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Bradley Memmott


Bradley Memmott
708-985 R and S Road
Janesville, Ca 96114



Web Page
Business Card
Event Add


Three different logo designs for my dads almond company.

Create three completely different, original logos to fit a company
or personal image that will appeal to the audience. Do not imitate
existing logos or use previous designs. Use only the Illustrator tools
to create and draw your logos. Gather opinions from at least ten
people about which logo appeals most to them.
I began my project by formulating ideas as to what objects went
well with the company and products produced. I did a lot of
sketching and was constantly going back and forth from sketching
to research. After I felt that I had an adequate idea for the various
shapes and objects I wanted to use, I watched 2-3 hours of tutorial
videos on Adobe Illustrator before I opened up the program. Next,
I began tracing and applying my ideas onto Adobe Illustrator. I
quickly learne d that know keyboard short cuts to both the selection
tools, the shape builder, elliptical and box tool were important to be
able to work quickly and efficiently. After creating my rough drafts
of my logos I sought out critiques from my class members, tutor,
and professor. This brought me to my last stage where I was able
to refine my work, and develop my ideas into more effective logos.
February 22, 2015
Visual Media/ Cory Kerr
Adobe Illustrator

Going Nutty

Goi n g Nu tty


ng Nutt

gourmet almonds


A basic webpage developed with CSS and HTML to display a personaly logo
created for a company.
Size and optimize an original logo. Write content to describe the process of
creating your logo and how it appeals to a target audience. Acquire a working
knowledge of HTML. Acquire a working knowledge of CSS. Identify hex colors
to match logo, using Photoshop color picker.
This webpage was designed with completely with Notepad++. Designing in
HTML and CSS was quite a rigorous process. In the beginning it was very
complicated and confusing to understand how to identify what was being changed
when i was coding in CSS and when I was coding in HTML. Once I understood
that HTML is more of the skeleton, and CSS is like the flesh it was a little bit easier
to know what needed to be changed in the CSS when I made this connection.
March 15, 2014
Visual Media/ Cory Kerr


Portfolio piece which demonstrates my ability to capture quality photos and

effectively edit them. Also exhibits my ability to effectively implement a color
scheme into my work
Learn basic photography skills. Choose a color scheme, take a photo to match
those colors, then incorporate the colors into the layout. Use a digital camera
to take a quality image, then download it. Adjust image levels, saturation, color
balance, sharpen tool on separate layers for non-destructive editing.
I first started out visualizing my project based off of what I am passionate about,
Working and Playing. I rented a camera from the school and grabbed my gear
to take a photo with sufficient light, sharp focus, and good composition. Next
I transferred my photo to begin the editing process on Adobe Photoshop. I
quickly learned that there are many different ways to accomplish a variety
number of task. Though this was a challenge I was able to sharpen my image,
add color and vibrancy to enhance my color scheme. I also adjusted my levels
to add better light into the image then finished up with my sharpen tool to
define the racquet, shoe, and glove as a focal point.
Febreuary 7, 2015
Visual Media/ Cory Kerr
Cannon DSLR, Adobe Photoschop



A full duplex style brochure with a gate fold design.

Set up and align a two-sided, folded document. Create an original, new logo and use
it in a brochure. Incorporate quality images. Incorporate at least four quality images,
not including the logo. One should be clipped in Photoshop and text-wrapped in
InDesign so the text follows the cutout shape ofthe image. Write at least 250 words
of original copy in at least three paragraphs, headers, and subheaders. Trim for a full
bleed and print in duplex (two-sided) color.
I started this project by setting up my gate fold measurements on Adobe Indesign. I
Designed it so that the front flap with my logo would over lap on the secondary flap.
This was designed because I wanted to cutout a portion of the front flap to add some
creativity to the front of the brochure.
March 29, 2015
Visual Media/ Cory Kerr
Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

1247 3rd Ave.

Brandsville P.A.
10:00am - 7:00pm

Through the years we have done our best

to maintain the same standards set forth
when we first opened our doors back in
1920, when this photo was taken.

About us


Bradley and Lisette Memmott

were married on April 6 1918
and through their
passion for good
food, (specifically
beef and other
that they
help the
to also
enjoy a
taste of the best cuts of life.
They scrimped and saved
pennies for the first two years
of their marriage in order to
open up their little shop and
havent looked back since!
Today, they enjoy a more
removed hand in the day
to day operations of the
business, and are proud
to have two of their five
children step up to the plate
and assume the maj or
responsibility for the business.
If you stop by the shop on any
give morning you are more
than likely to be able to stop
and chat with either Bradley
or Lisette about how they first

We strive to bring you the best cuts of beef

from the purest beef this side of the West
Mississippi. We are also proud supporters
of local farms and find that being able to
support small businesses is the best way to
give back to our friends and neighbors.
We are constantly looking for new
opportunities to branch out and find other

Our Specialties include:

Cold Cuts

Choice Raw Cuts

Artisian Cheeses




Matching business card and letterhead with a custom designed logo.

Create a new logo to fit a company or personal image. Use the new logo to
design consistent layouts for a business card. Photos are okay on business card.
Business card should be 3.5 x 2 and printed above center on a vertical page. Apply
typography rules, keeping small copy. Include contact information: name, address,
phone, website, and email on each piece. Use periods, bullets, or spaces in phone
number; no parentheses/ hyphens.
I started out by doing research on quilts, quilting companies, and color schemes
that would be a appropriate for a quilting logo. After I felt like I had done adequate
research I took my ideas to the sketchpad where I mapped out what I wanted
my logo to look like. Next I transferred my ideas on the sketchpad onto adobe
Illustrator. Here I used the shap building tools to create a simple pattern for my
quilt. I wanted my colors to be only colors without any patterns in the color
blocks to represent a more modern quilt pattern. A more classic quilt will have a
lot of patterns and textures in the colors used but because I want my audience to
see that this company is a modern quilt making company I felt that the colors I
chose where more appropriate.
February 28, 2015
Visual Media/ Cory Kerr
Adobe Illustrator & InDesign


Matching business card and letterhead with a custom designed logo.

Use the new logo to design consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead. Photos
are okay on business card and letterhead as additional design elements. Letterhead
should be 8.5 x 11, full-bleed optional, but trim only .125. Business card should be 3.5
x 2 and printed above center on a vertical page. Apply typography rules, keeping small
copy. Keep designs simple with light watermarks and drop shadows and plenty of white
space. Include contact information: name, address, phone, website, and email on each
piece. Use periods, bullets, or spaces in phone number; no parentheses/ hyphens.
I designed my letterhead in Adobe InDesign. I included similar elements from my
business card into the design of this letter head. A new aspect of my design was a
quilting pattern which I created in Illustrator. This feathering as it is referred to in
the quilting world is often very detailed and intricate work. It is also what can make a
quilt go from nice, to exquisite. I chose to have this feathering as my water mark on my
letterhead because it is very light and with low contrast, though still present and only
adding to the idea of a quilting business.
February 28, 2015
Visual Media/ Cory Kerr
Adobe Indesign & Illustrator


A color event add with a full bleed designed to promote a banquet charity dinner for
the Boy Scout Troop 125.
Comprehend image sizing (how pixels and inches work together). Find, scan and
import a high-quality image. Create a full-bleed design. Choose a color scheme and
typeface(s) that work for your message and audience. Learn to use only Word design
features without using any Adobe programs, including Photoshop.
Due to a strict budget I was only able to use Microsoft word to design this ad. I started
out by selecting an image to scan after which I cropped it into two separate photos into
which I added three bars of color in which I added my title and copy text. I chose to
have my uploaded image be a full bleed on all aspects of the ad so that the audience
would be pulled in by the rich texture and color of the ribs. Early on I decided to
implement a monochromatic color scheme and pull my colors from the actual photo.
I also felt that a big bold San Serif title would be most effective to pull in the audience
and share my message most effectively.
January 31, 2015
Visual Media/ Cory Kerr
Microsoft Word, Epson Scanner, (PDF converter).

Feed your inner hog this weekend and support Boy

Scout Troop 125. All proceeds will go towards this
years summer Scout Camp.

Friday Jan. 29th

7:00 PM
Mt. Valley Church Parking Lot




Black and White flier advertising for a conference of

graduate leaders.
Apply the design principles and use appropriate
Incorporate basic InDesign skills to improve basic flier
layout Retrieve image and logo from links on this page.
Create a project folder with image, logo and InDesign
document to keep links in InDesign intact.
I was provided the logo, image and information for
this project and with that information I initially started
sketching ideas while thinking about my message
and audience. After finding a few options to pursue I
began applying my ideas to Adobe InDesign. I chose
to enlarge my image as well as one of the words in my
title to bring focus to the flier. I also chose to add in
a few elements of various shades of grey to give the
overall project more contrast and add to the gestalt.
Some of the body copy is bigger than others to add
hierarchy and emphasis to the potential audience. One
of my main struggles was finding balance between my
image and white space.
January 23, 2015
Visual Media/ Cory Kerr
Adobe InDesign



October 21st
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Do you want to have the competitive edge

in business?

Lincoln Convention Center

Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual Graduate

Leadership Conference. Vouant Communications is devoted to
helping tomorrows leaders gain essential leadership skills in the
workplace. During this dynamic three-day seminar, attenees will
meet with top executives of Vouant Communications to discuss
breakthrough leadership techniques, while cultivating attributes
of leadership that will market to any employer. Conference is
available to graduating seniors.
Space is limited.
Registration and more
information available at:



Spiritual Montage created by blending together several images into one.

Use the FOCUS design process with strong focal point and flow. Unify a layout with a
consistent theme and dominant spiritual message. Learn to blend two or more images
together gradually, using masks. Demonstrate more advanced Photoshop skills for layout
with multiple elements. Use a mask to apply a filter to one part of the image. Apply
typography principles (titles, quotes, events or scripturesyour choice). Format type:
Legibility; Small copy & Title with varying text size. -Select good quality images
After sketching what I wanted to create and began searching for images that would fit the
message. After deciding my color scheme I begun the process of transforming my people
into sheep people as well as my one man into a wolf man. Once I had created my wolf
and sheep I added depth to the montage by putting them into perspective by placing them
on the same horizon line. After this I decided to blur three separate sections of my pasture
background in order to better create a foreground, mid ground, and background. After
this I added two more trees to the background landscape in order to add more texture.
Then I added a vintage paper texture with a low opacity to the whole piece in order to
provide consistency and likeness throughout the whole project. I also did this in order to
tie all of my separate images together.
February 14, 2015
Visual Media/ Cory Kerr
Adobe Photoshop

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