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LEE: good morning everyone, we are here to discuss about the theme which

is dengue outbreak and the title given is who should be responsibility to

control the disease. So, I will be the first to introduce myself. My name is
Lee Yan Yi
Poh Shyen: I am Wong Poh Shyen.
Attieyyah: My name is Wan Attieyyah Rahman Bt. Wan Azman.
Nasuha: my name is Siti Nasuha biti Muhammad Rafee
JUAN: and my name is Wong Li Juan.
LEE: let just continue with our discussion, who will start the point first?
LEE: okay, so, in my opinion, in order to control the disease, society plays an
important role in it. As we know, society contain a lot of people, include
bad guy good guy. So, bad people with bad manner always throw the
rubbish, causes the drain to have collective water. This helps in the
production of mosquitos. So, if we want to stop the dengue outbreak, we
should focus on the society. As we can see that, the society keeps
producing the rubbish. So why dont we just focus on the society? Well,
any others opinion?
JUAN: I can see your point there but to me, I have the different opinion. I
think that the school have the most responsibility to control this disease.
So, why I say like that? Because just as you said, the those bad guys
throw the rubbish everywhere. Why they have the they do like that
because they dont know if they throw the rubbish everywhere, what will
the causes behind. I mean that the school should teach them, educate
Poh Shyen: Ya, from my view, hmm.. You say that peoples with bad
manners, like to throw rubbish everywhere and make the drains
suck, I think government should be responsibility on control this
bad behaviour, because, government, I think they should do
more inspection of home nearby because, spraying the
pesticide around the resident areas because most of them,
err...they will plant at their home and then the vase will contain
water and this make the mosquito larvae growth. So, and then,
err...I think that government also should punish those for found the
mosquito larvae in their house. Ya, and also those who throw
rubbish everywhere.
Attieyyah: As for me uhm, i think parents held the most responsibility in
preventing these, you know these dengue outbreaks.
Its because, mostly nowadays dengue outbreaks ahh, happens
most of the children and young people.
So i think parents should control their childrens activity in evening
like monitoring them so that they can see the early stage of the

development of these dengue outbreaks in their children so that

they can prevent them early.
And also parents responsible to keeping the area clean like you
said just now ( referring to Poh Shyuen ) umm, ( apa ni? ) umm
keeping the vase, you know, clean without the water inside them,
so, yeah.
Nasuha: clean..(overlapping), For me, in my view, emm. Ownself more
responsible tp prevent this outbreak. Okay, for the first one, erm,,
we, we ahh, we must use repellent, repellent, repellent lotion for err,
ahh, to prevent the mosquito to.. yes, bite us. So then, so then,
maybe outside, we maybe indoor also have to use the repellent
lotion. Okay, then I think parents also one of the person can, can use
the repellent lotion for their children, so then the children know how
to use it.
Attieyyah: Lotion is one way, i think it is a good start on preventing the
dengue, which is, you know a good way. The first step yeah. But
the government i think you should, i mean they should introduce
new acts/laws to prevent those bad guys in society to yeah to
prevent them from throwing rubbish around.
Poh Shyen: I don't think the lotion is useful because I think not everyone will
go but the lotion and then apply on themselves and I don't think
everyone will follow the instruction.
Nasuha: So then, I have emm new idea, maybe we use long shirt, long
sleeved shirt, with long pant, and socks, so then the mosquito
(laughing) cover ourselves.

LEE: I kind of agree with your points there but instead of just protecting
ourselves, I think we should control the production of mosquitos.
Attieyyah: Lotion is one way, i think it is a good start on preventing the
dengue, which is, you know a good way. The first step yeah. But
the government i think you should, i mean they should introduce
new acts/laws to prevent those bad guys in society to yeah to
prevent them from throwing rubbish around.
Poh Shyen: I don't think the lotion is useful because I think not everyone will
go but the lotion and then apply on themselves and I don't think
everyone will follow the instruction.
Nasuha: So then, I have emm new idea, maybe we use long shirt, long
sleeved shirt, with long pant, and socks, so then the mosquito
(laughing) cover ourselves.
Attieyyah: But nowadays but i think emm, you know, inappropriate, no, its
not inappropriate, i think its not suitable because nowadays the
weather is so hot, so when (overlapping)

Poh Shyen: I think nowadays children, they very modern, they don't like to
wear long shirt long sleeve, they don't care about either they will err...get
this disease or not but, they want to make them beautiful.
Attieyyah: I think in school you can uhh you can just ask the government or
the society i mean uhh you know nowadays they have the society
that control the outbreaks then you can ask them to come to
schools and just do fogging, fog up the area then yeah, mosquito
larvae can just die.

LEE: I kind of agree your point which is about the parents give education to
their child as they are the role model to their child. So, every society is
build up by a lot of families and the children will grew up and create
another family, which shows a cycle here.
Poh Shyen: Ya, I agree with you, so err... I think parent is the most
responsibility to control this disease
Nasuha: Me too. Oh me too? (laughing) so then erm, maybe parents should
teach their children to, when we throw the rubbish, there is water, so
we have to pour it out. Empty the rubbish and just throw. Emm
JUAN: I do agree with you also. Parents can also educate their children,
LEE: so here we came out with the conclusion which is parents should take
the most responsibility in controlling the dengue disease.

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