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Capstone Outline Amanda Garrett

Purpose: Understand breast cancer more because it affects so many people in

todays world, especially some of my loved ones
Audience: younger women mainly generally young adults (males included too)
Thesis: Breast cancer has in fact become more prevalent in society due to the
increase in awareness campaigns and research.





a. Essential question
i. Why has breast cancer become more prevalent in society?
b. Thesis: Breast cancer has in fact become more prevalent in society due
to the increase in awareness campaigns and research.
c. Purpose?
Defining Breast Cancer
a. Definition of breast cancer
b. Types of breast cancer
i. Non-invasive
ii. Invasive
c. Symptoms
d. Stages
i. 0 to IV
e. Diagnosing breast cancer
i. Tests
f. Treatment
i. Local therapy
ii. Systemic therapy
iii. Adjuvant therapy
iv. Neoadjuvant therapy
Determining Increase in Breast Cancer
a. Statistics on breast cancer cases from the past
b. Statistics on breast cancer cases current
c. Percentage of increase from history to now
i. Used to be 1 in 10 people, now 1 in 8
d. Analyze statistics to show there has been in an increase in breast
cancer diagnoses
i. Look at United Kingdom statistics as well
Analyzing Possible Causes for Increase
a. Factors that affect breast cancer
i. Age more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer when a
person is older
ii. Family history
iii. Genetic alterations
iv. Alcohol
v. Menstrual cycle
vi. Usage of menopausal hormone therapy
vii. DES
b. Possible reasons behind the increase in breast cancer overtime

a. Purpose?
b. Overall understanding of my research

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