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Literature Circle Guidelines

For the next 5 days, your group will be working together in order to read, analyze, and respond to a
work of fiction. Based on your personal interests, I have given each group of people a different short
story. It is your job to complete the work given to you in this packet by Wednesday, October 22, which
is when each group will give a presentation about the story that they read. Remember, you will be
logging your activity and rating one another on who gives the most effort.
Group Activities: These are activities that every person in the group will receive a grade for.
-Participation (50 points)
You can receive up to 10 participation points each day. If you goof around or do not help your
group, then you will not receive the full amount of points for the day. Whatever group is the
best behaved throughout the project will receive 15 bonus points.
-Activity Log (10 points)
Each day, your group must log what activities you complete and how long it took you to do
-Annotations (10 points)
Each person in your group must make 2 annotations in the story. You must initial next to each
annotation in order to get the full credit.
-Plot Diagram (10 points)
Your group must fill in a plot diagram of the story that you read together. Each member must fill
out a specific box and put their initials next to it in order to receive credit.
-Character Analysis Work Sheet (28 points)
Your group will fill out a worksheet that analyzes the characters in your story.
-Character Facebook (20 points)
You will create a Facebook poster for the main character of your story.
-Setting Work Sheet (8 Points)
See worksheet.
-Conflict (14 points)
You must write about the two major conflicts in the story. Write a 5 sentence paragraph with
one piece of text evidence for each.
-Art Project (30 points)
Led by the Art Director, you will create a work of art that responds to your story. This could be a
poem, rap/song, dance, photography, a movie, picture, or anything else that you can think of.
-Discussion (30 points)
Led by the Discussion Director, you will participate in a discussion about your short story.
-Theme (60 points)
Your group must write a 5 paragraph essay that analyzes the theme(s) of your short story.
-Presentation (40 points)
Your group must present everything that you will work on to the class. Everyone must have
something to talk about in order to receive full credit.
-Self-Evaluation (10 points)
You will fill out a worksheet that evaluates your work efforts during this project.
-Group Evaluation (10 points)
You will fill out a worksheet that evaluates the work efforts of the other members in your group
during this project.

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