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City Demographics


SWOT Analysis

Target Audience


Secondary Research

Primary Research


The Campaign (Objectives, Rationale, Strategies, Tactics, Results)

Objective 1

Objective 2









Home Matters 2 Me Introduction

Millennials today face a society radically different than that of their parents or grandparents
generation. Fewer and fewer people dream of the traditional suburban house with a white picket
fence. Home Matters believes that it is time for a new American dream.
S&E Agency, formed by BYU-Idaho students, set out to help Home Matters, a nonprofit
organization, get the word out on its new American dream. It set out to help millennials
understand that its not about the four walls that make up a house, but everything that goes into
making a comfortable, safe environment you can call a home. S&E Agency began with the goal
to help millennials understand why #homematters2me.
Home Matters espouses 5 values in creating a successful home education, economy, public
safety, health, and personal success. S&E Agency built its campaign around these values, and
the idea that if millennials could learn how to build a successful home, they would take that
knowledge with them throughout their lives and continue to strengthen the housing economy, as
well as home in todays society.
As research shows, millennials are very much experience-oriented (see appendix 2.2), the
campaign was focused around events and social media elements that participants could feel
involved in. S&E Agency strove to motivate millennials to express why #homematters2me and
then learn how they could continue to have a meaningful home.

City Demographics
Rexburg is a small city in Southeastern Idaho with a population of approximately 30,000 and
is considered to be Americas family community. About 55% of the city population are enrolled
students at Brigham Young UniversityIdaho. In 2014, 89% of the student population was
recorded within the age group of 18 to 25 years-old (see appendix 1.1).
The city of Rexburg has one of the youngest median ages in the nation at 23.3 (see appendix
1.2) with a population that fluctuates frequently due to students who come and go.
Of the approximate 16,000 enrolled students at BYU-Idaho, 99.7% are members of The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (see appendix 1.3). The city of Rexburg is made up of
approximately 95% LDS church members. The denomination is a Christian sect with strong ties
to family and home-oriented lifestyles that helped reinforce S&Es campaign.

Home Matters was created in 2013 by a group of housing professionals interested in creating an
organization that would focus on improving social challenges surrounding the idea of the home.
These challenges included health, education, personal success, public safety and the economy.

Since 2013, Home Matters has expanded to have a coalition of over 250 partner organizations
including corporations, government agencies and other non-profits, spanning from the West to
the East Coast of the United States.
Home Matters goals over the next 10 years, in conjunction with the organizations referenced
above, are to: 1) decrease homelessness, 2) increase affordable rent, 3) increase
homeownership and 4) increase the quality of homes and communities. This will be done
through focusing on education concerning the five challenges mentioned above: health,
education, personal success, public safety and economy.

SWOT Analysis
In Rexburg, Idaho, there were many strengths and opportunities as well as weaknesses and
threats that encircled the Home Matters campaign and messages. Understanding these issues
helped S&E Agency form a campaign that would help Home Matters to achieve its purposes
within the region.
Small amount of competition. There are no organizations in Rexburg or the
surrounding cities that have similar goals and objectives. No other organization is doing
what Home Matters does.
Family-oriented community. 95% of the Rexburg population affiliates with The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This organization has strong ties to family and
home-oriented lifestyle.
Non-profit organization. Non-profit organizations have the ability to work in a more
intimate setting with a smaller community than in a larger city.
Limited Campus Access. BYU-Idaho is a private church-owned school which prohibits
outside entities from marketing or advertising in any way.
No name recognition. Home Matters is still growing on a national scale and is not a
recognizable name to the Rexburg community.
Public not educated on issues. Home Matters works to improve public knowledge
of social issues; however the Rexburg community has little previous knowledge and
experience with these issues.
No presence in community. Prior to this campaign, Home Matters had no presence in
the Rexburg community.
Time of year. There are less activities during the winter months in Rexburg, allowing for
more exposure because of a lack of competitive noise.

Social media. 49.2% of the population of Rexburg is between the ages of 18 and 24.
The majority of them are active users of social media platforms.
Close-knit community. Word of mouth moves quickly in Rexburg when something
exciting and new is about to happen.
Noise. Many businesses in the Rexburg area use social media and non-traditional
means for self-promotion and advertising.
Student complacency. Many students, a majority of the population of Rexburg, do not
participate in community activities because they do not feel apart of the community as
they are only in Rexburg for a few years.
Target audience is poor. Millennials in Rexburg do not have spare money. Hosting
events that charge money can potentially backfire.

Target Audience: Millennials (18-25 years old)

Millennials comprise persons born between the years 1990 and 1997. Specifically in the Rexburg
area, millennials range between 18-25 years old and are students attending the local university,
BYU-Idaho. Most of these individuals are single, but a small group are already married with
young children under the age of five. These millennials are very ingrained in their lifestyles and
often find it difficult to integrate new products and companies into their current circle of influence.
Despite the difficulties of marketing to millennials, it is possible due to their tech-savvy nature.
This nature allows them to be contacted via new-age media such as text message marketing,
Facebook and other social media platforms.

Home Matters targets three groups of individuals, millennials being one of them. College
students comprise 55% of Rexburgs current population, so choosing millennials as the target
audience for Home Matters was the most appropriate. Additionally, college-aged students were
chosen with the anticipation that they will then move to other parts of the country and continue
to practice those values they are taught about effective homeownership and successful homes
wherever they settle.

Strategy for Reaching Audience

Secondary research showed that millennials are experience-based and self-broadcasting
about their passions and ambitions (see appendix 2.1). Research also showed that in order to
effectively market to the millennial target audience, it is imperative to inspire through stories,
impact by using visuals, incentivize with intangible and tangible benefits and involve the
audience in an emotionally meaningful way (see appendix 2.2).

Secondary Research
Home Matters Organization
Research of the Home Matters organization confirmed a national housing crisis and its efforts as
an organization to educate and advocate for affordable housing through simple fact sheets found
on their website (see appendix 3.1). Home Matters recent tactics have been preventative toward
the national housing crisis by focusing heavily on education through social media channels that
are directed to future and recent homeowners.
Non-Profit Organization Campaign Case Studies
Various Non-Profit organization campaign tactics were researched in order to inspire vision
and approach in strategizing for the campaign. The following is a list of takeaways from these
campaigns (see appendix 4.1):
Water is Life, #FirstWorldProblems: The hashtag killing campaign taught the
importance of creativity and of applying a positive message to any situation, which was
applied in the Home Matters campaign by creating an event around selfies and the
hashtag #HomeMatters2Me.
Charity: Water, Social Mediathon: In a 24-hour period, this organization hosted Google
Hangouts with different thought leaders to meet its desired goals and showed that
campaigns dont have to be long but have to be carefully planned and executed. This
was applied in the Home Matters campaign with the boost of brand awareness through
an attempted world record event.

Primary Research
Qualtrics Survey
The first form of research held was an online survey, using the Qualtrics platform. The survey
had two different purposes: (1) to understand the current level of awareness among the target
audience of the Home Matters organization and its cause and (2) to serve as a benchmark for
evaluating the level of awareness of the Home Matters organization and their cause before and
after implementation of the campaign. Due to the saturated population of millennials in Rexburg
attending BYU-Idaho, the Institutional Research head at BYU-Idaho was contacted with the
request to conduct the Qualtrics survey among the students. Approval was granted by the head
of Institutional Research at BYU-Idaho, and a random list of 300 email addresses belonging to
students with the target audience was provided for sending the survey. The survey revealed that
the target audience in Rexburg had a 3.1% awareness of Home Matters and their mission (see
appendix 5.1).
The same survey was distributed to our target audience after implementation of the project.
There was an increase in recognition of Home Matters among the target audience, with
awareness reaching 10.2% (see appendix 5.2).

Focus Groups
Two focus groups were held on the BYU-Idaho campus. The sessions had two different
purposes: (1) to better understand how to reach the millennial audience within the city of
Rexburg and (2) to gauge awareness of Home Matters as an organization as well as its cause.
The first focus group had six participants and the second had eight. To ensure internal validity,
the focus group participants were chosen at random. Each participant came to the focus group
without any familiarity of Home Matters and its cause. Discussion was opened by the facilitator
with introductory questions on topics to determine (see appendix 6.1):
Events that would be most effective for reaching millennials in Rexburg.
Values millennials in Rexburg associate with the idea of the home.
Current awareness of Home Matters and its cause.
The focus groups were recorded via audio and video for analysis purposes. The feedback
from the focus groups taught that the target audience wanted to participate in a fun, free and
experiential event with little-to-no commitment. The focus groups complemented the previous
research findings on marketing to millennials. The group discussions also revealed that the level
of awareness among the target audience of Home Matters and its cause was very low, and none
of the participants had heard of the non-profit organization (see appendix 6.1).

The Campaign
Objective 1
Educate and advocate by increasing awareness of the mission of Home Matters for individuals
already familiar with the Home Matters brand from 3.1% to 20%.

According to primary research, 23% of BYU-Idaho students have sacrificed food in order to pay
for housing. 41% of BYU-Idaho students have given up financial stability to pay for housing.
Though 3.1% of the sample surveyed were familiar with the Home Matters brand, 0% of people
on BYU-Idaho camp us were familiar with the mission of Home Matters or the causes for which
it advocates as of February 1, 2015 (see appendix 5.2). This trend showed a need for millennials
to be educated on the foundational elements of future financial security and a stable home.

Strategy 1
Educate millennials, via social media, on the importance of and components necessary to
building and maintaining a stable home.
Tactic 1
S&E Agency created a Facebook account with the title Home Matters Rexburg.
Starting February 3 and continuing through until the end of February, information

regarding both the national housing crisis and ways to prepare for homeownership were
distributed to the online audience.
Home Matters Rexburg focused on re-posting all content originally shared by the
official Home Matters organization page. In addition to this, content was posted helping
to drive traffic to events hosted by Home Matters Rexburg throughout the month of
February. The Home Matters Rexburg Facebook page can be found at
homemattersrexburg (see appendix 7.1).
Tactic 2
S&E Agency created a Twitter account with the title Home Matters Rexburg. Starting
February 3rd and continuing through the end of the month, information was distributed
via creating original content in addition to re-tweeting content posted on Twitter
regarding homeownership. The Home Matters Rexburg Twitter page can be found at (see appendix 8.1).

Strategy 2
Organize and host an event to educate millennials on building a stable home.
Tactic 1
Hosted a How to prepare for Homeownership workshop on BYU-Idaho campus,
including food and a raffle for prizes (see appendix 11). Food and prizes were offered to
help motivate students attend the workshop to learn more about homes.
Tactic 2
Contacted Jeff Morrin, a financial
management professor at BYU-Idaho,
and Cheryl Empey, a professor in
the BYU-Idaho Home and Family
department, to speak about the
home and how to start preparing for
homeownership now
Tactic 3
Contacted local businesses to sponsor
food and prizes to raffle off at the
workshop event.

Mr. Morrin giving tips on how to save while

preparing for homeownership.

Tactic 4
Created and handed out fliers at local student housing complexes and promoted the
event on the BYU-Idaho campus through distribution of fliers and displaying of posters
in various high traffic areas of campus (see appendix 10.1).

Strategy 3
Used images and statistics to create an impactful visual to educate millennials and advocate for
the Home Matters mission.
Tactic 1
Created a video with photos of local and international homes in order to demonstrate
the importance of home on a global scale and promote Home Matters cause and brand
(see appendix 9.1). Gathered photos of homes from around the world via social media
and international connections to use in the promotional video. Wrote and recorded
script advocating the cause of home matters with a voice actor.
Tactic 2
Promoted and shared the video across Home Matters Rexburg social media platform.
It was also put on display, front and center, during the world record event. The video is
searchable on YouTube under Home Matters: The New American Dream
(see appendix 9.1).

There were 42 students attended the workshop that featured two guest speakers who spoke on
the importance of a stable home and how to prepare financially now to own a home. Additionally,
133 people followed Home Matters Rexburg social media platforms and were exposed to the
media and articles distributed via those platforms. The workshop generated 816 impressions on
social media during the event. The video was created and shared via social media and received
306 impressions (see appendix 15, 16 and 17). Facebook posts reached an average of 183
individuals per post, with a ceiling of 705 people reached..

Objective 2
Increase brand awareness of Home Matters on BYU-Idaho campus for millennials, ages 18-25,
from to 3.1% to 20%.

According to primary research, 3.1% of millennials surveyed were familiar with the name and
brand Home Matters. In order to better educate others about the values it espouses, S&E
Agency saw it was important to also promote brand recognition (see appendix 5.2).

Strategy 1
Promote recognition of Home Matters and its branding.
Tactic 1
Created social media platforms (Twitter and Facebook) for Home Matters Rexburg and
referred followers back to official Home Matters social media platforms and the official
Home Matters website (see appendix 7 and 8).

Tactic 2
Encouraged the target audience to use the hashtag #homematters2me on social
media to post about how or why home has influenced their lives and why they view it as
important to them.

Strategy 2
Host an attempt to break a world record.
Tactic 1
Held an event to attempt to break the world record for the number of selfies taken in one
place at one time, according to (appendix 14).
Tactic 2
Contacted local businesses and possible
vendors to act as sponsors and add
credibility to the event. Businesses were
invited to come promote and sell their

The event was really organized,

eye catching, and engaging,
Blythe, BYU-Idaho student.

Tactic 3
Sent press releases to local media, including the BYU-Idaho campus, local newspapers
and local radio stations to publicize and promote the event and Home Matters (see
appendix 13).
Tactic 4
Created fliers and posters to advertise the event and its sponsors on social media and
Created fliers and posters to advertise the event and its sponsors on social media
and distributed them at student housing
complexes and community businesses
(see appendix 12.1).
Tactic 5
Planned and held games at the event
that represent the values Home Matters
promotes - success, public safety, economy,
education and health (see appendix 14).

Social Media Banner

Tactic 6
Promoted the Home Matters mission through showing the S&E Agency educational,
Home Matters: The New American Dream video throughout the event
(see appendix 9)

Articles were published in both the Rexburg Standard Journal and BYU-Idaho Scroll prior to
the event. The world record event was held at a local student housing complex. All attendees
were exposed to the Home Matters logo and cause. Many also signed a banner with the Home
Matters logo explaining why homes matter to them (see appendix 14). Prizes were raffled off
from local businesses, such as Kiwi Loco, Fat Cats, Cocoa Lodge, etc., who attended to promote
their products and facilitate event-themed games. The number of people in attendance at the
world record event was 142. The attempt was made to break the world record for number of
selfies taken in one place at one time, according to However, the attempt to
break the world record was unsuccessful as some attendees had left by the time of the actual
attempt to break the world record, 4:30 p.m.

Attempt to break the world record of most selfies taken at once.

Additionally, in a survey conducted during March 2015, it was revealed that brand awareness
of Home Matters in Rexburg among students at BYU-Idaho between the ages of 18-25 had
increased from an initial 3.1% to 10.2%. While the end results did not reach the intended goal,
the increase of 7.1% shows a positive movement in the awareness of Home Matters in Rexburg
with the target audience (see appendix 5.2).

S&E Agency began research and preparation in January by conducting both primary and
secondary research. During this short time period, S&E Agency met on a regular basis to discuss
details as they planned and improved the campaign.
February focused on implementing the campaign. During this month, the social media campaign
began, sponsors were contacted and events were organized and carried out.
Evaluations were completed in March. During this month, the survey was resent to the Rexburg


community. Also, in preparation for the PRSSA competition, S&E Agency compiled its campaign
book (see detailed calendar and timeline breakdown in appendix 18).

S&E Agency implemented their campaign staying within the Bateman budget rules. The S&E
budget consisted of $292.93 for personal cash expenditures and $267.65 of in-kind donations
from local businesses (see appendix 20 for specific expenditure breakdown).


= Group Expenditures
= In-Kind Donations



S&E Agency set out with two main purposes: to educate the millennials of Rexburg, Idaho
about the importance of building successful and affordable homes and to advocate for Home
Matters and its mission. These purposes were fulfilled through a campaign that became more of
a mission for S&E Agency - to help millennials learn about building successful homes and then
take those principles with them and build their own successful homes after they leave BYUIdaho.
Despite not being allowed access to BYU-Idaho campus to advertise Home Matters or its
values to students, this campaign still garnered attention and participation within the Rexburg
community. This included almost 200 direct participants in campaign events, nearly 14,000
impressions on social media, and stories about our world record event and Home Matters in
local newspapers (see appendix 16).
Millennials were educated via social media, a workshop on homeownership, and an event to
attempt to break the world record for number of selfies taken at one time hosted by S&E Agency
as representatives of Home Matters. Overall, awareness of Home Matters and its mission was
increased to 10% across campus, proving that in Rexburg, #homematters2me.


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