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I was very good to play volleyball in The high School

2 Mi profesora favorita cuando estaba en la secundaria era la seorita Esther

My favorite teacher when I was in high school was Miss Esther

3: YO perteneca al equipo de voley en la secundaria y ganamos a todos los colegios a nivel


belonged to the volleyball team in high school and won all schools at regional level

4 yo tocaba flauta en la secundaria

I played flute in high school

5 me sentaba siempre con mi hermana en la secundaria

I always sat with my sister in high school

6 salia en la secundaria los fines de semana con mi enamorado

I came out in high weekends with my boyfriend

7 Me gustaba participar en los talleres de teatro en la secundaria

I liked to participate in theater workshops in high school

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