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Freshman Inquiry: Life Unlimited?

Michael Flower

Reading response to This Changes Everything

Sue Chun

In the beginning of this reading, Klein is in a denial of climate

change. She gives an ironic example that shows how peoples way of
solving problems caused by climate change worsens the crisis. By
listing different ways of looking away, Klein admits and points out at
the same time that most people, including her, do not take this crisis
seriously. Then she goes on and argues that continuing to deny is the
way to deal with the climate change crisis because it takes too much of
a dramatic change in peoples lives. That was when my first
oppositional thought came across, but then, Klein takes a different
As an effect of Bolivias ambassador, Navarro Llanos, Klein
illustrates how her thoughts on climate change crisis has changed. She
argues that paying more attention to this crisis will make it an issue
and make the systems that have the great roles in lowering the
emission such as the government and banks take actions. Then to

support, she points out the negative facts that people might doubt
about and gives positive cases on those matters to convince the
So here is my argument; what comes first? Human welfare? Or
solving the climate change issues? In the beginning, Klein argues that,
such attempts to solve this crisis involve changing how we live, how
our economies function, and the stories we tell about our place on
earth. What if we look to our further future? Trying to educate people
about the seriousness, coming up with the answers, applying those
into our lifestyle and changing how everything works sure do sound
like a distortion to our present lives. But I think the biggest challenge is
acknowledging people about this crisis and having them start from
small things. If we gradually increase the scale of our actions instead of
trying too many things at once, I think it will eventually take us to
better future with cleaner natural resources, no poverty, grown
economic bases and such.

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