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Name: Ngel Kimcheng

Class: A1.4
Christmas in Cambodia
Christmas is a Christians holiday. The purpose of it is to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Despite of the fact that the majority of Cambodians are Buddhists, we also celebrate it. Even
though most schools are open as usual, some even have a Christmas party. Many caf and some
stores on the streets are decorated in Christmas theme. Additionally, those stores tend to have a
sale or a promotion as well. Small kids often chase each other and try to smear each other face
with white scented powder. Some youths also play a game called exchanging the present
which is a game where everybody each buy a present and use lucky draw to decide which
present each person is going to get. Many also give out cards and packs of candies to friends or
classmates. Moreover, its not unusual to find young people gathering and eating out together at
various restaurants. Some would also go shopping at mall or at places that are having sale for
Christmas. Overall, although we, Cambodians, dont consider ourselves Christians, many of us
celebrate Christmas.

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