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Opinion essay

It’s worth acknowledging from the start that 99% of all scientist believe in climate
change and they all say that we have to do something about it. But this time we have to
decide whether or not global warming is the most significant environmental problem facing us
today. I strongly believe that this is the main problem and here is why.
A huge percentage of the ongoing environmental changes can be connected to
climate change as a consequence. Which means that most of the environmental changes
are only secondary problems besides global warming. Melting ice caps and animal
extinctions are one of the secondary problems. There would be a normal process of these
but this is much more than normal. More ice melt and more species die out. Earth is like a
big machine where every species is part of the great work. If only one part is missing, the
whole ecosystem can go pear-shaped.
Furthermore, since global warming is coming to its final stage, which we could barely
survive we need to do something about it. We may be the last generations who can stop this.
When big oil companies were established in the second half of the twentieth century, these
companies searched for the effects of burning fossil fuels. They found the same effects that
we can experience now. And yet, they chose the money instead of their offsprings' problem-
free lives. So we have to do what they could have started fifty years ago.
However, there’s plenty of people who want to act, other people believe that we can’t
stop climate change, we can only slow it down. With this attitude, we’ll never be able to stop
it. We have to act now and this scares most people. It’s always easier to adapt to something
than to change it. 
In conclusion, global warming is the most significant environmental problem facing us
today because it influences every aspect of life. We need to ensure our survival and the
survival of those who suffer because of our mistakes.

My friend during the week: Kollarik Fanni.

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