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Teacher Interview
How do you write a typical lesson plan?
Teacher does team planning each week. When creating a lesson it is
important to give time for students to master standard. Teacher uses a
PLC model, unit by unit for reading and math, and some time
individuals will use different resources (teachers).
In what ways do you plan to accommodate individual
differences in the classroom?
Leveled groups and differentiating materials
Bags of book based on individual students reading level
Math: formative data
What are some of your instructional challenges as a teacher?
Not enough time to teach lessons and make sure students master the
What have been some of our instructional successes as a
Seeing struggling students grow
Students growing in reading and moving up levels
How often do your students receive science/ social studies
Students have science and social studies 4 times a week for 45 min.
Science is done a half-quarter and social studies is done the other half.
What SS/ science topics will be studied during the second week
of my clinical experience? What are possible goals/ objectives I
could address for my lessons? Do you have any resources that
would support these objectives/ goals?
Use objectives: 2.H.1, 2.H.2, 2.H.3 integrated with writing 2.W.5, 2.W.6,
2.W.7. For lesson use timelines (2.H.1.1) in SS book pg. 324. Do an
example timeline together (life, school day, etc) then have them create
a timeline for their SS person in independent practice.
What does reading instruction look like in your classroom?
(Readers workshop. Basel) what reading topics will be studied
during my second weeks of clinical? What possible

goals/objectives could I address for my reading lesson? Do you

have any instructional resources to support those objectives?
Use a mini lesson, independent practice/ small groups. You could use
independent book bags on reading level and do fluency work.
What motivation tactics do you use to ensure a desire to learn?
Getting to know students and their interests
Pair students who have similar interests
Do student conferences, especially in reading
Compliment students and their work
Set goals with students and help them achieve them
What are your class rules?
Respect other people and use kind words
Students will do their best
Students will follow directions
Students will take care of themselves and the things in the
Students will use an indoor voice and walking feet
How is student behavior monitored?
A clip chart monitors behavior. Students will be asked to clip down for
not listening or following directions. Students will also have opportunity
to clip up by following directions without being asked and being on
task. At the end of the day students have a chance to clip up if they
How is positive behavior reinforced? How is negative behavior
The clip chart mostly monitors positive and negative behavior. Extra
good behavior can earn an external reward like picking from a prize
box or candy.
What are the consequences for negative behavior?
Moving seats
Walking laps
Removal from class
Tell me about the pacing of the lessons and interaction of the
classroom- use of time and other aspects of timewait time,
teacher and student talk. What works well with your students?

Mini lesson 10-15 min

Teacher models the concept
Allow student talk and interaction most of the time
Make sure to watch time and make sure you have enough time
for each part of the lesson
Use transitions (plan for them)

What types of learners are your students? (Visual, auditory,

kinesthetic) how do you address these different learning styles
in your classroom?
Most students are kinesthetic. It is important to incorporate different
activities using manipulative, give options for movement in different
areas of the classroom, make sure directions are visual and written on
the board, use anchor charts.
What types of technology do you use in your classroom? Do
you find technology beneficial to your lessons? Explain.
Yes; technology is very beneficial and allows students to explore. I
always try to use technology like videos in lesson to get students
engaged. It also allows students to have more options when they finish
work early. Students love it and look forward to be able to play
educational games types of technology in our classroom include:
3 desktops
1 laptop
1 teacher IPAD
Teacher overhead projector
School district bought programs to make individual assessments
for students
o Compass- language arts
o Dreambox- math
o Razkids- reading/ composition
What do you do for students who finish early on assignments?
Reading: independent reading
Math: games for standard/ review
Science/ SS: books on topic
What types of resources/ methods do you use for
assessments? what assessments work best for your students?
What types of summative/ formative assessments do you use?
Standard: pre-test and post-test
Daily: checking, exit ticket, grading

Formative: reading and math at the end of every quarter

Science/SS: post test at the end of the unit

Are their special needs in your classroom I need to be aware

2 autism
1 learning disabled- hard worker
1 ELL- no modifications, student understands English mostly

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