lucky, the Evil Dragon is *
susceptible to instant death effects.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The party makes camp to rest and recover after the battle. Dyshana comes upon
Arbol at night and asks him why he travels with the party. Though he knows that
the ryulent will not exist as they are forever, he looks forward to seeing the
humans realize their potential.
-> Falmouth Hills, North
Enemies: L81 Rune Master, L82 Bloody Beast
-> Tilladed Animal Trail
Enemies: L77 Diabolos, L82 Bloody Beast
17. Helmos Mountains
Recommended Level: 82
Enemies: L81 Rune Master, L82 Bloody Beast, L83 Lesser Demon, L84 Magic
Warrior, L85 Medusa

/ \

\ / \
3 1

Lesser Demons are well-balanced flying monsters who use physical, wind, and

dark skills and can be overkilled for Weird Necklaces. Magic Warriors are large
monsters with high HP and ATK who supplement their arsenal of physical skills
with Icicle Attack and Crimson Attack, and drop Magic Armor when overkilled.
Medusas are also well-rounded, but have a more magical bent than Lesser Demons
and command a host of dark and fire skills. Overkill them for Eyes of Stone
Area 1 is straightforward. In Area 2, head to the northeastern corner to get
the Misty Guard from the chest, then grab the Stardust as you make your way
northwest and exit to Area 3. Grab the LUK Up+ from the chest in the southeast
of the area, then cross the bridge, get Accessories 3-I, and continue until you
reach the exit to Area 4. In Area 5, climb the cliffs to find a Refresh Herb
and a Ring of Inability, and jump over to the plateau to get the Skull Staff
from the chest. Exit to the southwest to reach Area 6, where you can climb the
cliffs, double back, and drop down to reach treasure chests that contain a
Sarnga and a Sanctuary. After collecting them, go back to the northwest to exit
the dungeon.
As the party crosses the mountains, Vashtor tells them that Guisado Gaza is
just ahead. It is a large but poorly-equipped demon fortress, and the party
decides to approach it together before deciding how to assault it. Afterward,
Dyshana will ask Ganz and Plum why they travel with the party.
-> Helmos Pass
Enemies: L83 Lesser Demon, L85 Medusa
18. Guisado Gaza
Recommended Level: 83
Rex and Beatrice are suspicious of the fortress's weak defenses, but the party
does not suspect a trap. Unwilling to leave an occupied enemy fortress behind
them as they advance, they decide to capture it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L80 Husward (x2), L77 Orc Lord (x2), L76 Goblin King (x3)
Strategy: Go for the Huswards first, and the rest will fall soon after.
None of the enemies have Abyss Symbols or healing skills, so be thankful
for small favors.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Vashtor is confused by the demon forces' movement away from their fortresses
and suggests that the next battle will pit the party against a horde of demons.
Rex decides to leave Guisado Gaza standing and report back to the allied forces
at Dandalugan.
Later that night, Dyshana talks to Beatrice and Alberti and confesses that she
needed Leonhardt and his descendants to help reshape the world. Though Alberti
chides her for treating humans like tools, he answers honestly when Dyshana
asks him why he stays with the party, as does his granddaughter.
If you return to Guisado Gaza after the cutscene, you will see an event in
which Reverie swims in a lake near the fortress. She talks to Rex about her determination to end the war and her desire to start a family once the world is
at peace again. She asks him if he would consider marrying her, revealing that
she was joking only after she threatens to eat him if he ever breaks his vows.
-> Ratlaris Plain

Enemies: L83 Lesser Demon, L85 Medusa

-> Etvitz Peak Road
Enemies: L84 Magic Warrior, L85 Medusa
-> Gian's Bird Path
Enemies: L83 Lesser Demon, L85 Medusa
-> Dandalugan Fortress
The party tells King Sarburgh of the demons' plan to consolidate their forces
and launch a mass assault. Qua suggests launching an assault on Barzakh, which
could be done with relative ease from Guisado Gaza. After consulting with the
king, the party decides to cross the Larohenga Desert and secure a landing spot
for his troops' equipment while he moves his army through the desert with them.
Later that night, Dyshana talks to Qua, Fer, and Reverie and learns why they
choose to stay with the party.
-> Guisado Gaza
Murmina allows Beatrice to groom her wings and is impressed by the human's
handiwork. This event unlocks CG #90 and CG #91.
-> Larohenga Desert, Roaming Sand
Enemies: L83 Lesser Demon, L85 Medusa
19. Larohenga Deserts
Recommended Level: 85
Enemies: L84 Lizard Lord, L85 Medusa, L86 Wraith, L88 Dark Mage, L89 Dragon
Zombie, L100 Luijt

6 9
/ \ \
5 \ /
\ 8
\ /
\ 3
/ 4 \
10 \ /
11 \

Lizard Lords have high HP and ATK, mainly use physical skills, and can counter
your attacks. Dark Mages are powerful spellcasters who specialize in dark
magic. Dragon Zombies are large flying monsters with high ATK and an arsenal of
deadly skills, including Genesis Wave and a variety of earth and dark skills.
They also absorb dark damage. Luijts are extremely fast, skillful spellcasters
that can dodge physical attacks with ease. They absorb light damage, and since
they have Parry and Magic Barrier, you'll have to use Extra Skills to defeat
Following any of the paths other than the ones outlined here can throw you into
a repeating maze, so pay careful attention as you explore. In Area 1, get the
INT Up+ from the chest and make your way northwest to reach Area 2. Take the
northeast path first and collect the AGI Up+ and Accessories 3-II from Area 3,

then head to Area 4 and snag Accessories 3-III before exiting to the northwest.
In Area 6, go northeast first and then exit Area 7 to the northwest.
-> Humoi Sand Road
Enemies: L84 Lizard Lord, L86 Wraith, L88 Dark Mage, L89 Dragon Zombie
-> Lenn Cape
Enemies: None
Sharona finds a highly provocative way to beat the desert heat. This event unlocks CG #94 and CG #95.
-> Larohenga Desert, North
Enemies: L84 Lizard Lord, L85 Medusa, L86 Wraith, L88 Dark Mage, L89 Dragon
Zombie, L100 Luijt
Map: Same as Larohenga Deserts
You'll enter the desert in Area 7. Retrace your path to Area 6 and exit to the
southeast this time. Take the northeast exit from Area 8 to reach Area 9, where
you can find a Cruel Frame and a Ginna's scythe in the chests. Return to Area 8
after collecting them and exit to the southwest to reach Area 10. Grab the True
Emblem from the chest in the southwest, then take the path to Area 11. The exit
from the dungeon is in the southeast, and there's a chest containing a Dragoon
Lance right next to it.
Upon leaving the desert, Rex states his conviction to follow the path where no
one is hurt as he tries to save the world. Dyshana insists that sacrifice is
necessary and that the party is nothing more than tools of the gods, but they
all state their desires to exercise their free will for everyone's betterment.
-> Diyon Moor
Enemies: L85 Medusa, L91 Ogre
Ogres are large, powerful monsters with low INT and lots of physical skills,
plus Hati, Thor Hammer, Storm Attack, and Crimson Attack. They drop Old Hammers
when overkilled.
-> Settlement
Enemies: None
Reverie discovers a landing point for King Sarburgh's transport and leaves to
report to him as the party begins constructing a settlement.
Later that night, Murmina talks to Vashtor. She tells him that she can neither
kill him nor forgive him for slaughtering her people, and that he does not have
her permission to die until she has forgiven him. He then tells Rex that he
cannot ask for forgiveness, but he can attempt to atone for his sins through
his actions, and realizes the importance of forgiving himself as well.
-> Soraida Passage
Enemies: L89 Dragon Zombie, L91 Ogre
-> Burnes
Enemies: None
The women of the party come upon a bashful Beatrice while she is bathing and
invite her to the bathhouse with them. This event unlocks CG #92.
If you return, you will see another event in which Dyshana has a nightmare.

This event unlocks CG #93 and confirms that you have met the requirements for
the True End.
A storyline event will play after the two optional events. Beatrice meets with
the party in the evening and tells them that the demons have nearly 100,000
troops at their disposal - more than four times as many as the party and their
allies command. King Sarburgh experiences a moment of doubt, recalling that
Rex's family has been fighting demons for generations, but Rex assures him that
this generation will be the last. The rest of the party is confident that the
upcoming battle will bring an end to both the war and Lord Summerill.
Later, Rex thanks Ellis for serving his family and tells her that she will be
free to do as she wishes after the final battle. Dyshana speaks to her after
Rex leaves, and Ellis reveals that her life is nearing its end since she has
too long been away from magical places such as Lus Soleil. Dyshana, however,
reminds Ellis of Rex's words, filling her with a new sense of optimism, and
contemplates the meaning of her own existence after Ellis departs.
IMPORTANT! You will have to fight through the five locations below if you want
direct access to the eastern half of the continent again. If you're wellstocked on items and ready to begin the final push, skip to Nor Nokas, East.
-> Bevonarl Bay, North
Enemies: L86 Wraith, L93 Greater Devil
Wraiths are fast flying spellcasters with a plethora of dark skills and a few
water and thunder skills thrown in for good measure. Greater Devils are wellrounded fliers with physical, dark, and fire skills, a counterattack, and a
two-square attack range. You can overkill these monsters for Evil-Sealing Gems
and Devil Horns respectively.
-> Bevonarl Bay, South
Enemies: L86 Wraith, L87 Silver Dragon, L93 Greater Devil
Silver Dragons are large, well-rounded fliers that absorb light attacks. They
sport Abyss Symbols and a variety of physical and magical skills, but have
relatively low DEF. Overkill them for Silver Scales.
-> Vinceburg Sea I
Enemies: L86 Wraith, L87 Silver Dragon
-> Vinceburg Sea II
Enemies: L86 Wraith, L93 Greater Devil
-> Vinceburg Sea III
Enemies: L86 Wraith, L93 Greater Devil
-> Nor Nokas, East
Enemies: L87 Silver Dragon, L89 Dragon Zombie
-> Nor Nokas, West
Enemies: L87 Silver Dragon, L89 Dragon Zombie
-> Cam Ranh Terra
Enemies: None
Plum, Qua, and Reverie talk at night, reflecting on the friendship they have
formed and pondering how the end of their journey will change their lives.
After this event, you will receive the following:

Three Stars
Beast Sense
Lapis Noster (x2)
50 PP
Return here for a storyline event. King Sarburgh apologizes for leaving the
party responsible for defeating Summerill, but Winfield urges him to worry more
about how long his troops will hold against the demons. As the party sets off,
the king gives his troops a motivational speech and prepares to meet the enemy
on the battlefield.
-> Jean Lisman's Rough Road
Enemies: L93 Greater Devil, L95 Rakshasa
Rakshasas are powerful monsters that have high stats across the board. They use
a variety of earth and fire skills, as well as a few physical ones. Overkilling
them will net you Welcoming Cats.
-> Valley of the Dead
Enemies: None
As this event begins, you will be prompted to choose a female party member from
the list. Rex will have a fireside chat with the one you choose, and will also
marry her during the ending.
-> Zaristmain Pass
Enemies: L89 Dragon Zombie, L93 Dark Knight
Dark Knights - not to be confused with gurgs - are powerful physical attackers
who absorb dark damage and can use Dark Ray, Shadow Attack, and Nightmare in
addition to their physical skills.
-> Kaivot Trail
Enemies: L93 Arc Knight, L93 Dark Knight
Arc Knights absorb and specialize in using light attacks rather than dark ones,
but are otherwise identical to Dark Knights.
20. Barzakh, City of the Dead
Recommended Level: 93+
Be ready for a challenging fight as soon as you enter Summerill's headquarters.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L93 Gurg (x4)
Strategy: You have physical Gurgs on the left and magical Gurgs on the
right. The physical Gurgs have Parry and Genesis Wave, and the magical
Gurgs have Magic Barrier and healing spells. They have a spread of light
and dark skills, and all of them have Abyss Symbols.
Getting worried yet? If so, you can keep things under control by spreading *
your party members out and focusing on one Gurg at a time. With the right *
equipment and skill setup, you should be able to take down at least one of *
them every other turn. Just remember whether your target has Magic Barrier *
or Parry, and use the appropriate skills to finish it off. The sooner you *


start taking them down, the less trouble you'll have later on. As usual,
you want to play it safe - wait for the enemies to attack, then revive or
heal your characters as needed before retaliating against them.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


IMPORTANT! If you did not recruit Vashtor, you'll fight him before facing Lord
Summerill. He's accompanied by two Lindwors, so use the same strategy you did
in the second battle at Vol Tuanor to win.
The dark lord is impressed by the party's tenacity and offers to let them replace his fallen gurgs. When they refuse, he tries to intimidate them by saying
that Chaos is on his side. Dyshana then reveals herself as an aspect of Chaos,
who sacrificed the lives of the previous Spirit Vessels to break the seal on
his prison. Though surprised by this revelation, the party draws their weapons
and prepares to stand with her against Summerill.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L105 Summerill, L96 Gurg (x2)
Strategy: The dark lord fights you with the help of two Gurgs: a physical *
one on the left, a magical one on the right. They both have Dark Symbols, *
which restore 7% of their HP each turn. Summerill himself has 302,208 HP, *
5031 ATK, 839 DEF, 5201 MAG, 1595 RST, and a Shadow Symbol, which restores *
3% of his HP each turn. Like his minions, he absorbs dark damage, and his *
skill list includes a mixture of physical, earth, and dark skills, as well *
as Photon Spark and Arc Ray. Be prepared for an intense battle.
Getting rid of the Gurgs should be your first priority. Draw their atten- *
tion with a decoy as you choose your target, then hit it hard after the
enemies take their turns. Once one of them falls, shift your attention to *
the other. Move your party around as needed to reach the Gurgs and keep
Summerill from decimating your ranks with his powerful skills. His Terror *
Scream can do 20,000+ damage and inflict stun and bind, and Hell's Victim *
can do 60,000+ damage and inflict every status ailment in the book, so the *
fewer people he can hit with them, the better.
Once the Gurgs are gone, the real fun begins. Have your decoy distract
Summerill while the rest of the party hits him with Extended Skills after *
each of his turns. Dealing enough damage to outpace his HP recovery each
turn shouldn't be a problem, but the big damage will come from your Extra *
Skills. Unleash them after softening up Summerill and stockpiling SP, and *
you'll soon bring the dark lord to his knees.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

IMPORTANT! You'll face Chaos Dyshana instead of Summerill if the Link Gauge is
DARK when you reach Barzakh. Her stats are higher than Summerill's, but she
doesn't absorb dark damage and fights you without help.
If you haven't triggered the True End, the ending will play and the credits
will roll after this battle, and you'll be able to start a New Game+ if you
choose. Well done, brave warrior!
F. True End & Boundary Plane
In order to earn the True End and access the Boundary Plane, you must satisfy
all of the following conditions:
-Make sure that the Link Gauge is on the lower end of NEUTRAL at the beginning
of the Fifth Generation.

-When given your choice of three paths to follow, go after Eljudnir Fortress
and Kaluni Kahla (in the southwest) first, Lyonesse Fortress and Vatna (in the
north) second, and Vol Tuanor (in the northwest) last.
-Do not let the Link Gauge shift toward DARK after any of the fortress battles.
-Recruit Dyshana. She will join you after an event at Malena Way if you are
-Recruit Beatrice. She will join you after an event in Elblag if you completed
the Third Generation in less than 100 turns.
-Recruit Murmina. She will join you if you save her at Uttara Kulu on or before
turn 22.
-Recruit Vashtor. He will join you after your battle at Dandalugan Fortress if
you keep him alive for seven turns.
-Keep the turn counter under 500 until you have defeated Lord Summerill.
If you fulfill all of these conditions and are still NEUTRAL after the battle
with Summerill, you'll see an additional sequence in which Dyshana tells the
party about the twelve gods who created the world of Agarest. A schism between
the gods of light and darkness forced Lenion to seal away the five dark gods,
each of which became a continent. She says that mortals are ready to inherit
the world, but the dark gods must be unsealed and slain before this can happen.
Dyshana offers to unseal the gods, but warns the party that the world as they
know it will cease to exist if she does. Rex is determined to see the world as
it really is, and his friends agree to stand behind him, so he asks Dyshana to
break the seals.
Dyshana obligingly works her magic and says that Chaos has been sealed on a
different plane of existence. The party will have to defeat the gods on each
continent before they can reach Chaos's prison.
After this event, all of the protagonists and brides of the earlier generations
will be revived and you will receive the following:
Leo's Sword
Eso. Book XXVIII
The first five gods await you at the pillars on each continent. You can take
them on in any order, and you can build levels on the Boundary Plane until you
feel ready to confront them.
If you need to boost your characters' ATK and MAG, go to Aegisthus and capture
Medusas and Greater Devils. By combining these monsters repeatedly, you can
eventually create Rafflesias and then Griffins. Rafflesias can be traded for
Stardust Claws, which convert into MAG +900; and Griffins can be traded for
Large Mithril Claws, which convert into ATK +999. A few of those will turn your
party into a veritable engine of destruction. You can also exchange your saved
TP for Halper Scythes, which convert into ATK +750 for a fraction of the EP
cost of the monster weapons.
IMPORTANT! Once you've triggered the True End, you won't be able to view the
ending or start a New Game+ until you've defeated all six of the gods. Make
sure you're properly prepared for what lies ahead!
1. Lucrellia
Recommended Level: 100+
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* BATTLE #93
* Enemies: L300 Mercury


Strategy: He has 878,450 HP, 9060 ATK, 1314 DEF, 6714 MAG, 2334 RST, and
313 AVD. He specializes in physical and thunder skills and absorbs thunder
damage. Tank him and spank him. His ultimate technique will reduce your
characters' SP, so make sure everyone else gives the tank a wide berth.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


2. Graccea
Recommended Level: 100+

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L300 Mobius
Strategy: He has 740,859 HP, 8283 ATK, 1181 DEF, 8815 MAG, 2844 RST, and
320 AVD. He uses lots of wind and water skills and absorbs wind damage.
Tank him and spank him. He tends to flee when pressed, so try to trap him *
in a corner.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3. Fendias
Recommended Level: 100+

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L300 Deeth
Strategy: She has 785,132 HP, 8750 ATK, 1146 DEF, 8936 MAG, 3083 RST, and *
333 AVD. She mainly uses physical and dark skills and absorbs dark damage. *
Her ultimate skill hits in a huge area around her and reduces SP, and she *
has a nasty habit of using Dark Matter to drain tens of thousands of HP
from your characters when she's near death, so taking her down will require *
some strategy. Equip as many of your party members as possible with gear
that reduces or absorbs dark damage or has Resist HP Drain, and spread them *
as far apart as you can. You probably won't be able to pull off any fancy *
Special Arts, so hit Deeth with Extra Skills whenever you have the SP for *
them. Dyshana's innate dark absorption ability makes her a good decoy in
this battle, so consider assigning her that duty if your other party mem- *
bers don't have the proper equipment for it.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

4. Enhambre
Recommended Level: 100+

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L300 Nemesis
Strategy: She has 680,492 HP, 5019 ATK, 1006 DEF, 9999 MAG, 3440 RST, and *
286 AVD. She uses a variety of elemental spells and absorbs thunder damage. *
Tank her and spank her. She tends to flee when pressed, so try to trap her *
in a corner. Be especially careful of her ultimate technique, which hits in *
a wide area and reduces your characters' SP.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

You have a short trek ahead of you before you can reach the god of the fifth

-> Teitobucks Pass

Enemies: L93 Arc Knight, L95 Rakshasa
-> Ziyanm Passage
Enemies: L93 Dark Knight, L95 Rakshasa
-> Javiden Plank Road
Enemies: L93 Arc Knight, L93 Dark Knight
-> Muon Moor
Enemies: L93 Arc Knight, L95 Rakshasa
5. Aegisthus
Recommended Level: 100+

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L300 Mayastia
Strategy: He has 930,087 HP, 9999 ATK, 1465 DEF, 5478 MAG, 1869 RST, and
194 AVD. He's an expert with physical and fire skills and absorbs fire
damage. Tank him and spank him.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Once you defeat the last of the continental gods, you'll be rewarded with a
Mark of God and a Pulrauka, and the path to Chaos will open by the entrance to
the Boundary Plane.
6. The Boundary Plane
Recommended Level: 120+

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enemies: L350 Chaos
Strategy: Here he is - the last of the dark gods! He has 999,999 HP, 9999 *
ATK, 1393 DEF, 9037 MAG, 3000 RST, and 318 AVD. He's especially deadly with *
physical skills and non-elemental magic, and he absorbs dark damage.
His stats may outstrip those of his fellow gods, but that just means you'll *
have to spend more time wailing on him before he submits. If you've made it *
this far, you've got the skills you need to seize victory in this battle, *
and any advice I have to offer would be redundant. Good luck!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After defeating Chaos and watching the ending, you'll be free to start a New
Game+ or explore the rest of the Boundary Plane. Bear in mind that you'll only
be able to explore it in its entirety if you completed the game on Hard Mode.
The game's strongest enemies await you on the Boundary Plane, but you'll have
to defeat them if you want to complete your collection of titles and craft the
most powerful equipment for your characters. Do you have the strength, skill,
and endurance to overcome them all?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------VI. Lists
A. Fields
A list of all the battlefields in the game and their special features. Numbers

denote your party members' starting positions; if a field allows you to deploy
large monsters, their starting positions will be listed in parentheses.
An X denotes a special square. Red squares boost attributes, blue squares lower
attributes, and yellow squares confer resistances.
1. Basic
Special Squares: None
Large Monsters: No
2. Force Field
Special Squares: 3 STR Up, 2 STR Down
Large Monsters: Yes (1)
3. Vital Field
Special Squares: 2 VIT Up, 2 VIT Down
Large Monsters: No
4. Sorcery Field
Special Squares: 3 INT Up, 2 INT Down
Large Monsters: Yes (2 & 3)

5. Fundamental
Special Squares: None
Large Monsters: Yes (1 & 6)
6. Speed Zone
Special Squares: 2 AGI Up, 1 AGI Down, 1 LUK Up, 1 LUK Down
Large Monsters: Yes (4 & 5)
[_][_][_][_][_] [_][_][_][X][_]
[_][_][_][X][_] [_][_][_][_][_]
7. Happy Time
Special Squares: 2 LUK Up, 1 EP Up, 4 All Stats Down
Large Monsters: Yes (5)
[_][X][_] [_][X][_]
[_][_][_] [_][_][_]

8. Gravity
Special Squares: 1 Evasion Up, 1 Evasion Down, 1 Accuracy Up, 1 Accuracy Down,
1 Resist Directional Effects
Large Monsters: Yes (5 & 6)
9. Hypnotic Field
Special Squares: 2 Sleep Up, 2 Poison Up, 1 All Status Ailments Up, 1 Resist
Sleep, 1 Resist Poison
Large Monsters: Yes (5 & 6)
10. Little Fortune
Special Squares: 4 All Stats Up, 1 ATK Up, 2 Evasion Down, 2 Accuracy Down
Large Monsters: Yes (2 & 3)
11. Deadly Gamble
Special Squares: 2 LUK Up, 1 LUK Down, 2 Death Up, 1 Critical Hit Up, 1 Resist
Large Monsters: Yes (5 & 6)

[_][_] [_][_]
[_][_][_][_][X] [_] [_][_][X][_][_]
[_][_][_][_][_] [_][_][_][_][_]
[_][_][1][_][_] [_][_][2][_][_]
[_][_][X][_][_] [_] [_][_][_][_][_]
[_][_] [_][_]
12. Mystic Brain
Special Squares: 2 INT Up, 1 INT Down, 2 MAG Up, 1 MAG Down, 1 RES Up, 1 RES
Large Monsters: Yes (1 & 2)
[_] [_] [_][_][_] [_] [_]
[_][_][_] [_][X][_] [_][_][_]
[_][_][_][_] [_][_][_] [_][_][_][_]
[_][_][_] [_][_][_][_][_] [_][_][_]
[X][_] [_][_][_][_][_] [_][X]
[_][_] [_][5] [6][_] [_][_]
13. Hazardous Kingdom
Special Squares: 3 All Status Ailments Up, 1 Blind Up, 1 Sleep Up, 1 Poison Up,
1 Death Up, 1 Paralysis Up
Large Monsters: Yes (2 & 3)
[_][_][_][_] [_][_][_][_]
[_][_][_] [_][_][_] [_][X][_]
[_][_][X] [_][1][_] [_][_][_]
[_][_][_][_] [_][_][_][_]
14. Wild Coliseum
Special Squares: 1 ATK Up, 1 ATK Down, 1 STR Up, 1 STR Down, 1 DEF Up, 1 DEF
Down, 1 VIT Up, 1 VIT Down
Large Monsters: Yes (3 & 4)

15. Nightmare Prison
Special Squares: 2 Blind Up, 2 Paralysis Up, 1 Resist Blind, 1 Resist
Paralysis, 1 Resist All Status Ailments
Large Monsters: Yes (5 & 6)
16. Hell's Banquet
Special Squares: 2 MAG Up, 2 ATK Up, 1 EXP Up, 2 Critical Hit Up, 3 Resist All
Status Ailments
Large Monsters: Yes (5 & 6)
17. Full Rein Force
Special Squares: 1 STR Up, 1 VIT Up, 1 AGI Up, 1 INT Up, 1 LUK Up, 1 ATK Up, 1
DEF Up, 1 MAG Up, 1 RES Up
Large Monsters: Yes (1 & 2)
[_][_][_][_][_] [_][_][_][_][X]
[_][_][X][_] [_][_][X] [_][_][_][_]

[_][5][_][_] [3][_][4] [_][_][6][_]
[_][_][_][_][_] [_][_][_][_][_]
18. Heaven and Hell
Special Squares: 2 EXP Up, 2 EP Up, 2 ATK Up, 3 All Stats Down
Large Monsters: Yes (3 & 4)
[_][_][_][X][_][_] [X][_][_][_][_][_]
[_][_][_][_][_][_] [_][_][X][_][_][_]
19. All Reduced
Special Squares: 1 STR Down, 1 VIT Down, 1 AGI Down, 1 INT Down, 1 LUK Down, 1
ATK Down, 1 DEF Down, 1 MAG Down, 1 RES Down
Large Monsters: Yes (2 & 3)
[_][_][_] [_][_][_]
[_][_][_] [_][_][_][_][_] [_][X][_]
[_][_][_] [_][_][_][_][X] [_][_][_]
[_][_][_] [_][_][_]
20. Overdrive
Special Squares: 4 All Stats Up, 4 All Stats Down, 1 Resist Directional Effects
Large Monsters: Yes (5 & 6)
[_][_][X][_][_] [_][_][X][_][_]
[_][_][_][_][_][_] [_][_][_][_][_][_]
[_][5][_][1][_] [_][2][_][6][_]



B. Esoteric Book
A list of all the skill combinations available in the game. They can be used
without finding the books if your party members have the required skills.
Numbers to the right of the dashes indicate the number of hits scored on broken
enemies. The word "mixed" indicates that a skill does both physical and magical
Entries 86-149 are Special Arts, which your party members can perform by using
Extra Skills in sequence.
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------1 | Quadruple Attack | Double Edge
| 4-4 physical hits
| Double Edge
| Range = 1st Double Edge user's wpn.
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------2 | Broken Hit
| Double Edge
| 3-6 physical hits
| Power Attack
| Range = Double Edge user's weapon
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------3 | Vanish Trick
| Rush
| 6-12 physical hits
| Trick Hit
| Range = Rush user's weapon
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------4 | Icicle Edge
| Ice Needle
| 2-4 magic hits, water elemental
| Wind
| May cause sleep
| Single target
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------5 | Double Needle
| Ice Needle
| 5-10 magic hits, earth elemental
| Earth Needle
| Lowers VIT
| Radius 1
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------6 | Holy Mist
| Ascension
| 3-6 magic hits, light elemental
| Black Mist
| Radius 1
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------7 | Snatch
| Trick Hit
| 6-6 physical hits
| Steal
| Chance to steal
| Range = Trick Hit user's weapon
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------8 | Scarlet Peony
| Flame Edge
| 4-9 mixed hits, fire elemental
| Fire
| Lowers STR
| Power Attack
| Single target
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------9 | Ice Field
| Ice Vein
| 6-12 mixed hits, water elemental
| Ice Needle
| Lowers INT
| Rush
| Single target
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------10 | Thunder Field
| Thunder Spike
| 6-12 mixed hits, thunder elemental
| Thunder
| Lowers VIT
| Double Edge
| Single target
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------11 | Flare Field
| Void Shock
| 4-9 mixed hits, wind elemental
| Wind
| Lowers AGI
| Trick Hit
| Single target
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------12 | Sonic Blast
| Sonic Wave
| 4-6 physical hits
| Blast
| Single target
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------13 | Power Burst
| Power Attack
| 3-3 physical hits
| Burst Hit
| Burst effect

| Range = Power Attack user's weapon
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------14 | Rapid Stream
| Blast
| 14-14 physical hits
| Rapid Move
| Radius 3 from Blast user
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------15 | Stun Bash
| Burst Hit
| 4-8 physical hits
| Trick Hit
| Range = Burst Hit user's weapon
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------16 | Steam Burst
| Earth Needle
| 5-10 mixed hits, earth elemental
| Burst Hit
| Burst effect
| Earth Spike
| Single target
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------17 | Delta Attack
| Double Edge
| 3-6 physical hits
| Meteor Impact
| Range = Double Edge user's weapon
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------18 | Cross Orbit
| Power Attack
| 5-10 physical hits
| Critical Charge | Range = Power Attack user's weapon
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------19 | Triple Sonic
| Rush
| 3-6 physical hits
| Cross Edge
| Range = Rush user's weapon
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------20 | Irregular Step | Trick Hit
| 9-18 physical hits
| Rapid Move
| Range = Trick Hit user's weapon
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------21 | Thunder Whip
| Thunder
| 6-12 magic hits, thunder elemental
| Temperor
| May cause paralysis
| Radius 1
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------22 | Aerial
| Fire
| 4-8 magic hits, wind elemental
| Storm
| May cause sleep
| Single target
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------23 | Flame Bullet
| Fireball
| 4-7 magic hits, fire elemental
| Wind
| Lowers STR
| Radius 1
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------24 | Muspelzheimr
| Fire
| 8-16 magic hits, fire elemental
| Thunder
| Single target
| Black Mist
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------25 | Shadow Burn
| Earth Needle
| 5-10 magic hits, dark elemental
| Dark Flame
| May cause blindness
| Radius 1
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------26 | Pile Bunker
| Meteor Impact
| 4-8 physical hits
| Rapid Move
| Lowers VIT
| Range = Meteor Impact user's weapon
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------27 | Tetra Bolt
| Spark Shot
| 15-30 magic hits, earth elemental
| Temperor
| Lowers VIT
| Single target
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------28 | Holy Storm
| Ascension Shower | 7-14 magic hits, light elemental
| Storm
| Radius 1
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------29 | Eruption
| Fireball
| 12-24 magic hits, fire elemental
| Dark Flame
| Lowers STR
| Radius 1

30 | Hati
| Storm
| 8-14 mixed hits, wind elemental
| Void Shock
| May cause poison and paralysis
| Ice Vein
| Radius 1
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------31 | Ankh Glaive
| Temperor
| 7-13 mixed hits, earth elemental
| Earth Spike
| May cause sleep
| Burst Hit
| Radius 1
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------32 | Hunter Killer
| Cross Edge
| 7-7 physical hits
| Critical Charge | Chance to steal
| Steal
| Range = Cross Edge user's weapon
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------33 | Deep Stab
| Cross Edge
| 10-20 physical hits
| Meteor Impact
| Lowers INT
| Critical Charge | Range = Cross Edge user's weapon
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------34 | Blood Sucker
| Drain Energy
| 4-11 mixed hits, dark elemental
| Glacier
| Drains HP
| Steal
| Single target
| Impulse
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------35 | Cross Blade
| Vanish Strike
| 3-3 physical hits
| Issen
| Line 5, multi-directional
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------36 | Meltdown
| Atomic Hole
| 1-2 magic hits, dark elemental
| Gravity
| Lowers all attributes
| Radius 2
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------37 | Thor Hammer
| Spark Shot
| 18-33 mixed hits, thunder elemental
| Thunder Spike
| May cause paralysis
| Issen
| Radius 1
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------38 | Elemental Call | Fire
| 16-32 magic hits
| Ice Needle
| Single target
| Thunder
| Wind
| Earth Needle
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------39 | Joint Break
| Critical Charge | 12-24 physical hits
| Square Cross
| Range = Critical Charge user's wpn.
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------40 | Bullet Shell
| Cross Edge
| 15-30 physical hits
| Rush Beat
| Lowers AGI
| Range = Cross Edge user's weapon
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------41 | Deadly Dance
| Rapid Move
| 18-36 physical hits
| Shadow Sting
| Range = Rapid Move user's weapon
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------42 | Photon Spark
| Spark Shot
| 14-28 magic hits, wind elemental
| Blizzard
| Radius 1
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------43 | Frozen Ray
| Glacier
| 12-24 magic hits, water elemental
| Ray
| Single target
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------44 | Ark Ray
| Ray
| 8-16 magic hits, light elemental

| Dark Ray
| Single target
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------45 | Crimson Storm
| Crimson Edge
| 9-18 magic hits, thunder elemental
| Tornado
| Single target
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------46 | Execution
| Double Edge
| 24-48 physical hits
| Cross Edge
| Range = Double Edge user's weapon
| Square Cross
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------47 | Gore Crush
| Power Attack
| 5-10 physical hits
| Meteor Impact
| Range = Power Attack user's weapon
| Deadly Blow
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------48 | Axel Rave
| Rush
| 36-72 physical hits
| Rapid Move
| Range = Rush user's weapon
| Rush Beat
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------49 | Mirage Force
| Trick Hit
| 26-52 physical hits
| Critical Charge | Range = Trick Hit user's weapon
| Shadow Sting
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------50 | Explosion
| Fire
| 12-24 magic hits, fire elemental
| Fireball
| Lowers STR and VIT
| Crimson Edge
| Radius 2
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------51 | Avalanche
| Ice Needle
| 15-30 magic hits, water elemental
| Glacier
| May cause poison
| Blizzard
| Radius 2
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------52 | Thunderstorm
| Thunder
| 18-36 magic hits, thunder elemental
| Spark Shot
| May cause paralysis
| Lightning
| Radius 2
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------53 | Cyclone
| Wind
| 16-32 magic hits, wind elemental
| Storm
| May cause sleep
| Tornado
| Radius 2
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------54 | Earthquake
| Earth Needle
| 14-28 magic hits, earth elemental
| Temperor
| Lowers VIT and AGI
| Stone Shower
| Radius 3
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------55 | Grand Cross
| Black Mist
| 20-40 magic hits, dark elemental
| Dark Flame
| May cause blindness
| Dark Ray
| Radius 2
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------56 | Earth Nova
| Ascension
| 20-40 magic hits, light elemental
| Ascension Shower | Radius 2
| Ray
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------57 | Meteor Blow
| Rush
| 4-12 physical hits
| Meteor Impact
| Burst effect
| Deadly Blow
| Range = Rush user's weapon
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------58 | Cocytus Rage
| Blizzard
| 6-12 magic hits, water elemental
| Ascension Shower | May cause sleep
| Impulse
| Radius 1
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------59 | Dark Matter
| Black Mist
| 5-10 magic hits, dark elemental

| Drain Energy
| Drains HP
| Dark Ray
| Single target
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------60 | Grand Buster
| Rush
| 16-32 physical hits
| Deadly Blow
| Range = Rush user's weapon
| Shadow Sting
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------61 | Vorpal Buster
| Power Attack
| 11-22 physical hits
| Square Cross
| Burst effect
| Rush Beat
| Range = Power Attack user's weapon
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------62 | Status Up+
| Status Up
| Raises all attributes
| Status Up
| Single target
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------63 | Chaos Flare
| Impulse
| 5-10 magic hits, fire elemental
| Atomic Hole
| Lowers STR and VIT
| Crimson Edge
| Single target
| Stone Shower
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------64 | Turbulence
| Glacier
| 18-36 magic hits, water elemental
| Stone Shower
| Lowers AGI and INT
| Stardust
| Radius 2
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------65 | Geo Jaeger
| Blizzard
| 11-22 magic hits, thunder elemental
| Lightning
| May cause paralysis
| Tornado
| Radius 2
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------66 | Raging Storm
| Crimson Edge
| 20-40 magic hits, wind elemental
| Lightning
| May cause sleep
| Stardust
| Radius 1
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------67 | Calamity Storm | Tornado
| 26-52 magic hits, earth elemental
| Lightning
| May cause poison
| Stone Shower
| Radius 2
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------68 | Judgment
| Ascension
| 9-18 magic hits, light elemental
| Ray
| May cause death
| Impulse
| Radius 2
| Atomic Hole
| Stardust
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------69 | Frost Blaze
| Glacier
| 6-12 mixed hits, water elemental
| Fireball
| May cause sleep
| Icicle Attack
| Radius 1
| Flame Edge
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------70 | Qutuga
| Blast
| 18-27 mixed hits, dark elemental
| Charged Blast
| Radius 1
| Dark Flame
| Meteor Impact
| Atomic Hole
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------71 | Gloria
| Sanctuary
| Heals
| Heal
| Radius 3 from Sanctuary user
| Advanced Heal
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------72 | Abyssal Fear
| Drain Energy
| 12-24 magic hits, dark elemental
| Dark Ray
| May cause blindness and death
| Gravity
| Radius 2

| Atomic Hole
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------73 | Cruel Force
| Double Edge
| 6-12 physical hits
| Cross Edge
| May cause death
| Square Cross
| Range = Double Edge user's weapon
| Power Attack
| Meteor Impact
| Deadly Blow
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------74 | Fanatic Rave
| Rush
| 44-88 physical hits
| Rapid Move
| Range = Rush user's weapon
| Rush Beat
| Trick Hit
| Critical Charge |
| Shadow Sting
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------75 | Annihilating
| Shining Strike | 8-16 physical hits
| Circle
| Divine Attack
| Range = Shadow Attack user's weapon
| Shadow Attack
| Nightmare
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------76 | Genesis Wave
| Charged Blast
| 7-14 physical hits
| Solid Caliber
| Radius 2
| Vanish Strike
| Issen
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------77 | Thousand Kill
| Rush Beat
| 33-66 physical hits
| Square Cross
| May cause death
| Deadly Blow
| Range = Square Cross user's weapon
| Shadow Sting
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------78 | Angelic Howl
| Cross Edge
| 16-27 mixed hits, light elemental
| Ascension Shower | Radius 2
| Sonic Wave
| Solid Caliber
| Atomic Hole
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------79 | Flame Seal
| Fireball
| 36-51 mixed hits, fire elemental
| Storm
| May cause poison
| Crimson Attack | Single target
| Storm Attack
| Critical Charge |
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------80 | Thunder Seal
| Spark Shot
| 36-63 mixed hits, thunder elemental
| Temperor
| May cause paralysis
| Lightning Attack | Single target
| Rapid Move
| Gaia Attack
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------81 | Prison Dead
| Storm Attack
| 15-30 physical hits
| Icicle Attack
| May cause blindness
| Lightning Attack | Range = Crimson Attack user's wpn.
| Crimson Attack |
| Gaia Attack
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------82 | Genesis End
| Blast
| 16-32 physical hits
| Sonic Wave
| Radius 2
| Issen
| Charged Blast
| Solid Caliber

| Vanish Strike
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------83 | A-Fierceness
| Divine Attack
| 36-57 mixed hits
| Nightmare
| Radius 2 from Shadow Attack user
| Shining Strike |
| Shadow Attack
| Stardust
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------84 | Arc-En-Ciel
| Crimson Edge
| 4-8 magic hits
| Blizzard
| Radius 2
| Tornado
| Lightning
| Stone Shower
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------85 | Ragnarok
| Stardust
| 1-2 magic hits
| Atomic Hole
| Radius 2
| Impulse
| Gravity
| Ray
| Dark Ray
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------86 | Extra Stream
| Shine Storm
| 10 mixed hits, light elemental
| Deadly Drive
| May cause blindness
| Radius 3
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------87 | Calamity Blast | Dark Vanish
| 24 hits
| Ozone Heat
| Radius 1
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------88 | Turn Pike
| Broken Knuckles | 8 hits
| Canyon Climb
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------89 | Void Scream
| Dark Fear
| 15 hits
| Deadly Drive
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------90 | Rose Whip
| Sand Storm
| 30 hits
| Raising Dance
| Radius 2
| Water Dragon
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------91 | Hell's Scream
| Hold Shot
| 23 hits
| Sand Storm
| Blaze Storm
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------92 | B-Fang
| Tusk Blade
| 6 hits
| Dark Vanish
| Blaze Storm
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------93 | Storm Blazer
| Earth Hole
| 42 hits
| Spiral Shot
| Flame Mist
| Sand Storm
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------94 | Death Penalty
| Sidewinder
| 21 hits
| Wind-Fissure
| Strike
| Aqua Blast
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------95 | Fairy's Kiss
| Shine Storm
| 8 hits

| Rainstorm
| Sunshine
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------96 | Phantom Blast
| Rebellion
| 13 hits
| Dark Vanish
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------97 | Forced Impact
| F-Burst
| 25 hits
| Sidewinder
| Dark Vanish
| Raging Blast
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------98 | L-Claw
| Broken Knuckles | 13 hits
| Wind Wolf
| Crusher
| Amber Crusher
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------99 | Love Passion
| Hurricane Field | 1 hit
| Sidewinder
| Blaze Drive
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------100 | Dangerous Dance | Blast Edge
| 31 hits
| Six Realms Fall |
| Sand Storm
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------101 | Green Zone
| Water Dragon
| 9 hits
| Magic Light
| Field
| Green Nova
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------102 | Photon Quake
| Green Nova
| 62 hits
| Wind-Fissure
| Strike
| Mellifluous
| Gleam
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------103 | Black Hole
| Nebula Stream
| 3 hits
| Six Realms Fall | Radius 4
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------104 | White Hole
| S-Explosion
| 18 hits
| Carnage Drive
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------105 | S-Harvest
| Inferno Rush
| 38 hits
| Carnage Drive
| Sunshine
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------106 | Rainbow Stream | Ozone Heat
| 38 hits
| Storm Fencer
| Rainbow Dance
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------107 | Crimson Flare
| Shine Storm
| 18 hits
| Sacred Cluster |
| Six Realms Fall |
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------108 | Stardust Fall
| Stardust Break | 43 hits
| Rainbow Dance
| C-Rejuvenation |

109 | Planet Arrow

| Prism Break
| 13 hits
| Crack Shoot
| Six Realms Fall |
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------110 | Aqua Blaze
| Canyon Climb
| 24 hits
| Rainstorm
| Aqua Mind
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------111 | P-Driver
| Lightning Blaze | 15 hits
| Resonance Wave |
| Overflow
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------112 | Satellite Bomb | Cosmic Drive
| 15 hits
| Rainstorm
| Thunder Clap
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------113 | C-Disaster
| C-Blast
| 15 hits
| Thunder Spark
| C-Cluster
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------114 | Fairy Dive
| Resonance Wave | 24 hits
| Diamond Dust
| Thunder Spark
| Shine Storm
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------115 | Shooting Star
| C-Cluster
| 19 hits
| Magic Light
| Field
| Nebula Stream
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------116 | Kamikaze Rocket | Canyon Climb
| 5 hits
| Compressor
| Lightning Arrow |
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------117 | Active Laser
| Lightning Arrow | 30 hits
| Thunder Clap
| Mellifluous
| Gleam
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------118 | T-Strike
| Thunder Clap
| 6 hits
| Lightning Shot |
| Nova Strike
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------119 | D-Driver
| Wind Wolf
| 9 hits
| Crusher
| Amber Crusher
| Electrocute
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------120 | Thunderstorm
| Compressor
| 28 hits
| Strike
| Hurricane Field |
| Spell Drive
| Lightning Arrow |
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------121 | Arcana Strike
| Ruby Dance
| 50 hits
| Sacred Cluster |
| Evil Purifier
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------122 | Prison Disaster | Nebula Stream
| 70 hits
| Electrocute
| May cause all status ailments
| Prism Break
| Radius 3

----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------123 | Blade Arts

| Crux Judgment
| 48 hits
| C-Blast
| Carnage Drive
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------124 | B-Inferno
| F-Burst
| 68 hits
| Lightning Blaze | Lowers all attributes
| Inferno Rush
| Radius 2
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------125 | S-Strike
| Amber Crusher
| 10 hits
| Overflow
| Line 2
| Crack Shoot
| Spiral Shot
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------126 | A-Break
| Nova Strike
| 30 hits
| C-Cluster
| C-Blast
| Cosmic Drive
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------127 | Genesis Drive
| Inferno Rush
| 72 hits
| Blaze Drive
| S-Explosion
| Carnage Drive
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------128 | Genesis Blaze
| Shining Blaze
| 44 hits
| Storm Fencer
| Stardust Break |
| Prism Break
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------129 | S-Crimson
| F-Blaze
| 71 hits
| Sacred Cluster |
| Ruby Dance
| Evil Purifier
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------130 | Traitorous
| Rebellion
| 30 hits
| Avenger
| Storm Fencer
| C-Disaster
| Shining Blaze
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------131 | E-Infinity
| Final Break
| 42 hits
| C-Rejuvenation | May cause all status ailments
| Catastrophe
| Radius 4
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------132 | Southern Cross | Magic Light
| 36 hits
| Field
| Lowers all attributes
| Nebula Stream
| Catastrophe
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------133 | Lost Infinity
| C-Rejuvenation | 16 hits
| Shining Blaze
| Lowers all attributes
| Catastrophe
| Radius 3
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------134 | Life Stream
| Saint Flare
| 48 hits
| C-Rejuvenation | Lowers SP
| Six Realms Fall |
| Nebula Stream
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------135 | Stasis Sword
| Wind Wolf
| 66 hits
| Crusher
| Avidya Seal

----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------136 | Lunatic Dance

| Musou Ba-Gua
| 66 hits
| Overflow
| Mellifluous
| Gleam
| Nebula Stream
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------137 | Wind Breaker
| Feather Stream | 21 hits
| Lightning Blaze |
| Diamond Dust
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------138 | Satellite Fall | Electrocute
| 16 hits
| Snipe Shot
| Thunder Clap
| Amber Crusher
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------139 | Cyclone of
| Cosmic Drive
| 44 hits
| Carnage
| Catastrophe
| C-Disaster
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------140 | Zillion Shoot
| Rebellion
| 100 hits
| Barrage
| Arc Shot
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------141 | Final Dance
| Wind Wolf
| 132 hits
| Crusher
| Stardust Break |
| Dance of Ruby
| Avidya Seal
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------142 | Deep Strike
| Final Break
| 33 hits
| Arc Blast
| Avidya Seal
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------143 | Quintet March
| Avidya Seal
| 88 hits
| Mellifluous
| Lowers SP
| Gleam
| Lightning Blaze |
| Arc Blast
| Overflow
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------144 | Pink Poison
| Musou Ba-Gua
| 57 hits
| Thunder Clap
| May cause all status ailments
| Feather Stream |
| Rainstorm
| Diamond Dust
| Force Blaze
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------145 | Bolero of
| Crux Judgment
| 15 hits
| Passion
| Arc Blast
| Final Break
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------146 | Final Shot
| Crux Judgment
| 36 hits
| Rebellion
| C-Disaster
| Final Break
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------147 | A-End
| F-Burst
| 102 hits
| Shining Blaze
| Rebellion

| C-Rejuvenation |
| Six Realms Fall |
| C-Disaster
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------148 | U-Formation
| Catastrophe
| 152 hits
| F-Blaze
| Radius 4
| Blaze Drive
| Nova Strike
| Final Break
| Shining Blaze
----+------------------+------------------+-----------------------------------149 | Big Bang
| Six Realms Fall | 1 hit
| Green Nova
| Radius 4
| C-Rejuvenation |
| S-Explosion
| Mellifluous
| Gleam
| Evil Purifier
C. Adventurer's Guild
1. Skill Recipes
A list of all the skills and the materials and Gold required to research them.
All skills are registered to the shop when created.
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Double Edge
| Long Sword
| Corsesca
| 750 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Power Attack
| Zweihander
| Hammer
| 750 G
| Spata
| Bone Knuckles
| 750 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Trick Hit
| Baselard
| Bone Scythe
| 750 G
| Broom Wand
| Element of Flame
| 750 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Ice Needle
| Broom Wand
| Element of Ice
| 750 G
| Broom Wand
| Element of Thunder
| 750 G
| Broom Wand
| Element of Wind
| 750 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Earth Needle
| Broom Wand
| Element of Earth

| 750 G
| Grass
| Divine Branch
| 500 G
| Cure Grass
| Divine Branch
| 500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Accuracy Gain
| Blind Guard
| Shell Bracelet
| 1500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Evasion Gain
| Blind Guard
| Ring of Luck
| 1500 G
| Staff of Blessing
| Ring of Luck
| 2500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Merciful Strike
| Double Edge
| Power Attack
| Rush
| Trick Hit
| 2000 G
| Longhorn
| Shotgun
| Poison Guard
| 3000 G
| Merciful Strike
| Capture
| Moonring Blade
| 2500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Power Up
| Paralysis Guard
| Ring of Power
| 1500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Magic Up
| Holy Symbol
| Intelligence Ring
| 1500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Speed Up
| Sleep Guard
| Ring of Speed
| 1500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Stamina Up
| Poison Guard
| Ring of Stamina
| 1500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Flame Edge
| Fire
| Double Edge
| Body of Flame
| 2000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Ice Vein
| Ice Needle

| Double Edge
| Body of Ice
| 2000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Thunder Spike
| Thunder
| Rush
| Body of Thunder
| 2000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Void Shock
| Wind
| Trick Hit
| Body of Wind
| 2000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Earth Spike
| Earth Needle
| Power Attack
| Body of Earth
| 2000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Black Mist
| Broom Wand
| Darkness Element
| 1000 G
| Broom Wand
| Element of Light
| 1000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Shadow Attack
| Black Mist
| Power Attack
| Body of Darkness
| 2500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Shining Strike
| Ascension
| Trick Hit
| Body of Light
| 2500 G
| Black Mist
| Ascension
| 2000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Burst Hit
| Buster Gun
| Crush Sword
| Stone Ring
| 3000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Sonic Wave
| Rapier
| Harpoon
| Silver Break
| 3000 G
| Spiked Hammer
| Silver Knuckles
| Silver Gun
| 3000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Vanish Strike
| Sonic Wave
| Blast
| Chozurimaru
| Halberd

| 10,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Cross Edge
| Double Edge
| Silver Sword
| Silver Spear
| Moonring Blade
| 5000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Meteor Impact
| Power Attack
| Silver Blade
| Silver Rod
| Assault Cannon
| 5000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Rapid Move
| Rush
| Silver Knife
| Silver Scythe
| Adaka
| 5000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Critical Charge
| Trick Hit
| Silver Break
| Rondel Dagger
| Shield Sword
| 5000 G
| Flame Spear
| Flame Knuckles
| Fire Bird
| Crystal of Flame
| 5000 G
| Ice Lance
| Ice Hand
| Ice Breaker
| Crystal of Ice
| 5000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Spark Shot
| Bolt Lance
| Thunder Bagh Nakh
| Thunder Break
| Crystal of Thunder
| 5000 G
| Wind Spear
| Air Break
| Wind Break
| Crystal of Wind
| 5000 G
| Glaive
| Gaia Claw
| Sol Breaker
| Crystal of Earth
| 5000 G
| Stone of Life
| Unicorn Horn
| Body of Light
| 3000 G

---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Harvest Heal
| Staff of Healing
| Recovery Grass
| Crystal of Earth
| 5000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Light Heal
| Heal
| Recovery Herb
| Body of Light
| 5000 G
| Prayer
| Ring of Fate
| Charm of Force
| 7500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Dark Flame
| Headhunting Scythe
| Demonic Scythe
| Dark Crystal
| 5500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Ascension Shower
| Mauler Blade
| Mystic
| Crystal of Light
| 5500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Atomic Hole
| Impulse
| Chain Knuckles
| Magic Stone Piece
| 7500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Drain Energy
| Executioner
| Inescapable Grasp
| Dark Crystal
| 10,000 G
| Thunder Guard
| Hard Shell
| Accuracy Gain
| Evasion Gain
| 10,000 G
| Vanish Strike
| Burst Hit
| Platinum Rod
| 10,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Solid Caliber
| Sonic Wave
| Platinum Sword
| Stiletto
| 12,500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Charged Blast
| Blast
| Sledge Hammer
| Bone Shooter
| 12,500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Power Up+
| Power Up
| Flame Guard
| Platinum Bracelet

| Extra Strength Ring

| 7500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Magic Up+
| Magic Up
| Ice Guard
| Platinum Bangle
| Ring of Wisdom
| 7500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Speed Up+
| Speed Up
| Wind Guard
| Platinum Bangle
| Ring of Swift Wind
| 7500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Stamina Up+
| Stamina Up
| Earth Guard
| Platinum Bracelet
| Ring of Tenacity
| 7500 G
| Drain Energy
| Reverse Katana
| Bone Shooter
| Bracelet of Requiem
| 15,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Status Up
| Power Up
| Magic Up
| Speed Up
| Stamina Up
| 15,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Cure All
| Refresh
| Phantom Bracelet
| Refresh Herb
| 10,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Advanced Heal
| Light Heal
| Ring of Force
| 15,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Square Cross
| Cross Edge
| Owl Rapier
| Platinum Spear
| 15,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Deadly Blow
| Meteor Impact
| Platinum Blade
| Platinum Gun
| 15,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Rush Beat
| Rapid Move
| Platinum Knife
| Platinum Knuckles
| 15,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Shadow Sting
| Critical Charge
| Platinum Scythe
| Platinum Break

| 15,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Crimson Attack
| Mithril Break
| Red Sauvage
| Fireseal Sword
| Raika
| 15,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Icicle Attack
| Mithril Spear
| Marine Rouge
| Iceseal Sword
| Hiryu
| 15,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Lightning Attack
| Mithril Knuckles
| Moon Guard
| Thunderseal Sword
| Gekko
| 15,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Storm Attack
| Mithril Sword
| Dream Hazard
| Windseal Sword
| Fuma
| 15,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Gaia Attack
| Mithril Gun
| Guard Frame
| Earthseal Sword
| Saiga
| 15,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Crimson Edge
| Estoc
| Kokihi
| Flame Rod
| Flare Barrel
| 15,000 G
| Mithril Rod
| Seiheki
| Ice Rod
| Aqua Scythe
| 15,000 G
| Mithril Knife
| Dokko
| Rising Rod
| Photon Edge
| 15,000 G
| Mithril Break
| Urayanagi
| Gale Spike
| Void Scythe
| 15,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Stone Shower
| Mithril Scythe
| Kuchiba
| Cradle Wand
| Dignor

| 15,000 G
| Dark Flame
| Crusher
| Shadow Blaster
| 17,500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Divine Attack
| Ascension Shower
| Moon Crusher
| Testament
| 17,500 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Dark Ray
| Phantom Sword
| Calamity Spike
| Mithril Rod
| Magic Stone Piece
| 17,500 G
| Lightbringer
| Luna's Wand
| Mithril Rod
| Magic Stone Piece
| 17,500 G
| Atomic Hole
| Tri-Guard
| Damascus
| Meteoric Iron
| 20,000 G
| Harvest Heal
| Ogre Ring
| Generation Crystal
| 25,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Extra Heal
| Advanced Heal
| Dragon Ring
| Lapis Noster
| Unicorn Horn
| 25,000 G
| Resurrect
| Sanctuary
| Extra Heal
| Generation Crystal
| 30,000 G
2. Equipment
A list of all the equippable items that can be purchased with TP and the items
into which they can be converted.
-----------------------------+------------+---------+-------------------------Crush Sword
| Sword
| 100
| Impulse of Havoc
-----------------------------+------------+---------+-------------------------Moonring Blade
| Breaker
| 100
| Large Cart Wheel
-----------------------------+------------+---------+-------------------------Headhunting Scythe
| Scythe
| 100
| MAG +130
-----------------------------+------------+---------+-------------------------Shield Sword
| Dagger
| 150
| VIT +17

| Rod
| 150
| Spell Book
| Knuckles | 150
| Spiked Guard
-----------------------------+------------+---------+-------------------------Assault Cannon
| Gun
| 150
| Assault Barrel
-----------------------------+------------+---------+-------------------------Demonic Scythe
| Scythe
| 150
| RST +80
| Greatsword | 250
| Broad Blade
-----------------------------+------------+---------+-------------------------Bird Eye
| Armor
| 250
| Eagle's Wing
-----------------------------+------------+---------+-------------------------Magic Frame
| Armor
| 250
| Resist HP Drain
-----------------------------+------------+---------+-------------------------Dancing Sword
| Breaker
| 300
| Fairy Score
-----------------------------+------------+---------+-------------------------Battle Frame
| Armor
| 300
| Battle Memory
| Greatsword | 350
| Heavyweight Hilt
-----------------------------+------------+---------+-------------------------Magic Blade
| Rod
| 350
| Magic Stone
| Gun
| 350
| Dual Frame
| Spear
| 400
| Badge of Liberty
-----------------------------+------------+---------+-------------------------Kamaitachi Arm
| Scythe
| 400
| Kamaitachi Ointment
-----------------------------+------------+---------+-------------------------Sword of Kings
| Sword
| 500
| DEF +225
| Dagger
| 500
| Sharp Edge
| Spear
| 500
| Axe Blade
-----------------------------+------------+---------+-------------------------Magic Hand
| Knuckles | 500
| Orb of Magic Power
-----------------------------+------------+---------+-------------------------Halper Scythe
| Scythe
| 2500
| ATK +750
D. Smithing List
A comprehensive list of the items the blacksmith can make with alchemy. He can
only make items if you have collected their recipes from crafting manuals.
1. Weapons
A list of all the weapons that can be created, the materials and Gold required
to create them, the items into which they can be converted, and whether or not
they are registered to the shop when created.
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Long Sword
| Sword
| Iron Sword
| ATK +100
| Yes
| Horn of Devilkin |
| 500 G
| Sword
| Fleuret
| RST +50
| Yes
| Protection of Wing |
| 500 G
| Greatsword | Iron Blade
| Two-Edged Blade | Yes
| Beast Claw

| 500 G
| Dagger
| Knife Blade
| Knife Hilt
| Yes
| Poison Needle
| 500 G
| Spear
| Iron Spear
| Spear Blade
| Yes
| Beastly Protector |
| 500 G
| Rod
| Iron Stick
| ATK +100
| Yes
| Magic Broom
| 500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Staff of Healing | Rod
| Broom Wand
| Holy Dew
| Yes
| Polygama Branch
| Crab Brain
| Grimoire
| 750 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Bone Knuckles
| Knuckles | Knuckle Guard
| DEF +50
| Yes
| Bone of the Dead |
| 500 G
| Breaker
| Iron Break
| DEF +50
| Yes
| Horn of Devilkin |
| 500 G
| Gun
| Handgun
| Long Barrel
| Yes
| Horn of Devilkin |
| Beast Claw
| 500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Bone Scythe
| Scythe
| Scythe Hilt
| Skeleton
| Yes
| Bone of the Dead | Necklace
| 500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Silver Sword
| Sword
| Long Sword
| Silver Bullion | Yes
| Silver Bullion
| 1500 G
| Sword
| Spata
| RST +70
| Yes
| Silver Bullion
| 1500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Silver Blade
| Greatsword | Zweihander
| Silver Bullion | Yes
| Silver Bullion
| 1500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Silver Knife
| Dagger
| Iron Knife
| Silver Bullion | Yes
| Silver Bullion
| 1500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Silver Spear
| Spear
| Corsesca
| Silver Bullion | Yes
| Silver Bullion
| 1500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Silver Rod
| Rod
| Iron Rod
| Silver Bullion | Yes
| Silver Bullion
| 1500 G

------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Silver Knuckles | Knuckles | Iron Knuckles

| Silver Bullion | Yes
| Silver Bullion
| 1500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Silver Break
| Breaker
| Iron Break
| Silver Bullion | Yes
| Silver Bullion
| 1500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Silver Gun
| Gun
| Handgun
| Silver Bullion | Yes
| Silver Bullion
| 1500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Silver Scythe
| Scythe
| Iron Scythe
| Silver Bullion | Yes
| Silver Bullion
| 1500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Rondel Dagger
| Dagger
| Baselard
| MAG +130
| Yes
| Sharp Fang
| 1500 G
| Spear
| Corcesca
| DEF +130
| Yes
| Polygama Branch
| 1500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Spiked Hammer
| Rod
| Hammer
| ATK +130
| Yes
| Nightmare Stone
| 1500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Gold Finger
| Knuckles | Bone Knuckles
| Gold Medallion | No
| Knuckle Guard
| Alluvial Gold
| Bone Powder
| 2500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Buster Gun
| Gun
| Shotgun
| ATK +130
| Yes
| Grip
| Element of Flame |
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Mauler Blade
| Sword
| Staff of Healing | INT +12
| No
| Divine Branch
| Bug Whistle
| 2500 G
| Sword
| Long Sword
| Fiberglass
| No
| Thin Edge
| Sharp Fang
| 2500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Lucky Dagger
| Dagger
| Knife Blade
| LUK +17
| No
| Knife Hilt
| Ring of Luck
| Mysterious Box
| 2000 G
| Spear
| Spear Shaft
| Battle Axe
| No
| Spear Blade
| Lizard Tongue
| 2000 G

------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Staff of Blessing | Rod

| Staff of Healing | Lucky Coin
| No
| Chicken Egg
| Contract
| 2500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Quick Turn
| Breaker
| Blade
| AGI +17
| No
| Large Cart Wheel |
| 2000 G
| Greatsword | Heavyweight Blade | STR +20
| No
| Two-Edged Blade
| Relic of Dead
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Fireseal Sword
| Sword
| Long Sword
| Body of Flame
| Yes
| Spata
| Element of Flame |
| 2000 G
| Dagger
| Silver Knife
| Body of Flame
| Yes
| Rondel Dagger
| Element of Flame |
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Flame Spear
| Spear
| Silver Spear
| Body of Flame
| Yes
| Harpoon
| Element of Flame |
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Flame Rod
| Rod
| Silver Rod
| Body of Flame
| Yes
| Spiked Hammer
| Element of Flame |
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Flame Knuckles
| Knuckles | Bone Knuckles
| Body of Flame
| Yes
| Silver Knuckles
| Element of Flame |
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Fire Bird
| Breaker
| Longhorn
| Body of Flame
| Yes
| Silver Break
| Element of Flame |
| 2000 G
| Gun
| Silver Gun
| Body of Flame
| Yes
| Buster Gun
| Element of Flame |
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Flare Barrel
| Scythe
| Bone Scythe
| Body of Flame
| Yes
| Silver Scythe
| Element of Flame |
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Iceseal Sword
| Sword
| Long Sword
| Body of Ice
| Yes
| Spata
| Element of Ice
| 2000 G


| Dagger
| Silver Knife
| Body of Ice
| Yes
| Rondel Dagger
| Element of Ice
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Ice Lance
| Spear
| Silver Spear
| Body of Ice
| Yes
| Harpoon
| Element of Ice
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Ice Rod
| Rod
| Silver Rod
| Body of Ice
| Yes
| Spiked Hammer
| Element of Ice
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Ice Hand
| Knuckles | Bone Knuckles
| Body of Ice
| Yes
| Silver Knuckles
| Element of Ice
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Ice Breaker
| Breaker
| Longhorn
| Body of Ice
| Yes
| Silver Break
| Element of Ice
| 2000 G
| Gun
| Silver Gun
| Body of Ice
| Yes
| Buster Gun
| Element of Ice
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Aqua Scythe
| Scythe
| Bone Scythe
| Body of Ice
| Yes
| Silver Scythe
| Element of Ice
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Thunderseal Sword | Sword
| Long Sword
| Body of Thunder | Yes
| Spata
| Element of Thunder |
| 2000 G
| Dagger
| Silver Knife
| Body of Thunder | Yes
| Rondel Dagger
| Element of Thunder |
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Bolt Lance
| Spear
| Silver Spear
| Body of Thunder | Yes
| Harpoon
| Element of Thunder |
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Rising Rod
| Rod
| Silver Rod
| Body of Thunder | Yes
| Spiked Hammer
| Element of Thunder |
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Thunder Bagh Nakh | Knuckles | Bone Knuckles
| Body of Thunder | Yes
| Silver Knuckles
| Element of Thunder |
| 2000 G

Thunder Break

| Breaker
| Longhorn
| Body of Thunder | Yes
| Silver Break
| Element of Thunder |
| 2000 G
| Gun
| Silver Gun
| Body of Thunder | Yes
| Buster Gun
| Element of Thunder |
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Photon Edge
| Scythe
| Bone Scythe
| Body of Thunder | Yes
| Silver Scythe
| Element of Thunder |
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Windseal Sword
| Sword
| Long Sword
| Body of Wind
| Yes
| Spata
| Element of Wind
| 2000 G
| Dagger
| Silver Knife
| Body of Wind
| Yes
| Rondel Dagger
| Element of Wind
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Wind Spear
| Spear
| Silver Spear
| Body of Wind
| Yes
| Harpoon
| Element of Wind
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Gale Spike
| Rod
| Silver Rod
| Body of Wind
| Yes
| Spiked Hammer
| Element of Wind
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Air Break
| Knuckles | Bone Knuckles
| Body of Wind
| Yes
| Silver Knuckles
| Element of Wind
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Wind Break
| Breaker
| Longhorn
| Body of Wind
| Yes
| Silver Break
| Element of Wind
| 2000 G
| Gun
| Silver Gun
| Body of Wind
| Yes
| Buster Gun
| Element of Wind
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Void Scythe
| Scythe
| Bone Scythe
| Body of Wind
| Yes
| Silver Scythe
| Element of Wind
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Earthseal Sword | Sword
| Long Sword
| Body of Earth
| Yes
| Spata
| Element of Earth |
| 2000 G


| Dagger
| Silver Knife
| Body of Earth
| Yes
| Rondel Dagger
| Element of Earth |
| 2000 G
| Spear
| Silver Spear
| Body of Earth
| Yes
| Harpoon
| Element of Earth |
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Cradle Wand
| Rod
| Silver Rod
| Body of Earth
| Yes
| Spiked Hammer
| Element of Earth |
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Gaia Claw
| Knuckles | Bone Knuckles
| Body of Earth
| Yes
| Silver Knuckles
| Element of Earth |
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Sol Breaker
| Breaker
| Longhorn
| Body of Earth
| Yes
| Silver Break
| Element of Earth |
| 2000 G
| Gun
| Silver Gun
| Body of Earth
| Yes
| Buster Gun
| Element of Earth |
| 2000 G
| Scythe
| Bone Scythe
| Body of Earth
| Yes
| Silver Scythe
| Element of Earth |
| 2000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Platinum Sword
| Sword
| Silver Sword
| Platinum Bullion | Yes
| Platinum Bullion |
| 4000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Platinum Blade
| Greatsword | Silver Blade
| Platinum Bullion | Yes
| Platinum Bullion |
| 4000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Platinum Knife
| Dagger
| Silver Knife
| Platinum Bullion | Yes
| Platinum Bullion |
| 4000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Platinum Spear
| Spear
| Silver Spear
| Platinum Bullion | Yes
| Platinum Bullion |
| 4000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Platinum Knuckles | Knuckles | Silver Knuckles
| Platinum Bullion | Yes
| Platinum Bullion |
| 4000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Platinum Break
| Breaker
| Silver Break
| Platinum Bullion | Yes
| Platinum Bullion |
| 4000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Platinum Gun
| Gun
| Silver Gun
| Platinum Bullion | Yes

| Platinum Bullion |
| 4000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Platinum Scythe | Scythe
| Silver Scythe
| Platinum Bullion | Yes
| Platinum Bullion |
| 4000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Owl Rapier
| Sword
| Rapier
| DEF +120
| Yes
| Platinum Bullion |
| 4000 G
| Dagger
| Rondel Dagger
| RST +230
| Yes
| Poison Needle
| 4000 G
| Spear
| Harpoon
| ATK +230
| Yes
| Pole-Axe
| Body of Earth
| Platinum Bullion |
| 5000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Platinum Rod
| Rod
| Silver Rod
| Platinum Bullion | Yes
| Platinum Bullion |
| 4000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Sledge Hammer
| Rod
| Spiked Hammer
| ATK +230
| Yes
| Oak Rod
| 4000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Chain Knuckles
| Knuckles | Gold Finger
| DEF +120
| Yes
| Lizard Tail
| 5500 G
| Scythe
| Headhunting Scythe | Bloody Blade
| Yes
| Mask of Berserker |
| 6000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Reverse Katana
| Sword
| Iron Blade
| White Edge
| No
| Fiberglass
| Meteoric Iron
| Iron Mass
| 7500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Sword Breaker
| Dagger
| Crush Sword
| Unbreakable Edge | No
| Shield Sword
| Mask of Berserker |
| 7000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Inescapable Grasp | Knuckles | Gold Finger
| Fetter Chain
| No
| Poisonous Pollen |
| Slough of Snake
| Sorcerer Cert.
| 6500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Ankh Horn
| Breaker
| Longhorn
| DEF +150
| No
| Beast Bone
| Mask of Berserker |
| 8500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Bone Shooter
| Gun
| Buster Gun
| ATK +260
| No

| Relic of Dead
| Heart Stone
| 8500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Unicorn Sword
| Sword
| Mauler Blade
| INT +20
| No
| Holy Dew
| Unicorn Horn
| Tree Spirit Soul |
| 8500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Phantom Sword
| Sword
| Chozurimaru
| STR +20
| No
| Impulse of Havoc |
| Body of Darkness |
| Damascus
| 8500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Triple Dagger
| Dagger
| Lucky Dagger
| Triple Blades
| No
| Spiked Guard
| Fairy Score
| Poison Needle
| 8500 G
| Knuckles | Adaka
| DEF +175
| No
| Dead Crown
| Frozen Liquid
| 8500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Ogre Claw
| Knuckles | Inescapable Grasp | Seed of Power
| No
| Stone Ring
| Heart Stone
| 8500 G
| Breaker
| Moonring Blade
| Assassin's Book | No
| Fairy Ring
| Banishing Charm
| 8500 G
| Breaker
| Quick Turn
| AGI +30
| No
| Eagle's Wing
| Insoluble Ice
| 8500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Snipe Buster
| Gun
| Long Barrel
| Unite Scope
| No
| Assault Cannon
| Crystal Lens
| 8500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Light Bringer
| Sword
| Platinum Sword
| Spinel
| No
| Owl Rapier
| Body of Light
| Moon Fragment
| 9500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Dragon Killer
| Greatsword | Zanbato
| ATK +300
| No
| Dragon Claw
| Iron Mass
| 9500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Hunter's Blade
| Dagger
| Stiletto
| Hunter's Medal | No
| Battle Memory

| High-Grade Fur
| 9500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Beast Hunt
| Spear
| Battle Axe
| VIT +30
| No
| Damascus Spear
| Hunter's Medal
| High-Grade Fur
| 9500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Luna's Wand
| Rod
| Staff of Blessing | Moon Water
| No
| Spell Book
| Moon Fragment
| Crystal Lens
| 9500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Calamity Spike
| Rod
| Mystic
| Hammer of Wrath | No
| Oak Rod
| Slough of Snake
| Banishing Charm
| 9500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Shadow Blaster
| Gun
| Assault Barrel
| MAG +300
| No
| Grip
| Body of Darkness |
| Magic Stone Piece |
| 9500 G
| Scythe
| Broad Blade
| RST +175
| No
| Damascus
| Great Ice Pillar |
| 9500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Mithril Sword
| Sword
| Platinum Sword
| Mithril
| Yes
| Mithril
| 15,000 G
| Sword
| Owl Rapier
| Mithril
| Yes
| Mithril
| 15,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Mithril Blade
| Greatsword | Platinum Blade
| Mithril
| Yes
| Mithril
| 15,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Mithril Knife
| Dagger
| Platinum Knife
| Mithril
| Yes
| Mithril
| 15,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Mithril Spear
| Spear
| Platinum Spear
| Mithril
| Yes
| Mithril
| 15,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Mithril Rod
| Rod
| Platinum Rod
| Mithril
| Yes
| Mithril
| 15,000 G
| Rod
| Sledge Hammer
| ATK +330
| Yes
| Power Stone
| 15,000 G

Mithril Knuckles | Knuckles | Platinum Knuckles | Mithril

| Yes
| Mithril
| 15,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Mithril Break
| Breaker
| Platinum Break
| Mithril
| Yes
| Mithril
| 15,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Mithril Gun
| Gun
| Platinum Gun
| Mithril
| Yes
| Mithril
| 15,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Mithril Scythe
| Scythe
| Platinum Scythe
| Mithril
| Yes
| Mithril
| 15,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Moon Crusher
| Gun
| Bone Shooter
| MAG +330
| No
| Moon Fragment
| 17,500 G
| Sword
| Damascus Sword
| ATK +360
| No
| Crystal of Flame |
| Hell Flame
| Alkahest
| 18,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Crystal Spear
| Spear
| Halberd
| Crystal Eye
| No
| Spinel
| Coral
| 18,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Gatling Knuckles | Knuckles | Chain Knuckles
| Spring Barrel
| No
| Squid Tentacle
| Power Stone
| 18,000 G
| Breaker
| Quick Turn
| Eraser
| No
| Devil's Tail
| Eye of Basilisk
| 18,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Attack Command
| Breaker
| Chakram
| Combat Scope
| No
| Eye of Basilisk
| Needle of Death
| 18,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Scythe of
| Scythe
| Testament
| Seal of Blood
| No
| Forbidden Fruit
| Skull of the Dead |
| 18,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Bloody Sword
| Sword
| Phantom Sword
| Blood Ruby
| No
| Bloody Blade
| Evil Eye
| 19,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Follow Knife
| Dagger
| Stiletto
| Crystal of Flame | No
| Crystal of Flame |
| Devil's Tail
| 19,000 G

| Rod
| Crusher
| DEF +225
| No
| Crab Claw
| Devil's Tail
| 19,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Cat's Eye
| Rod
| Luna's Wand
| Cat's Eye
| No
| Lucky Coin
| Jade
| Eye of Basilisk
| 19,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Faruky's Horn
| Breaker
| Ankh Horn
| DEF +225
| No
| Crab Claw
| Alkahest
| 19,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Sonic Gun
| Gun
| Repeater
| Tuning Fork
| No
| Wind Slicer
| Evil Eye
| 19,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Holy Beast Sword | Sword
| Unicorn Sword
| Holy Beast's Eye | No
| Beast Seal
| Coral
| 20,000 G
| Sword
| Tosukanotsurugi
| Guardian Sword | No
| Mauler Blade
| Skull of the Dead |
| 20,000 G
| Greatsword | Brionac
| RST +225
| No
| Insoluble Ice
| Holy Water
| 20,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Rising Edge
| Dagger
| Stiletto
| Crystal of
| No
| Crystal of Thunder | Thunder
| Cockatrice Wings |
| 20,000 G
| Spear
| Halberd
| ATK +360
| No
| Crystal of Flame |
| Damascus
| Cockatrice Wings |
| 20,000 G
| Scythe
| Demonic Scythe
| RST +225
| No
| Executioner
| Needle of Death
| 20,000 G
| Scythe
| Damascus Scythe
| Phantom Coin
| No
| Heavyweight Hilt |
| Seal of Dead
| Great Ice Pillar |
| 20,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Midnight Sun
| Sword
| White Edge
| LUK +30
| No

| Unbreakable Edge |
| Divine Branch
| Morning Dew
| 22,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Enchanted Knife | Dagger
| Sword Breaker
| INT +40
| No
| Magic Stone
| Fetter Chain
| Forbidden Fruit
| 22,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Decayed Claw
| Knuckles | Jamadhar
| Dead Whispers
| No
| Needle of Death
| Squid Tentacle
| Forbidden Fruit
| 22,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Dragon Claw
| Knuckles | Ogre Claw
| STR +40
| No
| Dragon Claw
| Black Dragon Scale |
| 22,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Brave Dance
| Breaker
| Dancing Sword
| Duel Ring
| No
| Blazer
| Beast Skin
| Poisonous Snake
| 22,000 G
| Gun
| Snipe Buster
| VIT +40
| No
| Moon Water
| Iron Gear
| 22,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Wind Slicer
| Scythe
| Damascus Scythe
| Green Spinel
| No
| Kamaitachi Arm
| Crystal of Wind
| Plumage of Anubis |
| 22,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Meteorite Sword | Sword
| Reverse Katana
| Shooting Star
| No
| Meteoric Iron
| Black Dragon Scale |
| 24,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Tyr's Fang
| Greatsword | Dragon Killer
| Fang of Promise | No
| Dragon Head
| Slumberland Flower |
| 24,000 G
| Greatsword | Flamberg
| Flame Magic
| No
| Crystal of Flame | Stone
| Damascus
| Poisonous Snake
| 24,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Split Sword
| Dagger
| Hunter's Blade
| AGI +40
| No
| Triple Blades
| Iron Gear
| 24,000 G

Divine Lance

| Spear
| Bardiche
| Crystal of Light | No
| Badge of Liberty |
| Divine Branch
| Morning Dew
| 24,000 G
| Spear
| Partisan
| Triple Spear
| No
| Coral
| Edge
| Squid Tentacle
| 24,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Mist Wand
| Rod
| Calamity Spike
| Dark Crystal
| No
| Dark Crystal
| Poisonous Snake
| Encyclopedia
| 24,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Ray Blade
| Sword
| Magic Blade
| Crystal of Light | No
| Crystal of Light |
| Morning Dew
| Encyclopedia
| 24,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Hidden Blaster
| Gun
| Shadow Blaster
| Dark Shell
| No
| Dual Frame
| Evil Eye
| Alkahest
| 24,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Orichalcum Sword | Sword
| Mithril Sword
| Orichalcum
| Yes
| Orichalcum
| 35,000 G
| Sword
| Estoc
| Key of Victory | Yes
| Orichalcum
| 35,000 G
| Greatsword | Mithril Blade
| Orichalcum
| Yes
| Orichalcum
| 35,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Orichalcum Knife | Dagger
| Mithril Knife
| Orichalcum
| Yes
| Orichalcum
| 35,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Orichalcum Spear | Spear
| Mithril Spear
| Orichalcum
| Yes
| Orichalcum
| 35,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Orichalcum Rod
| Rod
| Mithril Rod
| Orichalcum
| Yes
| Orichalcum
| 35,000 G
| Knuckles | Mithril Knuckles | Orichalcum
| Yes
| Orichalcum
| 35,000 G
| Breaker
| Mithril Break
| Orichalcum
| Yes
| Orichalcum
| 35,000 G

------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Orichalcum Gun
| Gun
| Mithril Gun
| Orichalcum
| Yes
| Orichalcum
| 35,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Orichalcum Scythe | Scythe
| Mithril Scythe
| Orichalcum
| Yes
| Orichalcum
| 35,000 G
| Gun
| Moon Crusher
| ATK +430
| No
| Spring Barrel
| Great Mallet
| 37,500 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Material Sword
| Sword
| Ray Blade
| Magic Crystal
| No
| Mist Wand
| Orb of Magic Power |
| Necro Stone
| 70,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Kaiser Sword
| Sword
| Sword of Kings
| STR +46
| No
| Duel Ring
| Shiny Fang
| Dragon Fang
| 70,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Sea Fire
| Greatsword | Shichishitou
| Flame Shadow
| No
| Flamberge
| Stone
| Crystal of Flame |
| Evil-Sealing Gem |
| 70,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Spiral Claw
| Dagger
| Gladius
| Spiral of Death | No
| Plumage of Anubis |
| Shiny Fang
| 70,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Cursed Eye
| Rod
| Madu
| Cursed Sign
| No
| Cat's Eye
| Crystal Eye
| Eye of Stone Snake |
| 70,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Silent Cross
| Breaker
| Buistlatter
| Thermal Strike | No
| Attack Command
| Assassin's Book
| Bell of Requiem
| 70,000 G
| Gun
| Sonic Gun
| Banishing Shell | No
| Seal of Blood
| Old Hammer
| 70,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Snow Wolf's Fang | Sword
| Brynhildr
| VIT +46
| No
| Crystal of Ice
| Aqua Stone
| Command Stone
| 75,000 G

Aerial Knife

| Dagger
| Follow Knife
| AGI +46
| No
| Rising Edge
| Bloody Pearl
| 75,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Holy Lance
| Spear
| Crystal Spear
| INT +46
| No
| Crystal of Light |
| Unicorn Horn
| Silver Scale
| 75,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Dragoon Lance
| Spear
| Beast Hunt
| DEF +300
| No
| Axe Blade
| Dragon Fang
| Lizard Scale
| 75,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Skull Staff
| Rod
| Katoyanga
| Crystal Skull
| No
| Skeleton Necklace |
| Poisonous Stem
| Grand Grimoire
| 75,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Dark Finger
| Knuckles | Enchanted Knife
| RST +300
| No
| Magic Hand
| Dark Crystal
| Magic Armor
| 75,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Saint Hand
| Knuckles | Enchanted Knife
| MAG +460
| No
| Magic Hand
| Crystal of Light |
| Magic Armor
| 75,000 G
| Scythe
| Einphantom
| Ice Blade
| No
| Wind Slicer
| Command Stone
| Weird Necklace
| 75,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Reaper's Sickle | Scythe
| Death-Scythe
| RST +300
| No
| Scythe of Contract |
| Dead Whispers
| Eye of Stone Snake |
| 75,000 G
| Sword
| Sea Fire
| Roaring Flames | No
| Blood Ruby
| Generation Crystal |
| Bell of Requiem
| 90,000 G
| Dagger
| Triple Dagger
| STR +50
| No
| Sharp Edge
| Triple Spear Edge |
| Welcoming Cat
| 90,000 G
| Knuckles | Gatling Knuckles | Sunrise
| No

| Meteoric Iron
| Silver Scale
| Thunder Stone
| 90,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Cruel Horn
| Breaker
| Faruky's Horn
| Key to Hell's
| No
| Eraser
| Gate
| Poisonous Stem
| Devil Horn
| 90,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Liquid Fire
| Gun
| Railgun
| Purging Flame
| No
| Hidden Blaster
| Combat Scope
| Vision Blood
| 90,000 G
| Scythe
| Soul Sucker
| Magic Spinel
| No
| Finbrain
| Phantom Coin
| 90,000 G
| Sword
| Guardian Sword
| Magatama
| No
| Holy Beast's Eye |
| Evil-Sealing Gem |
| Thunder Stone
| 100,000 G
| Greatsword | Tyr's Fang
| Dragon Tears
| No
| Flame Magic Stone |
| Fang of Promise
| Dragon Fang
| 100,000 G
| Dagger
| Holy Beast Sword | Necklace of
| No
| Mugen's Claw
| Souls
| Unicorn Horn
| Angel Wings
| 100,000 G
| Spear
| Trident
| Glass of God
| No
| Divine Branch
| Welcoming Cat
| Devil Horn
| 100,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Holy Rod
| Rod
| Material Sword
| Holy Light Stone | No
| Crystal of Light |
| Seed of Avalon
| Dark Magic Device |
| 100,000 G
| Breaker
| Brave Dance
| AGI +50
| No
| Green Spinel
| Emerald of Wind
| Master's Ring
| 100,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Hidden Stalk
| Gun
| Hidden Seeker
| MAG +500
| No
| Quickrain

| Tuning Fork
| Blood-Sucking Fang |
| 100,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Moonlight Sword | Sword
| Midnight Sun
| Moonbeam
| No
| Shooting Star
| Butterfly
| Moon Fragment
| Gold Dragon Scale |
| 120,000 G
| Greatsword | Snow Wolf's Fang | Yeti's Breath
| No
| Ice Blade
| Great Ice Pillar |
| Rune Stone
| 120,000 G
| Dagger
| Split Sword
| Royal Crest
| No
| Orichalcum Knife |
| Gold Dragon Scale |
| Emerald of Wind
| 120,000 G
| Spear
| Kasensou
| Runic
| No
| Divine Lance
| Rune Stone
| Slime Core
| 120,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Earth Shaker
| Rod
| Pulse of Earth
| ATK +500
| No
| Aqua Stone
| Great Mallet
| Old Hammer
| 120,000 G
| Knuckles | Ymir's Claw
| Wedge of Curse | No
| Decayed Claw
| Netherworld Pulse |
| Evil Dragon Claw |
| 120,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Noya Eye
| Breaker
| Sarnga
| Lotus Arrow
| No
| Soma
| Slime Core
| Evil Dragon Claw |
| 120,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Crescent Moon
| Scythe
| Orichalcum Scythe | LUK +50
| No
| Moon Fragment
| Meteoric Iron
| Lapis Noster
| 120,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Eye Burner
| Sword
| Hinokagutsuti
| ATK +750
| No
| Futsunomitama
| Moonlight Sword
| Crystal of Flame |
| 175,000 G
| Dagger
| Krishna
| RST +450
| No
| Ten-blade

| Curtana
| Vision Blood
| 175,000 G
| Spear
| Holy Lance
| INT +70
| No
| Dragoon Lance
| Orichalcum Spear |
| Lizard Scale
| 175,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Material Wand
| Rod
| Artemis
| INT +70
| No
| Holy Rod
| Magic Crystal
| Vision Blood
| 175,000 G
| Rod
| Artemis
| MAG +750
| No
| Skull Staff
| Earth Shaker
| Heart of Devil
| 175,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Sonic Blade
| Breaker
| Silent Cross
| AGI +70
| No
| O-Break
| Reppu
| Angel Wings
| 175,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Dragon Wing
| Breaker
| Cruel Horn
| STR +70
| No
| Reppu
| Dragon Tears
| Evil Dragon Claw |
| 175,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Sorcery Gun
| Gun
| Follow Seeker
| MAG +750
| No
| Unite Scope
| Thermal Strike
| Rune Stone
| 175,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Doragu Riser
| Gun
| Salamander
| VIT +70
| No
| Blacksmir
| Liquid Fire
| Kaiser Core
| 175,000 G
| Sword
| Eye Burner
| AGI +70
| No
| Master's Hammer
| Death Curse Charm |
| Eye of Maumet
| 220,000 G
| Sword
| Eye Burner
| VIT +70
| No
| Master's Hammer
| Curse-Sealing Gem |
| Magic Snake Liver |
| 220,000 G
| Greatsword | Avalanche
| DEF +450
| No
| Shining Red

| Magic Snake Liver |
| Kennel Quartz
| 220,000 G
| Greatsword | Avalanche
| VIT +70
| No
| Flame Shadow Stone |
| Curse-Sealing Gem |
| Evil Dragon Claw |
| 220,000 G
| Dagger
| Krishna
| INT +70
| No
| Blood Red
| Curtana
| Vision Blood
| 220,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------High Wind
| Spear
| Orichalcum Spear | AGI +70
| No
| Gungnir
| Orichalcum Spear |
| Emerald of Wind
| 220,000 G
| Knuckles | Dragon Claw
| STR +70
| No
| Naglfar
| Burning Red
| Gold Dragon Scale |
| 220,000 G
| Knuckles | Dragon Claw
| VIT +70
| No
| Naglfar
| Minotaur's Yoke
| Thunder Stone
| 220,000 G
| Knuckles | O-Knuckles
| LUK +70
| No
| Dark Finger
| Saint Hand
| Primeval Memory
| 220,000 G
| Sword
| Kaiser Sword
| INT +70
| No
| Durandal
| Lucent Blade
| Seed of Avalon
| 300,000 G
| Greatsword | Dragvindel
| STR +70
| No
| Annihilator
| Heart of Dragon
| War God's Arm
| 300,000 G
| Dagger
| Spiral Claw
| AGI +70
| No
| Aerial Knife
| Kogarasumaru
| Fallen Angel Wings |
| 300,000 G
| Rod
| Orichalcum Rod
| STR +70
| No
| Cursed Eye

| Hammer of Wrath
| War God's Arm
| 300,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Blue Dolphin
| Breaker
| Mizuchi
| INT +70
| No
| Yeti's Breath
| Fallen Angel Wings |
| Orb of Ocean
| 300,000 G
| Gun
| Hidden Stalk
| ATK +750
| No
| Dark Shell
| Banishing Shell
| Orb of Ocean
| 300,000 G
| Scythe
| Reaper's Sickle
| RST +450
| No
| Louisette
| Key to Hell's Gate |
| Eye of Maumet
| 300,000 G
| Scythe
| Ginna's scythe
| VIT +70
| No
| Crescent Moon
| Cursed Sign
| Death Pollen
| 300,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Rapid Sword
| Sword
| Gram
| N/A
| No
| Lucky Charm
| Chicken Emblem
| Ring of Fate
| 555,555 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Cat Punch
| Rod
| Rapid Sword
| N/A
| No
| Caduceus
| Kounodaki
| Bark of World Tree |
| 777,777 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Rodriguez III
| Rod
| Material Wand
| N/A
| No
| Chicken Ring
| Ventriloquism Book |
| Crystal of Life
| 777,777 G
| Spear
| Pinaka
| N/A
| No
| Slepinir
| Rigveda
| War God's Arm
| 700,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Rune Blade
| Sword
| Piece of R-Blade | N/A
| No
| Magic Spinel
| Runic
| Primeval Memory
| 850,000 G
| Scythe
| Halper Scythe
| N/A
| No
| Hades

| Saint's Tears
| Primeval Memory
| 800,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Princess's Sword | Sword
| Royal Crest
| N/A
| No
| Proof of Princess |
| Gram
| Dream Mirror
| 800,000 G
| Sword
| Gram
| N/A
| No
| Morning Star
| Key of Victory
| Crystal of Life
| 800,000 G
| Knuckles | Glory
| N/A
| No
| Rekka
| Rose Emblem
| Orb of Ocean
| 750,000 G
| Breaker
| Sonic Blade
| N/A
| No
| Blue Dolphin
| Book of Philosophy |
| Purging Flame
| 750,000 G
| Gun
| Sorcery Gun
| N/A
| No
| Doragu Riser
| Sorcery Core
| Lapis Noster
| 750,000 G
| Spear
| Sansentou
| N/A
| No
| High Wind
| Nehanjyakujyo
| Lotus Arrow
| 900,000 G
| Breaker
| Noya Eye
| N/A
| No
| Dragon Wing
| Book of Satori
| War God's Arm
| 900,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Revolver Cannon | Gun
| Orichalcum Gun
| N/A
| No
| Doragu Riser
| Hydropain
| Auto Matter
| 900,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Soul Breaker
| Sword
| Asura
| N/A
| No
| Sacrifice
| Crystal Skull
| Spiral of Death
| 900,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Muso Fugaku
| Greatsword | Onikirimaru
| N/A
| No
| Asura

| Agito
| Ore of Oni
| 900,000 G
| Dagger
| Kogarasumaru
| N/A
| No
| Silpheed
| Onikirimaru
| Heavenly Body
| 900,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Eyes of Death
| Sword
| Demon Emblem
| N/A
| No
| Black Soul
| Roaring Flames
| Eye of Maumet
| 1,000,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Calinou's Hammer | Rod
| Spirit Water
| N/A
| No
| Meteor Ore
| Rainbow Shard
| Gridarvolr
| 888,888 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Dynamis's End
| Greatsword | Yagrush
| N/A
| No
| Aymur
| Demon Emblem
| Statue of Maumet |
| 750,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Brave Hunter
| Dagger
| Ridill
| N/A
| No
| Hrunting
| Silpheed
| Hunter's Title
| 750,000 G
| Spear
| Revoltcane
| N/A
| No
| High Wind
| Metaphor
| Dragon Orb
| 750,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Kaiser Knuckles | Knuckles | Glory
| N/A
| No
| Retsurai
| Royal Soul
| Kaiser Core
| 750,000 G
| Gun
| Sorcery Gun
| N/A
| No
| Hydropain
| Spiritual
| Dragon Orb
| 750,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Shining Light
| Sword
| Meteorite Sword
| N/A
| No
| Gram
| Mark of God
| Dragon Orb
| 1,500,000 G
| Dagger
| Ridill
| N/A
| No
| Geometry

| Shooting Star
| Heart of Dragon
| 1,250,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Aqua Chrome
| Dagger
| Hrunting
| N/A
| No
| Cronus
| Sunstone
| 1,250,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Sons of the Sun | Spear
| Revoltcane
| N/A
| No
| Slepinir
| Sunrise
| Flame of Grudge
| 1,250,000 G
| Rod
| Material Wand
| N/A
| No
| Caduceus
| Gridarvolr
| Heaven's Gate
| 1,250,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Lost Regnum
| Knuckles | Rekka
| N/A
| No
| Retsurai
| Book of Smithing |
| Dream Mirror
| 1,250,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Mobius Link
| Breaker
| Sonic Blade
| N/A
| No
| Dragon Wing
| Blue Dolphin
| Infinite Cycle
| 1,250,000 G
| Scythe
| Hades
| N/A
| No
| Helheim
| Sa Anglerial
| Curse Stake
| 1,250,000 G
------------------+------------+--------------------+------------------+------Soul Blaze
| Scythe
| Halper Scythe
| N/A
| No
| Helheim
| Pulrauka
| 1,500,000 G
2. Armor
A list of all the pieces of armor that can be created, the materials and Gold
required to create them, the items into which they can be converted, and whether or not they are registered to the shop when created.
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Bone Guard
| Iron Chain
| Bone Plate
| Yes
| Bone of the Dead
| 500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Sleep Guard
| Bone Guard
| Resist Sleep
| Yes
| Powder of Pixie
| Ragged Robe
| 750 G

Poison Guard

| Bone Guard
| Resist Poison
| Yes
| Poisonous Petal
| Poison Needle
| 750 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Paralysis Guard
| Bone Guard
| Resist Paralysis
| Yes
| Slime Jelly
| Lizard Tongue
| 750 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Holy Symbol
| Bone Guard
| Resist Death
| Yes
| Contract
| Bandage
| 750 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Blind Guard
| Bone Guard
| Resist Blind
| Yes
| Beastly Protector
| Bandage
| 750 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Silver Bracelet
| Steel Bracelet
| Silver Bullion
| Yes
| Silver Bullion
| 1500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Silver Bangle
| Iron Bangle
| Silver Bullion
| Yes
| Silver Bullion
| 1500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Shell Bracelet
| Bone Plate
| Turtle Shell
| Yes
| Crab Shell
| 2000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Flame Guard
| Shell Bracelet
| Body of Flame
| Yes
| Element of Flame
| 2000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Ice Guard
| Shell Bracelet
| Body of Ice
| Yes
| Element of Ice
| 2000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Thunder Guard
| Shell Bracelet
| Body of Thunder
| Yes
| Element of Thunder
| 2000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Wind Guard
| Shell Bracelet
| Body of Wind
| Yes
| Element of Wind
| 2000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Earth Guard
| Shell Bracelet
| Body of Earth
| Yes
| Element of Earth
| 2000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Platinum Bracelet
| Silver Bracelet
| Platinum Bullion
| Yes
| Platinum Bullion
| 4000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Platinum Bangle
| Silver Bangle
| Platinum Bullion
| Yes
| Platinum Bullion
| 4000 G

Hard Shell

| Silver Bracelet
| Rainbow Shell
| No
| Silver Bangle
| Turtle Shell
| Green Body Fluid
| 6000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Dream Hazard
| Sleep Guard
| Resist Sleep+
| No
| Wind Guard
| Fairy Ring
| Actinidia Polygama
| 6500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Marine Rouge
| Poison Guard
| Resist Poison+
| No
| Ice Guard
| Poisonous Pollen
| Frozen Liquid
| 6500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Red Sauvage
| Paralysis Guard
| Resist Paralysis+
| No
| Flame Guard
| Hell Flame
| Poison Needle
| 6500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Moon Guard
| Holy Symbol
| Resist Death+
| No
| Thunder Guard
| Crystal of Light
| Dead Crown
| 6500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Guard Frame
| Blind Guard
| Resist Blind+
| No
| Earth Guard
| Mask of Berserker
| Lizard Tail
| 6500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Phantom Bracelet
| Bird Eye
| Tougenkyo
| No
| Rainbow Shell
| Gem Shell
| 9000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------White Frame
| Magic Frame
| HP Up
| No
| Generation Crystal
| Moonlight Flower
| 12,500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Bracelet of Requiem
| Requiem Bracelet
| Seal of Dead
| No
| Magic Frame
| Dead Crown
| 9000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Mithril Bracelet
| Platinum Bracelet
| Mithril
| Yes
| Mithril
| 15,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Mithril Bangle
| Platinum Bangle
| Mithril
| Yes
| Mithril
| 15,000 G
| Battle Frame
| Counter
| No

| Hard Shell
| Seed of Power
| Beast Skin
| 17,500 G
| Bracelet of Feicui
| Resist Ailments
| No
| Phantom Bracelet
| Encyclopedia
| 18,000 G
| Red Sauvage
| Crystal of Flame
| Yes
| Crystal of Flame
| Crystal of Thunder
| Devil's Tail
| 18,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Ice Fang
| Marine Rouge
| Crystal of Ice
| Yes
| Crystal of Ice
| Crystal of Wind
| Insoluble Ice
| 18,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Thunder Emperor
| Moon Guard
| Crystal of Thunder
| Yes
| Crystal of Thunder
| Crystal of Earth
| Needle of Death
| 18,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------God of Wind
| Dream Hazard
| Crystal of Wind
| Yes
| Crystal of Wind
| Crystal of Flame
| Cockatrice Wings
| 18,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Earth Dragon
| Guard Frame
| Crystal of Earth
| Yes
| Crystal of Earth
| Crystal of Ice
| Crab Claw
| 18,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Force Frame
| Damascus
| Magic Up
| No
| Tree of Life
| Generation Crystal
| 18,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Resist Frame
| Damascus
| Resist Magic Up
| No
| Chime of Requiem
| Tougenkyo
| Magic Stone Piece
| 18,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Three Stars
| Lucky Charm
| Critical Rate Up
| No
| Gold Medallion
| Meteoric Iron
| Lapis Noster
| 20,000 G
| Mithril Bracelet
| Orichalcum
| Yes
| Orichalcum
| 35,000 G

| Mithril Bangle
| Orichalcum
| Yes
| Orichalcum
| 35,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Misty Guard
| Bracelet of Requiem | Resist HP Break
| No
| Magic Stone Piece
| Grand Grimoire
| Weird Necklace
| 70,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------True Emblem
| Tri-Guard
| Ring of Truth
| No
| Chipped Statue
| Master's Ring
| 70,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Cruel Frame
| Oboro
| VIT +55
| No
| Devil Horn
| Death Curse Charm
| 90,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Black Frame
| White Frame
| HP Up+
| No
| Lapis Noster
| Gem of Onyx
| Kennel Quartz
| 125,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Divine Guard
| True Emblem
| Ether Blood
| No
| King's Emblem
| Three Stars
| Warrior's Rein
| 150,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Dark Bracelet
| Crystal Bracelet
| Goblet of Darkness
| No
| Dark Crystal
| O-Bracelet
| Divine Guard
| 220,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Bracelet of Light
| Crystal Bracelet
| Goblet of Light
| No
| Crystal of Light
| O-Bangle
| Divine Guard
| 220,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Extra Frame
| Anglachel
| DEF +800
| No
| Cruel Frame
| Kaiser Core
| Warrior's Rein
| 220,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Chaos Frame
| Dainslaif
| Resist Magic Up+
| No
| Cruel Frame
| Kaiser Core
| Warrior's Rein
| 220,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Heaven's End
| Dark Bracelet
| Resist Ailments+
| No
| Bracelet of Light
| Force Frame

| Resist Frame
| 300,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Dragon Frame
| Extra Frame
| N/A
| No
| Dragon Orb
| Heart of Dragon
| Crystal of Life
| 600,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Demon Frame
| Chaos Frame
| N/A
| No
| Demon Emblem
| Dream Mirror
| Heart of Devil
| 600,000 G
| Goblet of Light
| N/A
| No
| Goblet of Darkness
| Heaven's End
| Light Circle
| 700,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Princess Bustier
| Black Bustier
| N/A
| No
| Black Frame
| Misty Guard
| Bark of World Tree
| 800,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Imperial Guard
| Genbu's Gauntlet
| N/A
| No
| Seiryu's Sword
| Byakko's Bracelet
| Suzaku's Ring
| 800,000 G
| Imperial Guard
| N/A
| No
| Oreichalkos
| Crystal of Life
| Bark of World Tree
| 1,000,000 G
| Princess Bustier
| N/A
| No
| Matrix Core
| Dream Mirror
| Dragon Orb
| 1,250,000 G
| Dragon Frame
| N/A
| No
| Demon Frame
| Aegis
| Memory of Light
| 1,250,000 G
3. Accessories
A list of all the accessories that can be created, the materials and Gold required to create them, the items into which they can be converted, and whether
or not they are registered to the shop when created.
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Ring of Power
| Iron Circle
| STR +15
| Yes
| Beast Claw

| Lizard Tongue
| 500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Ring of Stamina
| Iron Circle
| VIT +15
| Yes
| Crab Brain
| Slime Jelly
| 500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Ring of Speed
| Iron Circle
| AGI +15
| Yes
| Protection of Wing
| Poisonous Petal
| 500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Intelligence Ring
| Iron Circle
| INT +15
| Yes
| Grimoire
| Ragged Robe
| 500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Ring of Luck
| Iron Circle
| LUK +15
| Yes
| Powder of Pixie
| 500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Stone Ring
| Bone Powder
| Resist Burst
| No
| Nightmare Stone
| Crab Shell
| Mysterious Box
| 3000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Feather Ring
| Ring of Speed
| MOV +1
| No
| Body of Wind
| Feather of Pixie
| 3000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Charm of Force
| Intelligence Ring
| Restore AP
| No
| Sorcerer Cert.
| Feather of Pixie
| Tree Spirit Soul
| 4000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Hawk Eye
| Bird Eye
| Accuracy Up
| No
| Bug Whistle
| Magatama Crystal
| 3500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Sharp Sense
| Ring of Power
| Evasion Up
| No
| Body of Thunder
| Sharp Fang
| Beast Bone
| 3500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Samson Ring
| Ring of Stamina
| Restore HP 5%
| No
| Green Body Fluid
| Lizard Tail
| Actinidia Polygama
| 4000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Extra Strength Ring
| Ring of Power
| STR +30
| Yes
| Crystal of Flame
| Damascus
| 7500 G

-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Ring of Tenacity
| Ring of Stamina
| VIT +30
| Yes
| Crystal of Earth
| Heart Stone
| 7500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Ring of Swift Wind
| Ring of Speed
| AGI +30
| Yes
| Crystal of Wind
| Actinidia Polygama
| 7500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Ring of Wisdom
| Intelligence Ring
| INT +30
| Yes
| Crystal of Ice
| Banishing Charm
| 7500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Ring of Fate
| Lucky Dagger
| LUK +30
| Yes
| Ring of Luck
| Crystal of Thunder
| Magatama Crystal
| 7500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Beast Ring
| Sharp Sense
| Beast Seal
| No
| High-Grade Fur
| Slough of Snake
| 6500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Double Feather
| Feather Ring
| MOV +2
| No
| Wind Slicer
| Fairy Ring
| 12,500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Ring of Force
| Charm of Force
| Restore AP+
| No
| Ring of Wisdom
| Gem Shell
| Holy Water
| 12,500 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Ogre Ring
| Beast Ring
| Tree of Life
| No
| Ring of Tenacity
| Power Stone
| 15,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Dragon Ring
| Beast Ring
| Dragon Head
| No
| Extra Strength Ring |
| Dragon Claw
| 15,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Triple Feather
| Double Feather
| MOV +3
| No
| Ring of Swift Wind
| Cockatrice Wings
| 17,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Hermes Ring
| Ring of Force
| Restore AP++
| No
| Seed of Happiness
| Slumberland Flower
| 35,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Aura Ring
| Samson Ring
| Restore HP 10%
| No
| Kamaitachi Ointment |

| Magic Stone Piece

| Slumberland Flower
| 25,000 G
| Hawk Eye
| Accuracy Up+
| No
| Gem of Onyx
| Necro Stone
| 40,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Beast Sense
| Ogre Ring
| Evasion Up+
| No
| Dragon Ring
| Bloody Pearl
| 40,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Ring of Inability
| Clairvoyance
| Resist Direction
| No
| Chipped Statue
| Pulse of Earth
| 85,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Angel Wing
| Triple Feather
| Resist Bind
| No
| Beast Sense
| Plumage of Anubis
| 75,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Angel Halo
| Angel Wing
| Resist Stun
| No
| Ring of Truth
| Generation Crystal
| Angel Wings
| 165,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Tears of Sylph
| Ring of Inability
| Magic Up+
| No
| Tears of Stone
| Promise Stone
| Unicorn Horn
| 200,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Ring of Prometheus
| Aura Ring
| Restore HP 15%
| No
| Ether Blood
| Branch of Gem
| Dark Magic Device
| 200,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Chicken Ring
| Chicken Emblem
| N/A
| No
| Rusty Sword
| Rusty Bracelet
| Rusty Ring
| 777,777 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Princess's Tiara
| Princess Blood
| N/A
| No
| Holy Light Stone
| Necklace of Souls
| Moonbeam Butterfly
| 800,000 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Mighty Ring
| Ring of Prometheus
| N/A
| No
| Angel Halo
| Tears of Sylph
| Ring of Fate
| 700,000 G

Blue Water

| Genbu's Censer
| N/A
| No
| Eye of Seiryu
| Byakko Relief
| Wing of Suzaku
| 999,999 G
-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+------Ring of Heaven
| Mighty Ring
| N/A
| No
| Breath of Sylphil
| Mysterious Gem
| Glass of God
| 1,000,000 G
4. Items
A list of all the items that can be created and the materials and Gold required
to create them. All items are registered to the shop when created.
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Silver Bullion
| Silver Ore (x4)
| 400 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Recovery Grass
| Grass
| Unicorn Horn
| 1000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Body of Flame
| Element of Flame (x4)
| 750 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Body of Ice
| Element of Ice (x4)
| 750 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Body of Thunder
| Element of Thunder (x4)
| 750 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Body of Wind
| Element of Wind (x4)
| 750 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Body of Earth
| Element of Earth (x4)
| 750 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Body of Darkness
| Darkness Element (x4)
| 750 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Body of Light
| Element of Light (x4)
| 750 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Charm Herb
| Cure Grass
| Divine Branch
| 2000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Stone of Life
| Fragment of Life
| Unicorn Horn
| Divine Branch
| 10,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Recovery Herb
| Recovery Grass
| Unicorn Horn
| Generation Crystal
| 10,000 G

Platinum Bullion

| Platinum Ore (x4)

| 2000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Crystal of Flame
| Body of Flame (x4)
| 5000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Crystal of Ice
| Body of Ice (x4)
| 5000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Crystal of Thunder
| Body of Thunder (x4)
| 5000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Crystal of Wind
| Body of Wind (x4)
| 5000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Crystal of Earth
| Body of Earth (x4)
| 5000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Dark Crystal
| Body of Darkness (x4)
| 5000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Crystal of Light
| Body of Light (x4)
| 5000 G
| Mithril Ore (x4)
| 10,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Refresh Herb
| Cure Grass
| Charm Herb
| Recovery Herb
| Unicorn Horn
| 10,000 G
---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------Vessel of Life
| Stone of Life
| Lapis Noster
| Generation Crystal
| 25,000 G
| Orichalcum Ore (x4)
| 50,000 G
E. Titles
A list of all the titles offered by the adventurer's guild and the rewards for
acquiring each one.
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------1 | Daredevil
| Defeat 100 monsters
| Element of Light (x3)
| Fragment of Life (x3)
| Unicorn Horn
| 2000 G, 4 PP, 10 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------2 | Amateur
| Defeat 350 monsters
| Essential Arts VI
| Unicorn Horn
| Proof of Valor
| 4000 G, 4 PP, 20 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------3 | Expert
| Defeat 750 monsters
| Vanish Strike
| Deadly Blow (x2)
| Meteoric Iron

| 6000 G, 6 PP, 25 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------4 | Slayer
| Defeat 1,200 monsters
| Gravity
| Lapis Noster
| Proof of Valor
| 8000 G, 6 PP, 30 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------5 | Berserker
| Defeat 1,600 monsters
| Recovery Orb (x3)
| Refresh Orb (x3)
| Unicorn Horn
| 10,000 G, 8 PP, 35 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------6 | Shogun
| Defeat 2,000 monsters
| Vessel of Life (x3)
| Misty Guard
| True Emblem
| 15,000 G, 8 PP, 40 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------7 | Murderous King
| Defeat 2,400 monsters
| Marfile Seed (x2)
| Angel Halo
| Accessories 3-V
| 20,000 G, 10 PP, 50 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------8 | Destruction God | Defeat 3,000 monsters
| Byakko's Bracelet
| Meteor Ore
| LUK Up+
| 30,000 G, 10 PP, 100 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------9 | Beginner
| Win 10 battles
| Grass (x3)
| Cure Grass (x3)
| Divine Branch
| 2000 G, 4 PP, 10 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------10 | Half-baked
| Win 75 battles
| Issen
| Warrior
| Unicorn Horn
| Essential Arts VII
| 4000 G, 4 PP, 20 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------11 | Fighter
| Win 200 battles
| Focus
| Light Heal
| Proof of Valor
| 6000 G, 6 PP, 30 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------12 | Gladiator
| Win 300 battles
| Lapis Noster
| Esoteric Book XIII
| Proof of Valor
| 8000 G, 6 PP, 35 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------13 | Battle Maniac
| Win 400 battles
| Generation Crystal
| Heaven and Hell
| Stardust
| 10,000 G, 8 PP, 40 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------14 | King
| Win 500 battles
| Marfile Seed
| Meteoric Iron
| Accessories 3-VI
| 20,000 G, 8 PP, 50 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------15 | War God
| Win 600 battles
| Suzaku's Ring
| Spirit Water
| STR Up+

| 30,000 G, 10 PP, 100 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------16 | Muscle Flexer
| Deal over 10K total damage | Accuracy Gain
| Evasion Gain
| Divine Branch
| 2000 G, 4 PP, 10 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------17 | Attacker
| Deal over 50K total damage | Square Cross
| Unicorn Horn
| Proof of Valor
| 4000 G, 4 PP, 20 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------18 | Buster
| Deal over 100K total damage | Stone Shower
| Sanctuary
| Proof of Valor
| 6000 G, 6 PP, 25 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------19 | Avenger
| Deal over 200K total damage | Recovery Grass (x3)
| Vessel of Life (x2)
| Marfile Seed
| 8000 G, 6 PP, 30 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------20 | Destroyer
| Deal over 300K total damage | VIT Up
| LUK Up
| MAX. HP Up
| 10,000 G, 8 PP, 40 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------21 | Obliterator
| Deal over 500K total damage | Marfile Seed
| VIT Up+
| Max. HP Up+
| 25,000 G, 8 PP, 50 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------22 | Annihilator
| Deal over 1M total damage | Genbu's Gauntlet
| AGI Up+
| INT Up+
| 50,000 G, 10 PP, 100 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------23 | Novice
| Deal over 50 hits
| Element of Flame
| Element of Ice
| Divine Branch
| 3000 G, 4 PP, 10 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------24 | Rookie
| Deal over 100 hits
| Moon Fragment
| Stone of Life (x3)
| Generation Crystal
| 5000 G, 4 PP, 20 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------25 | Ace
| Deal over 150 hits
| Recovery Herb (x3)
| Unicorn Horn
| Proof of Valor
| 7000 G, 6 PP, 30 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------26 | Expert
| Deal over 200 hits
| STR Up
| Mystic Brain
| Proof of Valor
| 9000 G, 6 PP, 40 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------27 | Combo King
| Deal over 300 hits
| VIT Up
| INT Up
| AGI Up

| 15,000 G, 8 PP, 50 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------28 | Enlightened One | Deal over 400 hits
| Seiryu's Sword
| E.O.M.
| Ancient Smithing I
| 30,000 G, 10 PP, 100 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------29 | Esoteric
| Collect all the books on
| White Frame
| Accession
| Secret Arts
| Revive
| Esoteric Book XX
| 40,000 G, 10 PP, 100 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------30 | Bonds of the
| Collect all the Esoteric
| Cruel Frame
| Heart
| Books
| Black Frame
| Rainbow Shard
| 40,000 G, 10 PP, 50 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------31 | Fledgling
| Defeat 10 Hell Dogs
| Element of Flame (x3)
| Defeat 10 Hornets
| Divine Branch
| Defeat 10 Lesser Bats
| Basic Equipment II
| Defeat 10 Werecats
| 2000 G, 4 PP, 10 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------32 | Greenhorn
| Defeat 10 Green Mousses
| Essential Arts XII
| Defeat 10 Killer Bats
| Secret Arts VI
| Defeat 10 Gremlins
| Medium Smithing II
| Defeat 10 Cat Ladies
| 4000 G, 4 PP, 20 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------33 | Hunter
| Defeat 10 Garms
| Medium Weapons IV
| Defeat 10 Lamias
| Medium Equipment II
| Defeat 8 Golems
| Unicorn Horn
| Defeat 10 Big Eyes
| 6000 G, 6 PP, 30 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------34 | Great Hunter
| Defeat 10 Gorgons
| Tornado
| Defeat 6 Giant Squids
| Magic Stone Piece
| Defeat 6 Iron Golems
| Secret Arts XVI
| Defeat 4 Black Dragons
| 8000 G, 6 PP, 40 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------35 | Ace Hunter
| Defeat 6 Trolls
| Oboro
| Defeat 10 Diaboloses
| Magic Stone Piece
| Defeat 6 Mist Dragons
| Accessories 2-IV
| Defeat 6 King Werewolves
| 15,000 G, 8 PP, 50 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------36 | Legendary Hunter | Defeat 10 Dark Knights
| King's Emblem
| Defeat 10 Arc Knights
| Lapis Noster
| Defeat 10 Nekomatas
| Esoteric Book XXV
| Defeat 10 Great Sorcerers | 30,000 G, 10 PP, 100 TP
| Defeat 10 Silver Dragons
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------37 | Ruler of the
| Defeat 20 Death Killer Bees | Aerial Knife
| Skies
| Defeat 20 Golden Bats
| Divine Branch
| Meteoric Iron
| 10,000 G, 8 PP, 30 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------38 | Ruler of the Seas | Defeat 20 Death Crabs
| Silent Cross
| Defeat 15 Lizard Lords
| Unicorn Horn
| Defeat 8 Krakens
| Generation Crystal
| 20,000 G, 8 PP, 75 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------39 | Forest Hunter
| Defeat 20 Rafflesias
| Rusty Bracelet
| Ancient Smithing IV

| Secret Album 26
| 20,000 G, 8 PP, 75 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------40 | Beast Slayer
| Defeat 20 Bloody Beasts
| Rusty Sword
| Defeat 10 Griffins
| Proof of Princess
| Meteoric Iron
| 20,000 G, 8 PP, 75 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------41 | Fairy Hunter
| Defeat 20 Titanias
| Tears of Sylph
| Defeat 10 Dryads
| Rigveda
| Generation Crystal
| 20,000 G, 8 PP, 75 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------42 | Exorcist
| Defeat 12 Lesser Demons
| Black Frame
| Defeat 20 Revenants
| Ventriloquism Book
| Defeat 20 Demon Lords
| Moon Fragment
| 20,000 G, 8 PP, 75 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------43 | Undead Slayer
| Defeat 10 Master Skeletons | Heaven's End
| Defeat 20 Living Deads
| Heavenly Body
| Defeat 20 Reapers
| Damascus
| 20,000 G, 8 PP, 75 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------44 | Vampire Hunter
| Defeat 25 Vampires
| Mighty Ring
| Defeat 25 Vampire Ladies
| Princess Blood
| Moon Fragment
| 20,000 G, 8 PP, 75 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------45 | Mystic Killer
| Defeat 30 Kaiser Slime
| Divine Guard
| Defeat 15 Master Golems
| Auto Matter
| Magic Stone Piece
| 20,000 G, 8 PP, 75 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------46 | Beast King
| Defeat 10 Ouroboroses
| Dark Bracelet
| Defeat 10 Shadow Fenrirs
| Hunter's Title
| Lapis Noster
| 20,000 G, 8 PP, 75 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------47 | Angelic Slayer
| Defeat 30 Angel Knights
| Bracelet of Light
| Defeat 30 Dark Angels
| Saint's Tears
| Meteoric Iron
| 20,000 G, 8 PP, 75 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------48 | Duelist
| Defeat 12 Dark Mages
| Ring of Prometheus
| Defeat 20 Ancients
| Royal Soul
| Defeat 15 Flame Knights
| Generation Crystal
| Defeat 15 Ice Knights
| 20,000 G, 8 PP, 75 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------49 | Inquisitor
| Defeat 20 Rakshasas
| Rusty Ring
| Defeat 15 Lamia Queens
| Book of Philosophy
| Moon Fragment
| 20,000 G, 8 PP, 75 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------50 | Dragon Slayer
| Defeat 5 Evil Dragons
| Dragon Frame
| Defeat 5 Fafnirs
| Morning Star
| Defeat 8 Arc Dragons
| Magic Stone Piece
| 20,000 G, 8 PP, 75 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------51 | Demon Slayer
| Defeat 5 Ogres
| Demon Frame
| Defeat 5 Devils
| Statue of Maumet

| Defeat 5 Dullahans
| Moon Fragment
| 20,000 G, 8 PP, 75 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------52 | Hammer of Justice | Defeat 15 Thieves
| Vessel of Life (x2)
| Defeat 15 Bandits
| Secret Arts X
| Defeat 15 Mercenaries
| Secret Arts XI
| Defeat 15 Lost Pirates
| 10,000 G, 6 PP, 30 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------53 | Solar Spirit
| Defeat 12 Fire Spirits
| Resist Frame
| Defeat 12 Thunder Spirits | Divine Branch (x2)
| Defeat 12 Earth Spirits
| Moon Fragment (x2)
| Defeat 8 Light Spirits
| 15,000 G, 8 PP, 30 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------54 | Lunar Spirit
| Defeat 12 Water Spirits
| Force Frame
| Defeat 12 Wind Spirits
| Unicorn Horn (x2)
| Defeat 8 Dark Spirits
| Magic Stone Piece (x2)
| 15,000 G, 8 PP, 30 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------55 | Origin of
| Defeat 15 Mandrakes
| Sonic Wave
| the Dawn
| Defeat 15 Fairies
| Unicorn Horn
| Defeat 15 Lycanthropes
| Proof of Valor (x2)
| Defeat 1 Jumbo Cock
| 2500 G, 4 PP, 15 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------56 | Apostle of
| Defeat 15 Killer Bees
| Requiem Bracelet
| the Swamp
| Defeat 15 Night Hounds
| Moon Fragment
| Defeat 15 Bone Soldiers
| Proof of Valor
| Defeat 1 Tree Spirit
| 5000 G, 4 PP, 30 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------57 | Gem of Ripples
| Defeat 15 Salamanders
| Lucky Charm
| Defeat 15 Earth Knights
| Unicorn Horn
| Defeat 10 Warlocks
| Proof of Valor
| Defeat 1 Miesha
| 5000 G, 6 PP, 50 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------58 | Tutelary's Gem
| Defeat 10 Angels
| Bracelet of Feicui
| Cave
| Defeat 20 Spark Knights
| Little Fortune
| Defeat 20 Storm Knights
| Proof of Valor
| Defeat 1 Mucrane
| 8000 G, 6 PP, 75 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------59 | Rainbow Guardian | Defeat 20 Magic Lords
| Lightning
| Defeat 5 Giganteses
| Divine Branch
| Defeat 5 Garudas
| Advanced Weapons I
| Defeat 10 Bone Warriors
| 10,000 G, 8 PP, 100 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------60 | Wing of
| Defeat 15 Medusas
| Chicken Emblem
| Sandstream
| Defeat 20 Wraiths
| LUK Up+
| Defeat 10 Dragon Zombies
| Generation Crystal
| Defeat 1 Luijt
| 12,000 G, 8 PP, 150 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------61 | Detector of
| Defeat 15 Goblins
| Element of Earth (x3)
| the Dark
| Defeat 15 Orcs
| Darkness Element (x3)
| Basic Weapons III
| 2000 G, 4 PP, 20 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------62 | Knower of the
| Defeat 10 Hobgoblins
| Cross Edge
| Dark
| Defeat 10 Bull Orcs
| Meteor Impact
| Speed Zone
| 4000 G, 6 PP, 30 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------63 | Opposer of the
| Defeat 20 Goblin Mages
| Blizzard
| Dark
| Defeat 15 Orc Mages
| Meteoric Iron

| Essential Arts XX
| 7500 G, 6 PP, 40 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------64 | Slayer of the
| Defeat 20 Goblin Kings
| Accessories 2-II
| Dark
| Defeat 15 Orc Lords
| Accessories 2-III
| Esoteric Book XIX
| 10,000 G, 8 PP, 50 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------65 | Lord of Dark
| God of Death, Rejuvenation, | Dragon Frame
| Night
| and Darkness
| Demon Frame
| Secret Album 21
| 40,000 G, 10 PP, 300 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------66 | Time Lord
| God of Time and Space
| Infinite Circle
| Memory of Light
| Black Frame
| 25,000 G, 10 PP, 250 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------67 | God of War
| God of Battle and Power
| Flame of Grudge
| Oreichalkos
| Heaven's End
| 25,000 G, 10 PP, 250 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------68 | Guardian God
| God of Craft and Trade
| Book of Smithing
| Matrix Core
| Mercury Smithing
| 25,000 G, 10 PP, 250 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------69 | Star God
| Goddess of Spirit and
| Heaven's Gate
| Revenge
| Geometry
| Cronus
| 25,000 G, 10 PP, 250 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------70 | Goddess of Fate | God of Fortune, Desire, and | Sa Anglerial
| Fate
| Breath of Sylphil
| Black Bustier
| 25,000 G, 10 PP, 250 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------71 | State of
| Darkness living with the
| Spiritual
| Nothingness
| realm of
| Mystic Smithing II
| unconsciousness...
| Secret Album 10
| 30,000 G, 10 PP, 100 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------72 | Cursed Bloodedge | Stop the dark blade that
| Sacrifice
| takes thousands of souls | Divine Smithing I
| Secret Album 27
| 30,000 G, 10 PP, 100 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------73 | Emperor of
| Defeat the fallen one, the | Rose Emblem
| Corrosion
| demon with a corrupting
| Divine Smithing V
| touch
| Secret Album 12
| 30,000 G, 10 PP, 100 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------74 | Devourer of
| Stop the demon king who
| Ore of Oni
| Worlds
| swallows the earth
| Divine Smithing VI
| Secret Album 13
| 30,000 G, 10 PP, 100 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------75 | Blade of the
| Destroy the wandering blue | Piece of R-Blade
| Warlord
| sword
| Divine Smithing II

| Secret Album 14
| 30,000 G, 10 PP, 150 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------76 | Dragonlord's
| Defeat the emperor of the | Nehanjyakujyo
| Wrath
| dragon clan
| Divine Smithing IX
| Secret Album 15
| 30,000 G, 10 PP, 150 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------77 | Devilsbane
| The fallen one is the
| Book of Satori
| archangel of the other
| Divine Smithing III
| world...
| Secret Album 16
| 30,000 G, 10 PP, 150 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------78 | Ultimate Weapon | Destroy the doll of black | Sorcery Core
| steel that brings death
| Divine Smithing IV
| Secret Album 17
| 30,000 G, 10 PP, 75 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------79 | Right Arm of Ruin | I govern the heartless
| Secret Album 18
| right hand that lusts for | STR Up+
| destruction
| VIT Up+
| 10,000 G, 6 PP, 75 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------80 | Left Arm of Death | I govern the merciless left | Secret Album 19
| hand that seeks to steal | AGI Up+
| life
| INT Up+
| 10,000 G, 6 PP, 150 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------81 | Divine Beast
| Defeat the god-killing
| Black Soul
| beast that came from the | Divine Smithing VII
| other world
| Secret Album 20
| 30,000 G, 10 PP, 150 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------82 | Ancient Dragon
| Defeat the holy dragon that | Metaphor
| King
| has lived since the dawn | Divine Smithing VIII
| of time
| Secret Album 24
| 30,000 G, 10 PP, 200 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------83 | Golden Warrior
| Weave together the feelings | Resurrect
| of the vessels of light
| Divine Branch
| Proof of Valor (x2)
| 5000 G, 4 PP, 10 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------84 | Crimson Champion | With light in hand, declare | Advanced Heal
| an end to the war
| Magic Stone Piece
| Proof of Valor (x2)
| 6000 G, 4 PP, 15 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------85 | Pursuer of Light | Seek the chromatic light, | Extra Heal
| then seek the mother of
| Meteoric Iron
| blue
| Proof of Valor (x2)
| 7000 G, 6 PP, 20 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------86 | Seeker of
| Sail on the ship of light | Resurrection
| Twilight
| to the land of demise
| Divine Branch
| Proof of Valor (x2)
| 8000 G, 6 PP, 25 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------87 | Apostle of
| The beloved child who
| Mugen's Claw
| Guidance
| carries the feelings of
| AGI Up

| many
| Proof of Valor
| 5000 G, 4 PP, 25 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------88 | Seeker of the
| Balance the scales of light | Soul Sucker
| Future
| and darkness
| INT Up
| Proof of Valor
| 10,000 G, 6 PP, 25 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------89 | Dark-winged
| A voice that seeks help
| Quickrain
| Avenger
| from within the sacred
| LUK Up
| mountains
| Proof of Valor
| 5000 G, 4 PP, 25 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------90 | Butcher of Days | Slay not the fallen one,
| Sea Fire
| Past
| but take his hand
| MAX. HP Up
| Proof of Valor
| 10,000 G, 6 PP, 25 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------91 | Beholder of Truth | Free thyself from the
| Secret Album 9
| facade of lies, and seek | Princess Bustier
| the garden of truth
| Princess's Tiara
| 20,000 G, 10 PP, 300 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------92 | Gem King
| Possess 5 Blood Rubies
| Crystal Bracelet
| Possess 5 Emeralds of Wind | Tears of Sylph
| Possess 5 Magatama Crystals | Secret Album 23
| Possess 5 Bloody Pearls
| 15,000 G, 8 PP, 50 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------93 | Four Gods' Aegis | Possess 1 Seiryu's Sword
| Angel Wing
| Possess 1 Genbu's Gauntlet | Angel Halo
| Possess 1 Byakko's Bracelet | Secret Album 25
| Possess 1 Suzaku's Ring
| 15,000 G, 8 PP, 50 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------94 | Chicken King
| Possess 1 Rodriguez III
| Floating Stone
| Possess 1 Chicken Emblem
| Secret Album 22
| Possess 1 Chicken Ring
| Lapis Noster
| 15,000 G, 8 PP, 50 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------95 | Soldier
| Possess 5 Horns of Devilkin | Element of Ice (x3)
| Possess 5 Lizard Tongues
| Element of Thunder (x3)
| Possess 5 Slime Jellies
| Thunder Spike
| Possess 5 Crab Brains
| 1000 G, 4 PP, 10 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------96 | Vulture
| Possess 5 Ragged Robes
| Burst Hit
| Possess 5 Bandages
| Blast
| Possess 5 Contracts
| Void Shock
| Possess 5 Bones of the Dead | 1000 G, 4 PP, 10 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------97 | Raider
| Possess 5 Relics of Dead
| Rapid Move
| Possess 5 Beast Bones
| Unicorn Horn
| Possess 5 Hell Flames
| Proof of Valor
| Possess 5 Crab Shells
| 3000 G, 4 PP, 20 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------98 | Dreaming Wizard | Possess 5 Feathers of Pixie | Medium Smithing I
| Possess 5 Grimoires
| Medium Weapons I
| Possess 5 Sorcerer Certs. | Magic Stone Piece
| Possess 5 Poisonous Pollen | 3000 G, 4 PP, 20 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------99 | Necromancer
| Possess 3 Dead Crowns
| Harvest Heal
| Possess 3 Heart Stones
| Magic Stone Piece

| Possess 5 Banishing Charms | Proof of Valor
| 5000 G, 6 PP, 25 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------100 | Ice Sculptor
| Possess 5 Insoluble Ices
| Rush Beat
| Possess 3 Great Ice Pillars | Magic Stone Piece
| Possess 5 Frozen Liquids
| Proof of Valor
| 5000 G, 6 PP, 25 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------101 | Barbaric Seeker | Possess 2 Dragon Claws
| Shadow Sting
| Possess 5 Poison Needles
| Moon Fragment
| Possess 5 Fairy Rings
| Proof of Valor
| Possess 5 Gem Shells
| 5000 G, 6 PP, 25 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------102 | Shaman
| Possess 5 Eyes of Basilisk | Cure All
| Possess 5 Beast Skins
| Meteoric Iron
| Advanced Equipment
| 5000 G, 6 PP, 25 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------103 | Man of the Sea
| Possess 5 Corals
| Crimson Edge
| Possess 3 Morning Dew
| Divine Branch
| Possess 5 Crab Claws
| Nightmare Prison
| 7000 G, 8 PP, 30 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------104 | Dark Merchant
| Possess 2 Cockatrice Wings | Status Up
| Possess 5 Evil Eyes
| Generation Crystal
| Possess 5 Alkahests
| Advanced Weapons IV
| Possess 5 Forbidden Fruits | 7000 G, 8 PP, 30 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------105 | Golem Mechanic
| Possess 5 Pulses of Earth | Blacksmir
| Possess 5 Magic Armors
| Moon Fragment
| Possess 5 Slime Cores
| Ancient Smithing II
| 11,000 G, 10 PP, 40 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------106 | Hero's Legacy
| Possess 5 Master's Hammers | Gungnir
| Possess 5 Warrior's Reins | Moon Fragment
| Possess 5 Rune Stones
| Ancient Smithing III
| 11,000 G, 10 PP, 40 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------107 | Diabolist
| Possess 5 Devil Horns
| Skull Staff
| Possess 5 Master's Rings
| Lapis Noster
| Accessories 3-IV
| 9000 G, 8 PP, 40 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------108 | Wildland Warrior | Possess 5 Gold Dragon
| Curtana
| Scales
| Cruel Horn
| Possess 5 Death Curse
| Ancient Smithing V
| Charms
| 11,000 G, 10 PP, 40 TP
| Possess 5 Evil Dragon Claws |
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------109 | Forbidden
| Possess a Forbidden Tome I | Meteoric Iron
| Alchemist
| Possess a Forbidden Tome II | Generation Crystal
| Possess a Forbidden
| Lapis Noster
| Tome III
| 9000 G, 4 PP, 50 TP
| Possess a Forbidden Tome IV |
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------110 | Sword Flash
| Possess 5 Poisonous Stems | Marfile Seed
| Possess 5 Thunder Stones
| Extra Frame
| Chaos Frame
| 11,000 G, 4 PP, 100 TP

111 | Wimp
| Possess 20 Grasses
| Heal
| Refresh
| Divine Branch
| 500 G, 4 PP, 10 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------112 | Well Prepared
| Possess 20 Recovery Grasses | Prayer
| Lapis Noster
| Proof of Valor
| 2000 G, 6 PP, 25 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------113 | Herb Maniac
| Possess 10 Recovery Herbs | Mithril (x3)
| Divine Branch
| Damascus
| 5000 G, 8 PP, 50 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------114 | Coward
| Possess 10 Fragments of
| Platinum Bullion (x2)
| Life
| Unicorn Horn
| Damascus
| 1000 G, 4 PP, 10 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------115 | Worrywort
| Possess 10 Stones of Life | Damascus
| Generation Crystal
| Lapis Noster
| 3000 G, 6 PP, 25 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------116 | Insurance Maniac | Possess 10 Vessels of Life | STR Up
| Magic Stone Piece
| Revive
| 6000 G, 8 PP, 50 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------117 | Weapon King
| Collect all types of
| Genbu's Gauntlet
| weapons
| STR Up+
| Secret Album 6
| 20,000 G, 10 PP, 100 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------118 | Schneider
| Collect all types of armor | Byakko's Bracelet
| VIT Up+
| Secret Album 7
| 20,000 G, 10 PP, 100 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------119 | Ring Master
| Collect all types of
| Suzaku's Ring
| accessories
| AGI Up+
| Secret Album 8
| 20,000 G, 10 PP, 100 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------120 | Perfectionist
| Collect all types of items | Seiryu's Sword
| LUK Up+
| Secret Album 11
| 45,000 G, 12 PP, 100 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------121 | Proficient
| Collect all skills
| Revive
| INT Up+
| Max. HP Up+
| 20,000 G, 10 PP, 100 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------122 | Part-timer
| Possess over 1,000 G
| Element of Wind (x3)
| Element of Earth (x3)
| Divine Branch
| 100 G, 1 PP, 10 TP

123 | Parvenu
| Possess over 10,000 G
| Flame Edge
| Ice Vein
| Earth Spike
| 500 G, 4 PP, 10 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------124 | Semi-rich
| Possess over 200,000 G
| Accessories 1-I
| Accessories 1-II
| Generation Crystal
| 1000 G, 6 PP, 15 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------125 | Millionaire
| Possess over 1,000,000 G
| LUK Up
| MAX. HP Up
| Magic Stone Piece
| 2500 G, 10 PP, 25 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------126 | Multi-millionaire | Possess over 10,000,000 G | LUK Up+
| Max. HP Up+
| Lapis Noster
| 5000 G, 12 PP, 30 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------127 | Novice Summoner | Combine monsters 5 times
| Darkness Element (x3)
| Merciful Strike
| Divine Branch
| 500 G, 2 PP, 10 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------128 | Tamer
| Combine monsters 10 times | Critical Charge
| Magic Stone Piece
| Proof of Valor
| 2500 G, 4 PP, 15 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------129 | Breeder
| Combine monsters 20 times | Gospel
| Lapis Noster
| Proof of Valor
| 5000 G, 6 PP, 20 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------130 | Summoner
| Combine monsters 30 times | STR Up
| VIT Up
| MAX. HP Up
| 7500 G, 8 PP, 25 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------131 | Top Breeder
| Combine monsters 50 times | STR Up+
| VIT Up+
| Max. HP Up+
| 10,000 G, 10 PP, 30 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------132 | Experimentalist | Perform smithing 20 times | Element of Light (x3)
| Cure Grass (x3)
| Capture
| 500 G, 2 PP, 15 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------133 | Smithing Maniac | Perform smithing 100 times | Solid Caliber
| Generation Crystal
| Proof of Valor
| 2500 G, 4 PP, 20 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------134 | Alchemist
| Perform smithing 200 times | Ray
| Meteoric Iron
| INT Up
| 5000 G, 6 PP, 25 TP

135 | Alchemist King

| Perform smithing 300 times | STR Up
| VIT Up
| LUK Up
| 7500 G, 8 PP, 30 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------136 | Composition
| Perform smithing 500 times | AGI Up+
| Master
| INT Up+
| Lapis Noster
| 10,000 G, 10 PP, 40 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------137 | Recycler
| Enhance 100 times
| Element of Thunder (x3)
| Element of Wind (x3)
| Steal
| 500 G, 2 PP, 10 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------138 | Recycle Lover
| Enhance 200 times
| Charged Blast
| Moon Fragment
| Proof of Valor
| 2500 G, 4 PP, 15 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------139 | Recycle Maniac
| Enhance 300 times
| Dark Ray
| Generation Crystal
| AGI Up
| 5000 G, 6 PP, 20 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------140 | Ecologist
| Enhance 400 times
| AGI Up
| INT Up
| Moon Fragment
| 7500 G, 8 PP, 25 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------141 | Nature Lover
| Enhance 500 times
| Meteoric Iron (x3)
| Generation Crystal (x3)
| Lapis Noster (x3)
| 10,000 G, 10 PP, 30 TP
----+-------------------+-----------------------------+-----------------------142 | Lord of Agarest | Do it all
| Rapid Sword
| Chicken Emblem
| Chicken Ring
| 100,000 G, 100 PP, 500
| TP
To get titles 16-22, you must deal the listed amount of damage with a single
To get title 65, you must defeat Chaos.
To get title 66, you must defeat Mobius.
To get title 67, you must defeat Mayastia.
To get title 68, you must defeat Mercury.
To get title 69, you must defeat Nemesis.
To get title 70, you must defeat Deeth.
To get titles 71-82, you must defeat the various bosses on the Boundary Plane.
To get title 83, you must complete the First Generation.

To get title 84, you must complete the Second Generation.

To get title 85, you must complete the Third Generation.
To get title 86, you must complete the Fourth Generation.
To get title 87, you must recruit Beatrice in the Fifth Generation.
To get title 88, you must recruit Dyshana in the Fifth Generation.
To get title 89, you must recruit Murmina in the Fifth Generation.
To get title 90, you must recruit Vashtor in the Fifth Generation.
To get title 91, you must view the True End.
To get title 93, you must possess the four items listed AND the four items into
which they convert.
To get title 142, you must get all other titles.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------VII. Questions & Answers
Q: Why a Record of Agarest War FAQ?
A: It hadn't been done yet, and I was pining to write a FAQ for a strategy RPG.
Q: Did you really finish this game?
A: Yes. I don't submit FAQs unless I intend to finish them, and writing a comprehensive walkthrough necessitated finishing the game. It took me quite some
time, but for my readers' sake and my own, I finally made it to the end.
Q: Do you actually like this game?
A: Not as much as I wanted to.
Q: What do you mean by that?
A: I was disappointed by the lack of transitions in the plot, the frequent and
monotonous battles, the uneven difficulty curve, and the lack of explanations
from the in-game tutorial. Maybe I expected too much after jumping straight into Hard Mode, but games with this much depth need either a manual or a wellconstructed tutorial for new players. Having to slog through countless battles
to prepare for the next dungeon while trying to figure out the game mechanics
was tedious and sometimes frustrating. I believe that there were good ideas behind the game and I enjoy playing it in moderation, but its flaws stand out too
much for me to consider it a great game.
Q: Is this a "perfect game" FAQ?
A: No. I didn't even know that such a thing was possible until I was more than
halfway through the game, throughout which I'd been writing the FAQ based on my
own experiences and observations. I only included the events that I personally
saw in this FAQ, and I missed several that are required to obtain Esoteric
Books. If you want to be sure you don't miss them, I recommend following the
Agarest Wiki's perfect game guide, which was a great help to me throughout the
Fifth Generation.
Q: Are you ever going to add the events that you missed the first time around
and the conditions for triggering each event?
A: Possibly, if I ever get around to replaying the game.
Q: Are you ever going to add strategies for the Boundary Plane bosses?
A: Probably not. Anyone who's capable of beating Chaos already has the skills
and tactical knowledge to defeat any of the opponents in the game. It's just a

question of how well one's party is equipped and whether or not one has the
patience to go through the motions with each of the remaining bosses.
Q: I'm not a masochist. Why should I play
A: In addition to the extra challenge and
you'll get from completing the game, most
carry over to new games on ANY difficulty
you have to take great risks.

the game on Hard Mode?

the greater sense of accomplishment
of your earnings in Hard Mode will
setting. If you want great rewards,

Q: If I start a New Game+, what carries over?

A: That depends on the difficulty setting you choose for your next playthrough.
If you choose a higher difficulty setting, you get to keep your Gold, EP, TP,
PP, monster weapons, active skills, Proofs of Valor, crafting manuals, Secret
Arts books, Esoteric Books, Secret Albums, and fields. The game will also keep
track of any items that were registered to the shop's inventory and several
variables related to the acquisition of titles.
If you choose a lower or equivalent difficulty setting, you get to keep all of
the above plus your weapons, armor, accessories, items, and captured monsters.
Q: How can I capture monsters?
A: Reduce them to less than 5% of their maximum HP, then use the Capture skill.
It's not guaranteed to work, but characters with high STR, INT, LUK, and Hunter
are more likely to be successful.
Q: Do you know where I can find an English manual for this game?
A: Not for the PS3 version, but I've found one for the Xbox 360 version here:
Q: Who's your favorite girl in the game? Mine is...
A: Please don't finish that sentence.
Q: Should I purchase any of the downloadable content?
A: That depends. Do you feel that the cost of the content justifies the extra
benefit or enjoyment you'll get from the game? If so, go for it; if not, save
your money. Just be warned that buying and using items like the Halper Scythe
early on in the game can make it substantially less challenging.
Q: Did you purchase any of the downloadable content?
A: I don't see why anything other than idle curiosity would lead you to ask
this question, but I purchased the TP package. Some players might find it fun
and challenging to spend hours upon hours using combos against enemies to earn
TP; I find it boring and tedious, so I decided to save myself the trouble. More
patient or skillful players may deride me as lazy, cheap, or wasteful, but I'm
happy with my investment.
Q: Your FAQ sucks! I've crapped out better FAQs than this!
A: As soon as you find a way to upload excrement, you should post your wondrous
creation for all to see.
Q: I posted my FAQ, and everyone I know thinks it's better than yours! Your FAQ
really DOES suck!
A: Congratulations! I am in awe of your superior FAQ-writing skills! Now go
Q: This is the best FAQ I've ever read! You're a genius and a god among men,
and I want to know more about you so that I can immortalize you!
A: Yeah, I get that a lot. My contact info's listed below.

Q: <insert some question that has nothing to do with Record of Agarest War or
the FAQ here>
A: See the second sentence of my previous answer.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------VIII. Special Thanks
I would like to thank...
...Compile Heart, for creating the game.
...Aksys Games, for localizing the game to North American audiences.
...the Agarest Wiki ( and all of its
contributors, for being an excellent source of information about the game.
...weapon_r_97 of GameFAQs, for allowing me to use the lists from his FAQ.
...San Lorenso, for information about some different branches based on dialogue
options and the items dropped by bosses.
...Patrik Forsgren, for borrowing from my FAQ to write a highly informative and
helpful Steam guide for new players and sharing some information about the game
that even I didn't know.
...GameFAQs, for posting this FAQ.
...IGN, for posting this FAQ.
...Neoseeker, for posting this FAQ.
...Super Cheats, for posting this FAQ., for reading this FAQ.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------IX. Contacting Me
If you want to get in touch with me, send an e-mail to the following address:
Be sure to replace [at] and [dot] with the appropriate symbols, and include the
word "FAQ" in the subject line of your e-mail to ensure that it doesn't wind up
in my spam folder. I check my e-mail every day, so you should receive a reply
quickly in most cases. I happily accept praise, corrections, and constructive
criticism, and will give you credit for any information you share with me that
I decide to add to the FAQ. Rude, crass, or unintelligible e-mails will be ignored or mercilessly ridiculed as my mood dictates, so keep your e-mails clear
and polite if you want me to respond in kind.
I also use Skype and various IM clients occasionally. If you want my contact
information, ask for it via e-mail.
Happy gaming!

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