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Marker Plan

The following plan is due to a recent problem with no markers and mis-marks. The
switch from working with Carestream to CR has been part of the reason, because ofchanging the plates every exposure, switching plate sizes, replacing marker
placements, realizing the CR plate border on the cassette, etc. Here is my
preventative plan:
1. I will place an exam process note by the exposure switch in each room stating
a checklist, which is:
1. Is a marker on the plate?
2. Is a marker placed in the collimation light?
3. Is the Bucky aligned?
4. Is shielding used and not over the marker?
Before each exposure I will run through each question quickly as a double
check. As an additive measure, if the process is interrupted (such as a
technologist helping and putting the plate in the bucky for you) I will start the
check list over and re-check.
2. I will now place each marker 2 fingers in from the border of the CR plate, or
collimator light.

I will ask the RTs where good marker placement is for different exams. Then I
will determine a marker placement for the exams where I can switch my
marker (right to left) as least as possible, and leave my marker in the same
place, when possible. This way the marker placement is consistent through
the whole exam and I don't get confused with which marker to use.

4. Take time to mentally run through the exam process and not getting ahead of
myself will help to cancel any confusion or forgetting a step.
Thank you for taking the time with me to handle this situation.
Courtney Nance

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