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Climate is defined as the weather condition existing in a specific area over a long
period of time. Climate change occurs when the Earth’s (the whole region) climate
result in a new weather patterns that last for at least a few decades or maybe for
millions of years. Let’s be real, climate change IS real. There are evidences that
climate change is real and that will be further discussed by Najwa. Since we all know
that climate change is real, then why am I still asking it through our topic? While most
people believe that climate change is real, there are some who don’t. And at the end
of this presentation, it is up to you to decide if you still think it is real, or not.

There are several reasons why some people disagree about climate change.
Firstly, we are human. We respond to threats that are personal, that creates sudden
changes in our environment, that are immoral and that are affecting us now. Climate
change don’t happen suddenly. Therefore, people might not think it is a big of a threat
and that it probably don’t exist. According to psychologist , Daniel Kahneman, when
people are faced with unsure threats (e.g. the climate change) about things they might
lose in the future, our brains will come up with all kinds of excuses not to act on them
today. When people don’t act upon threats like climate change, no one will know the
existence of climate change.

Secondly, social in-groups also contribute to people’s disagreement about

climate change. We are all like puppets controlled by the strings of social conformity.
When we were kids, we learn how to talk or not burp in public from people around us.
In the olden days, the survival of humans used to literally depend on being part of a
social group. Up till today, some of us still do. So, if you’re part of some social group
that doesn’t believe in climate change, you’ll eventually not believe in climate change
as well. Even if you do believe in a certain degree, you do not want to feel like an
outcast in your social group. Therefore, you ignore the fact that climate change is real.
Stanley Cohen wrote that climate change denial isn’t not knowing or refusing to know
but about choosing not to notice or talk about it, so they don’t rock the in-group boat.

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