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(Every cancer. Every life., n.d.











25 May 2023


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Num Contents Page

1.0 The introduction of the cancer awareness campaign 3-4

2.0 The objective of the cancer awareness campaign 5-6

3.0 The key stakeholders who need to be engaged with the cancer awareness 7-8

4.0 The benefits of the cancer awareness campaign 9

5.0 Conclusion 10

6.0 Reference 11

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Cancer, one of the leading causes of death worldwide, has a profound impact on individuals,
families, and communities. Every year, millions of lives are affected by this devastating
disease. However, despite its prevalence, there is hope. Cancer awareness campaigns play a
crucial role in spreading knowledge, empowering individuals, and promoting early detection
and prevention.

An effective cancer awareness campaign acts as a change agent, bringing together society and
communities in the struggle against this horrible disease. These initiatives attempt to inform
and encourage people to take proactive actions towards a better and more knowledgeable
lifestyle by promoting awareness of the risk factors, symptoms, and available treatment

Cancer awareness campaigns are not limited to a particular type of cancer; they encompass a
wide range of malignancies such as breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and many more.
The campaigns strive to reach out to diverse populations, recognizing that cancer affects
individuals of all ages, genders, races, and socio-economic backgrounds. They emphasize the
importance of early detection through regular screenings and self-examinations, as well as
healthy lifestyle choices that can reduce the risk of developing cancer.

The power of cancer awareness campaigns lies in their ability to create a sense of urgency and
encourage action. They shed light on the emotional, physical, and financial burdens faced by
cancer patients and their families, fostering empathy and solidarity within communities. By
dispelling myths and misconceptions surrounding cancer, these campaigns promote accurate
information and dispel fear, ultimately empowering individuals to take charge of their health.

Additionally, cancer awareness campaigns play a significant role in advocating for policy
changes and increased funding for cancer research, treatment, and support services. They
advocate for equal access to healthcare resources and encourage collaboration among medical
professionals, researchers, and organizations dedicated to finding a cure.

In this era of digital connectivity, cancer awareness campaigns leverage various platforms and
mediums to disseminate information and engage with a broader audience. Social media,
websites, public service announcements, educational programs, fundraising events, and
support groups all contribute to the collective effort of raising awareness and making a

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In conclusion, cancer awareness campaigns have the power to save lives and improve the
quality of life for those affected by cancer. By spreading knowledge, promoting early detection,
and advocating for change, these campaigns empower individuals to make informed decisions
about their health. Together, we can create a future where cancer is no longer a feared adversary,
but a conquered battle through united efforts in awareness, prevention, and support.

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The first of this study's objective is to spread awareness of cancer care, preventive measures,
and control actions in treatment. It has several other objectives as well. Research indicates that
cancer will likely affect an increasing number of people, particularly those who are 50 years of
age or older. According to statistics, one in four Malaysians—100,000 people—suffer from
cancer annually. As a result, early prevention is crucial in the fight against cancer. Breast cancer,
colon cancer, lung cancer, blood cancer (lymphoma), and nose and throat cancer are the most
prevalent cancers that Malaysians contract, according to statistics from the Ministry of Health
Malaysia (KKM) (nasopharynx).

Breast, cervical, uterine, and ovarian cancer are the most common types of cancer in women
whereas lung, prostate, and colon cancer are more common in men. There are still some gaps
in knowledge regarding early cancer indications. They may not be aware that the symptoms
they are experiencing are actually the early stages of cancer, as is the case when working with
less competent people that are from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Due to their belief that
their symptoms are typical, many put off receiving medical attention as a result. Information
on health is something that society needs to be more concerned with. In an effort to lower the
risk of cancer that is harmful to themselves and their families, it is crucial to make sure they
are constantly watchful.

The second goal is to give colon cancer patients information on health and daily routines for
living a healthy lifestyle. Exercise and leisure activities are two more ways to have a healthy
lifestyle that are beneficial to our bodies. You can concurrently burn calories in the body and
lessen the issue of weight growth by constantly practising balanced eating, regular exercise,
and leisure activities. At least three times per week can be dedicated to exercise and leisure
activities. Each exercise and leisure session is expected to take between 20 and 30 minutes to
complete. People must also be concerned about their everyday food.

The most crucial component of leading a healthy lifestyle is eating a balanced diet. It addresses
consuming a variety of foods in accordance with the Ministry of Health Malaysia's suggested
food pyramid (KKM). High-carbohydrate foods, such as rice and wheat, are among the most
crucial foods or should be consumed based on the dietary pyramid. This is essential because
carbs give our bodies the energy they need to perform a variety of daily activities. Next, include
foods like fruits and vegetables in your diet that are recommended by the food pyramid. It's
crucial to eat enough of these foods to give the body the vitamins and fibre it needs.

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The third objective is to control the death rate due to cancer. Globally, one in six deaths is
caused by cancer. In Malaysia in 2018, cancer was the fourth highest cause of death among
women. In fact, the percentage of deaths due to breast cancer for women increased from 3.8
percent in 2017 to 4.4 percent in 2018. The increase in the death rate among breast cancer
patients is caused by the failure to seek treatment in the early stages.

Based on the research, it is said that early cancer detection can provide prompt treatment.
Almost half of the cases reported in Malaysia are already at level three and four. The patient is
late getting the proper treatment is why it is needed for an awareness campaign. With this
campaign, the death rate caused by cancer in this country will likely to be decrease as the
community will realize that cancer will harm them because it is a chronic disease and it will
lead to death.

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Millions of individuals worldwide are afflicted by the potentially fatal disease of cancer. A
comprehensive strategy is needed to fight this complex disease. Using awareness campaigns
as a weapon against cancer is one of the best strategies available. These initiatives seek to
inform the public about the various forms of cancer, their signs and symptoms, and the value
of early detection. Engaging with important stakeholders is crucial for the success of these
efforts. In this matter, we'll talk about the important parties that should be included in the cancer
awareness campaign.

The government is the first significant stakeholder in cancer awareness initiatives. To

encourage cancer prevention and control, the government must develop laws and regulations.
Governments can fund cancer research, screening initiatives, and medical facilities.
Additionally, they have the power to enact laws and rules that compel businesses to offer cancer
treatment insurance coverage. To develop public awareness campaigns that inform people
about cancer prevention and early diagnosis, governments can also collaborate with non-
governmental organisations (NGOs) and other stakeholders.

Healthcare providers are the second most important group involved in cancer awareness efforts.
Healthcare professionals are essential in informing patients about cancer early diagnosis and
prevention. They can offer details on the various cancers, their symptoms, and the value of
routine check-ups. Additionally, healthcare professionals can give screening procedures for
certain malignancies, such as colonoscopies for colorectal cancer or mammograms for breast
cancer. For additional testing or therapy, they might also refer patients to experts.

The commercial sector is the third crucial partner in campaigns to raise awareness about cancer.
Manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, and healthcare services are all part of
the private sector. By creating novel medicines or medical tools that enhance cancer treatment
or diagnosis, these businesses can support cancer research. In addition, they can collaborate
with NGOs to develop public awareness campaigns or invest in programmes that prevent

NGOs, patient advocacy organisations, academic institutions, and the media are additional
significant participants in cancer awareness efforts. Cancer sufferers and their families might
receive assistance from NGOs and patient advocacy organisations. Additionally, they can

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develop public awareness initiatives that inform people about cancer early detection and
prevention. Cancer prevention, diagnostic, and treatment research can be done in academic
institutions. By featuring cancer survivors or covering recent scientific discoveries, the media
can promote cancer awareness.

The success of cancer awareness programmes depends on involving important stakeholders.

To raise public awareness of cancer prevention and early diagnosis, a variety of organisations,
including governments, healthcare providers, the private sector, NGOs, patient advocacy
groups, academic institutions, and the media, must work together.

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There are many benefits of the cancer awareness campaign like people can early detection
about cancer, can choose the best treatment to prevent cancer and others. The first benefits is
people can early detection about cancer. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of various
cancers, such as breast cancer, stomach cancer, and others, by recognizing a variety of
symptoms specific to each type. This may educate the general public on how to determine
whether symptoms resemble those of a particular type of cancer or not. This is due to the fact
that the likelihood of treatment success and early detection are enhanced.

Next, the benefits of cancer awareness campaign is people can choose the best treatment to
prevent cancer. With better information about the cancer, individuals can comprehend the
therapy choices accessible and arrive at conclusions about their medical care. Additionally, this
can assist in managing expectations regarding potential side effects and recovery time. In point
of fact, gaining an understanding of risk factors and lifestyle choices can also assist individuals
in making proactive decisions to lower their risk and learn about potential cancer causes. It is
because prevention is better than cure.

Other than that, public support for or recommendations about cancer is also the benefits of this
campaign. A person's and their loved ones' comprehension of the physical, emotional, and
psychological effects of a cancer diagnosis can be enhanced by learning more about the disease.
People may be able to receive the necessary support from family, friends, and healthcare
professionals as a result of this, as well as better prepare for the future. Great information can
likewise assist people with becoming promoters for them and others. They can promote policies
and initiatives that support cancer patients and their families, support increased funding for
research, and raise awareness about cancer.

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Campaigns to raise public awareness of cancer are essential for informing people about the
disease, its risk factors, and the value of early detection. Such efforts try to dispel cancer-related
myths and beliefs, encourage healthy lifestyles, and promote routine screenings. They also act
as a venue for fund-raising activities in support of advocacy, patient care, and cancer research.

Cancer awareness campaigns have effectively reached millions of people around the world
through a variety of media platforms, including social media, television, radio, print ads, and
community activities. Numerous people have also been motivated by these efforts to take action
by establishing healthier routines, visiting their doctors on a regular basis, or contributing to
organisations that fight cancer.

In conclusion, programmes to raise public awareness of cancer prevention, early detection, and
treatment are extremely important. These efforts can assist in lowering the incidence of cancer
and improving patient outcomes by supplying the general population with proper information
and resources.

10 | P a g e
Ambedkar, D. B. (2017). Impact of Cancer Awareness Drive on Generating Understanding and
Improving Screening Practices for Breast Cancer: a Study on College Teachers in India.
Retrieved from National Library Of Medicine:

Every cancer. Every life. (n.d.). Retrieved from American Cancer Society:

Hayin, N. '. (2023, April 9). Sinar buat pesakit kanser. Retrieved from Harian Metro:

Walker, L. (2023, March 12). Understanding perceptions of the public and key stakeholders toward a
localised cancer screening promotion campaign. Retrieved from National LIbrary Of

What Are the Benefits of Better Cancer Awareness? (2023, March 10). Retrieved from
Comprehensive Cancer Centers:

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