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your own from the show)

We begin on Christmas Eve with me, Mark, and
my roommate, Roger.
We live in an industrial loft on the corner of
11th Street and Avenue B.
Its the top floor of what was once a music
publishing factory. Old
rock n roll posters hang on the walls. They
have Rogers picture on them
advertising gigs at CBGBs and The Pyramid
Club. We have an illegal
wood burning stove; its exhaust pipe crawls
up to a skylight. All of
our electrical appliances are plugged into one
thick extension cord
which snakes its way out a window. Outside, a
small tent city has sprung
up in the lot next to our building. Inside its
freezing because we have no heat.
(re-focuses camera) Smile!
Then a little bulldog entered. His name, we
have learned, was Benny.
And although he once had principles, he
abandoned them to live as a
lapdog to a wealthy daughter of the revolution:
1, 2, 3..Thats bull, he
said. Ever since the cat took up the fiddle, the
cows been jumpy.

And the dish and the spoon were evicted from

the tableand eloped
shes had trouble with her milk and spoon ever
since. Maybe its a
female thing. Cause whod wanna leave
Cyberland anyway? Walls
aint so bad. The dish and the spoon for
instance. They were down on
their luckknocked on my doghouse door. I
said, Not in my backyard,
utensils! Go back to China.

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