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Approved 2/3/2015

Scott Mountain Homeowners Association

Board Meeting of January 6, 2015
Location: Fire Station, 9336 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Ted Seble, Dave Gilman, John Chapman, John Short, Jim Graham, Dennis
Shaffer, Dan Otis, Nancy Hall, Jenny Shaffer
Absent: All present
Homeowners Present: none

Guests: none

Call to Order: 7:00 pm by President Dennis Shaffer

Approval of Meeting Minutes Annual Meeting November 2014
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made to approve the
November minutes as submitted by John Chapman, seconded by Ted and all Board members present
President: Dennis Shaffer
Selection of new officers an election was held and the current officers were elected to the
same offices.
Dennis hired an electrician to fix the path lights served from the Kela Court panel. The cost was
about $200. Dennis replaced a bulb on #17. It was reported that the lights served from the King
way panel were still out. Dennis said he would have the electrician look at it.
He removed a tree that had fallen across a common area path.
Vice-president: Ted Seble
Ted suggested that in the next newsletter we ask for email address so we can provide important
news to the homeowners.
Secretary: Dave Gilman
Dave reported the completion of the meeting minutes for annual meeting that occurred in
Treasurers Report: John Chapman
John Chapman reported that checking balance is $33,425. We are ahead of projections
because of past dues being paid and drop boxes expenses being less than projected.
The holiday lighting contest was a success. The winners received a $30 check after returning
the sign describing their win. The winners will be noted in the next newsletter.
He received approval from the County to install a stop sign with flashing lights. The cost
estimate was $1560. It was suggested that it be able to be moved. John made a motion to
approve the funds to install a flashing stop light at a cost of up to $1900 at a location to be
decided. Seconded by Jenny. All Board members approved.
John noted that there was still debris in streets at some locations. Jim said he has some cost
estimates to remove the debris.
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Prepared by Dave Gilman

Approved 2/3/2015
Environmental Committee: Jim Graham
Jim reported that there was lots of debris in the common area after the last storm. Finishing
Touch would charge $35/yard to haul it off. This would also apply to street clean up.
Happy Fish has been sold. We need a replacement provider to do the common area upkeep.
Jim will meet with new owner of Happy Fish to discuss the work needed.
He noted that there are some street lamps that have trees blocking the light. He said Finishing
Touch said they could do that work. But to do cutting on a homeowners property you would
need the homeowners permission.
Jim is also working with Finishing Touch to renew the landscaping contract.
John Short said we should have money set aside for green space maintenance. There was
general agreement.
Covenant Compliance: Dan Otis
Dan reported he had a call from Sue Farah. She said that new owners of the home across the
street have added a new plastic shed. Dan will check to see if it has been approved and will
provide this info to John Short so he can take action if it has not been approved.
Architectural: John Short
John Short reported Linda Bemis has not fixed the fence at her home as agreed. John
Chapman will write and send a letter requesting completion.
Met with resident at 9662 SE King Way requesting permission to remove a rotten tree. It was
He called and left a message for Valerie Helm at 9856 SE King Way as request, but has not
received a return call.
He met Brian Hansen at 10759 SE 99 th Drive to review a pine tree that was causing damage to
driveways. This was approved. He will follow up with Brian about removing the stump.
He noted that there has been dumping of concrete in common area behind Steven court.
Safety: Jenny Shaffer (see report
Jenny provided a written report that is attached.
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
Nancy said the deals between the Eagle Landing Project and the County became public in
December. The County would provide a waiver of service charges that amounts to several
million dollars. The project wants to acquire the Stevens Court apartments. The project still
needs approval of the master plan. She said it is not on the County Commission Board agenda
Open Forum
Adjournment: at 9:07 pm by Dennis
Next Regular Board Meetings: February 3, 2015 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday
of the month that follows, except in August and December.

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Prepared by Dave Gilman

Approved 2/3/2015

Jenny's Report - January 6, 2015

A high school student needed three hours volunteer service time in the green space last month.
He pulled English ivy and helped dismantle and disperse two fallen trees in the upper forest to
better locations along the trails.
The 14 remaining baby trees by Idleman which were planted by Chris Runyard's team have
improved with the rains this fall and winter. In fact, some look as good as the ones behind my home
that are being watered during the summer. There's been a couple trees fall down a few months ago
in that area too -- one is across the path.
John Short came by with his saw in the upper green space to cut down a fallen tree from its main
trunk and also cut it from off the trail. It was a challenge because the fallen part was still attached at
about six feet high and John had to reach up with the saw and anticipate at the same time whether
it would come back and fall on him. Thank you, John. (Dennis ended up pushing it down after John
made the cut.) Former HOA President Carl was there also to help with the heavy lifting. Great team
work of our HOA volunteers!
A week ago, I contacted the Clackamas County Transportation Engineer about the drop off of the
radar calming device. He checked on the date, but the list had not been updated by the
Transportation Dept., and he reported that he'd be getting back to me when he found out the date.
So far, I have not heard back after again contacting him this morning.

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Prepared by Dave Gilman

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