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SPED 5122/6122


CBM Assignment, Part 3
Chris Clausen
Student Name: Brinna Toma
Student School: George Washington Academy
Student Grade Level: fifth
Skill you are monitoring: oral reading fluency
Skill level: second
Name of assessment used: DIBELS Next
Student goal: 45 + (10 x 2) = 65 cwpm
By December 19th, 2014, Brinna will read 65 correct words per minute with no more than 4
errors on 2nd grade oral reading fluency progress monitoring probes.
Progress to Date
A. Correct Words, Slope: Brinna is being progress monitored using DIBELS level 2. Her scores are
as follows: Passage 1: 29 correct words per minute with 4 errors, Passage 2: 48 correct words per
minute with 4 errors, Passage 3: 45 correct words per minute with 6 errors giving her a median
score of 45 correct words per minute with 5 errors.
Week 4: 39 cwpm with 4 errors
Week 5: 44 cwpm with 6 errors
Week 6: 55 cwpm with 6 errors
Week 7: 44 cwpm with 5 errors
Week 8: 76 cwpm with 3 errors
Week 9: 56 cwpm with 4 errors
Week 10 77 cwpm with 3 errors
Week 11 66 cwpm with 3 errors
B. Error Words: Brinna is making fewer errors, averaging just over 3 errors versus 5 at the
beginning of the school year. Common words missed are multiple part words and connecting
C. Observations: Brinna is gaining confidence and is willing to try multiple part words more often.
She shows more care in making certain small words are correct as well. She is also more aware of
the context and will self correct if the passage doesnt make sense. Brinna has been receiving
additional help from a reading tutor. This is one-on-one time that Brinna is enjoying and
responding well to. It takes time for Brinna to feel safe with people which may be another reason
she is making progress faster than she was at the beginning of the school year. She enjoys her
general education teacher, Mrs. Williams. Mrs. Williams with Brinna in a way that boosts her
confidence. Comments from the special education teacher and Brinna lead me to believe she has
more parent involvement in reading than shes had in the past. Tutors, teachers, parents, and aides
all work together to help bring her success.
D. Comparison to Goal: Brinnas progress has followed the aim line. Her final scores show her
right on target on cwpm, having even slightly fewer errors than anticipated as well as more cwpm
than anticipated. Im pleased with the rate at which Brinna is progressing. I would not change her
goal as the material will get harder. This will keep Brinna from the frustration point and keep her
feeling successful. The one thing I would change would be to have more mini-lessons on
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vocabulary. This will help build her confidence in decoding. Her new reading tutor is using the
Higher Steps program which will help with that, as well.
Next Steps
A. Summarize Change or No Change: Brinna has met her reading goal. It seems to be a
reasonable goal for her as the majority of her scores have been near the aim line. At this point
Brinna is nearly ready for third grade text. I would finish her Dibels assessments for 2 nd grade
since she only has two more. As long as there are no big changes I would move to the 3 rd grade
level. Id keep the goal continuing to increase by 2 words per week with no more than 3 errors.
This will have her reading at a 4th grade level by the end of the school year.
B. Rationale for Change or No Change: Brinna has shown steady progress as shown on her
progress monitoring graph and has already met her fall goal. I would suggest leaving her goal at
an increase of 2 cwpm per week. The average for the last 3 probes is 92% bringing her just below
the instructional level. However, if we use the last 4 probes her average is 95% placing her
soundly at the instructional level. She is reading at an average of 66 cwpm with 3.3 errors. If she
continues at that rate, it would put her goal at 106 cwpm over a 20 week period (the end of the
school year). Well evaluate her progress monthly to decide if any changes need to be made.
When Brinna is able to read 100 cwpm with 97% accuracy she can move to 4th grade reading
C. Summary
Brinna has met her goal of reading 65 cwpm with a minimum of 3 errors. She is reading an
additional 2 cwpm each week and has decreased from an average of 5 errors to an average of 3
errors on Dibels Next CBM probes at the 2nd grade level. I propose administering two more
probes on this level to ensure consistency. If Brinnas scores remain high well continue with an
increase of 2 words per week with a minimum of 3 errors. Her new goal would be 106 cwpm over
a 20 week period; however, we will evaluate scores monthly to see if changes in that goal need to
be made. Since the reading material will be increasing in difficulty keeping the current goal
seems reasonable keeping her from the frustration point. This goal will place Brinna at a mid 4 th
grade reading level by the end of the school year.
Future goal
By May 31st, 2015, Brinna will read 106 correct words per minute with no more than 3 errors on
4th grade oral reading fluency progress monitoring probes on 2 of 3 probes.

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