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Light Dependent Resistors

Aim of the investigation

Aim: To study the effect of intensity
of light on a LDR ( and derive a
relation )

The principle
A LDR is a light controlled variable
resistor. Its made of a high
resistance semi conductor of
Cadmium Sulhpide. Its electrical
resistance depends upon the
intensity of light on the surface of the

1. Ammeter/Multimeter
2. Cell/Battery
3. A LDR
4. Bulbs of varying power

1. Keep the LDR in a dark room and
measure its dark resistance.
2. Adjust the LDR in such a way in front of
the source of light falls it receives the light
3. Keep the light source of constant power
at varying distances and measure the
current passing through the resistor
4. Keep the distance constant, and use
bulbs of varying power. Measure the
current for each case

Circuit Diagram

Distance v/s Current

(Distance)^2 v/s Current

Distance v/s Resistance

Result: From the variation of

Resistance with distance, it is
observed that the resistance of the
LDR increases with an increase in

Real life aplications: can be found

in many consumer items such as
camera light meters, street lights,
clock radios,night lights, outdoor

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