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APPROVED 3/3/2015

Scott Mountain Homeowners Association

Board Meeting of February 3, 2015
Location: Fire Station, 9336 SE Causey
Board Members Present: Ted Seble, Dave Gilman, John Short, Jim Graham, Dennis Shaffer, Nancy
Absent: John Chapman, Dan Otis, Jenny Shaffer
Homeowners Present: Pat Mick

Guests: none

Call to Order: 7:00 pm by President Dennis Shaffer

Approval of Meeting Minutes Board Meeting January 2015
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made to approve the
January minutes as submitted by John Short, seconded by Ted, and all Board members present
Homeowner Issues
Pat Mick had two issues.
She reported that there had been vandalism near and on her property. She has reported this to
the Sherriffs office. So far no arrests.
She stated that seniors in the area should register with the Fire Department so that it is aware of
any health issues. The Fire Department will then know what service is needed. She will provide
an article about this for the next newsletter.
President: Dennis Shaffer
Dennis hired an electrician to fix the path lights between 99th and King Way. The cost was $900.
He received a complaint that dogs were barking all day at 9945 SE Gia Court. Dan will check
into this.
He received an email from the Donnellys requesting to be put on a future email list.
He reported that a tree fell on the walking path between light 16 and 99th. Finishing Touch was
requested to remove the tree. The cost was $550.
There was a burglary at a house on 99th. The burglar was in the house when the homeowner
arrived. The Sherriff was called. When he came he used dogs to track the burglar, but there was
no arrest.
Vice-president: Ted Seble
Ted requested that 96th and King Way be considered for an enhanced stop sign. Dennis noted
that due to other potential expenses the Board would need to defer the signs.
He noted that there was an excellent article about crime in the area and how to avoid it in the
Happy Valley newsletter. He suggests the article be added to the next newsletter. He will check
to see if the article is available on line.
Secretary: Dave Gilman
Dave reported the completion of the meeting minutes for the Board meeting that occurred in
January 2015.
Discussion of drain issue. This is the drain in the common area near the walking path from
Derrick Court to Kela Court. Dave gave a brief summary of the drain issue that occurred in
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Prepared by Dave Gilman

APPROVED 3/3/2015
1996-97. Dave was Board President at that time. At that time a homeowner (Ms. Courts) on 98th
Court incurred water damage to her basement during heavy rain in winter 1996. She said it was
due to the common area drain not working properly and sued the Association for not keeping it
in working order. The Association settled by agreeing to fix the drainage in that area and keep
the drainage working in the future. The current issue started when Steve Croxston, homeowner,
(his house is next to the drain) had basement flooding. He blamed it on the drain not accepting
water from his roof drain. Jim Graham had River City Environmental clean the catch basin drain
and check the pipe going into it from the homeowners roof with a video camera. The cost was
about $2100. They found a blockage on Steves property in the pipe from his roof. He agreed it
was his problem. But Rose City also found a drain issue downhill from the catch basin. It was
where the connecting pipe to the County system had separated. They provided an estimate to
fix this of about $6000 (see attachment 1). It was concluded that this should be fixed as soon as
possible due to the potential heavy rain for the rest of the winter. Dave made a motion to
allocate up to $9000 to accept River Citys bid to fix the pipe. John Short seconded. As John has
construction experience, he agreed to discuss the estimate with River City to make sure that it
covered the problem. All members present approved the motion.
Treasurers Report: John Chapman
John Chapman was absent. He had provided a report to Dennis that Todd Yost (9800 SE King
Way) agreed to pay his back dues of $584.
Environmental Committee: Jim Graham
Jim reported that Finishing Touch (our landscaper) has agreed to a contract for the year. He
said that they agreed to move large debris from the side of the paths to the common area as
part of path clean up.
The new owner of Happy Fish will report at the next Board meeting on the proposed work his
company will do in the common area and his cost to do it. Jim will discuss what is needed with
him prior to the meeting.
Covenant Compliance: Dan Otis
Dan was absent.
He had reported to Dennis that a neighbor wants to pull a stump in his front yard and add a
retaining wall. Dennis will send the address to John Short for review.
Architectural: John Short
John Short met with new home owner at 10251 SE 100 th (Throng) on paint colors and other
remodeling they plan to do. He approved their plans.
He met with Michael Renner on a tree fort the homeowner is building in his back yard. He
approved the plans.
Safety: Jenny Shaffer
Jenny absent
She provided a report that the County traffic engineer has not gotten back to her regarding the
date of replacement of the radar calming device.
Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
Nancy reported on the Sunnyside United Neighbors (SUN) CPO meeting last night. She
reported that the Fire department said it will have a tax of $.10 per $1000 on ballot to
replace/upgrade equipment, and that it is not an increase from the current levy. The Sherriffs
staff said that calls for service were up 20% in this area last year. The County Engineering
Department was there to report on the need for road repair and how to get funds to do it.
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APPROVED 3/3/2015
Open Forum
Adjournment: at 8:32 pm by Dennis
Next Regular Board Meetings: April 7, 2015 at 7 pm at the Fire Station. And each first Tuesday of the
month that follows, except in August and December.

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Prepared by Dave Gilman

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