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Cnh bo: y l phng xp hng G dnh cho tt c khn gi bao gm c tr em.

Khng c php s
dng ngn ng gy kh chu.
Cnh bo: Welcome to
NO webcam, LARGE, RED and NEON during class.
Viet hoa truoc cau va chu "I".
- ESE Code of Conduct:
- ESE Schedule:

Most people wanted to go to the United States.

Dieu_nhac: I didn't want to wait for 6 months
Dieu_nhac: so I chose Finland.
Dieu_nhac: I must chose Finland
Dieu_nhac: escaped


Dieu_nhac: boat
Dieu_nhac: Since 1989 have you been back to VN?
Dieu_nhac: I have been back 3 times

eicnydvban: 2
Dieu_nhac: My
eicnydvban: p

father in law

My father in law was very sick

Dieu_nhac: Was it a short visit?
Dieu_nhac: Execuse me Ms DN
Dieu_nhac: Have you ever been back to VN?
Dieu_nhac: The last time I came back was in 2010.
Dieu_nhac: I was there for 10 days.
Dieu_nhac: I went to Hue
Dieu_nhac: I visited Song Huong
Dieu_nhac: I stopped by Singapore on my way back to the U.S.

eicnydvban: on my way la gi ha co

On my way back to finland I stopped by Singapore and

stayed for 5 days.

eicnydvban: em hieu roi

eicnydvban: thank co
eicnydvban: vang a

Dieu_nhac: Finish
Dieu_nhac: Is it easy to learn Finish.
Dieu_nhac: male female
Dieu_nhac: the people in Finland do they speak English?
Dieu_nhac: Do people in Finland speak English?
Dieu_nhac: They speak both English and Finish.
Dieu_nhac: Finnish
Dieu_nhac: finish = end
Dieu_nhac: Finnish
Dieu_nhac: Americans only speak English.
Dieu_nhac: Most Americans
Dieu_nhac: Why do you want to learn English.

eicnydvban: quan trong


very important

eicnydvban: op.

Dieu_nhac: English
eicnydvban: oai

is very important.

I was umemployed for ...

Dieu_nhac: I have been working for 2 years now.
Dieu_nhac: Before I was unemployed for .....
Dieu_nhac: Now I have a job and have been working for 2 years.
Dieu_nhac: have


viet nhieu the nay de ien tuong hon co nhi

tai em it tu nen cha biet noi
nhin the nay de hinh dung hon
nam duoc y

eicnydvban: bac nhi

eicnydvban: em co viet lai
eicnydvban: em cung the mat

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